I Found a Lost iPhone 11 Pro Underwater That Was Still Working! (Returned Lost iPhone to Owner)

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i got it what's up guys jake here today we're at a place called wiki watchy located in florida and today we're on a little rescue mission so today we're actually gonna be trying to find a missing iphone 11 at a guy named doug lost while kayaking with his family i believe doug was trying to take a photo of a duck or something that slipped out of his hand and they couldn't find it but he reached out to me i told him i'm going to try my best the problem was that doug actually lost his phone over a patch of weeds and the weeds is really thick so i've got my metal detector hopefully with that tool we can find his missing phone if we find it we'll give it back to him for free and hopefully we do but with that said i've never been here before i don't know what to expect hopefully we can find some other cool stuff over out here if you want to see more videos from the spot drop a thumbs up if you're new make sure you guys subscribe so you don't miss my next adventure but with that said i'm going to hop in the canoe get to the spot where doug lost his phone and dive down and see if i can find it so i'm in the canoe headed over to the spot doug lost his iphone 11. but let me stand up to show you guys how clear this water is check it out so i'm going over the spot with a sand you can see all types of fish there are a few dangers there's alligators out here and big snapping turtles so i got to keep my eyes out for that stuff but the water it's just super clear and really really beautiful man all right so i just jumped into the water i have my buddies paleo chris and my friend bo in the back of the canoe we're headed to the spot where doug lost his iphone 11 but on the way we're gonna see if we can find some cool stuff but let me show you what it looks like on the water real quick [Music] it's so beautiful so we're gonna drift down and see if we can find some good things before we get the doug swag i just stopped dude you might be right back too they're a little crusty i'm having so much fun already [Music] [Music] dude i didn't think i was going to see a big manatee that's the first one i've ever seen in the water i thought it was a gator like it was so big i've never seen anything like that on the water it's like a big elephant oh my gosh my heart like they're so beautiful and they're not going to harm you but it's scary when you don't expect to see something that big underwater how about crack my pants all right i gotta keep my eyes out for alligators totally forgot about manatees but i didn't touch it it's from toys that let it be you know that's what you want to do just let them do their thing but so beautiful man dude that's so cool that's the second mazzy hey chris i thought that was a diamond ring damn man i found some broken sunglasses that's my third pair so far yeah i found some nice sunglasses it's like carbon fiber or something called a rudy project those are cool all right i mean not my style 100 but they're kind of cool all right we're getting really close for doug lost his iphone 11 but i'm finding some really cool things along the way drifting down i'm having so much fun right now [Music] i did i found some like retro goggles that's cool it's pretty unbelievable right now because i think i'm seeing fish that i've seen in the ocean before i'm not too sure don't fat check me but these fish don't look like freshwater fish this place is seriously so wild there's so much life in here and it's one of the most beautiful places i've ever been to but a lot of weeds everywhere i bet all that stuff is hiding a bunch of treasure but we're going down the river where doug lost his iphone 11. we should be there within probably 5-10 minutes and hopefully we can find his phone oh these are nice beverly hills polo club looks like a recent job a little heart right there cool guys you see it dude it scared the crap rabbit my first time just the third one we saw today that one dropped my heart too i didn't notice it i sneaked up on you [Laughter] dude i thought i'd go for out here three i didn't i only saw this piece that was like no way so i lost it like bottom of the camera or whatever but did i pull it off and it just came out holy crap has moss and mold all over it all right let's see if it turns on i'll just click record dude there's no telling how long that gopro's been down there for i wonder what the footage looks like when the person lost it i don't know if they're recording so we'll get back to the computer i'm going to plug it in and check it out that's wild if i can figure out who this belongs to you i'll be sure to give it back to him too but a gopro hero 3 plus that's pretty crazy okay [Music] found some more sunglasses all right guys so we've been swimming all the way down the river and this place is so beautiful i found some cool things along the way i also tried to pick up as much trash as possible as i saw but we're at the spot where doug dropped his iphone 11. i've got the metal detector the weeds are real thick here and today we're using the metal detector to see if we can find his iphone 11. he has a photo of the exact moment where he lost it so i think i'm going to try to line myself up perfectly and hopefully we get lucky this is so grassy right here right right here oh you think up a little bit for this just [Music] i got it oh my goodness dude i found my first iphone 11 and i got it for that dude oh it still works holy crap that was unbelievable dude i can't believe it that was amazing we've been out here for like 20 30 minutes i got super lucky and found this missing iphone x in the tall grass it was a struggle i didn't think i was going to find it dude i really can't believe that that's amazing i wouldn't have been able to find this phone without the help of my girlfriend her mom and her grandma they were actually on the river having a good time and i noticed a man which was doug who lost something she asked what did he lose he said you know his iphone 11 i think he said he's trying to take a photo of a duck and just slipped out of his hand and she actually gave doug my information doug reached out to me send me like pinpoint locations of where he lost he actually had a photo i think his wife took the moment he lost his phone i put it on screen right now so through that photo i was able to line myself up but it was still very difficult to find this phone just because there's so much grass everywhere but i put in the time and i got super lucky and we found doug's missing iphone 11 and today we're gonna be giving this back to him completely for free it still works and he won't have to buy a new one so i'm gonna give him a call until i found it all right guys so the moment is here i'm gonna go ahead and call doug and tell my phone is missing iphone 11 in the river and i'm also gonna tell him it works and he won't have to buy a new one so let's give him a call and see his reaction he was out mountain biking so i don't know if he's gonna pick up i thought he was gonna come here but i told him not to come i told him just go enjoy your date man i'm gonna try my best to find it by myself i think it was his last day in florida this wind is cold i'm sorry all right so we'll crawl back here in a second so he's calling back right now he's from tennessee hello hey sorry i missed the phone there oh no worries man hey i just want to let you know um i think i found your phone you're you're kidding no it's black right yeah it's black and it's got like a black plastic case on top of it yep and you have some big text on the screen all right yeah real big texture yep yeah i found your phone and it still works oh thanks man awesome praise the lord i'll tell you jake you freaking rock oh thank you man well what i'll do here we're in the water right now i think you're out mountain biking right yeah exactly well shoot i'm going to finish my day see if i can find some other cool stuff and then i'll meet up with you later on today and get this phone back to you dude you are amazing thanks man i tried my best and today we got lucky so i'll give you a call when we're out of the water and see what you're doing and get an update thank you brother bye bud have a good rest your day hey i will now for sure bye dude that's awesome you know like finding iphones is so cool but to be able to give it back to the person and to do that for free just means so much more than just finding it and you know doug won't have to buy a new phone now and uh that was that made it worthwhile for me man it's just so much fun so yeah we're gonna get in the water search a little bit longer and then we'll meet up with doug and get us to him in person and just tell them maybe a little bit more about like what happened that day but pretty well man we got his phone all right guys so we just made it to doug's location this is where he's been staying in his time in florida he actually lives in tennessee and tomorrow he drives back up to tennessee so we have no choice but to make this extra drive so he spent two hours to drive up north to meet him and we're gonna be handing his phone to him so he can have that while he goes back up to tennessee so it's pretty fun i don't get to do this so often you know knock on someone's door and hand back a phone i found on the river usually i just mail it out so it's gonna be a good time let's go knock on his door all right hopefully we got the right house hopefully hey hey how you doing jake nice to see you man nice to see you too appreciate you driving over here oh no worries all right let's see this is it that is it there you go oh my goodness still turns on and everything i guess i'm disabled because i had it in my pocket but man that is so awesome and there's a picture of my kids right there oh wow i tell you what that is awesome you want to come in for a second yeah we'll go in his birthday hello my name is doug coulter uh a few of my friends and i came down to florida to do some bicycle riding and my sister arranged a trip for us to go and paddle down a river and as we get into the water and go down uh we're down a few minutes and i see this duck that's really weird all you see is its head standing out of the water so i grabbed my phone to take a picture and as i grabbed my phone i guess my 50 plus year old hands let it slip and it went down into the water and i was totally sick it was a brand new iphone 11 pro that i absolutely loved so the next few hours i spent going down the river uh wondering why i made such a bad move when i got back to um to the headquarters where we rented the boats i heard about jake so contacted him and jake was so awesome and drove down and i went and my goodness next thing i know he's found my phone and saved my day and my holiday uh just amazing experience so doug got his phone back he was super grateful said some nice things about it i had so much fun trying to find that for him if you enjoyed today's youtube video make sure to give this video a big thumbs up and also subscribe if you guys are new i love for you all to join me on my next adventure if you lost something that you want me to find feel free to email me i'm going to have my email in the description box below it's just the almighty yahoo.com tell me what you lost where you lost it and when you lost it and maybe i'll try to find that for you guys for free but i hope you guys enjoyed today's video and i'll see y'all next time thank you so much for watching danger water moccasin breeding area lovely beware of snakes [Music] i thought oh geez i am [Music] you
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 10,178,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, found iphone 11, found iphone 11 in river, found iphone 11 underwater, found iphone 11 pro, found iphone 11 pro in river, found working iphone 11 underwater, I found a working iphone 11, found iphone in river, found phone in river, found iphone underwater, best river treasure finds, iphone 11 waterproof, iphone 11 underwater, river treasure finds, river treasure hunting, returned to owner, scuba diving, iphone returned to owner, dallmyd, iphone 11 pro
Id: Mty9Rw_faF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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