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ladies and gentleman the glasses are coming on and you want to know why what the heck how did I get these glasses on me yeah yeah oh wait these are sunglasses from Preston styles calm I'll keep them on for now so now yet again I'm stuck in another prison but unlike the other prisons I've been stuck in this one is I want to say it's the highest maximum list security esteem and do you want to know why I'm saying all this ladies and gentlemen because we are in a giant underwater prison yeah that's right this entire prison is underwater if you have any idea who has put me inside of prison yet again please let me know down below in the comments also if you would leave a like down below I think there's a pretty good chance that I might get out of this jail sale for once and for all I mean look at this they even put me in a jumpsuit stripes that go sideways like this always make me look fat please don't judge me okay so we're in this prison it's underwater but there's always a way to get out ladies and gentlemen always a way to get out by now I literally feel like a professional when it comes to escaping prisons because I've escaped so many of them like look at this ah you know how I knew that look at the color of this block like it's oddly colored it's darker than the rest of the prison blocks in here so of course I knew right away something was up let me just go into a little of a super jump right here and flick this ol lever Yas ah and that ladies and gentlemen is Gomez that gonna do oh do that open this oh my gosh it gave me a butt neck me place on a cold Rijn okay was that on a culture and technically I guess it was and then what does this do block breaker and then I've got to light blue stained glass I'm a little bit I'm not kill I come on I'm a little bit confused there this is a block breaker what block do I technically want to break though like I we can't break these wait if it's a block breaker why guys I have a block breaker but it can for some reason not like a brick break a block oh no now I'm confused I'm sweating I'm sweating there's apparently a reset button what happens right okay it doesn't tell me what I could break it just says it's a block breaker well what block did I break dad gave it oh wait there's a sign three one one that must be a code to something please do not click off the video whatever you guys do AngelList into me for like maybe 60 seconds I have Chan three other minecraft youtubers to go head-to-head with me in real life yes that's right a real-life minecraft challenge but not only that it's for the National Breast Cancer Foundation 100% of the net revenues are gonna be going towards this amazing foundation the event is October 28th here in Texas at the Dr Pepper arena in Frisco it starts at 2 p.m. and goes all the way up until 7 p.m. tickets are on sale now please if you guys want to come you need to get them very quick they are selling like hotcakes and of course the proceeds go straight towards the National Breast Cancer Foundation the tickets will be down below in the description comment down below who you think is gonna win it's myself unspeakable gaming moose crafts and log dip and because it's on the weekend of Halloween there is gonna be a costume contest so make sure you guys come in costume I can't wait to see you guys there anyways sorry I've been annoying let's get back to the video okay is there anything in here that relates to a code I don't think so oops so I can't break the chest I can't break any of these blocks I can't break the fake blocks can't break the bed can't break what can I break in here and then I've got light blue stained glass Oh No okay how is that gonna help me let me reset real fast how is this supposed to help me oh wait so I don't know if this means anything but I do see that there is a glass pane on this side and then if you look over here there's a glass pane on this side so should I put glass panes here I do deaf I don't think that means anything doesn't seem like it did anything unfortunately alright let's try this again maybe there is some weight okay so I can break the floor blocks I just why am I such a dumb man I broke these two and I see because I see this pattern right here you know I'm saying I thought I knew what I knew it had to do something with those patterns man I'm a genius I'm a flippin genius oh my gosh there are a lot of different codes or maybe this means what cell I don't think these are codes I think this means the cells that they're in and it looks like I can actually open this no problems no questions asked which is kind of cool although I don't think there's anything useful in this cell oh this cell right here does not have oh there's something going on in cell 312 guys there is something going on and see and and then we're gonna find out what's in that cell here soon enough yeah alright nothing in this sale about sale 310 huh oh please pace I think this is some kind of code ladies and gentlemen I think that might be the only room that has anything in that you oh we got a lever we got a lever okay where can I place this li I feel like we want to place this on room 312 just kidding we are not able to play on our route nevermind we can't do room 312 for some reason it just doesn't work I just want to know what this code means you know what I mean like what does no not that code not that there's no code in there so the code it looks like it's over over twice down once over over three times up three times so I'm gonna not look at the screen over over twice down once over over three times up up three times oh I nailed it why don't I just grab this you know oh no what have I done okay nobody panic nobody panic yes this is how it was I'm keeping these handy I could memorize them but that you know that's that's for smart people what is this chef Val Oh what is this is this a code veggies okay beads are not vegetables rotten flesh is not a vegetable there's even steak there's all kinds of stuff in here so this is the dining room which we all know the dining room is not ever necessarily just the dining room there's got to be some kind of hidden secret in here and we're gonna find it oh I see guys I told you there was a secret Oh combine a diamond with a Golden Apple that's argh that's what was that map number four we don't even have map number one hit that is scary you know in fact we don't even have the first map I don't like that I don't like that I feel like there's a map in one of these chests and I just can't get to it so just in case let's make sure there's no other hidden chests I'm making sure that the glowstone on the roof isn't actually a chest because technically glowstone does look like a chest if there's enough glowstone around you know I'm saying what about here this is the mining area of the prison oh we've got a pickaxe return your pickaxe before leaving who is this what are you doing here sir why are you inside here in the corner okay what oh I just got something oh it's blue cobblestone okay so I've got blue cob why am i mining I feel like I don't need to be my all wait I do need to be mining remember what map number four said map number four said combine an apple with a diamond I'm not really quite sure what that means but that means we need to find at least eight gold and we need to find a diamond and might take quite some time because I am a slow miner ha ha nevermind found a diamond just like that although v8 like the eight gold is gonna be the trick here so right now we've got one piece of gold there's no crafting bench which is very unfortunate so I feel like we've got to find our eight pieces of gold there's got to be like a crafting bench somewhere here spread throughout the map so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do that old fashioned minecraft mining where we can actually find stuff and if you guys don't know what that is it's called strip mining strip mining is a very very easy thing to do here in the land of Minecraft helps you find all kinds of things all kinds of quickly oh just found another piece of gold hiding underneath here I think we're at three or four pieces four pieces of gold ladies and gentlemen okay so far our pickaxe is literally about to break and we still have not found any kind of secretive thing here on the floor board in the mines in fact we're still missing a lot of gold somehow there either a dress really unlucky or I've just missed it all completely I think we can confirm that there's nothing secret here inside the mine I feel like I have just wasted so much time I'm gonna put that back cuz it said to and I don't want to break the rules I noticed this is kind of weird too this has some redstone effects okay these all have redstone effects nevermind what if I were to put these things up or at you know for now I'm just gonna put all these in here we have yeah I don't think we found a crafting bench yet we did not find ourselves a crafting bench this underwater prison is really throwing me through some loops man wait I think I can take his Apple hold on oh I took his Apple sorry chef fowl but I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to take your Apple buddy I know you're probably not too happy with me right now I'm not even happy with myself I to steal your clothing but I think it's worth it there's your pants have some decency sir you know we've got this lever here for a reason the question is what does this Levi do so we've got the diamond but it says diamond with Golden Apple and we only have four pieces of gold and we have no way to smelt it okay I'm going back to chef Val guys I feel like there's something here like wait wait - wait wait wait wait wait wait when I put chefs Val's head on I can jump over the car I don't even have jump boost I should have known there was something more to chef Val than just the Apple that he was holding on to what else are you holding back in here buddy okay chef Val was 100% holding I knew it there's already an enchanted Golden Apple so I didn't even actually Papa Doc okay what happens when we combine these bad boys together so if I've got my diamond in my enchanted golden apple now what happens if we combine the two of these monsters nothing dadgummit it just it says duh it says Golden Apple plus diamond but like I did a Golden Apple plus of D - what does it mean man wait what if I throw the items out oh my gosh dude come on no no just no well that is gonna be a Sunday blue right there okay I've got the the jailbreakers what does that mean wait does that mean I can oh that means we could break into the cell that we've never been able to break into before but the question still stands do I need this lever anymore do I need these arrows I don't know I don't know only time will tell ladies and gentlemen I feel like we got this I feel like we 100% have got this this is just gonna take a long time okay just just please hear the spongebob transition effect when seconds later ladies and gentlemen we are moments away from making history here we go come on yeah buddy we in this prison what's up boy okay so I've got levers oh I see water down there okay where do I put this lever Oh oh my gosh okay is this safe I feel like this is not safe oh okay okay okay I'm am I gonna drown okay I've got infinite water breathing right now oh my gosh the new swimming mechanics in 113 this is crazy this means something guys oh my gosh they change colors when I touch them what if all the ones that are green oh no no no I'm changing all the colors of blue okay am I supposed to change them to blue okay we're just gonna go ahead and assume here that we did some good things I don't know if I just did some good things but we're gonna assume it oh wait there's a way oh oh oh what is this what is this oh whoa what the heck where am i this Park or oh my gosh I love parkour you guys know me I got a special place in my heart for some Paco oh I'm hard cool with the parkour although I have not parkour a long time so please do not judge me i watch this one wait for it go for it you believe a deep and deep into you bat oh look at this this guy boy did he just put it I think we just got to root it is there a barrier block here there's a barrier block there ok map creator I see you I see how it is nananananana not in my house I'm just gonna circumvent that I'm gonna go right here and then fail not this time map crater that's the last time I let you do this to me ok the second to last time I let you do this to me like I said guys I'm uh you know I haven't been playing as much minecraft parkour as I once used to I think I gotta get back into doing some more minecraft parkour if you guys agree going slap elbow down below okay here we go this is it this is the moment you have been waiting for my entire life ladies and gentlemen to assume I really did it apparently get back in doing some more parkour oh my gosh there's a barrier block there I forgot about the poles man I am very rusty at parkour right now I think it's all deaf kappa you don't have to smack me blocks okay you already knocking me down when I've already been knocked down watch me just Oh perk up it's time for the serious shades to make a return this time the series shades are black normally the serious shades are red but in times of desperate needs I've put on the black serious shades let's do this thing pin it in it in it in it oh yeah look at that easy easy mode guys easy mode chicken nuggets on a flipping blender and we out wait I don't think we're out wait what just happened what it what what just happened what is this Oh what Oh Mike Emma am I supposed to activate all these guys yo I don't think I've ever played anything like this before and I'm underwater so they go oh oh I got a time limit I'm gonna die soon okay little guy go over there go go go oh wait there's another one are you kidding me you've got to do this again wait I thought I did it right wait is there is there a specific path and is there a way to do this am I not doing this right okay okay maybe I didn't do the maybe a there's a there's a path throw the item in the tube what item do I got in the tube how do I get to the - okay throw the item in the tube what tube do I throw this in guys I don't know what tube it's talking about what just happened did I do it right again so I don't know oh my gosh what is that water oh okay okay is this room flooding is this room flooding nany nany nany nany okay there's a diamond I think this room is flooding this room is most certainly flooding oh I do not want it be flooded okay how about we get out of here right now I don't know what these okay there's diamonds in each one um the door just closed how do I get out of here what do you mean is there's gotta be some kind of path no no I don't wanna use water to get out of here maybe it's something to do okay now if that's blocked right there would have all what do we do I'm so confused okay we just got reset that's not good we have just now gotten reset which means grab this diamond flick this lever go over here and grab this diamond and then what does this mean what does this mean what the heck it's an invisible how was I supposed to know about that did this open up wait so I open the invisible thing but nothing opened up how do I get into here is there a lever is there a spot for a lever Somebody Anybody I think I think we're gonna we're gonna reset yeah I never again reset dad gummi there's got to be some kind of secretive diamond somewhere where is it I'm gonna thoroughly check the beginning over here guys cuz I feel like there's something what is that something I don't know but as soon as you become fully submerged in the water the map reset I'm gonna do this I don't know how I'm gonna do it but I'm gonna do it and I've got to do it and I'm gonna do it a great fashion of fashion so great that nobody's seen it before okay Oh what is this oh okay wait what what Oh what just happened and how did I don't know how that has happened but something just opened up magically while I was walking okay what is that fuzzy thing okay why I buy five diamonds required what do you mean five diamonds required um okay there's one more diamond there's one more diamond where's the last time it is it right here no I did get the last diamond guys I did not see where the last diamond was if you saw where it was you gotta let me know down below in the comments okay so we know that there's two diamonds right here if we grab them and then run this way some weird path thing happens if we loop back around and then we can go through what does this mean I don't know what that means necessarily you know I'm saying like there's that secret weird looking thing right there so I know he grabbed the chest after he grabbed the chest what does this does this give us a diamond it does it's a dispenser what the heck okay and then we get over here open me open me what do I open what do I all I open it it was the door the whole time what the heck we did it okay what to have an aura trail yeah I want to have an aura trail you look around the map oh my gosh this map is crazy ladies and gentlemen I'm honest I'm honestly gonna say I didn't think I have what it takes to escape oh we flip and did it whoo shout out to the map craters simon and soviet lion I love the little blue water cacti they have an underwater prison map was such a good video idea thank you guys so very much for doing this go follow them on twitter and on youtube [Music] [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 6,976,265
Rating: 4.9221559 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraf, mine craft, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, noswearing, preston, preston custom minecraft, preston minecraft, preston minecraft mod, child friendly, preston mod, kid friendly, kid appropriate, underwater, minecraft underwater, underwater minecraft, secret, secret minecraft, minecraft secret, secret base, secret house, secret prison, prison escape, prison break, minecraft prison escape, underwater house, minecraft underwater house, how to, how to build
Id: D40emi8DixI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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