Shield Clipping, Fosbury Flopping, & Skew Bouncing | BotW Glitches & Tricks

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you [Music] nothing just as they thought hmm it appears that this structure was designed to be exclusively accessed by the swords chosen one but designs can't always be worked around how do I get inside so first you need a swing then you get a skew on the slope facing away from the shrine door then you surf into the shrine door twice and hey it's about time I start using a voice in these tutorials though in order to keep things chill I've adopted this euphonious voice anyway let's learn some shield tricks starting with something simple if you ever needed some extra height in your jump and don't care to land on your feet you can utilize the shield flop or Fosbury flop to perform it shield surf press wide a shield spin during the shield spin jump and then one frame after jumping take off your shield it might take a little while to get right but it becomes easy with practice trying it from a standing shot surf is pretty hard since it's hard to get the shield spin before the shield surfing ends it's not much use in the overworld but it's fun to just flop around on occasion if you want you can combine it with a rising crayons book for even more height need to show this headaches dominance easy been challenged to jump over this entire statue of Ilia no problem want to skip most of the Cronus trial but it's actually really hard with this method I don't advise it now let's get into something more complicated shield clipping which will allow us to clip through walls [Music] first things first you need to understand that not all walls are created equal while they all oppress us by obstructing our movement some are better at it than others to elaborate when it comes to clipping through walls the easiest walls clip through our flat and at a 90 degree angle any wall that doesn't fit either of those descriptors will likely be too difficult to even bother with shield clipping now let's head to Yaron shrine the shrine nearest to Laurel and village to learn the secret of clipping the skew [Music] ask you is when link very quickly pivots to a different angle and back after a canceled shield sir we can obtain a skew by ending a shield sir immediately upon landing on slope this can be done automatically by shield surfing into the slope since link can't write up it or if necessary taking up your shield the moment you land on the slope to use this cue you must shield sir and then before links shield boarding animation ends take off your shield if you don't take up the shield before the shield boarding animation ends or if you let your shield touch the ground you'll lose your skew [Music] when it comes to obtaining a skew keep in mind that the steeper the slope the stronger the skew gentle slopes are not going to give you a noticeable skew and it is not likely to help you clip through walls for reference if the slope is steep enough for a link to slide down it just by standing on it it's a good slope to get a skew the last thing we need to keep in mind is Direction you cannot clip into just any flat wall once you have a skew you have to have a skew that pivot slink away from the wall you want to clip into which can be obtained on slopes that face the same direction as the wall to keep things simple let's base these SKUs on cardinal directions in order for you to get through this wall facing south it will need to get a southward skew which can be obtained on a south-facing slope another good way to look at this is that in order to clip through a wall a link needs to go in feet-first continuing in order to get into this West facing wall you will need to get a westward skew from a west facing slope and so on to perform the shield clip you must use the skew while jumping into the wall you want to clip through so you must move toward the wall jump shield surf remove your shield before the shield boarding animation ends and hold forward it's not guaranteed to work so retry it but doesn't and reset thus you have won't ever and you've been following everything in this tutorial the amount of deviation in your skew allowed when it comes to clipping is pretty strict try to get your skews on slopes that pace exactly the same cardinal direction as the wall you intend to clip through with enshrines this is easy but the overall is trickier you may not always have a convenient slope around you to clip through a desired wall so it's important to note that skews will persist through fast traveling loading screens different saves and even changing between normal and master mode so if you are interested in something like clipping outside akka trial of the sword you might want to get ask you in this shrine first and bring it there since getting a good one inside the trial of the sword it kind of sucks alternatively if you can't find a slope to give you the skew you need you can try to set one with this bomb setup climb and drop down or wall step up from the wall you intend to clip through to make yourself parallel to it hold ZL to keep this angle find some spacious flat ground to stand on pull out a square bomb and place it in front of you back flip twice and parry three times immediately shield surf after jumping forward and take your shield off immediately upon landing on the bomb hopefully this should give you the skew you need but it probably didn't it's quite inconsistent and may require many attempts when I mentioned that not all walls are created equal I failed to mention one quality that poses a problem some walls have layers of collision [Music] Zelda I can't clip through this wall my skew is fine in emphasis flattest meters chest but it keeps pushing me back out and for me I could do something like shield go defeat Ganon hold on [Music] now that that's out of the way if you can't get if you can't get through a particular wall for the life of you and have some epic gamer skill to spare we can get through more collision dense walls such as shrine doors or even normal walls more consistently with the technique extended shield clipping the setup is still the same however the execution of extended shield clipping is different and that you'll be shield surfing multiple times in one jump and it's so precise that it will require you to buffer frames as best you can with the quick menus so what you'll have to do is move toward the wall jump and shield sir take off your shield before the shield boarding animation ends immediately start tapping and holding the quick shield menu looking for the moment link is in the process of returning to his normal upright angle from the skew once and if you caught that moment however over the shield in the menu hold z-l and a let go of the shield menu then immediately take off your shield again after shield surfing for the second time hopefully this should get you through if not deal with it we're moving on let's see what happens when we get askew in bullet time amazing but if you actually take your shield off you get a skew bounce it's only a one-time use however as after the first use the strength the skew diminishes a lot if you would like to use it again just set another ski with bullet time I'm sure you've noticed that it's useful for combat as skew bouncing allowed me to defeat calamity Ganon in 11 seconds having bullet time accessible from anywhere is quite powerful when it comes to setting up the skew for skew bounces since it requires bullet time the setup will be a little bit different so to do it properly find a high enough spot to jump down onto your desired slope jump towards it shield sir pull out your bow and turn link toward the slope so that the shield surfing is canceled as soon as you land on the slope for an alternative a more stylish way have a weapon equipped face the camera the way the slope you intend to land on is going jump press our shield surf pull out your bow now you'll already be facing the right direction to use the bounce just shield surf in place and take off your shield before the shield boarding animation ends the lower you are to the ground the better you can still bounce with a forward moving shield sir it's just harder to time it properly where you're low enough to the ground to bounce if you have a specific direction you would like to bounce this depends on the slope you land on you'll always bounce up and the cardinal direction the slope was facing if you haven't noticed already the way askew bounce works is that links skew is so strong that it flips him completely upside down slapping him into the ground propelling him upwards because bullet time multiplies the skew by so much even gentler slopes are appropriate for getting skew bounces though a general rule of the steeper the slope of the stronger the skew still remains for skew bouncing it'll determine how high you'll bounce and I think that's all I should cover now go forth flop clip and bounce your way to victory until next time farewell [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kleric
Views: 759,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breath of the Wild, Glitches, Tricks, The Legend of Zelda, Kleric, clipping, bouncing, flopping, shield
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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