I Found My New Favorite Arcade! Won Jackpots Playing Games For Arcade Tickets! Scene 75 First Look

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[Music] [Music] [Music] our gate mat what is up goobers welcome back to a brand new video we are here at a brand new arcade you guys are not ready for how amazeballs this arcade is go-karts mini bowling laser tag bouncy castles spin cars a ginormous bar in the middle of this ginormous arcade what is this place you might ask scene 75 just opened here in Pittsburgh guys by the time this video gets out this place will already be open so definitely check them out I'm gonna link them in the description everything I can I am here for the day before they officially open guys they were so kind I can't believe they asked actually asked me to come to this media event to kind of just give a first look at the place they are super film friendly here guys which is so awesome already like I am looking forward to making a ton of awesome videos here guys and this isn't even sponsored by them guys I'm literally I literally just got invited here they're like hey check out the place this is not a sponsored video at all before we go any further guys if you could be so kind dropping through a like on the video let's see if we could get 3,000 likes on this video guys let's go for it so this game here guys check it out golden Empire they used to have an older game like this I guess I kind of brought it back and this one has a nice ticket bonus there too you have to knock as many coins over as possible so with that without dropping that middle thing so it's ready and then it'll lower once it lowers like that see now you go down see now you got a scoop um oh I see it goes up and down yeah now you got to move these coins guys I'm doing a terrible job right now you got to knock them all over the edge it's fun like it's just one of those games that's that's really simple and it's a such a simple concept but I think it's so unique and I think it's gonna do well Wow I actually didn't really get the beginning I did terrible and there's your ticket thing right there got somebody to get bad look at that so I dropped let's see it's still counting them up it's like we're gonna coin star here guys you ever gonna Coinstar hunter 1060 aww look at that on the dot guy Oh what so dad we're gonna get 30 tickets see we're on that level I like this man look at that great you won 30 tickets and as like you know most of our case today they go right to your card guys which is cool watch it dump them out there and then Nate see that's that thing you don't want to knock that over and then it restarts so we're gonna give this one more go now that I'm warmed up here alright here we go now if you knock the middle thing over its the game's over so that's it so you didn't you know what to do that but the problem is a lot of them are in the middle don't know what the best strategy wait for this would be lets see if i got more this time guys I'm curious um I don't think I think I actually got less yeah I was right see I don't know I was knocking a lot side-to-side also guys have some port around playing some of these games here let me know if there's any games that you want to see in future videos like I could do a video probably just on this alone I love it so much I think you guys like is fun too but we're gonna go around and see what else they have here guys alright guys now we're gonna play it this is a brand new version of spin and win I think LED bulbs mm picots we can run this we're gonna go for this one right here I like the button smaller tunes oh honey ticket all right guys working up a thousand again I think I was a little early I was black that's the one I'm looking hard I was right next to it dang it hey guys check this out new get jewel mine jackpot look at that this one has a accumulating jackpot it looks like a big bass will but it looks like it has a progressive jackpot which it's kind of cool so we're gonna give us a try here I don't know what to do spin the wheel look at this guy he's gone down there friggin roller coaster oh my God look at this forty not bad good ad so you guys that's cool for today d oh I like that I like the I like I like the display mixed in yeah alright here we go guys what do we landed at jackpot oh there it goes if that does anything what does that give you Oh 40 look it's still good give me the bit oh I see it see the color yeah I see give it a good spin this time there we go that's putting the muscle into it come on oh that's pretty good guys not bad like the ticket amounts on here there ain't nice alright guys I gotta play pop the log I know we've played this before I just want to see if I can hit there jackpot here wow this is a brand new pot the lock the music's all loud easy loud jackpot of the first try guys yeah nice that went real slow they must have it on super easy mode alright guys now I'm not the best at basketball here I actually suck but we gotta try this is a brand new hot shot this is like huge holy moly so [Music] let's see down so low let's try that alright here we go oh my god that is like insane dude this is like oh that's insanity help you guys I look because they're enjoying me sucking at basketball right now do that let's shot is far I made to get in there we go dude the buzzer dude you don't know how far that shot is like okay Donnie you're up yeah my camera guy freaking being a smart aleck over here is gonna see if he can beat 11 points there he goes let's see if let's see if this goober can do it but not so easy is it see he's short on every one of them I told you that's a far shot and it's high why is it so high up - he hasn't made one yet guys my camera guy was heckling me saying that this wasn't that hard look at this he hasn't made silk Donnie you silly sausage he didn't make one ring this is a safari ranger ticket game I don't know what to do well we're gonna give it a try I'm this guy right here oh you have to shoot the press and aim the button to throw the rope [Music] turn the handle to reel in the animals oh I see I gotta rescue the hair oh I see now this is top I got a snake I guess see my little rope there see if we can get the alligator bingo oh I got a zebra oh you gotta you gotta go real hard ah I kind of like that you get like yeah and you get more than one shot I rescued if I'm confused on this though do I just DoubleTap I think oh I miss that oh I see it's wherever that I don't know what this thing is though oh you're right okay and that is where okay I see there's a little crosshairs hair get it okay I know what's going on ten tickets so just ignore that see the little crosshairs that's what whatever it goes over you're gonna get I guess so the I guess the oh there is a jackpot on this which is interesting see if we can hook the I got a snake come on let me know guys what is what is your animal you're most afraid of I'd prize to say spiders for me I got a rabbit come here you little goober I like the other turn this thing it's kind of interesting hair rescued come on Gator uh I got this stupid little what's that yeah oh my god it's harder to turn when you get a look dude that's like hard oh my god it gets harder to turn yeah that's cool I like it that was like real hard to bring in that is an interesting I like that so again guys I am filming here as just they're still they're not all the way set up yet so as you can see they gotta remove a sign but that's okay it's not gonna stop us I want a donut oh my god they got watermelons that's awesome I'm off with a pink donut right here good luck come on baby give me that donut oh my god I know let's go right there guys let's see if we can get it at stab that other thing wait a minute swing it in oh good look come on baby swing it in there swing it in there oh I know it's we're getting close I know but it's getting close well hopping around but flopping around donut if I win this I don't know what I would do I get it Oh God well you keep making puns like that you'll be at zero subscribers in no time oh that was close I'm gonna just I'm actually gonna hit the glass on purpose and just see if it lifts it up and over come on lift it up and over Oh all right let's try right there oh it clamped ah one more you guys see what I'm trying to do here just trying to lift it up and over there it is come on we got a doughnut guys you thing first-ever win here at scene 75 donut that I don't have an orange donut there guys toast cool just took a little bit working it close to the prize chute and snagged it in a couple plays all right guys now we're at this game I cube I played similar games like it I haven't played this much though on my channel so I'm gonna give us a couple go see if we can win it like oh there's no they gotta install the buttons still so like I said guys they're still getting set up I was gonna play it but there's no Swiper so we'll come back to that guys that'll give you something to look forward to next time I come back here [Music] alright guys now we're at the another ecoli they have a lot of Kelowna Sheen's here was just so awesome wait for this look I've never wanted one of these before but I'm gonna see if I could get lucky snag it here guys there we go come on baby - and wanted Benson oh my god let's try that same one again direct what you just get a good swing you know it's picking them up oh my god that one almost like went the whole way alright guys they have several monster drop extremes here which you gotta love these they're kind of actually they have three weight for a four of them each with different jackpots - so you can kind of walk around and see which has the bigger jackpot we're gonna try and swish it through the regular jackpot here well I dropped quick quick drop that's another game ten alright alright jackpots coming around we're gonna see if we can switch it I got to drop it way later Oh second try guys shebang jackpot we get to enjoy the moment I don't think I could hear anymore that was a loud dude that was insane all right guys check us on I played this at Rockies they have this the Mont via ticket monster I like this one because it has an accumulative jackpot at that monster jackpot which is cool ah poor tickets horrendous yeah what do I land on that I've been said yeah I can't believe we had that oh come on honey not bad I should have did behind the back or cable Oilers technique that's why I'm not hitting jackpots I got to do one behind the back all right we're doing this one behind the back guys here we go let's shoot Leeland now final and with this that's that's freaky oh my god out of crap typical 15 ok now Oh give me 40 cuz Bay Tech always favors the player look at that definitely favored right there guys very nice alright guys check this out this is will fortune with that mega win thing so now I do you guys believe in comments on my last one you do have to fill in the letters actually so so I guess whatever is on there stays if you get one that you already have and that's not good I'll take it oh all right there's two so now the O stay in this puzzle not be filling all of them then you get the mega bonus which is cool look at a couple more slides let's see if we can even just land that 300 would be cool which is moving yeah see how the o's are still there so here we go give it up pull the handle we get that green M would be nice that's 300 tickets by itself and it's the hardest letter to spot besides the L is the second hardest so you got it now there Oh oh dear so I won ten tickets to that so that's how that works case you guys never play it now I know you do actually filling the letters on that school already taking that letter is already taken : oh crap alright guys and they do have to gear it up so we're just cool you don't see this came in a lot of arcades zone has it I'm glad they have it here because that's a fun game and I missed it like an idiot cuz I don't know the timing on see all these are different guys like depends on if they're level or whatever zone 28 says a totally different strike point hi let's let's try this again here guys that was terrible look I missed it again oh my god dude I'm terrible see I gotta get the strike point down let's try there okay that one don't cut that was getting up to level 1 well we still got two more to go guys ok that was regular timing let's see about this one yeah that was that was about zone 28 strike point 2 so all right we're at the bonus little guys looking a little bit of a struggle there we're gonna see if we can get the hunter hot nerd tickets look at that shebang that's all we do it very nice now that I got the strike point no I missed it again ok that one bounced still it what that first ones top I don't know I got a this these two are good I got my strike points on these shebang look at that alright we're gonna go for let's try for the bonus this time so we're gonna stop it on the 20 see the bonus spot up there that's we're trying for it Oh was that bonus is harder to headbutt hey another 30 or so tickets alright guys that is gonna do it for this first look video here at scene 75 brand new arcade just opened up in Pittsburgh like I said as I'm filming this now this is the day before they're officially open so there's even game new games that we couldn't even play in this video guys because they're not ready yet but they're gonna be so you got something to look forward to and they ever really they have more claw machines that I didn't play yet just so much here our prize for the day we actually did get a a donut here guys out of there Kalama it's cool they're not even open yet and we're snagging prizes already so that's awesome again if you guys enjoyed the video give it a thumb up leave me a bunch of comments down below let me know what games you want me to play more of here and like we always say thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 393,768
Rating: 4.8664179 out of 5
Keywords: arcade matt, arcade, my new favorite arcade, new favorite arcade, arcade tickets, arcade jackpots, jackpots, arcade games, scene 75 arcade, scene 75, claw machine, arcade hacks, arcade game, matt arcade, jackpot win, how to win, arcade fun, arcade win, arcade game win, arcade jackpot, arcade jackpot win, arcade hack, arcade prize, huge arcade jackpot, mini golf, claw machine win, found, games, tickets, monster drop extreme, pop the lock
Id: R1Yns0SEmpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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