I Found The ULTIMATE Seed in Valheim Mistlands! All 6 Biomes Island & RARE Tetra Fish Ice Cave

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a couple days ago I went on a quest to search the ultimate seat for the new valheim mislands update a rule that contains an island so rich it basically has everything you need for the perfect main base the demands were high and so did the days fly by searching for an island that crossed everything on my wish list first and foremost I wanted an island with every finished biome of the game from Meadows to misslands all climates had to be on there Meadows for a safe base location to farm crops hunt deer and also breed boars the bay had to look nice but also connect to a planes that included barley and flex pawns we didn't want to have a black forest too far away either for a great War farm and preferably a nice fishing parkour as well what's a good Island by the way without Serling at intro Farms loxes wolves dragons darpets the list goes on and on but you guessed it I found the islands a seat with a perfect size Island for all your needs it also took me many more days to find an ice cave on this bad boy which contains the rarest creature in the game tetra fish you'll basically have it all so let's go on an adventure together to check out the beautiful spots my Paradise Island has in store for you let's get right to it before we get started it would mean the rule to me if you can just leave a like for a second as I spent a lot of time working on this video first a couple days to actually find the seed but then many more hours to document every Hot Spot share the locations with you guys in timestamps from the trader location to the tetra fish Ice Caves also let me know in the comments what your favorite spot is let's check them out one by one all right so let's start off with this spawn as this is gonna be the starting area for all you guys who decide to check out this seat I'm not gonna talk too much about it but what I think is very cool is that the ike the bus route is actually right next to it so once you've taken down this bus you'll be able to place the head on the Rune and get exploring right off the bat there is so much to explore on this island but once you've taken down the first boss gotten your hands on the Adler pickaxe and decide to move out ready to set sail for a real Adventure it will not take much time before you find your first Trader which can actually be located a little bit Southeast from the spawn Bay on a very small black forest Island this one is gonna be very easy to access for new people who join your server or in general have it central on the map but of course if you use the valheim seat map you'll be able to check out its different locations as well here you can trade your first riches for a fishing rod or possibly save it for a making your to increase your carrying capacity for the adventures ahead but once you are really ready for the islands you just want to continue towards this wind direction sail towards the southeast because right here at the borders of The Meadows and mislands you will actually find an island which includes all six biomes it wasn't an easy task to find both biomes on a pretty small yet big enough Island for everything you need all six biomes actually and this is basically what it looks like so in the Northwest on the very border of The Meadows generation we have The Meadows itself with a couple pretty nice Bays where you can build the perfect HQ let's say as one side borders with the planes for flex and barley while the other one borders with black forest along the coastline you'll find some generated structures some of them are pretty nice as they already have beehives inside which is going to be perfect for early Honey Farms here or there you can also find some treasure so definitely make sure to dig out the Meadows as there is a lot of that that defines anyways I absolutely fell in love with this particular Bay which borders with the black forest it also has a little Watchtower right there with skeletons but in general this is just a perfect location to make a little Harbor Bay as right in front of it you will basically have a small Meadows Islands then you don't have to worry that much about all the gray dwarfs constantly raiding rear base which can be extremely frustrating but with all seriousness this place is just stunning and the cool thing is it also has borders of three different biomes The Meadows Black Forest but also a swamp so catching different types of fish right here is gonna be no problemo on the other side of the Meadows we have another beautiful base location which we're going to talk about a little bit later but let's first move on to the swamp which is a place that many people like to visit but it has so many riches it's definitely worth talking about as well so this one also has everything you need from different dungeons for iron farming to skeleton spawners as well as drug respawners so you can farm for bones and entrails right here but then we also have different circling geysers to have a sterling core Farm which is pretty rare on smaller Islands so I was actually very happy to find multiple ones on this very Islands in between the black forest and swamp you could also find a pretty small place right here which is going to be ideal to hunt for some extra luxas or maybe make a flags and barley Farm as right next to it at the coastline right here you can find a little fueling camp but what's really nice about this Camp is that it's very accessible but also spawned in with both flex and barley so you'll be able to pick up both crops on this island as well black forest covers the majority of this island and I absolutely don't mind because in the center of it you will find this fishing Walhalla it's a beautiful fishing pond with also different Rivers where many fish will spawn in and this is also where we decided to build a fishing camp cabin to make fishing trips next level but yeah it's just the ideal holiday location I can already imagine living in New Zealand with a place like this absolutely gold but of course if you don't care that much about fishing I got you covered on all the essentials right here as well as this black forest has many generated structures some of them of course creeps where you can get your hands on more Sterling cores many great Drive spawners so you can make the ideal farm right here as well and at least one troll cave can be found right here as well I didn't check out every inch of the Black Forest but there is a lot to explore and the cool thing is if you go more towards the center of the island you can actually find the border with the planes which also connects to the mountains in the very center of it this would be another great spot to hunt for loxes and bake a flex and barley Farm will of course make a short trip to the mountains now let's get back to the northern part of the island the meadows where you can find this beautiful generation but also a drugger village very close to the second hotspot for a base where of course more enteral Farms can be made this scary Village is very close but far away enough from this patch of Meadowlands where you can make a huge base I also really like the big tree right here by the way but it would be the ideal place to fire for some boars and it also connects with the mountains and the planes in the distance so barley and flex Farms as well as wolf hunting is gonna be ideal right here there is also a river running through it so if you do a little bit of terraforming I'm sure you can make a pretty nice Harbor base out of this one as well anyways this is another place where you can hunt for lux's raid fueling camps and get your hands on even more beehives well I think the generation in combination with the mountains right here just looks stunning a little bit more to the South you will find this very cool fueling Arena I'm sure it's gonna be nice to duel your friends right here you also have a chest in the center for some events and south of it you can also find a tar pit so it's gonna be easy to get your hands on these bad boys as well this one also borders with a pretty small swamp as well as the mountains which we're gonna check out right now as I think these look pretty impressive as well the mountains don't take up much space on this island while they are big enough to house dragons and plenty of wolf so it's going to be easy to farm for ice cream mats right here and the cool thing is here and there you will also find some Dragon nests with eggs if you want to summon in motor the peaks of this mountain generated in a very nice natural way which blends very well with the rest of the islands which means traversing them is going to be pretty easy as sometimes they can generate in such an absurd way it's simply not fun to have mountains on your Islands this part of the mountains also generated with a little bit of plane so it's actually pretty cool to see different trees popping up right here anyways if we move back to the southern part of the islands this is where you'll be able to find the misslands bordering with the swamp as well as the Black Forest I think it's gonna be a lot of fun to explore this new biome on the island as most of it isn't covered with fog I think the border right here from the Black Forest to the misslands is also very very nice as it will be pretty difficult for the insects to Traverse the water to get to the Black Forest anyways there is plenty to do with the mislands as well as they generate it with different structures you'll be able to find old Dwarven Bridges right here for marble as well as different Vega incumbents so you can get your hands on a sufficient amount of soft tissue maybe also some vegetated extractors and this shot in particular is one I really liked as during the recording there was a battle going on in that encampment there is just so much to do in this island and I haven't even showed you everything yet I mean the rest is for you to explore but there is one more thing many people want to know where can we find the ice caves and this was another very difficult task we discovered over 75 different cave systems if you want to check out my adventure it's in the top right of the screen but let's move on to the location where you can check out these bad boys the tetra fish which are are the rarest creatures in the game for 290 4920 these chords will bring you to another Island on the seat and guys I assure you it's gonna be extremely difficult to find these types of caves it's even possible that the seat which you are playing on right now doesn't even have this cave this island with six caves one of them is the Tetra cave with actual liquid water when you go inside you basically want to break a couple of ice walls to reveal all entrances but you want to go straight ahead and then to the right right here if you follow this tunnel system all the way to the end at a certain point you will find a spiraling staircase going all the way down in this cave system at the very bottom of it you will find a little Lake the liquid lake with yes ladies and gentlemen tetra fish the rarest creature in the game you should definitely check out my video in the top right of the screen if you want to know everything about the adventure how much time it took us to actually find these bad boys voice but of course that is everything I'm gonna talk about right now if you don't want to get spoiled any further you should find out yourself there you have it everything you need for the seat the perfect Island basically the trader location as well as the tetra fish ice cave I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video and if you did make sure to hit that like button and yeah let me know in the comments what your favorite spot is are you gonna visit this island for fishing purposes or maybe make your ultimate headquarters on it share your plans in the comments we already made a small fishing cabin at the pond in the middle of the Black Forest which is gonna be the perfect Retreat while we also have different Farms operational on the server already a nice main base a hardboard but there is a lot more coming if you want to see it all make sure to subscribe as there is a lot more coming right now though it is 4 am out I want to wish you a lot of fun all this seats have a great day I'll see you next time peace foreign
Channel: 04AM
Views: 159,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 04AM, valheim, valheim best seeds 2022, valheim best seeds for building, valheim best seeds for resources, valheim best seeds for beginners, valheim best seed for iron, valheim best seed for silver, valheim best seed reddit, valheim best seed, valheim best mistlands seed, valheim ultimate seed, valheim tetra fish, valheim tetra fish seed, valheim best island seed, valheim seeds map, valheim seeds best, valheim mistlands seed, valheim all biomes island, valheim all biomes seed
Id: 5Lyk13OxVeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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