I Became a DINOSAUR in Prop Hunt! (Garry's Mod)

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uh go k go ahead and tell my editor what to do uh I want you to delete Obie's video right now oh breaking in breaking in what's a noise does that look good my God that pizza looking delicious that oh my goodness everybody get your hands up and your pizza slice on the ground I don't have on the ground okay okay okay spy serious question okay do you like pineapple on your pizza I do like a good old Canadian Hawaiian you don't have on you do you you very gross person get out of here you know what a chance to I don't see any pineapple I'm giving you a chance to get the pineapple I'm going to count to 10 and you guys better be hiding count to 10 with your B two 5 7 9 10 wait okay hold on okay I'm coming I'm good I think I did it h i don't know I'm hiding okay I'm looking if there's no pineapple on the pizza by the time I find you you're going in the garbage can but what if I'm not a pizza anymore well that sucks oh look this Xbox oh look this DD hit the Xbox bro all my save files are on there I got GTA 6 download well guess what they're broken now no bro that's how I play my Gary's mod on the Xbox on the Xbox wait you play Gary's mod on the Xbox yeah you don't no I played on the the Nintendo switch oh sucks for you guys I play on The Game Boy advanced I can cheat a little bit I can cheat just a little bit cheat a little bit don't worry it's not anything that would you would still find me oh I heard something I heard something oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez is anyone in here I see some FNAF toys FF look at those FNAF toys now huh is anyone under the bed under the bed Che upstairs I am upstairs I mean I did see somebody run down to that uh movie room movie room hold on basement I think you're up here and I'm on to you I'm on your Trail my audience has saw everything just now and we are high five in each other we're hitting 1 million likes on this video a audience where is he and then my audience also went ahead and subscribe to me I had a cough you guys are messing with me right was a Minecraft spider no you should have been the dinos this is sneaky my guy a little bear in the woods ain't I a bear in the woods Popa bear in the woods spy go outside I know I I got the hint I see I see Gren real quick real quick can we just agree that Obie's a narc you did say a bear in the busho I said the woods that's a wood W go out that is not a wood that is a single tree tree is made of wood he knew where you were at that's why I know I hate you Obie you didn't know where you were at my guy I was already walking he didn't know he I was a bear in the woods so I said the W remember that okay Koto Koto K we're together on this he did he he did tell me where you were so we got to hide extra hard what we got to do is you got to you know work everything oh my goodness what happened to my hair wait what's wrong with your hair I a't got no hair oh that sucks for you oh my gosh can I do this oh this is maybe good this is maybe good this is maybe bad this is maybe bad yes sir you got one second left to hide you're dead everyone's dead dead no you're dead you're dead listen here I am sick and tired of going easy on y'all I always goof around these Gary's mod videos what if tell you you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen well I'm going to have to tell you thank you by shooting you with a shotgun oh my gosh look at this hiding spot why does it sound like y'all just won the whole video I think I just won whole why my flashlight come out of my butt well that sucks for you flashlights don't belong there they don't belong stop sticking the flashlight in your butt I didn't stick it there it was started up there well you might need a flashlight for where we're hiding oh I know where y'all are hiding I'm just letting y'all have a little bit of fun before I go a little too crazy you know what I'm saying no we don't come you know when you say give me one second I'm just going to shoot you in the face right okay but is but who's your bro I mean honestly you guys are my best friends which why who's your better bro who's the bro like if okay like okay okay save me and spy on this edge of a volcano hear me okay but you can only save one of us oh I mean I mean I would be like save kodo well I have to save spy small he's smaller than you he's smaller than you what's that mean well like you're just you're my height koto's like 9t tall he'd be too heavy what's that I'm 9 foot tall well you're taller than me your feet are like the size of my hand I can't help it that you're small like you're like a little child well that's why I have to save spy okay do we give hints now it's almost 4 minutes yeah you might as well go ahead and make a noise all right I'm going make one noise here we go wait how do you make a noise again I don't remember F3 make a noise quick so he doesn't come to me I don't hear anything well we gave you your hint hear any of them I did can I have another one I don't hear anything hi I said it twice I'll give you one single drop of plates uhoh that was a big drop of plates I heard that that sound like it was uh outside okay hold on y'all need to shut up noes well no I want you to shut up a disco but make real life noises oh hi uh hi hi make noises in the game SpongeBob oh wait a minute this was like where Komodo would I had to distract him for a second because he might have just came into my area Okay distract I got this i got this i got this are you in here I said hi I'm literally not hearing anything I'm really not hearing anything bro viewers this is tough viewers run viewers no Boom come on give me a sound buddy I've already giv you plenty of sounds I haven't any of them though that's the problem um do I like that I don't give you sounds I'm not giving you anymore okay OB if you could find a dinosaur in a bush you could definitely find a kodo can I get another sound Koto why would you need another sound I can't hear you oh my goodness you're such a baby hi you sound so close you sound so freaking close I gave you a high yeah I know you sound so close you sound like right in my ear like what the heck oh a see we had a baby you on that one oh y'all really did y'all really did two minutes so that was good well I expect to be babied on my turn you will be at the 4 minute Mark but before that no baby in I'm just going to burn your face okay now we're Going H boom bang get beat him up I beat him up wait are you hitting my body no when I come out I'm murdering I might not be a big giant when I get out I'm murdering your wa really I got an idea here I can't hear you say hi 20 more times so I can actually find you because blah blah blah blah I can't hear you uhoh wait a minute uh wait oh oh oh oh oh uhoh oh oh I'm not in my position I'm not either I'm not either I am in a lot of trouble here boom Oh it's the wrong way boom what do you mean oh jeez I'm so done I'm so done I'm so over oh no I don't there we go I'm ready I can't see much but oh this is good Koto are you hunting us I am hunting you yes can I not be this okay remember we're not going easy on pleas oh no don't kill him yet don't kill him yet don't kill him yet he's dead man that what was that about what was that yeah I had some well I went to the garage but none of the props in there were turn inable so I just got stuck well you know what that's for the that's for all that noise that you talked oh boy hey hey you see me yeah do you see this no you don't see this I oh I see it it's pretty good spot it's pretty good but I don't know why you have troubles all right you'll make a noise here in about 50 seconds Obie what kind of noise do I make hello what's wrong Obie he sounds so sad bye I think you're getting close oh that was loud but that's not a problem okay here we go I'm going to give you a hint 10 seconds early all right oh you want to do that again oh um I'm not an Xbox I'm not there's two Xboxes in here face got him I'm not an Xbox okay now I'll be nice after this oh cuz now it's my turn right iby where you at I don't want to tell you I want to give you hug I don't want your filthy stinky hug just because you got caught last time and you kind of had that coming cuz you were being a butt head to me how was I being a butthead to you okay why am I doing this here we go wait here we go okay this house is uh scheduled for decontamination uh decontamination of contamination you're a decontamination your butt needs decontamination shot shoot I shot balloon he's shot a balloon take this TV dude he's shooting TVs oh my goodness this guy is's out of control okay this this bathroom's open I heard a door closed come on Red Alert I heard a door closed I heard a door closed currently running I heard a door open Red Alert Red Alert currently not running I heard a door closed come on a door closed I feel like I want to Chas spots now clothes is that a hint oh no that's just his Peach impediment oh yeah that was my peach impediment I think you guys are inside why I was outside at one point wait who are you that means OB out here then huh you might have figured out the puzzle wait no now you're both are inside now you're both are inside all right now I'm heading back outside forget this well there he goes he's outside no he's not he's not moving at all how you know how you know I didn't go out the the garage cuz I closed those doors I kind of feel like joining spy team and just helping about I don't think he can do that you can't do that spy if you see me how about you don't kill me and you just recruit me um how does that sound cuz then you're just going to run and high you really want to open that I would never do that not to you remember I would save you from a mountain that's true I feel like I want to move should I play a little dangerous play super dangerous okay I'm going do it oh I need a sound it's been 4 minutes oh jeez I'm bit of sound in this map you know it's kind of py to like little location come on wait that was far what those were both far what the heck is going on wait the music lasts for 39 seconds you can mute it Gordon frean wait how do you mute a sound after you started it huh oh what is this thing okay listen let me show you where I was originally at I was over here okay he found you oh smart and I was like this smart yeah now do you need help find a Koto okay give me his last location hey what he ran up the stairs did he really that's the last yeah I I promise you I will not betray you okay all right I'm getting the heck out of here let me look around okay I'm going to be file cabinet uh uh this okay go in some rooms and let me know if you see them well I'm not giving you any sounds in dang it okay I'm following behind you this is not fair I'm behind you it's the same rules we do in slashers out op OB Obie take off oh I can't betray my best friend I'm looking in rooms friend though you're betraying me no I'm not I'm not betraying you you better save me in the end of this I'm looking in some rooms trust OB be I'm looking at the Ws I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking too I'm looking at the Ws I don't see anything though I don't see him anywhere this is a genius I really don't I really don't see him anywhere okay I need a sound Koto you got a you got a uh there's one minute remaining no you got a you got a partner I'm going to take the victory here now if you shoot your partner in the face ah and murder him I might consider giving you a sound okay wait to the RO spine did you not see me wait right here right here uhoh right here I'm you D dog here oh you're not idiot oh my God I would have won that round I got both of them I was helping you I didn't know you were dancing at least I got you to murder OB so you know I was pointed I'll I'll take that sorry sorry OB don't shoot me he just said the most I now know where everyone's loyalties lie yeah and I will be shooting everyone in the face oh so you're going to be all ruthless and stuff ruthless ruthless dude what if I were to go hide somewhere and I just go I kind of have to go to the bathroom okay there's not a whole lot of time to hide though let me do this there really not I'm coming for murder you're not murder you're no murders please I'm coming for murder everybody's dead that what okay I'm coming for murder everybody's de I'm going to go to the bathroom I'll be right back wait what well I mean you you said we're going to play like ruthless and stuff so I'm I'm going to I got a perfect hiding spot I'm going to go to the bathroom you got a perfect hiding spot do you boy I'll be back in like yeah give me about a minute he's got he's got a tinkle Winkle a minute he going to take a dooky dookie he's going to take a poo poo poo if you could dooky dookie in a minute that's a miracle I'll be right back yeah it's called P pushing idiot poo poo who goes poopy right but in the middle of a video yeah that's kind of rude yeah honestly now OB be you find them and you jump scare them oh I will all right spy okay where at bu well what are you feeling I'm feeling good you're feeling good feeling refreshed um refreshed that's a hint of its own that is a hint but what makes you refresh a nice lemon squeeze perhaps there's lemonade yeah maybe like cuple on just really get that refreshness going oh yeah yeah yeah where do you normally drink lemonade how's it going he hasn't found you Koto I'm distracting I know he hasn't I'm distracting he dooky dooky head excuse you that's a good bom b word say oh bully oh I'm not bully and I went to the bathroom you called me a doy doie head that's pretty bully come on come on that's like the least of what you called me what do you mean yeah just for that I'm not going to make any sounds for you this whole round I what no I was just playing bro you're so mean to me I am not mean to you what are you talking about just because I dangled you off a cliff and never picked you up it was a volcano wait what what are we talking about remember you said who I save yeah there you go now I know who I'm not going to make a noise for what do you mean I was so nice to you I've been nice to you my entire life if I wasn't if I didn't like you Komodo would I even play games with you anymore oh this is good this is a good spot I feel like you're using me for views now one [Music] views all right we got four minutes almost I think I sound some sounds maybe I'll do a sound for you ready remember I'm not giving you sounds yeah I'm listening here we go go all right I'll give you a sound jeez wait what I didn't even hear Komodo I heard Komodo I didn't hear spies oh that means I'm in a good spot you heard me say hi I think so okay cool I I get to set here for the next 3 and a half minutes can I get another s oh why oh why I'll do one big sound for you cuz I don't think you heard my first one okay I didn't hear anything as a problem I think spy is like really far or maybe it's a very quiet sound you said it was going to be a big one though you would lie to me oh it was a big one okay yeah it wasn't a lie where oh where could these guys be where could these guys be can I get another sound why cuz I don't hear anything oh I want to win this round what do you mean like I want to win this round so like what are we thinking here what are we thinking yeah you really want to win this round that bad you throw a whole friendship away what how's it you go in friendship over Prop Hunt I mean it's probably happen Okay OB I did I did just give you like 15 big old growls that imitate a grizzly bear the heck three big Sala imitated grizzly bear what does that mean a piano wait what you piano SP I'm going go tell you something here garage cars look look what the heck are y'all doing doing what do you mean so you were shooting at some bushes earlier at the front door yeah I was in that bush yeah those bushes don't move I was in the bush though he was in the bush I saw him move away I was a pizza slice in the bush are you kidding me right now yeah you shot at me like several times but I kept my uh common composure I'm going to make another noise here yeah I'm making a million noises grizzly bear door grizzly bear what grizzly bears where do they hang out outside in the woods well well maybe figure where else would a grizly bear hang out I don't know Mama's house I'm so confused I don't understand where are you guys it's over just give me I'm right behind you what spudge man look over here where I was a grizzly bear in a bush oh you you guys were outside the entire time I was I I didn't start I didn't start outside I I went outside and then I jumped into the bush and then you shot at me and faed to hit me this is I couldn't hear any of the sound effects are cute you know I guess way to cookie crumbles it crumbled the wrong way
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 192,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I became a dinosaur in prop hunt, prop hunt, prop hunt dinosaur, i became an xbox, prop hunt xbox, xbox, dinosaur, prop hunt funny moments, prop hunt hide and seek, hide and seek, dinosaur hide and seek, xbox hide and seek, garry's mod, garry's mod prop hunt, garry's mod hide and seek, garry's mod dinosaur, garry's mod xbox, garry's mod funny moments, gmod, spycakes, spycakes gmod, spycakes prop hunt, spycakes hide and seek, spycakes dinosaur, spycakes garry's mod
Id: xynuABzPcV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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