Preston vs Brianna UNDERWATER House Battle! - Minecraft

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I have challenged my wife Brianna to an underwater big ban and the rules are simple we each get 30 minutes to build creative mode and at the end of the video you guys have to decide who wins what the underwater build challenge begin this is a little bit different than our other build challenges we have no limitations on our building this time around which has me kind of excited so my area under the ocean is next to a ravine and a ton of kelp as you guys can see right in front of you I think I'm going to put down the house right over here we need to start with the living room that's our first objective here first building block is smooth quartz I'm also going to get a smooth quartz slab we're probably going to need some stone bricks I don't know why but I love a polished diorite so I'm gonna take a little bit of that as well and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to make this two blocks high this is our center platform okay so then we're gonna put the smooth quartz like this the first place we're building right now this is like our living room and it's it's got to be like I don't want it to be too big because we only have 30 minutes and it could be a trap sometimes you're like yeah I want to go really big but then you literally don't have enough time to finish your build and then you cry I don't want that to happen to us because it has happened far too often this is perfect this is exactly how we want it so now we're gonna fill this up almost done ladies and gentlemen I'm not sure if you guys are following what we're about to do but we are doing big man things and big man things only yes it's even so this is our living room right we're gonna use the polished diorite to kind of build a tunnel around oh my gosh dude I'm telling you this is going to look so good when we're done with it you have no idea this is going to lead us to our other bedrooms in fact I'm gonna make this a little bit smaller I don't think it has to be as big as we're trying to build it I think because like we just don't have enough time to go crazy on the build we gotta save time okay I can't go too crazy with it I like the idea of using diorite pillars I think they look really good this right here I don't know where I want this to go maybe this should go to the kitchen and instead of using polished diorite we should use something else what looks good under water I'm trying to think like what blocks look good under water this is my first time doing an underwater bill battle as you can imagine so I'm a little bit stressed out ooh blocks of iron look really good oh this is it chief chief called he said this is it and now I don't know how this is going to look this might look a little bit strange hopefully it looks good but now we need to outline the entire thing in glass blocks and soon we're going to need to sponge this cuz right now this thing is kind of a mess with how we're building it like I said I have never built an underwater house before so I'm new to this okay so do not judge me Oh and then just in case let's put iron doors right inside of here keep some of the water out when we do decide to soak it all up I'm done this is gonna be the coolest underwater house by the time we're done with it all right we've got the glass the glass is looking super good now we can build it up I don't want to build it up too big just a little bit yes build my glass buildin you have no idea the power I feel like I have right now building this house I feel like a new person I think this is the perfect size for the glass too so if you go over the door frames that lead into the other bedrooms this is where we need to start bringing it in a little bit it's just very tedious building a glass roof is very tedious I promise though it is going to pay off not right this moment but when it's done it's going to look amazing anything in life that you want is worth waiting for I could promise you that do me a solid and take your device turn it like this and make that red subscribe button great that will do me the biggest honor and helping me defeat Brianna in this build battle challenge now that our roof is high enough I'm just going to make a flat ceiling we will add some more decorations to the top I promise so it's not going to look like super lame but without long it's going to take to make this the spherical like roof that I want it to be it's going to take a long time and we do not have the time for that in fact it has already been 8 minutes almost 1/3 of our time is gone and I'm not going to lose to Brianna this is the best part of the video this is where we get a place down the sponge soak up all the water it's so incredibly satisfying to do I have no idea why now we just got to break all this sponge man I've been wanting to do an under water bill battle for so long so I'm so glad you guys are watching right now with me I wonder if we want to add a different type of glass over here in my opinion white stained glass looks amazing I feel like it could be really cool to add right over here ooh I like that okay I like this but I don't like that there is water coming into our house now hold on I gotta fix this ooh oh that looks so good we should replace some of the floor with this because it looks so good whoa-ho this looks so weird I like it oh man dude I love this hold on we need to get some signs now we're gonna put signs above here so this is gonna go to the bedroom this is going to the kitchen we could play around with these spaces over here I don't necessarily know what to do with this spot in this spot we could probably make it into you decoration or something along those lines I don't know yet I mean technically this is the living room so this is the living room we do we need a TV I'm putting down some of these blocks in case we need them to build with that way I could just use creative mode it like middle-click and get them super easy so let's see if we got jukebox black wool oh ho oh wait a sec you guys wait a second oh look at that under water big-screen TV let's go unfortunately I need to take away these blocks even though we were gonna build with them I got to design some kind of seating area something needs to go under here what goes underneath here I don't know I mean that doesn't okay this does not look half bad should we put on the top two to match I feel like that doesn't look very no it's gotta be more underwater theme we'll use cobblestone for now okay so cobblestone is down here we need some kind of seating arrangements oh there's so many different stairs to choose from which ones do we use maybe the stone bricks cuz we've got a lot of light inside of our house so far yeah boy I'm loving this okay I'm so dumb we're gonna put slabs down here that's the fix Clube what'd you think about that that was easy for anything flowy what you need to do is go subscribe to the new reactor II channel in the description there is a link to it the new channel I opened with shivers it's called react go subscribe to it so shippers will leave my office right now leave yeah there we go now I'm feeling this entertainment center so much more this looks ten times better somehow we've used we've almost used fifteen minutes just building this small room we've got to start on the bedroom and then move over to the kitchen very very quickly I'm going to have a pressure plate oh okay pressure plates work out perfectly right here I'm going to use different glass to connect these I totally forgot we got to build this brand new like four area at a glass to make this work oh my goodness the time is not being kind to us ladies and gentlemen and before I finish the bedroom let's get a little bit of decoration going on over here Oh fire coral yup that's what we need look at all this like beautiful coral plants yeah we got to play some of these down over here get a little bit of red in there some of the fire coral because there's like there's no ready coral currently next to our house see if we had more time I could build like an underwater garden over here or do something it's like so basic though we can put some like in her chest down here to make it feel like there's a little bit of like special buried treasure inside of here or something I don't know it makes it feel a little bit more special we're gonna build this straight up like this we're not gonna go too crazy to our bedroom doesn't have to be ultra fancy-schmancy I mean we're just gonna sleep there this is already feeling pretty fancy to me if I do say so myself I mean come on it's an underwater house how can it not real fancy maybe this is not up to my normal quality standards but it is going to work I don't want to see anybody making fun of me down below in the comments I actually really like this I really like it oh I'm gonna get oh wait pressure plates I we need some sponges sponge b-brother this room is way smaller so getting the water out of here is gonna be easy-peasy ooh look at this bedroom guys this is such a cool-looking bedroom we've got the pressure plate which will now let us inside of the living room okay what do we need inside of here now so if we're inside of here obviously we need a bed we are going to be making the fire bed the original fire logo ladies and gentlemen yellow orange red oh and it fits perfectly with just enough room for nightstands on the left and right hand side oh you know we should get oh my gosh this is going to look really cool it's either gonna look really cool or really dumb what about something like this oh it's not tall enough no it's not tall enough we could put glowstone like this but then the water is leaking through I don't know if I like that here's what do I'm gonna let a little bit of water in I know we're gonna build this up a little bit more and then that we're gonna add glowstone here we go oh I like that glowstone it's like a double piece of glowstone oh this looks so good I don't know why I'm putting these here I feel like it just adds a little bit of decoration okay don't judge me this house being made of glass it looks like we're in an invisible house I love this so much okay these look really nice looks like a little bit of nightstands maybe you should add some slabs down here we'll go with something a little bit more cozy maybe smooth stone slabs around the beds yeah what do you think I'm gonna move the trapdoors oh I like this way can you put carpet down on glass I don't know if you can food you can all bro this looks so good oh my gosh I love this this might be my best bedroom design of all time ladies and gentlemen of all time oh my gosh I'm in love with it I am in love oh yeah you guys already know it's coming under water cacti can you put pickles in this oh no what am I done I'm letting water and bad Preston know my carpets um we only have eight and a half minutes left we need to speed up come on carpets go down yes do I love this carpets wait this looks so ugly what is happening out here hold on hold on what is this oh there's a block okay it has been fixed hi can you put si pickles in here okay si pickles cannot go inside so we're gonna replace it with cacti instead I like the glowstone idea for in here as well oh that's what we could put right here instead yes oh my gosh this looks so much more homey so much better carpet should also go down inside of here - it's like a nice rug you know we'll get out we're gonna have the rug wrap around the couch this is looking so much better let's get a little bit of wool on the ground - people on the couch obviously wants some place to put their food and their drinks and stuff like that put a little bit more blue carpet Dan over here - I like to leave some of the glass and here though cuz like the glass looks really nice okay with eight minutes remaining somehow we need to build our dream kitchen I don't know how that's gonna be possible but we're gonna make it happen captain we're starting to get used to this right so like we could do this we I believe do you guys believe if you believe please let me know down below in the comments cuz I need somebody who believes in me I want to build a funky kitchen does that make any sense like I don't want it to be like the rest of our house so I'm trying to make it feel kind of weird not like in a bad way but in a good way oh man and a tough thing about our kitchen is it also needs a dining room we have no dining area for our guests and that is no bueno you can't just like what are we gonna do invite people over and be like yeah you can just put your plate on the floor eat off the floor they're gonna look at me and disgust be Blake Preston what are you doing I don't want none of that nonsense no no no no no no no I'm about to let that happen okay building with glass is so tedious I'm not used to it it's not that I don't like it I'm just not used to it five minutes remaining Bri five minutes I really hope I'd be breathe like I do not want to lose I don't want to lose no matter what it takes we cannot lose this challenge I am building with everything I have which is not saying a lot because I don't have a whole lot of talent when it comes to building I ana and I know this but at least I've accepted it - dude am I am I gonna have I don't know if I'm gonna have time I need to sponge this kitchen and dining room ASAP and start building oh my goodness I don't even think I have a pressure plate down on either side of the doors Brooke where's the sponge sponge do your job please I need all of this water soaked up a si oh no there's water coming from somewhere where is this water coming from oh it's from the giant hole inside of here how did I not see this brah dude huh I'm out of time I mean I'm not out of time yet but I am run a few like I'm out of time this took way too long oh my gosh two and a half minutes two and a half minutes to build a kitchen are you kidding me what do I look like chip and Joanne alright I kitchen kitchen kitchen press we do this let's just get the iron well you need pressure plate okay pressure plate oh I'm not ready pressure plates going down at least the door opens up okay that's progress all right we're just gonna build the fastest table you guys have ever seen in your entire life I would need some chairs where's the stairs at this is perfect any standard will do oh this is so ugly I am a bad person right now iron block come on it's gonna furnace in there double furnace because why not let's get those cabinets cookin oh my gosh where's my slabs okay we got a couple of slabs here what about the carpet we should probably carpet right over here okay we got a carpet the dining room at the very least this is such a bad design I'm gonna lose I'm so going to lose because of this oh this is so bad it's so basic I'm so mad can you put away can you put a cauldron down and keep it lava in it oh you can't okay we're not gonna test that water is inside this is my kitchen ladies and gentlemen this is pitiful this is actually such a sad kitchen oh my gosh so bad right now where's my glowstone 30 seconds at least we'll get a little bit of glowstone on the ceiling here I just I have no decorations no designs you know I haven't at least get this sit I don't know what this is okay this brick looks hideous inside of here but it's it it's better than nothing all right I don't want to hear it from you guys well put some matching ones over here no the time is up three stop you're building my building has stopped the timer went off a minute ago I'll have you know I BRE you're coming to check out my house first oh gosh you guys yeah I really tried it so if you want to see what Briana's underwater house look like you have to go to her Channel and subscribe and vice versa 3 I'm teleporting you as we speak here this is the living room complete with a widescreen TV a little bit of glowy my lay low and then I've got like this little small table coffee table whatever okay hard to build okay don't judge me breathe you know I will say that the structure looks very complicated it took a long time to build I think it's been too long on the structure and that's the problem you want to come into the bedroom and see what it looks like yeah don't you think over yeah you first breathe yeah I got the original fire logo colors down over here you know practice SOUTHCOM got like my little cat guy over here hanging out this axis is survive underwater that's my big question yeah cuz they don't like moisture right like they're used to the desert and my underwater house is moisture free oh okay I built the living room first which is where we are right now then about the bedroom and then the kitchen so I finished the kitchen with like five seconds left this is huge though yeah but it's just like it's kind of heavy I was rushed okay I didn't have a lot of time I think it looked nice but you know the one thing it's MIT thing what is it missing Bree what are you doing Bree stop I will literally clear your Midori right now I literally just cleared your inventory I can't have you messing with me right now you little pleb but stop you're brilliant really you met you with my copter woman I think you know out of ten I would give this a second pepin Wow that is brutal and she's my wife guys gives me a seven out of ten make sure you guys comment within the first 60 minutes of a brand new video being uploaded because we will feature comments right here on the screen and I will see you all next time
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 6,680,469
Rating: 4.9083409 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: qDP50wVgimI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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