FALLING FREE (to meet my needs) 🪂 ~ Tears of the Kingdom

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[Music] foreign [Music] how's it going welcome back to More Tears of the Kingdom we've been making a lot of fun progress uh well we're kind of like on the outskirts of like the central Hyrule region now um and we got the paraglider so it feels a bit faster than breath of the wilds and it's kind of nice stray horse yeah we have our horse somewhere oh we're not cheating on it I swear but uh yeah we're gonna do some more stuff there's uh it looks like impos over there that's where we stopped last time uh we're playing for quite a bit yesterday but we're gonna check that out check out some other stuff uh a mixture of main inside stuff because I do want things like you know hopefully the camera abilities we can take some fun pictures uh has two would be cool for more slots this person won the wild horse we were doing this Quest yesterday but I did not uh I did catch this Angel for you it's a beauty just what I pictured perfect for pulling the wagon [Music] yeah sorry but they seem happy and just put a hardness on it which is what we have for our horse we have welcome everyone hopefully you're having a good Sunday and uh yeah day three of Tears being out collect enough Pony points yes we did get that so you can touch a harness and we can drag around building so we made like a chicken carrier like a little circus thing yesterday that was very fun we took into a town and it kind of fell apart but those are bad we didn't fit through the gates but it's a nice wagon start with an old piece of junk ended with this there we go silver oh I need more money one last order of business long hair link and Zoomy maybe zuly Lumi are they thinking of ship names I just met you I don't I don't oh right no they're just naming after me okay the internet has tainted my mind uh zunk I'll look after Zonk wait that's actually great we love zunk I immediately thought it was a ship thing because yeah yeah internet uh I love song okay never let anything happen to it uh okay I should be fine does he know I'm a trove of knowledge about horses miss out on all my hidden tricks for handling them and stuff did he really have something cool uh that I don't know okay we know how to catch a horse uh horses with spots are gentle with one color no patterns tend to be wilder yes okay oh a real all my secrets at once gotta keep them coming back hmm affection okay [Music] I'm sure it's pretty typical advice um but there is something we want to do our horses over here and something interesting we'll see how we are rocking this climbing gear which looks nice with like the uh the zonai pants anything that shows off the arm is pretty cool honestly so you still have it through the no sleeves yeah oh God I hope yeah I hope they get some nice stuff today I really like this paraglider I like the design I know there's like skins for it too which is kind of cool and it's on my way so I hope you're all having a good Sunday this is the guy I saw right at the live stream that you should choose sorry train go oh wow my horse just does huge damage for no reason okay that topples him over and we're just all red so you got a lot of dangerous jellies that's a boulder oh oh um okay I was gonna recall it but he's a meat guy can I take the meat I can take the meat for this backpack nice meat nope get him donking not much momentum it's got a silly horn dude he's jamming with that oh he's called friends or the night has rather okay that was kind of a lot okay I'll die or hasty that's good probably nope head moves too much oh uses off hand too okay you're close I'm kidding floor you that well there we go take that uh flames yeah burn them cook them alive that was pretty good no this is fine oh it keeps charging he won't let up I like all these meats though oh he's taking some Weaponry smart be sure to one after me no last stitch up hurts that's in Boss Poco stuff those are such fun fights though oh you know what Boulder not rewind uh fuse there we go I need just got a rock breaker I'll keep that in the reserves uh and then for a nice damage weapon I don't know these aren't my favorite honestly [Music] so I can fuse that however let's uh drop that really quick vocal arm does 20 damage I could feel something like that to make just like a nice power weapon you know if you sort by fuse attack power um I guess we can give it Hammer Properties don't have a lot of these left so I don't want to use too many um okay I wonder what to use High nox horn yeah we don't have too much so we'll just use the weapon to it like even that oh that is a fuse weapon so I can't use that to it uh Shield okay next thing that we see that's good we'll fuse it to it or like I wonder I don't know I think I'll make the first attack more potent by a tad I love how anything's possible use a mushroom to it maybe I think I saw something with like a stamina Mushroom on it and it was like a bouncy one but he could fully test that also I see the bees the only thing one thing to do to the bees are bees no no ah come on no Perry Perry the bees yes good this is a hard-fought battle why are these so much harder to bury it I'm struggling okay second Perry does this I think that's the most I struggle with B pairing and I don't think I'll change at all from the first game um be honey now we can cook honeyed foods or honey candy that's always nice you know any location with a B We're Gonna Save because I really like bees for no reason at all uh other than that so bees will be Hearts because bees help the world so we love bees I only prioritize the priorities here okay all bread unneeded well I guess all these fruits and whatnot it's pretty desolate over here just like it was in breath of the Wild get extra fancy I don't need to be sure yes it feels like that I have more control over the paraglider like I can move left and right like yeah kind of do like a little circle it feels like the handling was a little slower in the breath of the Wild but this paragoner feels you know different it looks different so that's awesome okay you ready I think the battle is won there's always like little ruins on the down low huh now I want to talk to because yeah we want to be info and impa seems to be here indeed what is it meant to deceit to detect I know language uh hi uh impa with like a little staff what a surprise it is to see you here the Chica Elder so she's no longer the ruler of kakariko it seems I feel like that may have uh transferred to Paya so that I've gone missing but it's a relief in one piece Zelda's missing though oh I love this outfit I'm like I don't know that the climbing tunic really fits with the new uh shorts sandals let's use all available it means to search for Zelda and yes it's all about missing the upheaval happened huge pictures appeared out of nowhere images that sprawled across fills and fields and Hills yeah just all written on there calling them geoglyphs understand they've been found in locations across the kingdom the kid and I are traveling from region to region hopes of seeing them and you can see them from High Ground yeah I still can't tell him even when I was looking from up top but we can use the balloons up here has the wind struck and completely sheared the balloon off the base oh yeah we can reattach things that's not a problem oh input's profile oh hey like puzzle pieces and these balloons have like the fire things in them uh I would love to come up one final thing yes I would love to okay um uh yes okay this is cramped let's go torch oh good thing we have the torch there was one out there okay why is it making like a sound I don't know whoa this is awesome how high can we go with this too high up wait a second they look kind of like rauru write something in The Village's old literature passage about what the Ancients called a dragon's tears wait the tears the tears rest upon the Earth we marked on the images to which they gave birth tears of the Kingdom yeah so these signify probably locations of where we can find those but even from this Vantage its meaning is no clear to me yeah it's a person's head it's kind of like how Robert was with like the long ears [Music] I'm gonna figure out what dragons tears might be once you be quite close or even within its borders is it just up high huh yeah yeah float down with a paraglider I can manage a simple Landing okay thanks simple I see another geoglyph in the distance interesting so it won't go higher I think that's the great Sky Island um that was just something cool that's very far though like the vertical stuff gonna have to use a lot of Ascend maybe a lot of stamina hello son that looks awesome I don't think I have use of that that was for a shrine so we still didn't do it so um I gotta say it's really beautiful though it looks even better from the sky though like the sky sky islands but even this is like you never this high up in breath of the wild really unless you're like you're like the highlands or something oh there's still the shock Target from that one Shrine Quest I wonder if it's used for something else it's very faint though lights coming against the tower huh Hebrew still very Barren and I can't wait to check that out I just love how grandiose it is there's a lot of those things on the side you could probably climb with Little Island the clouds still blocks so much though so the higher freak oh there's less clouds to block things yeah interesting it seems like if the dragons and tears are connected that makes sense because we saw like a tear-like thing on the sky island and there was a dragon that was protecting the Cloud Player interesting okay let's see our Quest um according to impa heading somewhere in the geoglyph is something called a dragon just here I feel like it's the actual tier of it you know those are eyes and that's tears yeah see there's three tiers but one of them's filled in right there huh yeah okay that makes sense I'm gonna use recall [Music] oh [Music] I love the theme it's like a vision oh those are like Memories oh cause you're using recall it's like a tear of the pat wait if she's in a different era and the tears connect the two arrows she got transferred to the Zona hahaha where am I we didn't mean to startle you I'm sorry it's okay my name is Sonia give the temple times on the service what your name is the daughter of King Rome of Hyrule Zelda expected answer we are the king and queen who founded Hyrule after all or at least we were the last time I checked I've found it Hyrule King um my name is raru king raru of Hyrule interesting and queen Sonia Sonia that wasn't not a name use before [Music] so she did get transported and yeah the temple Towers on the surface is right by where the castle was which hence this location is wow is he gonna fall like her Quest what she's doing and by the end of this like how it connects to what we're doing I think super exciting that's the first one tier of the Dragon so are the dragons like the remnants of the Zona kind of thing like the spiritual form where they gonna exist on hmm and Sears has done stuff like that before uh after disappearing to the deaths of the castle Zelda wakes up meets two strangers who introduce himself as king raro and queen Sonia she left a startled yeah she's not startled by suspicion that she's heard those names before yeah probably from a research so that is so cool what I love this mysterious figures he's all connected hmm according to the literature there was something to do with geoglyphs in the Forgotten Temple yeah how does that connect with everything I guess Arrow wise yeah is this like pre-scoured sword then but there wasn't a castle in Skyward Sword so where does this fit in the timeline is it a new thing but they mentioned the imprisoning war in the intro which is like a downfall timeline thing I realized no idea I'm Gonna Keep Going uh I can't overthill your eyes but I am very intrigued so that's the point and they're getting across uh Forgotten Temple lies at the bottom of a canyon in hebra oh well that is something um pretty good though we could get that Tower oh there's a camp yeah distractions uh that wasn't what I was expecting oh yeah definitely not that one oh get out a battle did my rock hit the arrow dead didn't that oh here maybe more damage because palaces I think so let's see oh yeah rock robin see more damage against taluses that only makes sense you need some sort of updraft or ooh [Music] but that's all safe well um don't have easy bombs bombs are expensive now so okay I'm just glad we're alive still uh baked apple yep anything baked and then uh usually just top it off with a Scottish room you're gonna store for the right type now uh where are you there you are quarter heart fuse foreign might be able to BS something good for the both of us jeez nope just bad for me I should have seen that coming sand that's what a sentence for [Music] ah got this link Hammer weapons uh I guess anything that's heavy like that yep after that oh I wonder if I could break his arm with this weapon though wasn't even good nope need a bomb again far from what I expected here it's got that scatter shot he knows I'm trying to get close come on somewhere right the spikes don't help at all so you gotta find the area without the spikes no more damage please he knows what we're trying to do ow quarter heart that was lucky okay nuts nuts for that we hit it though yeah that's probably the best way hit it Ascend do huge damage and then attack buff um I know we have some there we go just a little bit but we gotta make this go by e we did it that was a cool tell us and it's tied to a camp there's many of us enemies in camps now oh give me what is that it's like a heart wait it's The Heart of the Telus literally what oh of course I guess if we feel something to it must be right Stone Talus heart wow um I guess plus 13. literally a heart sword it seems like hammer things and hammer things work really well in two-handed so why not but it seems like anything that has a hammer property deals more damage to taluses judging by the critical side effect good to know look interesting okay let me get this Big Apple let me get my opal and head out oh not quite soon a little Reaper like a not so good of weapons uh is this just a tree branch it's a wooden stick in the zolfo's horn uh yeah again not I don't know I can put a little thing on this and make it better so and we'll pass thank you okay Boca let's go yep the paraglider seems to just work better like that because I didn't think you could pop it as soon in breath of the Wild it seems speedier or more in control it's like a different fan shape so I can understand it oh we got dragged by his toe and I am thinking of things to build with this too so I'm pretty excited second tower I'm gonna go here let's do I was like three seconds away from mentioning he has to I'm like I want to go here then I want to try to find the camera and then it has to oh my God it's you yes hi there's trees over there so scary uh oh I was looking for hasto well this is good yep that's not good do you have an accent put on the sword uh what can work well as an ax okay I know stones but I'm looking at some of my inventory uh or in a hammer shaped sword shaped um I feel like I don't have anything good like that right now this is attack power attack power with arrows it's aerodynamic confuse that oh my horn nope I need more acts like it's a little reaper now again there we go the lizard I was controlling it always break them you get more wood usually fun hi no loopy money yay where's he going the arrows oh the bloopy LED me there uh we'll check that out in the BET soon very cool though oh that's a friendly tree get toppled maybe not 33. bye bye I don't know what's with those guys Charlotte yay scary things gone I do need some slots desperately and where's he trying to go uh I assume he has like a few different locations Forest Morocco's in dancing what are you doing outside the forest Doula dance make the pouch bigger so we need Clorox seeds at least he didn't lose his Maracas this time yes one car accident okay Children of the forest took the seeds oh we have plenty of them though yes I got some from the forest children yes please uh weapon stash one cloroxy oh he elevated that's great he's got the whole Squad now made friends with all the koroks why don't they help him get the seeds back wow he's got the whole dance crew I wonder if he wonder how he pays them he pays them in his charm they dislike being there middle traveling thing about heading east okay uh so many monsters I live in I like Lively places so maybe I'll go somewhere with where lots of people hang out probably the the town by Harold Castle um both of us find shields because I can have a lot of variety I feel like Shield thoughts are better now yeah blue dance okay they elevated like yeah because the fusing Shields are nice with bows I really can't fuse so look at the time okay heading east soon have enough Clorox seeds so I don't know where his final destination is but let's check these profiles a tree fairy With a Song in his heart it's a great song it's you know the musicianship skill went up a lot from the last song so I appreciate it power of His dance can increase the size of Link's pouches his trouble keeping track of the Clorox seeds keeping track of the cork seeds his magical Morocco's required okay um impa's the former Chief of the chica former Chief who served the royal family of Hyrule for Generations and is the living witness to its near Extinction sometime after getting linked through the Calamity implementer Grandad or pyre the new Chief okay so that confirms that makes sense being over essentially old hasn't stopped impa from doing our part for the search for Zelda she's investigating the geoglyceron Hyrule and it'll provide clues for the princesses so I like these all the different uh bios for the big characters I love them materials okay I'm glad we have more stuff wait was there cave was yep do you think it was a path up but no there here's cave [Music] lindor's brow cave too cool take the caps yep because you can't do that yes no yes okay those are pretty rare in breath of Aldi usually it's only like rainy weather right so that's nice you can eat all these but they are good that fishy was not there it might be loud wizard no no why do you do this to yourself lizards I'm making my pets they don't want the type of life and I assume if I did this it just kills it and yeah we need like a stealth potion to get them i Frank the Frog sorry I could use that it's like coming in from the bottom or something it's got a whole hidden ecosystem foreign harder than rock hammers a shrine there could be shrines in here whoa you can find shrines in caves no no no no no no no no no no no no the aldorn health value uh I don't think I'm prepared for you guys that's a lot of Health okay we're at a safe level at least got it first time we ran into the windows we just got instantly perished had nowhere to hide it's like the new Guardians I guess I could beat you at a range battle though I'm really trying my best that's pretty decent damage um this is a bad idea go I don't care we did it anyways who's stopping me no one's stopping me I should stop myself though my heart's busted what'd I do that I did it to myself I did it to myself oh I am not ready for that we did some damage wait okay I think we can't get him actually there we go darn fire go slap down please I want to kill most of them oh I was kind of right get him please please please please oh wait [Music] wait what what why do I see a health bar why do I see health bar why is there Phantom Cannon whatever oh the fear okay what good then swiping a damage what is going on in this game can I counter all because I killed him I damn it okay we got a that timing he likes to Juke us out Flame he's a my own he's literally immune get all the Gloom so that one yes okay you gotta wait for it let's go with our flurry weapon in blue flare Rush damage decent nice keep going with it okay he's like halfway damn it we're very lucky we have those fairies only reason I'm alive insane right now okay don't get hit don't get ahead um Sky Sherman that's a quarter oh I gotta perfect that timing damn it I keep yes we got this though we got it it just let's be glowing I don't think that's gonna change anything but oh you wonder what the vertical one foreign yes there is my Shield's good vertical not even good okay you gotta be perfect if I have a quarter heart I'm more focused why is that still ah your Royal Guard Shields are tough low durability but power is good gonna be very precise okay I'm still not getting that Dodge enough we get this one though okay we're reading them better come on so close now but we still get hit by it [Music] that's it Gloom sword the Slender sword has an ominous presence it is said to end the life of anyone it touches its Gloom will gradually wear down the body of its wielder what do you mean and the life of anyone it touches 41 damage that's a lot Demon King's bow magical bull prized by The Demon King performance reflects the power of its wielder the higher or maximum number of Hearts the more attack power increases so eight wow performance will increase and the dark clumps which are anti-gloom foods saving after that what is it just anytime you defeat those hands it's like the Phantoms of Ganon that's nuts that's crazy like I expected like wait a second why I just call this enemy why is there a boss meter above my head and why is it Ganon holy crap oh man lizards get them they last for 0.2 seconds okay let's eat like two apples and keeping the Swap and that was a star hitter bubble frog damn yeah those attacks are so hard to do against Ganon too I feel like that one vertical one I'm supposed to Parry not flurry [Music] 10 of them that should be for something good now also I see lots of froggy frogs frogs we'll see I can infinitely do the Bowl time the stamina only drains when I oops actually shoot it yay slope resistance okay these only sell for like 10 or 20 now so luminous are not as good anymore but pretty abundant so I can understand that here we finally left Central Ohio literally finding Ganon I'm just like what wow no idea what's up with that his Essence runs freely through the kingdom now through all the Gloom and I assume that's where he came from yep I lit that flower that's a good way to like you know cookie Trail your progress to where you've been put the flowers down we got Taki Taki yeah band shrine let's do this we should get a full restart too jump okay two-handed weapons are especially effective for excavation thank you that's what we've been noticing oh it's a blessed this is much cooler at the endless void of magic that was worthy of a blessing Nightcore okay like three of them now pulling pretty hidden locations wow here we go awesome a blessing seven of them yeah I haven't seen a god stash unit but I think there was one in the town but I I missed it I do want to go to kakariko though um there's no important stuff in that direction so um maybe getting this Tower playing it by ear kinda I don't know I'm just glabby Fawn has to one of the two things on my list we can maybe try to meet up with hesto at the town because I feel like he's gonna be there yep wow okay let's just stole my heart away send out of here right I forgot just easy exit go swimming link also I do have uh maybe we can do this today too the Link's Awakening did I say Link's Awakening yeah link is awakened in a new form but here's meebo okay there from here okay the shrine was so it would have popped us out here if we just ascended at The Shrine it's been interesting I don't remember a lot of these structures there's a lake here and we gotta get there somehow inconveniently placed nothing a build can't fix yes blood moon of course foreign I guess we could build like a thing up let's see how well it floats though I'm ignoring the blood moon it's okay we'll live here all right it is cool though sorry I'm in stairs mode right now I don't know how much that's gonna work that hmm I guess you could just climb it I'm loving the music though I guess you could build a little Tower yeah the little Tower of course carry that around like that so I'm using the little fun cool triangle Tower why not yeah add a little top part yeah what a great structure we just built it's really not and that's why I like it wow okay something cooler sorry Horse no my whole base here because I'm really just kind of thinking around right now start with a uh thank you the Morgan mobile let's go like this spokes on there we have plenty of those now couldn't build it extra tall those are Corner mounted good like that I could make it too tall right I don't want to carry this around after the tower too so I shouldn't see how well this cart works what's up totally not centered or maybe let's do that yeah that's like spider claw so it's a slightly we got that thing going awesome let's plop all these wheels on could have an eight wheeler if we wanted to a whole train yeah it's like the spider Moga mobile moga's the horse by the way so Morgan mobile is the silly thing that gets attached to the horse yes yes bring it the wheel's a little off for now let's put that there it's easy to mess something small up like that cool and now we just need one part to connect it all like uh small board yes that's what gets towed by Moga you got this yeah maybe prone to tipping wait what parts get out not welcome neither are you connect this part specifically to that no yeah if it was flatter this would be nicer yeah oh it's so uneven it's not even conducted to the other one well like a little flap uh you can only have it connected into one source at a time my fault no what's up is that a rock that fell oh amiibo that is a rock that fell is that just a more convenient way to do this I guess so like there's much about oh there is what the huh keep going okay never mind there's another one right there interesting let's do this Tower first why am I so high up die whoo cool lindor's brow Skyview Tower okay well I think it went too high for the cart I'm getting better at building that's that's why I like it nice okay let's go get this Tower I'm ready scan this is cool link the researcher following in zeldas and the chica's footsteps foreign oh wow oh wow this is beautiful [Music] holy crap foreign [Music] there's the data it's about the frontier Hyrule Ridge it feels just so different too it's like hardly could tell us here and this guy oh the Sky Map too interesting what is this where is that wait there's a very big structure or we're above it well I gotta see this I guess we're going to another Island as long as we can make it we'll do it not quite up there can I use my ascend oh he put a penny here before oh it was one of the things I was checking out at the beginning ha I think that's too high for us we'll go back for it though what is this that's the great Sky Island icing where we started seems you know cool but Dazzle it just a lot of rings a bit Barren so what there's some sort of significance it might be at the top but I wanna check it out going down first hmm I'll see first let's go back to the Top If we can it seems like that's what we're supposed to do in here it's probably used for something some sort of Challenger trial I'm just gonna skim it right now oh man this is some wild architecture or geography it's just a man-made feel to it so we invest ouch oh Ferry it's like a no thank you now we have it back I wonder what this could be we felt quite a bit good there's a steward and a ducky hi ducky oh sorry fairy where's another hey steward this is the site of a ceremony to test your courage courage is demonstrated by diving headlong through the sky no Challengers have visited the island in a long time so it is a challenge start to die ceremony I don't know Dave ceremony is a trail which tests your courage so right by which zone a youth come of age the starting position is the sky island far above here gotcha okay that makes sense son why it's like emptyish a special outfit to Mark adulthood I'll do it practice run okay no time limit yeah confirm my authorization at the terminal so it's like a mini game trial thing okay the birds cool yeah okay so teleport us up here courage Island also a power and wisdom one I'm sure okay the Sun delines very cool oh what's this oh The Dazzle fruit isn't that like the um break it to unleash dazzling Sparks that blind monsters I will have to try that I didn't I didn't yet so okay ready go okay not too bad very cool though oh it's probably time so yeah you gotta get your waves do stuff like that all right I get it now at least the duck is unfazed now he is okay just getting a feel for it I know we failed the trial send me a back try to pass through each ring got it okay no rush on the time I just want to see how much turning control I have while diving not a lot but if I paraglide it's going to slow things down a lot so dive as much as possible but be conscientious because stuff like that isn't good oh the light beam bet like that and then like all yep good okay we'll figure that out for the real thing oh Shrine looking that does look like a shrine that is oh cool that was neat [Music] well check out that capsule too well done good for a practice run um I feel like it wants me to do the shrine first so we'll do that first we'll do this capsule though we put in some parts and then it'll give us parts we don't have a lot of those but we do have a lot of these five give me the goodies gumballs yes what is that portable pots Time Bomb there's only a device for timed explosion you can act by other zoning devices cool on a balloon okay yeah that'll be nice we need things for elevation because we're struggling with climbs let's do uh five more cores because we just have so much oh got it been jackpots every time so putting them in groups of five otherwise you only get like one or two like per part cool there we go this is Spencer gives balloons fans pots and time bombs there was one here as well uh or two rather flame middle fan portal pot this one we didn't get that I'm not we should probably go back at some point so and also we got that correct refine um I didn't mark a lot of things that's a quark I couldn't figure out that's honey someone told me something cool happens at that stable related to the the bubble frogs okay let's do the shrine first then the ceremony so I feel like the shrine relates to it [Music] shrine [Music] foreign I believe yeah I have all like the information of uh how long the playthrough has been how many shrines be dead uh deaths in the description so if you want to check that out if you can uh I'm trying to update that before we stream too just for the sake of it for the sake of tracking combat training archery ooh what is it like flying archery can you use bows like well mid-air I mean you normally can I wonder if it's special though yep there might be combat outside then heed my instruction s midair to heighten your senses okay so it's teaching the you know the ball time thing foreign 20 arrows easy multiple at once yeah it's nicer because being in Bowl time doesn't take the stamina it's only shooting the bow now we can go like one that's a bit of a streamline all right not even streamlined just makes it easier straight up that's literally yes that was very easy huh just to teach a simple mechanic it's like variation got a sword uh again I don't know maybe not yeah we'll wait on the zonate swords okay easy [Music] strong construct but okay sturdy bull for a captain construct besides being fireproof it's strengthened to Allah for more powerful shots cool what was at least something good I can use sometimes it's just throwaways so guess we'll do that test thing and also soon the amiibo I just had it here so in the meantime just really quick I will use the restroom uh so we'll be back with that uh that thing outside it seems kind of interesting um one second we'll have to stream Watcher we'll have uh I love the mud watch the stream again while I'm gone so you'll sit right there and I'll be right back listen to the awesome music it's such a nice look for link too so give me like 90 seconds I'll be right back oh sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] 's ready for the skydiving challenge too I don't know if Mod's afraid of heights so just used to the ground but yeah hi let's go this way um I'm gonna plug my audio back in I want to see what this is about and still like uh going to that town afterwards because I think something for the camera ability is going to be either there or in kakariko so that's my hypothesis let's do it more gumballs we should be fine let's see what Stewart has to say just waiting forever patient be a little more patient I want this mushroom and stay in bulb never mind sorry you have to wait another second these are important are you important slightly okay bye I am a challenger uh let's do it require one zone I charge custom since long ago has been for participants in the ceremony to offer a Zone I charge there we go life for a challenge full of life short supply we had to pass through all the Rings in 35 seconds that shouldn't be a problem I'm guessing it's going to be harder though than what we just did go that dive I can hardly see crap okay I know we were slowing some of them no longer though yep it's the same path straight down that's easy I almost yeah 25. is there another word for doing 25 seconds yeah I have borne witness to your courage the mark of your maturity Glide Glide shirt what the cloth soon into the shirt helps it catch air increasing the wearer's ability to Glide they plummet from the sky oh my God it's like the birth of a wing suit maybe able to beat the current record for 20 seconds yeah so that's the point of this okay a lot of tests off this new ability and gustling there's a full set to that too probably for everything okay let's wear the Glide shirt oh I love this well built that is awesome yep I was about to say not a lot of Mobility beforehand this makes it super cool 19. no okay we're close Mitch bit off but that was yeah okay I'll get give that another go okay to dive as much as possible yes I will do that not just 20. we'll do like 19 or 18. let's Beat It even hence is the pure diet too and the Free Fall there we go much better start [Music] you know kind of where they're going so ah 7 18. yep nice okay almost almost two seconds better there we go but now that we know where they are we could technically do it faster if we just preemptively go faster and braver than any previous Challenger so what is this oh Lord sure nice charge okay oh I'm linky understood uh I just want to see what the reward is we can improve on it one more go closer to 18 seconds flat Circle in that way stuck on that way that yes almost by a whole second okay I know there's still some down time if we just if we did the Free Fall instead of the Glide for that second part we could have got it yeah we improved on it did you just get large donut charges every time you do it then or every time you beat your record normal for a large that's nice little trade off cool I'm very satisfied now uh anything more one more uphold this maybe I like these Rewards we still have plenty give me a bonus yay balloons bombs so they could probably make bomb Arrows with these honestly we'll test it on an enemy cool yes we did that there's a small little cluster right there I know I can reach it with this wingsuit now yeah foreign well it's like right ahead uh let's paint it on our map we ran out of pins [Music] it's okay let's see on the map not here wait I thought we ran out all pins beats me let's go we were at the low one you know is there you know I'm not gonna stress it let's go like that I feel like if we went higher we could find out what we need you can I can just check this out first little archery camp Thunder plateau's gotta be what is Zona in origin hmm so I wonder what's changed about it oh not yet bomb oh okay not instead the goblin why do you do that curiosity killed the Poco live it lasts for like two seconds but it is cool I wonder how a bomb sword will fare maybe not too well torch okay what do we got here lizzle blade um little Reaper how do you check with the base weapon is I'm curious it's a thick stick uh not really technically wait drop what drop what drop I guess if there's not a ground you can't drop it okay interesting go okay we'll take all that hopefully get some Shields and whatnot soon because we're a little low um see what else is there if I go to the sky I can warp to the shrine always more stamina okay so I feel like we hit up the main town I can get some more uh you know stamina I'm thinking and see what's over there was that really the last time we died in those caves yeah let's do it with the Glide suits I don't know if we can just Glide around freely now such a nice feeling it was a Chasm right there on the map yeah I'm scared to go on those in that Chasm too the long screen is nice for sure I didn't know that I was right hey has to I love Lookout Landing it's open hi is this where he wants to be this place is built recently it's got a good vibe it's safe because there's people yeah people probably can't see him anyways we do have the seeds I will go for another weapon and shield yep spot him in pesto [Music] there we go another [Music] and shields too even though we're low right now I lied weapon do it again red for weapon I just love this party now yeah his first song got popular enough to attract some fans I guess I can keep going now Shield yes blue let's do army gotcha [Music] so I guess this is his final location okay good to know one for that and this is green yep green for courage move for wisdom and shields I always love that the Triforce connection because yeah he was green for bows because bows like courage like link uh red for weapons like power blue for Shields like wisdom so the weapons kind of have a retrospective or connecting element I don't know it's just cool we've got Shield again I'll skip these ones though we'll let the last one play though Skydive Mobility has three tiers [Music] five skip this and we'll do one more for Bo then nice [Music] okay last one glorious you might as well okay um we're good for now that was a lot buy more armor if need be apples 12 apiece no thank you hey guys I did want to talk to Robbie again he's the one person I skipped over a lot yes because they were running and I didn't get to talk to him Joshua and Robbie an excellent night do you have the PIRA pad also lovely comment on like the night or like the rain or I don't know that's just cool Pierre and I work together on the design yeah I should have called the Robbie pad right he did more effort wanna go investigate the depths jump into a Chasm myself right because there's people by the casino are talking about Joshua this is the chasm in a Hyrule Field to the South that's a far too vast to explore on your own I'd love to go gallivanting around there too probably more hands that stuff was freaky just a pool of hands they are dangerous flower young Prodigy to go wandering around somewhere like there I need more on that figure we have more info on it should help us better understand the depths Joshua head of death's research that's cool yeah yes literally a prodigy server team brought back some artifacts on a journey from the deaths all the zonite stuff isn't it no oh the lore stuff because like part of it was missing well maybe from like the intro part was blocked off but I assume more was missing what is that figure things evidence that mysterious people once lived in the depths go down there hmm interesting [Music] I should come out now find anything about the figure we're going with Robbie she too dangerous for her but he might be too old for it I don't know it's okay assuming we find what we're looking for we'll use the camera yeah I need the camera I had a feeling Robbie or someone in uh kakariko one now okay still have more to learn about the pr pad once we're down there oh because he enters the south of the chasm to this or yeah the South Chasm that's like when I first saw when I uh went to the surface hang on used to eager gone got roped into all this goggles means well at least before he looks but we do too laughs thanks not like we don't have a billion already quarter to Max probably thank you um because it's a pretty deep it's Pitch Black if we touch a bright Bloom seed to an arrow that'll be nice I don't know about how the camera works camera work in the depths will have to do less that's like the last thing I really want before I go off Josh a young scientist whose genius earned her the role of heading up def's research Joshua finds it throwing to be working with PIRA and though she helps with various investigations to Zelda's disappearance she's glad to focus her time on the deaths interesting okay well of course you know we're in sights but we do have the tower [Music] nope okay ready have the wingsuit I gotta go for it yes oh this is amazing see so much to that stuff like trial we just did wonder how we can get more pizzas pieces of the Glide suit this is nice traveling in style let's go straight to the depths if we can make it I say let's do it wait we actually might just go straight in oh come on we got this yeah we're actually making it screw that see ya oh and all my joy is being what oh holy crap everything in me turned inside out okay experience the sky surface and deaths all more flights how far did Robbie go ah I am link Panic from the zonai survey team ah yes they're the guide we'll use the seeds ah taking a sharp walk to that glowing area um going and going interesting I do it I do ah okay yeah literally no light from the surface that's freaky it was all covered in like the malice stuff the Gloom okay yep throw them with your hand oh or you can attach them to your arrows oh it was Gloom swords Wild um okay most used or you can throw the bombs too yeah nice oh dragonflies deep Firefly multi-wing insta that lives in the depths excretes luminescent elements okay a faint glow effect we do have some stuff like that so quiet freaky wow okay there's the whole underground to this isn't there yep deaths map surface sky crazy and even on the surface there's tons of just caves and whatnot skills horses I could use one I'm not going too fast oh good kicking power [Music] nice um and I guess any light source will do even a torch interesting can I throw stuff while I can it's very nice [Music] okay let's check this out first [Music] it's really bizarre but a horse is going to be good for this soji the sewage light root is that the tan symbol oh goodbye horse he's waving wow so I guess yeah it makes it brighter in this area at least so it's it's striking through the dark until you find this and it acts as a teleporter interesting oh so lights up that area and that's like your map dispel the darkness and brighten the surrounding area that's cool well I guess that's type of light restores your Haltom Gloom interesting expected a huge vast structure like this in the Zelda game I wonder what the heights are you can go to you can't even Ascend it's that high look note on the table hey you it's really dark down here yep Robbie's with his goggles should have brought the blight right seeds roughly under the shrine on the surface which I didn't check out yet the glory words I see shining west of here over there okay so that's where Robbie's gonna be um I would like that horse Melissa just went away here it is oh my God has like the the tail like taped on it's like it's trying to be a horse it wants to feel alive I'm scared for what's just what awaits though more notes it's cool I can have a horse though looking like this place is swimming in Gloom if a guy didn't have any bright blooms it would be curtains okay just spotted something of Interest through my goggles it's shaped like that figure okay luckily having the lights in a horse makes it easier huh this is what too long okay I forgot to kick you off after I've heard a bit at least it wasn't in the Gloom whoa whoa what malice enemy or Gloom enemies what uh why'd he like this odd that is a torch I should not be fighting with that [Music] zoneite and model Bud while far with powerful odor that can disorient and confuse awesome get them to attack each other so much stuff it's never like over a bearing though just always intriguing okay that's where the Zone ad is I'm the better Bowman I'm so nice God it's just like a little mining Outpost it's special breeds of them it feels like some sort of like Source version It's it's hard to point like what this is just everything underground is where Bloom originates from and then stuff creeps its way to the surface Maybe don't know hi Harrison very intrigued what if we uh Ascend to that leaf still way too high up Giants nice there's some mushrooms puff shroom okay spread spores oh see that bat I'm gonna take these first so it's a few quite a few oh my God they come in huge packs yep dipping out get them worth it for that back go foreign okay now the yes okay Bloom enemies uh where's The Spoils of what I killed not too sure in a poinsettia's corpse third low pitch scream too it's just more demonic Wild controller sword up the Stone's house Hammer I'm keeping that for something important like that I like uh I don't know stuff like that's fine for now two-handed of course Boulder okay [Music] you're joking all your friends are dead you know let's use one of those new things uh this thing distracts blinds monsters oh actually how can I hold that um it's gonna run a little experiment yeah oh that's cool not what I want to do are we storing the fire fruit okay curious experiment of zonite and stuff we're just a bunch more and we can get a you know more battery it seems like you can buy you use Zodi as like a currency to buy the good things but one of them was uh like these specialized like crystallized charge and what when you have 100 of them it upgrades your energy cells which allows you to use battery devices longer use it up Zone it everywhere I might as well weak weapons for weak enemies fireflies bomb flowers nice Big World on here too very powerful in this early game here we are Robbie as Asus lightsward hey Robbie he's right there hello oh and they kind of form and connect such an interesting thing to just kind of take in like there's so much space down here it's like too much to go the upwards area is hazy it's it's like its own Dimension almost it doesn't need underground only and uh physical height but I believe it's another planet or world and yeah this is so interesting let's go talk to Robbie I did see him somewhere there you are hi camera oh it's very nice it's almost like like we're on the surface of a different planet and I am here oh wait that thing looks like it has a mouse head you see that like a super buff Mouse like standing on two legs one arm raised High to figure Joshua showed us yeah it is there was most people camera it's one of the basic features now I can use it he's got to unlock it it's like when your parent needs help unlocking their phone and it's like oh yeah just a basic thing or all the Wi-Fi Style just unplug the router and then plug it back in link is that person right now press this play pull this and tap that there we go why couldn't like do that but we have it capture images using the parapad and we have the compendium that's what I wanted boom yes capture a picture it seems like the pictures are much nicer too the quality updated technology we'll capture it statue with raised arm how'd that go yes yes I like those goggles like move funny like the eyes sometimes stupendous marvelous getting us a picture of that statue have you more to investigate I don't think I want to go up right away so I know we can teleport out but hmm you can pass the time not like that matters down here what's gonna be our first picture wait hi of course we have all the cool things landscape shot okay uh we had the poses of course yes okay um I wanna take stuff organically in the world it's like a goblin they're just saying that's a normal vocabulin I don't know it's a little different let's get a good picture the tracking seems nice too yes first one bakoblin yeah messed up moblin everything's messed up down here oh so was my aim [Music] all right who's gonna attack next the not important ones okay you know what modeling didn't get fired okay not a good thing to attach it to uh eat what mushrooms got him it'll be more careful next time everything any control we got this get the model indexed well very basic enemies yes oh you do Gloom damage carry that almost got fire arrows okay that's fine that's enough and that was weak okay oh God it's all these mining colonies it's like it's like Ganon sent a branch of his uh monster Army to get all the zonite stuff so they can replicate all the Zone stuff and use it against the kingdom that could be part of it looks like a branch of the monsters that are trying to take all these resources because it's probably the way you can get the strongest I would assume so little square bombs spiky five of them yeah I might take them you have a lot now no biggie it's like so much some areas to go more hammers not a problem we have plenty the quantity is okay good okay Travelers Claymore I don't think Travelers stuff is special so I might fuse them Boulder to it or can I use a crate actually hmm how would this work maybe yeah I think that did something we're very close to those bombs I'm glad we didn't Set It Off weapon weapon weapon oh it's a time bomb so if I hit it I should be fine right goodbye this is safe I think I'm gonna hope yeah interesting well sure is only ones too so everything is wanting me so much just like new thing new thing new thing okay time bombs okay you can uh Flash and disorientate the enemies oh here's the camera but you know I thought with all these mushrooms we got like a pushroom like I gotta test that out uh it's a lot even stuff down here being in a different world entirely time bombs I couldn't tell you what is that there's another statue huh it's like a tree actually oh you gotta be very careful don't you stole a good picture so we're gonna try for the good picture good enough uh five oh why don't you want good pictures yes foreign I should not be taking pictures during all this but I am because why not you know God why do I have this type of nerve oh ah another getting mad their victories are short-lived Bob flowers Arrow in the tree not I don't know I feel like gradually you know okay okay people cool [Music] what are those light things hmm pose they're babies a glowing Spirit orb found all over the depths offer these two are bargainer statue for a variety of rewards yeah that was from the main challenge I can't even take a picture of them though Wild what's up little fox what the little fox I'm sorry oh wait little fox or frog oh frogs this one's better or that one has the mouth open but I like that sorry don't pounce me apples uh that's not stopping it oh [Music] Terry I can flip them oh interesting little guys what if we tried that one thing uh working get him to turn on each other because I'm kind of evil um get these guys a turn come on poor billing guts four blink guts okay uh blinds pushroom uh okay cloud of spores muddle bud yep let's throw on those my muddle Buds where are you so there's just so many things in this game that's like one hard thing when you find them and use them then you can you know really cool oh he's gonna attack his friends oh wow he is we got our life back that's fine oh my God you can literally get them to fight for you wow do it for the flip that's really cool though seeds in that that's kind of a lost cause more bright Bloom seeds most deals okay see more pose this is such a wild thing okay this time I want to get a spoiled oh we had a bomb oh I was not paying attention versus drop okay be careful aerocuda eyeball this eyeball is constantly trying to focus on its targets okay and those uh an Elixir yeah so this is kind of like the other ones um writes Bloom brights bloom it's not the small ones the big ones okay come on the one I was highlighting wow yeah every hit by them finishes a lot of mushroom mushroom pose those are usually more medicine oh he's armored yep and resilient when he's like that too oh come on two for one yes Nick that rock hammer is just everywhere taking Donuts [Music] with infinite hammers I don't mind break it every time you find a new one how would we throw in those things at this guy confuse him there's like a certain type of mushroom I've used at least once model bug yeah okay shoot your friends close you got this archery standoff shoot him wait no maybe it just goes after anyone not as good against those I guess oh it was a war the attempt foreign I guess we can't take a picture of the deposits yeah Zone I deposit it's too zoomed in there we go oh my God wow yeah we had nowhere near this amount before you can't heal unless I'm in light so next time we see a big like button can I go just to a whole different Chasm from here or what I think the pose kind of tell the way about just post stuff it's a good collectible so that's Obviously good for something I'm gonna use all shrooms next so let's just try out it's crazy huge malice okay that's why there's so many oh yeah we see the pose in the distance of those we gotta work out the quantity I believe we still have another Ferry but I don't have to use it I don't think so actually wait yep we have one Ferry we literally can't heal right now because of this stuff it gloomed down from not be recovered but I will save him because that's freaky yeah interesting I'm so much to do it's wild there's so much to miss doesn't seem like there's Clorox down here those are the main collectibles reminds me of like the cave exploring in Pikmin too wait for a giant enemy to take me oh oh that's a bad tree okay maybe after 100 we'll get something good man I'm really trying to find a light source in the meantime I'll store more of these crap is so cool extraterrestrial planet ah where are you oh evil Keys they're all evil but yeah another picture okay don't get hit because that is just dangerous don't want more Gloom damage so you really gotta be careful here are some foods that recover Gloom mushrooms the big Camp looks like this is insane it's got the face there yeah I like that mining colony again they're all like red enemies here no the Quick's been so much harder to pull off in this game for disarming's good oh it just picked up that bomb wow jeez was it a bomb flower or bomb Barrel aerocuda ring okay arrows and Thorn weapons fly farther when attached even in slight wind will die all the fire fruits is interesting oh [Music] see if he had shot foreign combinations there's too many of only makes sense again I'm gonna be wretched I'm still wearing my wingsuit as if it's really important down here I just like the cape seems like a head is a hit regardless so oh he's got a light thing so nice get gusted disarm them God not the time bomb Club or the iron box hammer oh there's just too much here God gonna be in like a thousand soon I swear large zonite a lot more this game is huge but okay uh box at the top is that for the bird to grab I don't know let's miss all these little chassis yeah camps have so many layers how many hours like 170 something Maybe 273 oh my what the hell I'm gonna use arrows kind of a lot too Plan B okay let me take nice that's helpful for a couple more still we're like all the shields this game there's no Shields what's is that a ferret wait I thought that was a PO I see my problem taken yeah why not bomb flowers and I just want to clear out everything okay what oh what is that essence of a knight this is interesting yeah I'm not too sure myself it's offering something it's offering a sword it doesn't like the pictures does it what's special isn't it so I want a cool picture of this guy is a picture or no picture so I really want that Peck give me that picture come on you cannot get a picture of any of these guys interesting yes only with the picture too yeah if I get close it's totally fine put a picture no I wonder if that's important for some reason that's just a cool picture in general and I'm just going to keep that one so I'll just brought us over with a sparkle oh it's restored that makes sense whoa it's like the remnants of the Calamity down here or something because yeah we totally restored weapon usually they're all like battered and stuff interesting sorry I had to play around with that for a bit little buds are good because they stock up and everything we're gonna mess around with it's also the Bright Effects too but I like just letting out my surroundings if I can mushrooms if I can register a horse down here for even more convenient travel than yes yeah yeah just oh right battery good let's see if we can do with this puff shroom I would like some Smokies time bombs um I saw it somewhere right okay for gloom resistance uh puff shroom there we go so let's submit spores and this was a camper wrap gotcha it's taking shape but the next one will have this thing nice and ready three four five six seven eight you'll just throw one so it gets in our most used there we go it should be yep it's in our most use kind of yeah now this is so yeah yeah doesn't affect me what is the fact everything else so and there's a lot of stuff right there including a bigger po yeah pose used to be enemies in Zelda games so I don't know what's going on oh I see the interest sorry stamina oh my God yeah that's probably cool it is find restored weapons down here it's awesome that's a feature how much junk uh a decent bit of junk don't we yeah good I'll make some stuff with that model bud can I crouch and take pictures I don't know that makes enemies attack each other not sure what the spores do yet though but you know these camps it's like I missed a lot of things because it's also dark you know I should not be doing that with that hammer to guarantee a break that's what I was looking for stuff on top of here what is this game it's Skies giant chasms huge Overworld it's too much I guess we can find that one I assume they don't respond it's just like a limited thing it's actually put on our climber gear small buff this looks cool too though with the outfit I'm still digging the shorts though trim the outside hmm most used he's got a oh wow bright Bloom stuff there night spear Soldier spear okay just a tip yup but it's restored it's much better I can take everything that is I don't I don't mind interesting yeah restored polished weapons and this oh my God near 200. it's a question of how do we get there safely um a bit of a trick question now do we those areas we go in areas we don't go what is this wait I could fuse myself on top of there can I or Ascend rather or probably a safer climb okay I was safe oh interesting this looks important yeah a glider oh that's where the Zone I made stuff this is cool so it's telling me I can do something with this bird glider and what are these things Wheels do I have a controller for it though because what good is a wheel without a controller so I can make a car to explore the depths but ah but this is a glider those are pose I'm gonna take you guys forget about you interesting hooks I guess his face is the direction of this I can make the car right there Center it better oh I like that we'll build it this way just uh started God nurse fans people the flying thing wait I need a unit to control things that's the thing right is that right seems like a H I wonder what it wants me to transport we're gonna place a pen and this is zonite stuff so seems like hmm I don't know it's a little station of sorts I'll put that there I'm gonna try to build the car see where you can go with it wait if I put fans in the bottom of a glider will it constantly push up and then I can steer it I need to see this we did something like that we balance out the weight it's making me believe something that I can self-control this thing I know the car is still working progress [Music] looks like a we just have to balance it off better have you wait on there uh quite sorry I think I'm gonna double yep be careful with that car you go over there actually in fact we're just going to test you out really quick interesting try a car because I feel like I don't know what we're gonna do oh okay it needs to be higher up though because yeah it'll have to do like a very tall car very limited resources but still we're actually wanting to do yeah and I think I'm gonna attach it more like this no there's not a latching point it seems hard regardless not quite that yeah sorry this is very interesting though there's no good locking points they're gonna be weird because they're not clipping something what if I just did one fan I don't think that's gonna be enough though not enough that locks on and that locks on if you feel like these are the points is that even almost sorry there's a lot for the building in this like that oh yep yeah don't use my emergency power doing wrong here maybe they put them all in the center okay going somewhere and then we put a third one in the front yep a little too top heavy sorry gotta take that a little too bottom heavy okay we gotta be perfect okay ah trap me we've got a lot to recharge here extra well it Returns the battery I want this to work to some degree we're gonna go through a lot of battery doing it but I'm gonna have a great time I know it too take a couple charges one okay come on stop flipping me over always keep doing that ah okay I feel like last thing because I don't know what else it is a little yeah heavy there you have to have it perfectly balanced so what is the true Center of this thing it seems like it snaps right there yep there's a snapping point right there so naturally I want to put it there right unless it's more balanced and I just put one on each side foreign [Music] corner right yes so let's put that exactly where that's trying to go corner and why is that not symmetrical uh or is it it is one in the center to say this one flips around oh wait we did that the wrong way didn't we just defects yep there we go that all looks great I don't know what else we can do it might be too front heavy it is a gun okay so if it's that way you know what we do gradually we just bring the fan down so two front heavy now we can try it there if that's too heavy then we nudge it down one more because theoretically we should find a level where it's balanced then [Music] melted backwards mobile thanks because they're not all at the same elevation I get it so let's make that same location oh it's got to be in the center so our plan B is first making real of this and then centering it's an importance even though snap is off the reason on the glider right like like I guess we can run the test without link on him yep so just a little top heavy and the only way to fix that I guess I hate that destroys everything else is this the center one just to manually move it down because the goal assault flies regardless you know we got that structure if anything it's bottom heavy now but what's the harm in a fourth fan theoretically I think it should be okay Sports should balance it out there we go look at that this works that'll be kind of nice it's a lot of power though but wrong way remember that thought the wing could push up into it wrong way right idea like that please this has to work I don't have many more ideas right I'm not getting hit by that thing when we pop them around seems right adds more wind [Music] now it's top heavy wow I bet though but I've removed that then it'll be bottom heavy I guess I could if I put more weight on it though just not gonna go as well so so if it's top heavy let's just change the center of gravity with us we don't make up a lot of that weight it has to be perfect without us because there's only very subtle movements that change otherwise it's top heavy right yep it's very top heavy so let's move the entire thing back a bit you know that affects the snap I know so wherever that clicking point was the ultimate well that's not gonna work wait no I think we can get this oh I'm not gonna try to say it's easy nice is that our best we can do if it's bottom heavy I'm gonna lose it it's very bottom heavy why please do not work okay the question is if we add another fan will that even it out more not that I should be doing this oh I see that may change things there's got to be a reason for this glider so that's why I'm doing what I'm doing bottom heavy very bottom heavy flop how about one on each pressure point I feel like I need this for like a shrine later too so I don't mind snap there there's a snap there and there's no snapping Point anywhere here so why is there two snaps son oh there's a snap there and a lot of some snaps there too no that's not where the snap goes there we go Bye by the snap so it's gonna be very top heavy though this feels like it might be better I feel like I should only need three first three fans little top Eddie yeah it's a little top heavy there isn't a good pressure point there uh but there were more practical points in the back right no there wasn't right there I believe no no that's the only pressure point unless we're just going off that one but I feel like since they're not all the same level it's gonna be a little annoying basically the Tony Stark of this game if Tony Stark failed at everything what is going on these are cool but yeah this is kind of what we need to deal with thank you okay um no it's going to be too bottom heavy what if we just did a fourth please you gotta balance out at some point evil equal direction all directions it's gonna be bottom heavy that is the best we got it wait we snapped there all those places okay for quick curiosity what if I put one in the center I have extra power that could be cool wait pressure points there's a reason why these snap from certain parts I need to figure this out you have all that that might have been too much and if so we can remove it [Music] oh my God kind of though wait it kind of works I choose uh expect you guys that's a good picture actually oh it took damage from like being there um it's kind of more of a hovercraft sort of thing which makes sense because the fans go um there was like that really cool device that energy boost yes oh my God we're literally scarring the landscape whoa oh my God we got it working wow you can't do that though okay that's amazing okay I am so glad we got it working oh I can't wait to get more energy cells now which we can probably do with the zoneites we're not we know we don't want to build it okay I'll get some more handling too I'll figure that out man sorry they'll support the longest took me to do something but was it worth it hell yeah okay I gotta be crouching too otherwise it's not very good I lose my balance I'm not on a Crouch up there I'm sure we can get to it soon come on flying bird airplane 3.0 [Music] yep takeoffs are gonna be rough if we don't prepare um yes do it again nope don't keep sliding we can claim it for the weight yes oh my God sorry to that I know we're using the important batteries we're back at the workstation oh not very good to be here now is it just leave this to the professionals go away go away yes by the way we're safe no we're not oh yeah not to the Reds okay airplane 3.06 is class we know how to build it now I'm very glad that'll be our 22nd death got it oh interesting no that was an endeavor I was not leaving without a a completion now on that all right well if you want our parts you can always get more parts I wonder if you like fusa Let's see we don't have much for that but because there's Shields don't exist in this game can I like roll around on this yeah ah I thought I could make a little skateboard Wing sword oh damn not too good it looks cool enough soaring sword in this yeah what oh because it's like being used even though nothing was being used but okay I guess what we're here let's make a wing spear yeah sorry just so much fun check where those pins were though I pinned you know they're very far away actually okay um what else it says getting air is also nice too air is very nice I'll consider so kind of my Gourmet back we have about 100 pose now right I'm just assuming that's a good margin 97 we'll find a couple more well there's a big colony of pose sure thing as soon as we learn more about cars that'll be nice still not dead there we go wind for all you guys love it that's so cool I guess we confuse some of these arms again the whole Army of arms yeah the army 40 damage for no reason Link's trying okay cool yeah these trees are wild it's like cactus fruit I don't know what is this trying to be as soon as we learn more about vehicle making which I feel like the shrines will help for that uh we'll do more stuff in the deaths yeah I'm gonna like master that system I just want to know everything now about how I can build the best cars and flying machines um okay I personally bad behind me up okay so if I most used and we are gonna well puff them up oh stealthstrike yeah okay that's very cool thank you ah well the backpack he can still strike him makes sense but ouch where's the little busage take that into a music shop I think I should add this down here right music's fun kind of just worked all day yeah baby ones uh the froggies you know I'm going to Soldier first that's nice I love my spring Shields throwing spear the best restored thing um picture this is wild the remnants now we need the tip sorry slightly better pictures laughs with eight damage now here you know I'm gonna be very evil to these frogs hey guys what no come back I'm not gonna throw a bomb at your face or anything but oh wow how lucky is that little bud fight it out oh they're gonna trample him no not the front they're like why are you guys hurting me oh wow oh like I'm just I'm cool I make them destroy each other when oh charging each other as a reward you get this oh that was so cool though the war I don't know why I like that we're very cruel indeed coming for much bigger things to fight smaller ones I could use that in like a boss pacoblin get him to fight everything that'd be cool I'm just having so much fun this is wild there like in that purple pen okay oh wait I thought we hmm never mind I thought I pinned that before oh I see an enemy small Knocks pose oh we can do this oh ever mean like Evergreen oh Giants Grove interesting there is Giants all right defeated 30 fix deck vocal bats oh no wood yeah that is a giant hey we're just looking at not me all right those are good weapons for this uh we're calling arm bones my good weapon I mean yeah it has a lot of health okay let's do something good what's this in the life of anyone it touches I don't actually believe that though Gloom Ender yeah let's see uh end the life you say huh oh I see what it means yeah and my life doing a ticket damage each time okay wait yo powerful attacks when you're done your last heart 46 damage now I think it doubled fish maybe yep take advantage of the one heart thing that's awesome that's it any night tier weapons do that this is a nightmare weapon great food these are freaky looking guys how many Travelers buy now Demon King boat yeah depending on your max life is how much damage it does I think two damage per heart it's maybe 60 damage with 30 hearts that'll be very strong for a bow open up the tree to put all the hard work into a tree there we go 127 followers large crystallized charge equal to 20 normal crystallized charges okay 100 for an energy energy thing but I think we can get that soon stall Knox horn 29 fuse power and just thrusted stuff everything's rusted in its own way here come on I just want like one more seed or something yes we're taking advantage of this though oh more stall axes maybe that wasn't just a one-off Dyson zolfos this is dangerous I'm in the depths of the depths now normal [Music] oh oh they're shocked great it's fine missing the head oh okay we're doing good big damage don't throw the Rock number one shot that's yellow true okay you need stuff like that foreign last one take it uh three shock against them soaring sword the Skyward Sword electric is awful's tail okay you can have a lashing whip-like quality to attacks just like the normals yeah specialized horns just for them too what is that oh hello I love these guys Angie pebblets I like these variations we do need a rock weapon though take it I didn't want to get close this first go as long as we can this is crazy fun oh my God just like so spacious like more than I ever would have expected or imagined whole ecosystem a cursed Twisted version of uh what we know on the surface alien like and I really dig it I'm gonna use the iron box hammer ites and we're gonna be stacked okay um yeah again it's awesome I'm just playing around with everything next time we see a bigger enemy though and it can't blah we'll turn we'll get him to turn with those special type of mushrooms it's like I do when I have a vantage point so I can see what the next light thing is let's see if there's anything in sight huh we're at the edge aren't we Maybe it's like it's so just contagious uh hello more of these we're gonna have so much fun on the surface of thumb boss goblins are even trying like high noxes and stuff oh okay get these guys to take care of it most used gotcha we should have them in our thing now we do oh you guys take care of them he's watching oh the damage they're messing them up we're trying to get oh going for all of them seeds he's killed off though I just wanted to see a little chaos [Music] let's make sure we're fine ah frog get down get down right on the froggy hello guy videos I can say that frog picture was funny also they have the death or release up this whole time I did sorry it was so hidden oh what the yeah why's not going away deaths well it's for the theme the theme is deaths no again this is so much fun to explore so it's like a more congested case on the surface and this Broad New World in these chasms let's go this way at least we're at three hearts almost drinks that yeah maybe climbing up is the way to go yeah yeah it's kind of everywhere so I pinned that thing it's like right up there fish find it in a second um where can I send there overpasses are good gotcha this is good oh no we're close aha no this is very good [Music] was that just a normal pump large Pro okay so it was bigger they're worth five glowing Spirit are fondled over the depths offer these two bargainer statue okay so they're very bright I don't need to do this but I'm doing anyways nice and that's why we have them yeah cool yeah okay Leaf lily pads we can climb it cool and there's another one over there too so that's the building station where we can build contraptions opposing the surface if we couldn't get something with 100 150 seems more possible Giants Grove okay still no map that's where the electric was awful's Camp was or it will break something because I forgot we still have one hammer weapon oh never mind they just Regen I'll call Giants Grove yeah there's like a bunch of the lockses at least two of them it's a bunch I went on vehicles it'll be nicer because I know how to man I know there's like steering wheels and stuff I can get based on what I was seeing uh I sound like a little raft a while ago they're just kind of damaged sponges and I can't have that right now but there we go yes that's the next thingy right I need that wait throw another one far whoa Gustav Canyon mine what foreign okay that's kind of on my map but just the letters themselves what stone okay I need that light I saw the light and we're coming back after we get the map thingy well this is very nice though yeah this is what vehicles are going to be handy for oh there is loots okay [Music] 20 of them nice oh yeah I wonder what big sort of things are out on here a lot of pose uh okay I didn't fully mark it off my map but what is this do you have an idea of where I'm going but I'm still under one stamina wheel what if shrines can be down here they're in caves that's a tower isn't it yeah it is oh so there's like multiple entrances to get to these chasms which is neat unless they're all connected I heard they really it's just massive down here kadoshi Lightfoot finally jeez that was crazy no I'm literally in awe it's like what War's gonna have for all this besides just mind-blowing love I just focused on just like the intricate travel but then really brought stuff with the vehicles too so and that's shown even through this here the islands then even really subtle stuff in like the caves yes the light wrote dispelled the darkness and brighten the surrounding area well this is better um yeah Gustav candy of mine Giants Grove wait a second the rivers are those yeah look there's a river right there right and then river right why is that below here why does that matter are there walls where the rivers are sort of thing do they act as boundaries or don't exactly know I'm gonna check out that wall though oh I oh we made it okay was worried it seems like the walls are where the rivers are so it creates boundaries there oh okay not even throwing no uh we gotta get him to turn welcome to your thing what was that model bug okay you too we're gonna have a lot of things you have to just fight everything don't they thank you okay they're just gonna get mad never mind they're getting mad at each other I'm confused spring sword or yell one more time yellow one more time there we go thank you but anyways he's trying to show you his attention for this I will scarf Apple scarf Apple foreign like a rock hammer or something please no don't turn around at me this area is bright oh bomb break everything please these are more common I could just shot him through the flame oh well is it a good idea I don't know but it was an idea it should break it right iron box hammer see along this last Broad Sword [Music] it is very interesting I just is that something to check out there's always something else isn't there it's like three different maps in this game and everything else we got now 150 jeez yeah what do I post out like bosses now or enemies rather that's what they usually were and pass all those um two-handed not really I'm not doing it to the giant sword or Gloom sword this will still be fine maybe because it's Boulder will break in one head or maybe not nope just just there that's peculiar one yeah I guess that's the end of this region but it's the same line as like where the rivers are on the surface so that's interesting I guess the rivers so very deep somehow interesting Terrain ah we're offering uh ruins thank you Soldier I like all these have like clouds of smoke I think I confuse that to my shield too Gustav Canyon mine that is where we were so that's probably just what I was looking at as much as I can explore this for literally not even hours days at a crack um we have the warp here so I will leave it be as that for now I don't think we need that with that um that is massive and we didn't explore everything in this light just kind of around this game man I I don't know here's an adventure log okay um final ones right there okay let's get that and then we'll bounce back to uh the what's it called what's it called look at Landing and then yeah well Robin do with Robbie I actually take this there we go 283. okay just a couple more we'll check out the mine later though foreign man that's a lot mine in a way all day now 180 posts should be pretty good to us okay stop myself now so we can go there we start yeah literally all the way I don't know just too far I'm gonna use the restroom while we go uh yeah in terms of stream stuff I know uh so either Monday or Tuesday I'll take the day off not too sure yet uh but it'll probably be one stream a week now like most days of the week kind of thing but if I play every single day for many many hours uh we'll be going through a little too fast because I do want to do like something like highlight videos and stuff like that to like recap really exciting parts of the playthrough uh be kind of fun but I'll let you guys know uh but the stream next stream will always be scheduled after one ends so let's do that uh pause right there or not any pause but we'll let it go um and we'll have a stream Watcher Nokia watch a stream uh give me like 90 seconds there we go he's a chicken nuggets uh bring it back foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] with sauce so foreign you know what we talked about it a bit ago I do kind of want to do the amiibo and I was thinking about that so let's go to the amiibo we'll see that my water it's one moment you hope your hope everyone's doing well uh I'm kind of thinking I might take uh I might not stream tomorrow but I might go live again on Tuesday so Tuesday we'll be doing uh well more probably like 1 p.m Eastern well I'll have that for sure when I have uh well after the stream I'll schedule the next one for like 15 minutes after it ends because we'll still do a bit more today but in the meantime we do have our amiibo so this is the uh tears of the Kingdom link um do I have a sharp tool so I can open this safely without just ripping it um we do a tool is a pen the best weapon so okay let's open this I am just curious we have our Rune so I'm here why not before thunders in game there we go so the way I opened amiibos I just kind of show this I have to like puncture inside a knife is better or scissors but I generally don't keep the Box anyways yeah just kind of to this maneuver kind of like take off the seal this is so much harder to show than it give yourself a paper cut because you're an idiot if we did it with your finger um oh hardly okay yeah this guy bloop nice nope no paper cut okay just a close call him he's got that green glowing hand that doesn't appear very well in the green screen okay and add this to our collection we now have all the Zelda amiibos again so that's cool don't have the Champions tunic in this game but I like that so we're gonna scan them in don't know what it does I just know there's drops and something about the paraglider skins so right there here's the kingdom link first time ever [Music] similar to or identical to breath of the wild how that works silent shrooms break caps oh zap shrooms Sky shrooms and maybe something cool there we go Champions Leathers Fabrics tall fabric bearing a champion leather's design looks like it could be used to make a paraglider okay yeah it's like the champion saw we'll go so maybe the first time you scanning an amiibo uh it's uh fabric that could be it and I think you someone alluded to you can customize them at hatteno at like the dye shop because there's just a lot of fashion stuff there the dye shop like paraglider swapping skins we have paraglider Fabrics there we go all sorted out soon let's go talk to Robbie we are doing low on Shields again I wish there were shields in this game yes here's the shield do you want everything else I found too rats man thank you Swordsman figure must be showing people of some sort whoever they were which confirms my theory that people lived in the depths yeah there's mine and stuff like that but not just monsters this is big big Discovery it is a lot of possibilities what am I gonna get uh zo Knights yeah five thank you all that to my million contains some strange power like energy it's like link knows the answer he's in the sky but okay appreciates their research they'll come to the conclusion soon helped us see the depths in a new way okay gonna sit through everything that our surveys have brought us back from down there more fragrance piece together goggles Swordsmen thank you awesome maybe if I find more figures I can take pictures of them then big update here can be equipped with a sensor that detects shrines heck more impressed I usually don't keep it on the first one in all of Hyrule notices shrines after the upheaval so you get a sensor okay can't set it up at Lookout Landing you need to go to hotel Village okay it's kind of guiding us there lab you can improve the sensor okay probably a few upgrades there just like yeah the Rune upgrades and breath of the Wild okay Cutting Edge lab Josh's investigations are the main priority okay interesting uh yeah we can check that out it seems like there is yeah so many directions with the depths I think the four main areas are like Dungeons kind of thing like helping like Rito Village go on City I don't know what does he want pose looks like you are somewhere else just now oh it's from the depths so so much to learn what used there we go you stand before me I'm the one who returns pose to the afterlife where they belong oh it's lingering Spirits down there oh cause the people who lived there before now it's like all Barren and overtaken by monsters and gloomy so the pose are the lingering spirits and they're like a person that sends them back spirits that also return to the afterlife pose are pitiful beings who have lost their way home and wander the depths good evil that's the feudal perspective of narrow-minded beings no such distinction in wandering spirits here's a PO for you just one return the Lost Spirit to the afterlife you can't have any I love the choices since it was brought you to the surface I've been unable to turn return pose to the afterlife oh so they kind of messed up they show the captain there but now we're the link between him and the chasms quite literally dark Clump okay Gloom resistant oh oh gotcha so it's a currency that's not bad but I don't wanna you know buy that when I can Farm pretty quick but that's nice I I think the shop will expand more too later but dark tunic yeah tunic obtained by offering post to a strange statue spurious replica of the green outfit worn by a hero okay well for I'm glad we had enough for that so we were down there for just enough time Brethren whose Spirits reside in statues far longer than mine are in the depths of the land oh there's just other shops okay oh 10 pose we'll tell you the location one of their Breville Breville gotcha what's that flag seek the wandering spirit for my brethren in the dust of the land oh last location oh wait that's cool so you can pick back up I dig that Bart nice oh cool [Music] scorpus um wow how should I build we're trying to build a bit busy it's Carson it's the Bolson Construction Company link what a relief where have you been I'm happy I'm back too build a mini stable look oh wait that would be awesome yeah because I was like there should be a stable here Lester was coming here to care for the horses take you a while to complete uh I would love to can we help things need to be just so for Lester who's here and take care of the horses so probably just in a later point then hey Lester it was quite a stir people do fuss hoping to register a horse uh register a horse yes okay never mind don't need a he's playing a build with a mini stable got it I just want to make sure I don't miss something uh I had bigger roadside Stables you can we didn't have room to build something that fancy okay so no update on what it's gonna be what's going on shouldn't stare at the sky I did fall from there isn't that wild talk to the expert on Sky Islands who works with the survey team who was that exactly was that uh I don't know Delta I don't know if there's like a specific one because Joshua is for the chasms rolling pastors look so Carefree and we know how to capture a horse uh Eternal Village is finest it's tomato I love these gotcha a couple of carrots just for recipes you know and I don't think no he didn't get butter yet these you have to buy pretty much though yes 60 rupees that's fine for now well I can't wait to get more of this Glide armor well that we're not wearing supposed to wear it archaic tunic's cool Glide shirts Skydive mode ability up tier one so cool eat that mushroom so many things now it's crazy not as many Clorox those are just really well hidden but also we barely explored the surface surface and sky seem to be the only locations from Eggies wow well powerful outfit we could try to get that I don't know because check out like the direction of the tunnel could be cool but you know that's quite a ways away could try the dungeon I think that's a dungeon I don't know like going into Hebrew coal resistant stuff are just gonna be helpful I don't know where we could buy that you know the possibilities are endless it's like okay well best way to do this uh basic bokobo attached to fused fly shot some pretty easy areas in the world good Shield yes Boulder hammer fuse they're awesome my impatient way of opening chops but I like it because you can not cause you need to okay single arrows it's having a ball done at one end is pretty good but still better than having two-handeds because it instant breaks things so refreshing oh yes wait a second we have the things where they can turn each other now hmm what if we shot it attaches to an arrow yeah model buds okay destroy the babies get em no not the horn no it's the goofy matter get on we're so confused look it's gonna take forever it's gonna wear off get embossed Goblin get them possible Goblin oh you're a little slow these guys are just fast I get it still get him he's got diced oh he woke up there we go no you do a baby but goblin yeah they're attacking each other vocal battle yeah Fight For Me minion look at him get him come on mcavlin you have to try to charge him no they're just too far aren't they damn okay um I'm gonna frenzy these guys so how can I do that cooking pot arrows bird arrows fan Arrow spirit ah okay that's not a very good one to make Apple Apple headshot okay me versus Zeo [Music] okay maybe pairing will be better for those guys oh maybe fighting and killing them will be better for those guys I gotta learn those timings I did like the frenzy though it was fun great fairies we gotta find those too use a lot of materials on that maybe not that most views let's go by type and then see what sort of things we can putts with light Arrow oh wow actually everything oh we can sneak off I missed the sneak strike let's puff him go okay that's awesome see death is a new chance to do fun stuff he's gonna turn around oh never mind not ah no sneak Striker wow this really helps interesting feels op in its own way everything's broken this game there we go we're getting close close bye lizard awesome Goblin Horn uh good thing they're Shields you know that makes me pretty happy at least we have something to defend ourselves you definitely have needed that okay yes and there's thunder coming in this is like one of the first areas we were it's pretty neat I like the wells some little things in there there is a shrinels at the chasm itself that we never want to before we get our Horse let's do this oh it's much more dangerous Uh Wood please I'm a fan of that yeah I never actually went to that oh it's like it new yeah that's okay let's check out the shrine camp and that was a Croc on there right yeah we got that one what's that symbol oh just Chasm symbol there was another one somewhere too I think it was oh right there so that's how you enter that one okay I wonder where else has changed are those chasms are just pits Maybe that's where the fairy fountain was that's where sheikah Tower was geosen shrine what's happening okay let's see where this one takes us maybe the last little thing Battle tip shape rotation wait that's when an activated Shrine looks like we did this one sorry I don't know why I got confused I I can't fully differentiate and activate it from a non-activated do they really just do that oh my God sorry I don't know how that messed up in my head I was just like oh I just saw Shrine in the distance and okay so non-activated means it has a spiral around it good to know or activate it like complete it means it doesn't have a spiral non-completed means it's like that okay interesting there's a little Camp here yeah who are these guys mentor a little preoccupied it isn't safe here Captain has the squad of the monster control crew it's going to engage the monsters around here soon already locked into combat with the monsters at the lair to the South layer to the South not a member of the monster controls sorry well led by Haas which we met who's at the castle earlier assaulting a monster stronghold sneaky Elixir okay wish someone with experience fighting monsters was there to help out and what's this link makes Freddie use of the jump slash leaping to the air and Swinging his weapon down okay All crew members should be diligent in their daily training and Aspire towards that level of Mastery we'll probably all look up to him interesting soup ladle uh probably better than something I have not really soup yeah sorry can't drop it for that but camera might as well take little pictures we had the compendium now so we're kind of just filling it out which is a task but it's fun we'll delete what we don't need obviously Underground cool all right horses that one please that one it's kind of in between which one did it pick yeah I like that well that was really fun I think I am going to call it for today um I'll schedule the next stream soon I'll figure out exactly what I'm doing uh most days I'll probably be going live with the game but uh sometimes I'll skip a day just to do other things or edit something uh and also it'll be usually around like 1 pm Eastern I'm gonna kind of aim for I think that time works best lots of tower I'm like okay what is that uh it was fun seeing that cave was wow uh definitely a gloomy experience to say the least but I was not expecting that we did that for like half the stream we got the Glide suit which is cool uh yeah until next time uh next adventure will be in the live tab or in the playthrough playlist which is in the description so be sure to check that out but thank you for uh just vibing here and there's so much like we're several hours in this game or I think nearing 20 now and I feel like I'm still in the early game so yeah save up here as a thunderstorm we'll schedule our next stream maybe for Tuesday midday uh or maybe Monday I'm either gonna stream one of the days take off the other so I'm kind of figuring that out so give me like 15 minutes and I will so thank you guys thanks for tuning in uh mud says goodbye as well and hope you guys have a fun well a time playing the game yourself as well or whatever you do so thanks for watching goodbye [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Croton
Views: 157,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Botw, Playthrough, Funny, Tips, Tricks, PointCrow, Smallant, Breath of the Wild, Breath of the Wild 2, Breath of the Wild Sequel, Botw 2, Botw Sequel, Relics of the Past, Randomizer, Multiplayer, Speedrunners, hunters, Hide and seek, Tears of the Kingdom, Totk, Speedrun, Speed Run, All enemies before the blood moon, Killing every enemy, Killing all enemies, Before the blood moon, Breath of the Wild challenge, Ganondorf, Green magic, Blind, Stream, New Zelda, Zonai, Beginning, start
Id: wlQyzKIcnQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 43sec (13903 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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