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what's up guys Matt here today we're back playing some more mini-golf we're back playing with the one and only arcade warriors behind camera guys up guys and we're gonna play an entire 18 holes and the loser has to eat multiple warheads extreme sour warhead candies at once Matt three seven five six all right guys hole 1 let's kick it off or hit it off I should say here we go come on baby first try oh stop see you gotta be you gotta be tough on these kids they don't listen all right for dos there's a DOS all right dear Wario is up alright guys here we go let's do this there's a stump in the way but we're gonna try to maneuver it around that whoo named spy yeah pretty much okay let's do this for two there we go for two number does Oh pink ah there we go - it is loosen the shoulders up a little bit here we go straight putt curve curve curve good alright alright for a dose two two and two again like Chuck Woolery guys let me know in the comments if you know who Chuck Woolery is probably nobody does that if you do let me know I'll send you a free cookie alright there we go oh it's right there yes yes oh that's weird alright I was ready to just whack it down the hand down the what good thing thanks arcade warrior for a little tip there let's see if we can Bank boy this is slanted oh no dude it's like slanted ridiculously to the left this is gonna be bad this is gonna suck it's gonna suck a lot of lollipop look at its curl oh yeah look at that it's freaking dangit Herman this is tough man hit three all right I will take a three on that I'm not gonna complain okay guys here we go I'm gonna try to Bank it off that red triangle hopefully we won't miss because this whole freakin course is slanted No ah same so wait roll back all right oh my god that was great why was an awesome curve Bank shipping right in there I've never seen it that large 45 degrees oh my god raise it back down oh my god grow little about speed guys Oh stay for daddy oh no down the crapper I go sink it right in there Oh a little bit harder oh my god I was just there all right this is for for sweet baby Jesus for not good man all right this is weird there's all these angles you gotta use your angle it's like the claw machine I'm gonna try to Bank it off that little thing down there and see if we can get a nice little lucky Bank here the holes like right in the middle where Oh way too far that's all right it's still puttable oh I'd slant it a little bit to the right yeah push in my butt still got it in too hard too hard maybe oh yes oh it's a long putt for the warrior No Oh No rip and for for it's this brutal oh my god now I got um hey there good-looking yeah thanks yeah according to the course rules 5 is marek all right we're rolling check this one out guys a nice little magical so three can put it in and it goes either down one two or three but they're not necessarily lined up right so I try to get the one in the middle going for the middle it's easiest and you might Bank get in there right so close he's still gone for the middle he is I'm still gonna go for the middle one over the middle I'm losing my mini-golf mojo you do that's right for three all right three already let's see which one it comes up oh you're done now I'm scrolling out like a snail that might be the one though look at this oh there we go not you for it is all right guys here we go aiming for the middle that looks good I'm still going for the middle that's alright we got this ready shove bang alright get something I need oh good speed good we go go eat bank ah all right we're gonna one hand this shut donk all right guys this is the very uphill one behind that stump come back oh all right here we go for a - there it is for two nice ooh ah that's about where I was coming yeah let's make this into there we go he's very nice - that was awesome alright let's see here and try to bank it off down there well maybe we'd add it alright here we go for dos por dos down there hit that triangle down there come on babe a shebang wow that was shockingly awesome get it the puns are terrible ditto I'm gonna try to do exactly imagine ditto seemed to work so yeah try to bank it off that triangle looks good Oh close all right stand on it what over here and balancing on the log see if he can get it that's your home ball there we go there you go great all right this one is weird guys we have to like get the ball into that little it's like a snare contraption look we hit it in the air it comes out this tube down here and it's aimed right for the hole so we'll see what Eric can do right it's all in the hips baby it's got to make it up there it's a steep slope that's a very steep look at that wait oh there's pizza grease on my ball yeah Pizza grease ooh it is very awesome [Applause] all right so I'm already down one stroke goes and there's two we're gonna be doing this all day all right you know what screw it we're just gonna oh my lord there's three all right we're almost maxed out here watch that go in right away oh no that doesn't matter because that's gonna this is gonna be five and five is the max let's see if I can just get it to save face and I saved a little bit of face not much though oh that was terrible right in the corner and aw it's Lana to the left a little bit nice her dose all right oh my god there's a there's a bug up my ball get over there where look I'm gonna garden freakin from the bad nature every time guys we doesn't want to leave row there we go every time whoo-hoo good speed bounce back oh my god he was close there we go for two knees awesome and look at the little bacon bits Oh things are good actually yeah a lot of speed I feel like yeah Wow even more than that bushes right on it's very awesome I'm gonna try to go the same side arcade warrior dude I'm gonna well it a little bit hard yeah well harder than what I did there we go look at it oh my lord I was so close right there deuce format deuce for mad--mad nice ah like at the top all right here we go guys Oh too hard yeah the muscles man I don't know what my strengths look try Bank it come on mathematics that was for three I was unfair I sucked in geometry in school but hey we got four that wasn't hard enough yeah better than mine not bad position here yeah this whole both hate this whole hey sis buzz we just tapped it in four and four beat that show up here yeah maybe mater is Oh with a double day Oh spoke too soon Rattray there we go we got a tree for three tree and the tree whatever yeah oh my god don't do that oh god I could be poisonous he's they have poison ivy on the tongue sure it's not poisonous welcome to the hospital journey to the hospital well looks good come on bounce back bounce back oh all right we'll take it all right this should be a dose no problem shebang dose we needed that up to that last one a nice little banker Ruth down there I wanted to give it some good speed ooh there we go insane Bank ever for a hole-in-one no flipping way that's insanity Wow unreal too hard No oh yeah it was cuz it jumped over the hole yep you had the exact angle that I did oh oh oh no I wanna stay but we got three hopefully this 65 and jump you paid off Oh under this stump oh there's the pizza grease yummy bang woo I'm gonna bang it off one instead of both oh oh that's all right good position don't let the pool cue it like warrior did I think we'll be good here guys and to take it swirl it around hopefully we get a lucky Bank here we go guys not hard enough I don't think yeah I lost some speed whoo wait oh wait a little bit more spin what I had it let's see if we can get this in here guys for DOS and for a DOS we got a - I don't know what I'm saying good speed too much speed too much speed ah thankfully the bank oh my gosh oh I heard that too it's good oh you had a triangle in that corner perfect all right guys this is the last hole it's gonna gobble your ball up like pac-man here we go yes you can get it for tonight there we go guys write down the whole shebang oh my bank Oh look harder maybe I don't had the idea to be the last putt here if I don't screw this up there it is Wow just made it in there we're gonna tally up our scores and see who has to take the punishment right after this all right guys final score I had 40 for our Cade warrior 48 so unfortunately again he's got a tank the warheads I can feel I'm getting like residual shock [Music] that plus jelly beans not good ain't gonna having stomach oh I feel your pain brother all right he's thirties and crunching oh my lord oh my god don't break it tooth made he lives to make another warrior video guys nice you can't keep doing this man that's gonna do it guys thanks for watching this journey of the mini golf if you enjoyed the video thumb it up top left has my playlist of all of my past mini golf videos so check that out there's a bunch of awesome ones also subscribe and check out our Kade warrior guys he's got a video on his channel too with me in it we play another course here at mini golf and it's insane so go ahead over right now and check that out click the circle to the left to subscribe to this channel and like we always say thanks for fun
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 220,123
Rating: 4.7747397 out of 5
Keywords: arcade games, arcade warrior vs matt3756, game, matt3756, arcade warrior, miniature golf, claw machine, bean boozed challenge, mini golf for real, vs, master, course, arcade, Matt 3756, coin pusher, mini golf trick shots, key master, arcade hacks, hole in one, lets play mini golf, matt, tournament, matt3756 vs arcade warrior, carnival games, mini golf
Id: KiLgdAp9-CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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