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wait what the heck I'm in a inmate outfit when did I just no no when did I get sent to prison and what wait hold on there's something in the chat you thought you were playing a harmless game of PvP but it turns out the PvP arena was in a different world and you were arrested for murder dude telling me right now I was playing minecraft PvP in a world where PvP was enabled and apparently it was against the law and I murdered somebody and now I'm here in prison how was that fair and also how does that make any sense guys please if you think I'm innocent leave a like down below I need to prove my innocence of the judge he said if this video gets a million likes he'll let me out of prison and you know what I'm sick and tired of getting in prison it seems like it happens all the time so there is a lever that you can flick and you will hear weird water sounds now if we look down here I see a guard I can't see exactly what the sign says but it looks like there's almost like a key or something on the ground that he's looking at now if I look to the other side oh I see a little small almost whole and then I also see like a ravine and why could I like how am I supposed to get out of here by the way I have no idea how to get oh there okay so I think I'm probably supposed to be in game mode - I'm just gonna go ahead and go into game mode - Justin I don't have permission to use this command so let me just do this okay game mode - aha alright now I cannot punch things at random I what does this bed do if I go to sleep what happens nothing I don't think anything happens the guard is still there can we sleep again okay what if we just keep sleeping over and over and over again eventually does the guard if Robby doesn't ever leave and I still hear this weird splooshing sound effect let's check our inventory we have nothing in the inventory no invisible blocks that's happened to me before and it was very very frustrating I mean what can I do inside of here alright I've got this this is not helping me but you know it's not what what yeah like I feel like I'm trying absolutely everything right now that's inside this man and I can't figure it out okay what happens if we go to bed can we get out of bed and like glitch through them no we can't even go all right fine I need a hint you teleport to a bed when you sleep in it what do you mean you teleport to a bed when you sleep in it of course you teleport in it I'm sleeping in from life as a prisoner is difficult okay I don't even understand this is ridiculous wait a second guys wait a second what if I am supposed to play this game not in game mode survival but in game mode zero I mean I'm on the map website right here check it out it says you were taken as prisoner you can't just stay there can you do you have what it takes to escape safely go from dodging trip wires to a factory the fun will never end and and it doesn't say anywhere anything about being in game mode to our adventure mode so I think we're supposed to be just in game-mode 0 if that's the case and we're allowed to play this game in any kind of game mode we want well obviously except for game-mode 1 because luckily this the hint says you teleport to a bed when you sleep in it so what if we place the bed outside of here so you yes think wait-wait-wait-wait-wait thinking yes I'm out why am I not out I mean check this that okay there are security cameras up there I'm sure we keep our bed with it we're gonna keep oh we can't keep our bed with us can't wait oh I think just that section of the map was supposed to be played in game mode 0 oh you sly dog you I don't even know if these are real security cameras what the heck is that why do i okay I what what is this how are these security cameras not seen us yet oh there's a lever Oh whisper what are you some sort of completionist I don't know what do you mean what does that even mean I'm just looking for the answer we see a big board right here there's a code this is one two and three four five six seven eight nine so we have a code that is one through nine and we need to figure it out I'm not sure exactly all man if only we could get our bad dude because then we could go into this one and there's a dumb security guard over here like what is he doing Oh a penny see I knew it was a penny or something like that he does even see like it this security guard you know what you can't even do anything about me I need to find out all the security guards were just props but they're actually real all right that's good that's good so there's a cop over here right how do we get past the cop can we get okay we don't even know if we can get past the cup that guy is sneekybeeky deke man if I could just get my bed I could do something about it can I jump over it huh oh I can oh oh my god this cop has like x-ray vision I'm not even like around the wall yet wait what if we just sneak can he see us if we sneak oh oh okay he could definitely see us if we sneak it was worth a try though wasn't it I gotta say guys life as a prisoner is not quite as glamorous oh wait okay I can't tell if that is just to make the map look better or if that's actually for something it's just does this guy have anything to do with the map how am i I need to open that chest whoo oh my gosh okay I just got the mother lode I've got a selkie I've got a bat I've got a confiscated item and I've even gotten a Taser okay what is the passcode four seven one way is that written wait four seven one nine is that actually the passcode okay that's it four seven one nine oh my gosh that was so easy not to be rude or anything like that but when I was on the map I was looking at some of the comments you know to see if the nap was good or not and so many people were like I'm so confused the first puzzle is so difficult and I'm like what do you mean it's so easy I need help with the passcode Briana where's my wife playing is my crap anyways that's not the point the point is we made it past this and we feel good now the thing is I see this right what do we need to do like it will this tonight okay stepping on that does not do anything that's good warning tripwires oh my gosh this is so cool Oh oh my god should we step on a tripwire we're dead so there's a tripwire right here we to remember where the trip wires are why did I go that way oh my gosh dude this is hard I have to go that way so we have to go down here [Music] how in God's beautiful earth do we get to this area oh my gosh seriously look at these oh oh okay I do not want to go the wrong way it's sort of like at but how do I get this tripwire right wait wait oh no the dude I was really hoping do I not have an item there's got to be some kind of item that I can use to smack these things down I'm pretty sure that no matter what I'm gonna die here unless there was a secret lever or some kind of secret button somewhere this would have been such a good spot for a secret button why did the map crater not think of that oh man oh dad doesn't see I just got caught by the tripwire son of a gun dad forget I can't wait oh my gosh I got spotted by the oh you get spotted by the cop you lose everything you got to go back and get all your items again oh that is so not cool cop not cool at all wait there's no items in there what what happened to my items Oh No did we lose all of our items I have no idea I've lot um okay it was four seven one nine what happened to all my items maybe the only thing we needed in there technically was the passcode I mean that to me that makes sense I think the other items are just props somehow we've got to find a way to jump dad so there's warning tripwires I get the tripwires I understand that well I thought I did see if we try to jump right we can't jump over this we're gonna get hit so I think we do have to go this way we've just got to jump and like go to the side like look like how is that how would that tell me how that's possible I don't think it's possible all right so I've got a theory guys what if we don't touch the wire but what if we touch the tripwire hook this is really weird oh oh it worked it worked like southern charm ladies and gentlemen we're in bryn oh my gosh this is it oh yeah oh no a parking lot maybe I can get out through here well I hope I can are we just gonna checkpoint unlocked yes okay so being in this this is great wait can you start okay we're still in game mode - which is annoying so for in game up wait what is that paid for by will Mick Jagger s'en I don't know what that means man what does that mean I feel like we've got to oh we've got to find a mind cards Oh what the Sam heck is going on here okay I think I understand this oh wait wait wait wait we wouldn't do soon we went too soon okay this is good no this is good I've got a little bit of an understanding about this minecart yeah you sit right there buddy sit tight okay um yes we want them to be like this this is so cool dude I'm really busting out of prison all right and then once we get here can we just get on out like do we need do we do we need anything else like I say these other tracks but I think we're good I think we can get out I think we can get out hold it we're gonna test this come on come on get us out of here oh yes we're going slower than slow-mo but this is good this is good get us out no you were supposed to get us out of it 20 like a powered right now I'm going backwards this is just not good no I want to go forwards let me go forwards dang it no why are we going backwards oh it's cuz this is impressed there we go unless do we have to use like multiple mine carts we might actually have to use multiple mine cards and they might have to like stack on top of each other if that makes sense so I'm gonna try doing exactly just that making sure that each of these connect over to each other all right that looks pretty good it's yes so far so good ladies and gentlemen okay and oh no no no no no no okay well now they're really fast is that a good thing do we want them to be really I mean there's three mine cards for a reason right like they can't just be yeah they got to be here for a reason that's what I'm assuming and hoping alright everything gets connected like literally all the mine carts are now about to be reunited into one minecart thing and then hopefully I can escape this prison all right here we go here we go I pushed it all three of them let's get out of here boys and does it work oh my gosh okay whoa it kind of does what if I think I think I know how to make this work guys I'm not even kidding I think what you do is you push them all into each other and then it is like a crazy boost like look oh I got some speed I got to speed okay maybe it wasn't enough speed but I think I kind of understand how this works now we got to get it in there okay and wait nope we want dadgummit this map is so confusing see look I'm like pushing it and I'm like no no get back in there like how do we push this on to the other side okay we need we need a hint get a minecart go to the door and ride it okay buddy I already did that okay you know what I mean I've already done that okay oh I'm so stupid I'm so I'm very upset wait poop Ville County Jail this is the thing I was in the whole time wait did we just escape oh my gosh I think we just escaped wait what is this there's cars over here well I have no idea am I supposed to go this way yes Lamborghini oh my god just a Ferrari you can get all these kinds of cars how do I get them oh we just got a checkpoint secret vault okay that is leading me to death I do not believe that not even for a second nice try buddy to the factories let's get out of here oh um did I just get lied to cuz I'm now dead what is this okay that's the checkpoint the map lied to me the map told me I was going wait maybe this does lead you to the secret vault or maybe it just kills you again I don't know yeah okay it just killed us again so I'm feeling like there's something else but if we go this way we also die what in the what would where are we supposed to go am I missing something here I feel like I'm missing something something here is missing but what what is it ah it's so hard to see things this map is so dark oh wait a second you guys see what I'm saying it's a secret entrance the whole time though I should have known better man okay yep this makes a lot more sense right now okay what do these do don't think these do anything so we need to grip we need to grab a minecart cool okay wait we need to get off we need to grab another minecart all right I think this is good when there's a draw nighttime hopper I don't know what that guy said oh okay well can we go inside of this what at Oh oh it gets sucked up each time by the hopper all weight drift the parkour oh I could do power cord all right let's let's see can we grab this one give me that out it okay boom sauce oh there it is freedom ladies and gentlemen who would ever need a hint on this one this one was easy hole ladies and gentlemen we're literally about to escape free the inmate ladies and gentlemen this looks like the homestretch of freedom yes is this it oh the boss's room keep out what does that mean what do you mean I'm trying to escape a prison not the boss last chance turned back wait this is the boss the king is not home now sorry for the inconvenience okay I don't know what this means but I'm getting out of here emergency call to the king Oh what the heck wait you're not one of my workers no I'm not I'm a prisoner well you see no excuses you shall pay for disturbing my relaxation the lava chamber above you is open you will be dead soon no way oh wait wait wait it was all just a dream hahaha dude I did not see that one coming oh this has happened to me by a couple of different map craters before and every single time I get trolled by it man every single time without fail well ladies and gentlemen I hope you guys enjoyed this map I had a ton of fun filming this you guys did as well next you check out the map down below in the description have a wonderful fun safe day take care and I'll see you guys next [Music] [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 5,750,964
Rating: 4.9028325 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraf, mine craft, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, noswearing, preston, preston custom minecraft, preston minecraft, preston minecraft mod, child friendly, preston mod, kid friendly, kid appropriate, MINECRAFT PRISON, minecraft prison escape, minecraft escape, minecraft prison world, family friendly gaming, modded minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft modded, minecraft puzzle maps, minecraft puzzle escape maps, 1.13, playz, minecraft 1.13, 1.13 minecraft
Id: pzI3T_k4ouM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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