Can you free Vah Medoh starting with nothing but a Pot Lid? | BotW

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So, I originally intended to free Vah Medoh starting with absolutely nothing. I'm challenging myself to complete Vah Medoh by starting in it with absolutely nothing. No paraglider, no Sheikah Slate, no runes, no equipment.
I'm gonna be constantly freezing to death, so I will have to save often. In short, I did not succeed. I was only able to activate 2 of the 5 terminals. One of them on stream, and another during my experiments afterwards. And as proud as I am for managing to get that far, leaving the Divine Beast incomplete is unsatisfying. So I will allow myself to have one thing— And there is but one thing that can singlehandedly free this Divine Beast: I used Moon Jump Wrong Warping to escape the Shrine of Resurrection without grabbing the Sheikah Slate, grabbed a pot lid, then Wrong Warped to here. I have no paraglider, no Sheikah Slate, no warm clothing; just a pot lid, and whatever else I can find here. This chest only has an Ancient Core, so it doesn't help me. On the other hand, the chest up there is important! Dangit. That was a really bad jump. I made this jump without a shield, because I am epic. Unfortunately, I am not required to be as epic when I have a shield. Now that I've made progress, I need to save before I freeze to death. Gonna try to get a skew to clip through this barrier in the meantime. Eck! That didn't work out. (Other attempts to make progress) Alright, let's try that again. I'm after that Guardian's spear, by the way. Having 2 weapons will let me perform a wall jump, helping me get one of the terminals. I also figured I should parry it to death to save myself from using up any durability. Let's see if I will continue to suck. Uh oh. I'm not so sure I have enough time. Go go go! Yay! I might as well go grab the map. I can't use it at all because I don't have the Sheikah Slate, but it arguably counts as progress towards completing the Divine Beast. The Sheikah Slate you see here isn't real, by the way. The terminals just don't care whether I have it in my inventory or not. Though I still won't be able to open up the map and control the Divine Beast. Yeah! I can totally do that... I'm for sure looking at them right now! Easy! Hell yeah! Eck! I'm starting to get this down. Just gotta throw the spear right here... Now we're good to attempt the wall jump. Nope. Yes! We're doing it! Gonna try for that skew again. Oh, come on. eck I have the skew I want stored. Now I just have to make it back to the left wing. Ain't no purple barriers ever gonna stop me! Extended Shield Clipping, activate! Dammit. There we go! Wahoo! I can't really do anything else right now. So I guess I'll just die. Hopefully the next terminal won't be as hard as I am anticipating. Post Recording Kleric:
Spoiler: It was. Post Recording Kleric:
After freezing to death so many times, I had become attuned to the game's inner workings. Post Recording Kleric:
You see, while cold, there's an in-game timer that damages me once every time it counts down from 10. Post Recording Kleric:
That timer pauses when the game is paused, but it doesn't reset it's countdown progress ever, even when reloading. Post Recording Kleric:
With this knowledge, I have created this accurate timer counting down my death. Post Recording Kleric:
For suspense! Yes!! Finally! It should be smooth sailing from here; that was the hardest part to my knowledge. When experimenting, I actually gave up trying to find where I could clip back in-bounds for that terminal. But then LetMeThinkOfAUsername showed me up and found a spot almost instantly. Anyway, I am walking on a wall. Time to get the bow! I guess I'll try to get this terminal as well. Go away! I'm trying to get a skew. ECK! Alright, let's try that again. I just grabbed some arrows, so now I've got access to the most powerful ability! Bullet time! Oh. I thought I grabbed arrows... You didn't save, you dingus. Guess I'll grab them now. NOW I've got this. By the way, the reason I am saving after dying is because reloading from death restores me back to full health, and I'd like to start at full health always, even if I reload my last save normally. Why am I so bad right now? There we go. Should I get those ice arrows? Might as well. Or not. That's cool too. Guess I'll do this now. I just damaged my shield twice now though. Do I really want to get this and save? Or do I redo this? I'll probably be fine. Maybe try for those ice arrows again. ack Off to go waste all of my bomb arrows for this terminal. I'm sure I could find a way to clip inside, but I really don't wanna. I tried cooler ways to move this thing, but they didn't work. Aww, that push was less satisfying. Oh well. Final terminal! Mhmm, my map that I can look at. Ah yes. The point. It is glowing. This is it then, I guess. I'm not even sure if I am able to defeat Wind Blight in under a minute. Ice arrows please? oof While experimenting, I spent an hour trying to use the exploit to kill Wind Blight during their entry cut-scene. But either I suck, or it only works inside Hyrule Castle. That would have saved me from actually fighting them, but I think it's doable if they just never go up in the air. Let's hope for good RNG. Good start. Very good start. Those tornadoes usually kill me. Perfect! It's over, Wind Blight. You are already dead! Neat. I did it. And my prize is the ability to survive here 20 seconds longer. Nice! This was a lot of fun to do. Subtitle Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip *dies instantly* (because I never got the paraglider) Should you subscribe?
Channel: Kleric
Views: 244,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breath of the Wild, The Legend of Zelda, Kleric, Glitch, Trick, Exploit, Divine Beast, Vah Medoh, Low%, Pot Lid, Only
Id: Os9d5Nf8-Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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