I Found The Abandoned Sleepy Hollow Mansion - (EVERYTHING LEFT BEHIND EVEN HUMAN ASHES)

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what's up explorers so yes I'm on my way to another Explorer I'm not really dressed for exploring at a bar - no - I need to hit this I'm in the car so is like cameras are in the back for once know me always forgive me buddy cameras are silly but this time camera was in the back of the car ready to rock so I'm literally 12 minutes away from my location I'm hoping it's going to be a gem it really does from the outside like a gem I've passed this place so many times and I fought to know what is the abandoned and I found that it definitely is so stay tuned guys it's going to be an absolute gem I hope and I hope I'm going to impress you and you're going to love it like I will love it I'm going to be like a kid in a sweet shop if it is what I think is and Aaron's going to be inside just by the exterior the interior should be absolutely beautiful as well so guys stay tuned see you soon love you all hello where are you man I'm exploring without you daddy out it's still my own I guess [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so guys I've arrived at the mansion through the sticks sure Holmes bushes you name it just got through inside immediately Road is about 12 maybe 14 feet high I could climb it it's a busy road so about to come up with for the worst possible way but er guys check this out as far as I know it's been abandoned for about ten years so we're gonna try and find out what is in this place and how it sits if there's a way in if there's no way I've got to go back through the phones for nothing but you know to me that's better than busting in there's the window frames [Applause] anyway guys see you inside literally the decay and the windows are literally just falling out of this place guys check that out I'm literally of so late and which is so excited hoping we're gonna get in this place you should see what the Kearns up they're illiterate detain decaying the winners are falling out this place is definitely seen better days in the garden pond and you see that the whole back you know the front yard is completely taken by Nature oh my god guys I've hit a jackpot look at the decay in the paint all around the stairs this beautiful staircase is sitting in this beautiful house I'm gonna turn left look at this the clock so coming through these front doors into this beautiful house in this door should see that there's probably old doorbell so big ding ding and the mirror that's kind of a little coming into this room guys these beautiful mirrors the way the furnitures just out and the old-fashioned TV there again the old gas here I can't see anybody is in it and a beautiful piano look at its light it's a like a can of weights you can lower and higher it by the looks of it that's a turn around to the table you could see the damage on the table due to that water coming from the ceiling that's absolutely crazy the damages place is such a beautiful house just makes me wonder if it was up someone's sitting in the chair and what's really creepy pulling the girl guys know they are this is someone called Hilda he passed away I aged 81 these ashes song guys Patricia according to say that age 61 Christ is earnest is that you freak him happy it's about a lot easier he's really freaking me out this may be an old lamp stand beautiful paintings again on the wall check this out there it's a full leopard skin Wow look at this the piano it's absolutely beautiful just sitting in decay it's been cross-eyed to me but as this place is absolutely amazing it really is imagine sitting here the family literally sat watching television and maybe the dog is chewed a list and I said dog because I've just noticed there was a couple of old pictures here of animals and then of funk moved to the house beautiful and these beautiful stands absolutely gorgeous they're really heavy I don't if they feel like bronze or something got bronze light holders psycho look at this mirror it's absolute beautiful I'm not about a reflection Ava Wow these mirrors as I need to go back to this table look at the legs on this table that is so beautiful probably all hand carved not like you your crappy catalogue stuff today that's altered this is beautiful beautiful antique so guys straight from the other side straight into this room check out this placement as I said I keep saying it and we know there's an up here 2015 that's his box old letters and stuff [Music] as far as the old letterbox Wow solid brass so heavy this broke such a shame look sights been trying to be repaired at some point Wow the detail in these tables as well as she'd like solid the detail on the chairs any while boosting figurines was a date on these or anything it's all beautiful clock e'er Wow check these out he wants to put Dave on any of these clocks the beautiful paint in there [Music] just so much stuff here so cool isn't it again there's some pieces and they conceal this I don't know what the Erie these are our old our no blinds heads look at this the old cavalry set oXXO team check out the old camera dated Polaroid and the little box of little old dog figurines and stuff no without Hank haft sound come on justify this beautiful box [Music] so notes I will cook [Music] this guy's my favorite bit let's hey queues upstairs with me my heart is racing especially come two doors are shut you never know if I'm gonna find someone in bed maybe the person is still dead in here we don't know turn around on the first floor in this place look at the decay the paint peel is absolutely amazing this is why explore it's just a little things out of this hello wow this has definitely been an empty for a long time just come up the stairs I'm gonna enter door number one oh gosh the first place to take you in to me up the top of the stairs is the old bathroom but you know what I'm going to show you this just to me it's got beautiful features in it look at the feet on that path and this is your cast iron tub so do not worry you would have to jump in these if there's bombs going off I mean this is just a bathroom rice this is like the size of my spare bedroom in a bar from absolutely amazing and just picture this the person here jumping out of their bath you know even got hot water cylinder tank you obviously know since we a blessing I've noticed in most of the rooms as electric fires gas fires should I say absolutely caught and these toilet systems absolutely love them so behind door number two [Music] no way this is not a bathroom or the smelling hair guys old decayed house so again another bathroom look at these the old-style curtains what is it like instead of wallpapering who knows see looking down as you see the conservatory sat out there guys explores people exploring this mansion with me firsthand I've not walked into any of these rooms look at the old pictures sadi august 16 okay so it could be three years this places is actually abandoned but why is it about them look at these beautiful pictures 1910 at the college photo so one of these would actually probably been the owner there's some the drawers open there it's like a bullet tip sucking metal down I do try and be careful what I do show because I do try and protect these places as much as people some people watch my videos and probably disagree Wow look at these soldier this one you can't even see is just so dusty no I was a beautiful little prayer and the child pushing it is such an old photo she's probably an older woman that old woman some of the old books and here I don't wanna forget this one please there's a picture here as well most worried about Sun over our wild guys check that out it's so amazing so amazing I will shut these up I don't know anything open them maybe the family member has been in and opened them in the past but we don't like I don't that stuff left open Skype this place was nicknamed the Sleepy Hollow but it's already got such a creepy name to it already the old radio there and then we deal with a room which is really bizarre why is it in the middle of the room this beautiful antique furniture this stuff just needs to be saved and that the beautiful coats and clothing stuff like this absolutely amazes me when I think I've seen it all and then I come to a new one and then I see it all again as I said yeah we did walk along here a minute but I've not been in the room chair so I'm number three Wow so this room's definitely seen better days look at the old-style curtains the way they've rolled up cuz I'm going to sign the middle of the video if you're enjoying this video please hit that like and subscribe I'm gonna promise you to keep taking your places like this there you can see that the old frame which is the windows falling out Wow look at this so I kind of test you that was science that test using what is that it reminds me of an hoop and a pop when I was a kid so from anyone in America is basically like a fizzy soda drink it was a blue raspberry flavor Wow again me just the natural decay and look at this so wrong so decade and it's the way they used to be someone else told me now that the lights were put near the windows so basically to prevent anyone getting so they can get changed and not seen so maybe back in the days instead they extend the cable and just hang it further away [Music] [Music] the guy's doing number free again I'm still on the first floor Wow [Applause] well I'm such a like I'm such a child right now these books are so old I mean it could be first edition there and all sorts who knows these marvels of the universe the Great War again here when I just moved the camera slightly forward as you can see with a master's voice old records again look at these pictures 1910 again [Music] guys if you're not amazed that I'm sorry oh sorry what ass can I show you I'm gonna get one of these out [Music] so I'm guessing maybe the guy delivery has a lot of books here I've noticed with operations and surgery so maybe as a doctor after his garden management look at the price 3d as Old English money but the way they're just saying you can see they've not being moved at a long time so maybe this room wasn't used at all who knows so that goes into that bar from the first one I went into Hill fresh down the pot okay so cool [Music] just open this up there's still tobacco and then it absolutely stinks still like all tobacco and then you can smell it as well can smoke from a mask actually smells quite nice [Music] so guys I've just come across a second urn in this room I'm not touching it it's definitely now his label again on top dude the guy's name and also letters that are on top of it I don't really want to read into them [Music] check this out look at this sweet pea these are with desk lamps and they are so collectible but everyone loves the old vintage look now what more can you want from the Explorer we've literally got everything here it's like from stuff like I don't know offices was the-- maybe the person was Victor it's just really bizarre this room which has got one chair directly in front of the table some hand-painted join they're so amazing getting the first 100 by my great granddad used to smoke pipe tobacco [Music] and same cricket it's maybe visions cricket so I'm gonna head up to the top floor of this place wish me luck guys as I said you never know again I look so great by four rooms again Wow look at this check out the old Lucas I can the first thing I come into is people after the loop second February 1991 this place is absolutely amazing and it she can't stress to you guys how amazing this is ah be careful throwing up in such serious amount of damn problems imagine that front of the body in the wall-mounted magazines in there roaring away [Music] the old manual peace-loving a little globe over there and the old single rooms it was a suitcase he explores how we doing [Music] they rent stuff the cobwebs here so creepy [Music] check out this guy's it's an old vintage cat guy and he was a kid absolutely example senior top floor bedroom [Music] before I pass over the stuffs that makes you want to go and get an LP and put it on there - little bad boy out looking back in the hallway as you see how far this goes down it's such a beautiful house as you could see as a slow leap and the camera back upstairs is decaying a ceiling that it's literally about to crack his cracks I like all the old lines head [Music] anyone into cricket this is just 2005 look at this okay and quick it back this looks like an old storeroom maybe was using a top floor story [Music] so I'm guessing these topic rooms will use just for storing stuff just hear me out the crate feels quite empty I look at the old hat I'm getting such a creepy feeling here look at the old store cases King Brad these are cigars a super stamp and stamp removing stuff there's an old vintage puzzle in loving these as well listen LFO how they use the old lettering painting over there guys on the top floor the last two rooms look it is pretty good having a beautiful bench it would have been a beautiful benches should I say so I'm gonna be careful of it because don't know what these floors are like but knowing has two people's ashes in this house it does kind of freak me out quite a lot look at this this is absolutely crazy you think these these are not even used anymore look at the old shades and stuff [Music] there are little bottles and pieces yeah so many old stuff it should just decaying away there's a big huge mansion look at the old bottles guys everyone knows that I love an old English bowl [Applause] get the ugh bottles and stuff so everyone knows that I love the old vintage balls such a shame that the panes of glass have literally about to fall out this place does need saving as much as I love sitting abandoned stuff the old letters and stuff in there who would love to just sit here and go through all the old letters and sit there reading the stories my videos would go on for hours but I know a lot of you probably would love it we don't even get to this room oh my god how beautiful with that be on door number whatever look at this [Applause] look at this or in another magazine The Woman's Weekly 1965 so all these are 1960s magazines a bag of clothes they just coming from the hallway which in CA coldest places would have been traffic a seat on the second floor [Music] it's the last room guys [Music] again agreed by so many books locked away damnit Abed I always get creeped out a bit I just would be scared when I was a child underneath your bed you never know what was under there so much scare this rooms like and the guessing they're never for any old letters away they're just everywhere still hear the old radio Westminster he says I don't cool so guys before head done hopefully you've enjoyed this place I'm gonna try and give you a little tour outside a little bit better but I think my times done in there being in these places all on your own it gives you that really creepy feel like there's something watching me there's something in here I feel a lot absolutely so creeped out I'm waiting for the record player there - come on either little Keys cash register up there - go - ting anyway I'm gonna head down I'm gonna head out I'm done see you outside the heading back down is beautiful once mansion again there the paint again the paint look at the wave so we're just hanging down a psycho just on the second floor as I said look at the architecture here this has got lighting flowers around the tops you can see on the edges and here this is really weird how this whole chest is locked but what is in there so back on the second level I just Sokka what as I said we've been in all of these rooms so I'm gonna head down anyway and maybe you just have a proper now another look downstairs so as I head back down into the beautiful mansion it's so cool there's a few things that did miss as I was looking around the old Chinese art this is I'm lucky I'm like a fabric or something if anyone knows the true name of it [Music] his little room it's like in wow the old paintings guys it's like a bits and bobs room but look at the old table it's completely now unusable again the old radio there [Music] this is probably one of the best explorers I've done in a long while absolutely this old kitchen now this is got quite an old style problem there we Sakura modern [Music] [Music] because I'm gonna stuff today all the covers are literally full of stuff so exploring his mansions very eerie and creepy on you look at all the herbs and spices the cilia and the beans everyone's gotta love him fake being so 2005 did you run out that kind of gives us a date so these are 2005 maybe the house was abandoned just before when we tins last a bit longer that's 2006 so yeah [Music] let's promis'd check out the basement creepy wallpaper Danny how come no hello Danny [Music] Wow you can't even identify and see on the lens nice cobweb it's completely took the walkway away you can't even walk through it hello miss our ass says supported by our wooden beams I was just crazy out his place is a completely set in time and that beautiful beautiful job there the hands missing and you see they're from nature's just legend coming through I look at the old things s and London st. Pancras [Music] oh Christ getting the cobwebs so bad New Year's is lit you've just been taking every single day every single day [Applause] make sure one was in the old boxes and crates and stuff this place is so creepy go back up I'm in our little shed room never fixed still hung up and stuff I'm checking it excited something dripping out guys check that he wants to put a date on there Wow it decaying rotting tins in there housing that is disgusting the smell through my mask as well like you see on the back of that door shut this up no more beautiful people just before I was leaving we noticed this this young guy on it was that fridge don't guessing this is for drying your clothes like a tunnel rack or something or I don't know if you know what it is put in the comments below you know the score dining room because when I was looking at this beautiful man or unnoticed look at these look at these pictures how cool and beautiful is that a new way is held up by the old chains this is so beautiful this house honestly I can't stress how gorgeous this place really is it's just absolutely amazing it really is guys so this is well the old antique light switches little things look up above the front door and here all kind of star lantern in the hallway but the beautiful architectural work so hello explorers outside this beautiful house absolutely wonderful loved every minute of it it was an amazing explore hopefully you guys proved and you hit that thumbs out you hit that like and subscribe please support me help me grow let me show you more I promise you I'm going to start adventuring out of the UK so hopefully the dream will come true look at this beautiful house and I've got to explore it I've not seen this video so hopefully I'm the first and yeah so guys see you soon love you all take care look after sir don't copy anything don't explore it's dangerous as I said never break in we found a way in and guess what I actually secured it so no it's kind of locked so I my date anyway guys see you soon take care [Music] you [Music] I said these old pictures this is so cool and the amount of old books that are just left here and I've got this beautiful picture maybe the guy lived here and all the old books here actually amazing so cool because these books are just fully from somewhere hello I saw some using it give free time I shut his door hello my lovely explorers and everyone that follows me if you are new to the channel please check out one of the other videos shown there in the description also please hit that like and subscribe button it means the absolute world to me it doesn't cost nothing to subscribe make sure we hit the notification bill to your then full aware of when I upload which should be around Tuesday at 1 p.m. UK time take care guys love you all stay safe
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 529,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, millionares mansion, exploring, gone wrong, sleepy hollow, mostly haunted, scared, paranormal, scarey, exploring with, parnormal activity, billionares mansion, mafia mansion, drug lord, covid 19, coronavirus, quarantine, exploring with josh, properpeople
Id: obiH77KhYj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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