I Found the World's Most ANNOYING Minecraft Player!

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God damn.
I made it about 2 seconds in before concluding that the loud twat introducing the video is the most annoying Minecraft player.
Saved you all a click.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Truly_Khorosho 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Oh Preston, oh no, what happened to you

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BearWillis 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
I found the most annoying minecraft player in all of existence he almost makes me want to stop playing minecraft forever no no no no no that's it something weird is going on I built this house and a new SMP series I wanted to show to you guys but whenever I go up to the roof of my house this happens Oh see noob 1 2 3 4 joins my game and this guy is literally the world's most annoying minecraft player I have never seen somebody this annoying no go away new but lately vous leaks stop no you need to leave now no he's coming towards my house don't come towards my house no need enough men in the wrong way no no no do you see what I'm talking about this is ridiculous what's he doing is yam I don't know no no no no I'm coming down there can I have earned is he asking for iron no you know you cannot have iron well actually if I give you iron will you leave he's asking for nothing but iron home let me go into my house I think I've got some spare iron in here somewhere we've got valuables yes I'm going to give him five yo that was creepy I just turn around and there's bands is in my house no okay that's it I'm killing you I'm not even giving you the iron thank you maybe now he will leave and like guys I don't understand this but I tried to look he comes back I'll even try to ban him to show you guys for I can't get rid of him it says we can't ban the player watch I'm going to do P this guy I don't even know how he gets o P in the first place but I'm gonna do p.m. then I'm going to ban him it says I can't ban the play I don't understand can I kick him I can't do anything stop it okay can i TP him like somewhere far away get up TP in this guy way away from me aha i TP them to a random coordinates on the map take that noob no oh dude go away leave me alone leave me why would you not leave me alone okay I'm going don't stop those are my carrots stop breaking my carrots unit okay fine take the iron take it take it and leave me alone please do you guys know anybody in Minecraft like this if you do please leave a like where did it go where did he left the game he he left the game he's gone yes has he gone forever I don't normally do this but I am so frustrated I'm putting bedrock down yes bedrock this way the noob can leave me alone forever okay maybe this will work yes yes oh we should leave it open too so we control him now we just wait for him to log back in would you look what the cat dragged back in ladies and gentlemen oh I bet you would hate for a lava bucket to go on your head yes oh yes oh wait fire-resistant where did you get a fire resistance potion no I'm telling you this man's or woman's is the moat he wants more iron sure you know what bud I don't have any more iron to give him goodness gracious sir he he's chuck it what does he thought no no no no do not litter on my yah okay you know what I'm gonna make some house upgrades at the very least nuba cannot escape we will find a better prison containment for him in the future but for now we can work on our house while we are in peace that the noob is caged up and cannot cause any destruction check it out baby I got full enchanted diamond armor I don't have pride for yet but I will soon look at my automated farm it is beautiful we can now farm carrots and potatoes at maximum efficiency and on top of that I even have a nether portal over here and if you check out my loot storage look at it baby diamonds and extra diamond sword extra diamond pickaxe and almost a stack of emeralds oh now what is noob up to he's still stuck this is perfect he better not get out I'm watching you wait did he did he just send up pearl no no no no no whatever did you know did you get in I swear I did not give him any into pearls no didn't you are my diamonds you weren't my diamonds hold on let me consult my legal team for this yeah he wants the diamonds now I don't know how many who just wants diamonds should I give it to him will he believe seven you think that many okay I gotta go back he's chatting to me a ton I gotta go all right look here noob one two three four I'm gonna give them a maximum of seven diamonds but this guy's gotta go what if I just do a little bit of this did I just kill him like this come on yes yeah yes he's dead is he dead for good okay I said I'm giving him the diamonds I don't know how he keeps surviving no no no no no do not break my house what are you doing good stop breaking my ha I have got his ender pearls now you know what because you broke my windows for each window you broke I'm subtracting a diamond now you're only getting two because you broke my windows are you breaking my now you're breaking my carpet you know what take the two diamonds okay I think I just gave you three no I gave them to take them and leave leave leave 83 you think I'm gonna give you 83 more diamonds you know what I don't know I don't want to give you 80 no I would I freeze him dang it I can't do anything to get rid of this guy what he want no no no I just and I and he's breaking my windows you're breaking my torches you're causing off that's it can i Swan kill him I don't even know where he's spawning from always spawning from here no no no no no he's trying to break me dude he's trying to break my carpet don't you dare try no he's going to my Auto farm stay away from the Auto farm Oh me what's he doing what's he's what he's gone underground I you know I have fun mining for diamonds he's never gonna find diamonds down there this guy's the world's biggest blabber I can't believe he broke the pea in my house I gotta put this carpet back over here there what's that sound he's under my house that sounds like TNT no no no hold on hold on whoa whoa whoa whoa is he placing deity in to my house no what no no stop stop I will give you half of my diamonds haha this noob is taking things too far 1010 thousand I don't I don't have a thousand diamonds I've no no no no stop no no do not I repeat do not do this nobody shake it no no no no that's it you've got to be a way to get rid of this noob didn't even die from that am I the only where did he go how did he not die from the DND explosion and my ender portal has turned offline I don't even how did when did you get here no that's it okay I've tried killing you with a diamond sword it doesn't work can he die permanently with a pickaxe we have to set up a spawn trap for the noob there's got to be a way to kill him and get him out of the server once and for all I have imprisoned Tituba inside of his cage so we cannot escape I don't care how cute you look you are the most annoyed by grand play I've ever played against now I want you guys to do me a favor so we can get rid of this character once and for all take your phone turn me like this make that red subscribe button gray so we can once and for all get rid of noob one two three four the first way we're gonna try getting rid of them is with the old suffocation trick with gravel or sand this is one of my personal favorite ways to try to get rid of somebody but it doesn't always work come on come on hey oh did it work I think your woman oh my gosh - the first way work he's gone he's gone did he die no what how did you get on this is ridiculous back in the cage noob I got a bad feeling about you so if that's not gonna get rid of them off the server we're now on to my next favorite way to take a noob out this is the cactus fall I'm gonna break the dirt block directly above him and he is going to fall under the cactus yes yes and obviously he's a noob you don't know how to break cactus I'm a noob Zula a Debray cacti come on noob come on come on please work oh he died he did where's I don't know ever worked egg dick still coming back ok wait maybe what I can do while he is occupied I'm gonna wait for him to expire yet again no diamond no I'm gonna put this slap right here because the next thing we're gonna do I'm gonna need to mind down for quite some time and in fact I might even need to break some bedrock if the cactus didn't kill him this has got to work he's now going to fall into the void to his death sorry noob it's nothing personal I just gotta get rid of you this has got to work he's now in an infinite loop to the void and just in case I'm not going to let him try to stand up or get back anyway wait he just respond oh no oh no I think I saw him twice no no he's literally responding over and over again and dying how is this possible this is ridiculous this I I think we gotta shut the server down I'm literally going to stop this server and go into a single-player world there is no point in having an SMP server if you're just going to have the world's most annoying minecraft minecraft player ruin your experience 24/7 I have sat here and watch Snoop 1-2-3-4 fall to his death and leave the hundred times it's not working I'm ending the server and I'm going on single-player God dates so hard I put like hours into this I don't want to end it but we've got to do it man I can't believe it the sucks but you know what it is what it is I don't put up my server to land because I had Keith come in here and help me built by a house but look at it no noob inside in fact there's a brand new Preston Styles yellow fire brick t-shirt out on Preston Styles I come right now link in the description including the ice cream hoodie what was that Keys know-how would be on here no no the only way you could have gotten on here is either if you are Keith or if he let you in no no no no no what are you doing No you gotta be kidding me you all I'm coming for you I'm coming for you dude this guy man this guy I am hey Zekey he's gotta be keep stop starting in a no stop it stop it right now I'm gonna break this no oh but oh please fall in the water please bubble stop it no stop stop stay damn how did he even build this cannon look at it run it away yeah what do you want you are the world's most annoying minecraft player efforts so annoying that Jerry the pig is look he's asking for more I don't have any diamonds I just started a new world you know what I don't even need a house because in the next video I'm waiting until we get far enough away because I'm going to prank noob one two three four to get back at him for all the chaos he caused me today comment within the first 60 seconds of a video being uploaded because your comments will be displayed here of great mr. zombie of
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 15,155,186
Rating: 4.8777599 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: x8wU5uFB6Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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