I Found Some of America’s FIRST Coins!

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[Music] so [Music] well hey folks welcome back to the mountains of vermont this is your first time joining me my name is brad martin and i hike out into the forest with a metal detector on my back in search of old coins and treasures lost by the folks that used to live out here a couple hundred years ago now just this week there was a massive hatch of black flies and mosquitoes and they actually chased me out of the woods yesterday today i am back with a bug net 99 d and a thermacell because i think that the property that i'm standing on today is going to be worth it there are two old farmhouse foundations out here with a large piece of property in between them that is now forest but at one time was either cropland or pasture the plan is to start at this first home foundation that i'm standing next to metal detect through between these homes and then end the day at the second foundation i'm gonna get the metal detector out see what we can find [Music] all right i think i have something kind of cool here i've been finding sheet metal and i thought that that's what this was going to be but it appears to be something called a saddle shield you can see riveted onto leather whether that was uh the saddle itself as the name implies or if it was another piece of you know the many pieces of leather hardware on a horse harness and oftentimes these have designs on the front this one appears to be silver plated a very common design is the prince of wales feathers it doesn't appear this one has a design right off the bat here but this kind of brown black stuff will come off off of the silver plating i'm fairly confident and maybe there'll be something under there that's a super cool find i love the finding these old leather saddle shield well i just found my first one of these uh just a couple weeks ago and i just found another one i can't believe it and all my years of detecting i've never found like this and now here we have two this is it's just an eating utensil it's a fork a two tined iron fork but what strikes me most about it is the end here the tang doesn't have the center part with the holes where you would put on you know bone or wooden scales it would have had like a round handle which i find so interesting it's seemingly an older design a little glimpse into the dinner table of somebody from the mid to late 1700s stabbing their potatoes with a little iron fork so cool now i'm making a point to dig a lot of the iron in this area the good sounding iron you just absolutely don't know what you could find something cool like this i might even put this back on a handle it's in good enough shape so cool all right this target sounds too good to be true it's in the 90s on my machine which generally is a coin we'll see here oh yeah it's still down here which is a great sign i think so it's a copper it was laying flat like this which always makes them sound super good uh we also got a chrysalis of some kind man what is that gonna be it is uh pretty caked with uh with soil and with corrosion unfortunately uh let me work on it for a few minutes with my toothbrush see if we get it cleaned up all right well i can see it i'm not sure if you'll be able to see it but there is a wreath of leaves in a circle there and i can tell by the little of the design that i can see now that it is a drape bust large scent so this is a u.s one cent coin early 1800's it could be the late 1700's but if uh if i can get the date legible we'll know for sure that is a great surprise and you know whenever i find one of these heavy copper coins i'm always reminded that uh the little gold dollar coins that were made in the u.s were worth 100 of these a stack of these 100 tall would have been a dollar but you know different metals were worth different things back then i guess super cool all right well so far so good a little bit slower here than i was expecting but you know the day is young and we still have this giant pasture property to walk through as well as a second home foundation way on the other end you know something that i always find a little bit interesting is a lot of folks who metal detect enjoy doing so in big open corn fields or plowed agricultural fields and this area that i'm standing now at one time was one of those but now obviously it's grown up to be forest again and even though there was never really any structures out here there's still things to be found lost by those out here hand picking the crops i'm gonna start walking through zigzagging as i go see what we can find [Music] [Music] well i just kind of wandered into an area where there are just uh nails absolutely everywhere and i've been here i don't know five ten minutes and there's no non-ferrous target there's nothing but iron and i'm trying to figure out what this place is and i just found this which might shed some light on that i've shown these in the past and you can see it's a pretty uh dangerous looking tool here i think it would have gone this way had a handle this is called a curry comb i'm not a i'm not a horse or a cow person but from what i understand this was used to take off the winter coat from those animals it was a very aggressive brush to get that that winter coat off so i'm going to assume that this place was a barn you know if people were spending time in here tending to the animals then hopefully they dropped a few things let's find out well i can't believe it after walking through this nail patch for maybe 20 minutes now and only finding a curry comb and one button i got uh an ant's nest but also what appears to be a coin i can't believe it but there's like nothing here well persistence pays off i guess try not to get ants in my pants here we have oh is that a what is this let's see what kind are you let me uh brush with my toothbrush here for a second all right well i could be mistaken i think that it's i don't know i was going to say i thought it's a george the second but there's some text over here where the roman numeral two should be so this might be like a state coin like a connecticut but uh it looks like there's probably going to be a date and i think that it's 1777 there's not a whole lot of relief in the design anymore it's pretty flat something that helps these a lot is not spraying them with water right away but you can see that the sand and clay that was on the coin is starting to dry to a nice like white color and then once that happens i can kind of brush very gently at the top and that'll turn black and then hopefully we'll be able to make out some details but i can't do that quite yet and let it dry for a bit super cool old copper coin well that's what i was hoping to find here today we spent a little bit more time in these nails and then i'm going to venture off uh to the next seller awesome so you know i find buckles all the time usually iron from horse tack or whatever and if usually if they were on a person they're made out of out of brass or sometimes silver but that's not very common and i i just found the tiniest little buckle it may be for clothing it may be for some kind of undergarment i'm not sure i'm sorry that the sun is so bright here but you can probably see that there's a brass frame here uh there's a center pin and i don't know what's filled in here or if it's just dirt uh it looks like the inner workings were probably iron but that's definitely one of the smallest little buckles i've ever found you see it's curved it was probably meant to lay up against the skin so i'm going to guess undergarment but that's pretty cool a tiny teeny tiny little buckle when i first saw it it almost looked like a shoe buckle and i guess it could go to a shoe as well but uh i just thought that was cool smallest one i've ever found for sure so this little area that i'm in here i've been finding lots of little fragments of horseshoe and oxen shoe i thought for sure that's what this was going to be it was not a good target but this is actually in fact not a fragment of the animal shoe this is a padlock it appears the shackle is missing but i'm optimistic there's going to be a brass you know keyhole cover on this let's find out oh there is a keyhole cover but is it brass keyhole cover appears to be iron it was moved to the side when it was dropped who knows maybe in the wintertime somebody unlocked it set it on the ground and then forgot about it got a foot of snow and never found it again but that's what it is a super cool old iron padlock broken shackle iron keyhole cover but once cleaned up it's going to look pretty cool sitting on my shelf well folks who may have watched any number of my videos may know that i have an ongoing problem with wearing holes in the knees of my treasure hunting blue jeans so much so that it's become somewhat of an ongoing joke with long time viewers but today i am pleased to announce no more holes this video is sponsored by revolution race revolution race is a swedish brand that designs rugged outdoor clothing and today i'm wearing both one of their jackets and one of their pairs of pants for pants i'm wearing their gpx pro rescue model and although they weren't designed specifically for me and what i do up here in the mountains they might as well have been the bottom cuffs of these pants cinch down tight to keep the ticks out the fronts of the legs have a thick rugged material and actually have pockets that will accept knee pads these pants are equipped with the reco reflector system which is a whole thing in and of itself but essentially it makes me easier to find by rescue teams if i ever got lost or heard out here the jacket that i'm wearing is their hybrid model and although there's no chance of rain today it is water resistant and it's light enough to wear in the summertime which i really need for the biting bugs and actually has a detachable hood which as i'm walking around detecting i have it up and it's keeping them off the back of my neck if you're interested in picking up some awesome outdoor apparel you can use the special link that's in the description of this video you'll wind up with some awesome outdoor apparel and it'll actually help me out too i'm almost to this second seller we're gonna spend a little bit more time in this field out here and we'll see what we can find there [Music] well i just found a buckle the likes of which i've never seen i thought it was just gonna be horse tack i pulled it out and it's uh super gold plated and i threw it back it down in the whole panic to get the camera out check this out i think that's gold plating yeah uh so i guess i s i guess it could be a sash sash buckle it still has the pin on there it was incredibly deep but i've never found a circular buckle like this before this is really interesting still kind of on the fence whether this is horse tack or whether this is worn on a person let me know what you think just worn on a person or was this worn on a horse okay well we have a perfectly clear uh 89 on the dais and it appears to be quite deep so here's hoping that uh it's an old coin oh i found it it's big whatever it is huh what in the world is that thing appears to be lead well it is just a piece of lead that must have been melted and then dropped onto the ground like this two big puddles but when i first saw it does that not look like the skull from the goonies if i hold it up just right to this rock over here maybe it'll uh point to some pirate treasure you know they used lead for all different sorts of things back then musket balls maybe they were sealing up the holes in their chimney who knows or a treasure map well i got a very so-so target i thought it was gonna be a button uh but clearly it is not uh it appears to be a coin a copper coin as i wiped it off looking for a shank thinking it was a button i did notice that there's some detail on here although i don't know what it is yet let's take a look at it together here it's not in the best condition but i do see what appears to be a britannia right there you can see kind of her arm popping up and this side you can see a bust there and with some text over on the side let's see if we can get this cleaned up a bit more all right well i think that the details are going to get better and better as this kind of dries out so cool this uh i think i'm gonna call my last find of the day uh the bugs are starting to become unbearable especially when i stop for a second here all right folks well it is the end of the day i braved the black flies and the mosquitoes as long as i possibly could and you know i didn't find a huge pile of treasures today i'm really somewhat surprised i didn't find more over this huge property but really anytime you can find a coin from the 1700s it's a good day in my book got it all laid out here let's take a look at it all right well after somewhat of a slow day look at all of this awesome stuff that i wound up with starting from the back we have the curry comb common find but makes sense why we found it here this beautiful padlock unfortunately it doesn't appear there's any brass on there it's just all iron which the ground and thyme really takes its toll on iron but i don't know maybe i'll be able to bring it back we have our goonies treasure map my little iron eating utensil my little fork again a common find but i have only ever found one of that design so i'm excited i can set it up right next to it nine buttons and they're all very different one beautiful little shiny tom back here we've got another tom back there and a whole bunch of other brass of various sizes this really interesting big round buckle again i haven't really figured out whether it's horse tack or whether it was worn on a person let me know what you think i have my saddle shield i love these i have a little display case just for saddle shields because i find them so interesting hopefully that one will clean up well and it can sit in the case with the rest of them and then out front of course uh the three coppers of the day the one on the far left i've given time to dry i've given a little wipe and i can now tell that it is a connecticut copper you can see the c-o-n-n in the top right hand corner next to that i have uh an old u.s large scent probably a drape bust and then on the far right you can see it's really starting to chip and the patina is flaking off now that it's drying out you know after that stuff flakes off i may have a better idea of what it is we'll see well i want to thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed today's video and i hope you'll be back next friday for another new adventure up here in the mountains of vermont looking for treasure if you're in the market for some awesome rugged outdoor clothing please check out revolution race using the link in the description of this video it really helps me out see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 50,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2021, best metal detecting finds, ancient discovery, real treasure, best thing found metal detecting, treasure hunter, gmmd, brad martin, old coins, nova constellatio, colonial america, silver, vermont, new england, metal detector, xp deus, garrett, history
Id: DhZxkXec5eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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