I Forced The Afton Family Reunion in BONEWORKS VR!

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ready everybody get the head crab there you go party time glitch hey stop sniffing the flowers for two seconds i have a surprise for you right through that door now don't cover your eyes yep just for you just for you cover your eyes you don't hear anything you don't see anything just follow my voice here give me give me a hand and cover your cover your eyes the best you can there you're walking into the water fountain wait wait wait wait glitch you're going totally the wrong way come here come here forward now stop turning in circles forward just keep walking forward you can't follow directions all the no to the left a little in in forward now not until i open them can you go anywhere you hear nothing you see nothing you know nothing jon snow okay look at me stop and open hi welcome home let me introduce you to a few members here we have gregory we have circus baby and we have ballora and then upstairs we have a few special guests we have annie and we have glitch baby glitch you may not know sir you may not leave today i am forcing the price of lumber is really high okay you owe me for that glitch you're not going anywhere you have to be a demon rests with his demons let's start with gregory of course you know gregory gregory is your illegitimate child i don't know who his mom is considering she kind of just offed herself and sister location but say hi to gregory tell him you're sorry what would you like to say to gregory maybe you don't want to say i'm sorry maybe you want to do something else he's not too bad of a kid even if he is a robot a men's no you're not allowed to drink the beer it's it's too early no you cannot give him beer either glitch he's a child um i thought it was a peaceful drink let's let's continue on we have your daughter yet again now can i just say you and your family history is screwed up okay this girl right here your daughter circus baby killed michael afton she killed your son and she had no idea it was your son her brother her only brother until this little guy who i'm convinced is plushtrap but what would you what would you like to say to circus baby she's the only one that's just like you circus baby you're one of my favorite characters it's not your fault that you killed michael afton but girl you need to calm down because using him is a body for ennard no no she's she's useful and smart and everything yes but she's evil just like you how do you feel you've got your first two demons here does it feel like a nice warm welcoming family we've got other guests okay we have your wife ballora the beautiful ballora but what ballora doesn't know is your girlfriend's upstairs and also your child are you balor do you hear see this do you see this he's hiding behind a pillow glitch trap talk to your wife you talk to your wife i'm gonna go introduce your girlfriend shall i oh fanny hello come downstairs i have i know you're so excited i have somebody for you to meet do you see this he this man down here has a family glitch trap you're not covering their eyes very well her eyes are the size of pool balls okay the pillow works so guys this is vani now balor after you know your husband went and did all those things and you you commit die because of it he has another family he he has a wife and he has a child two children actually that you don't know about why are you getting so close to me glitch stops panicking a little bit vani velora why don't you two just get along together glitch trap you can't poison her i've got them don't worry vanny fainted glitch trap vinnie passed out she was so nervous don't blame me this is all you but finally the last surprise nice nice necklace the next surprise that i have for you as well there's a second child we have gregory who very weirdly kind of looks like you and is also a rope butt glitch trap stop you don't miss glitch baby the chosen one he looks very much like you with the robotness but there is a child who i think takes after glitch trap a little bit more william pardon me william ladies and gentlemen i present to you the chosen one no it's it's not you circus baby it's not you gregory it's not even michael glitch baby is the chosen one glitch baby is the only one that is seen behind the curtain that is william afton glitch you can't stop me from just there they've met officially hi mommy um i don't think they're very very excited glitch trap all of your secrets are out i think you need to raise your girlfriend glitch trip you're not going anywhere glitch stop trying to escape ah-ha the revival syringe she okay now everything is fine i know i told you that he had a wife and three children now four actually because of michael but you know what we're all an excellent family okay laura don't worry he didn't have this child with another robot or another woman or even with vanny i made it glitch keep gregory out of the fire glitch trap that is your son that one actually you created from your blood and whatever else comes out of a rabbit so i think now that we're all a big happy family we should play a family game of kill the head crab glitch what do you say it'll bring everybody together it's kind of a dead party everybody loves a head crab oh glitch don't eat her into the chandelier i got the super sized one from walmart it's okay ready [Music] everybody get the head crab not um the head crab kind of just quit fanny and gregory aren't really doing anything come on gregory that's your favorite you love killing robots what's your problem go is it not interesting enough their skirts are moving but they're not doing anything either okay we'll make another one there you go party time glitch something's wrong with glitch baby this is too much chaos i guess see the children have one the adults have flora's down yeah circus baby about five seconds too late you could have taken care of all that you're like three times the size of me is she okay glitch oh yeah she's fine she's fine but just remember vanie you were always his number one first to die oh okay what about what about a human what about a human you like humans right glitch we like to kill humans well i mean they like to kill you i don't you do glitch baby is like right on the money as soon as something happens he snaps right um to it gregory is down fanny is down glitch baby is down i mean every good family reunion has a fight or two right excuse me mister ballora circus baby you guys want to jump in on this glitch you might want to do something about him he's taking on all of your family members balor are you okay are you okay okay she's like don't touch me don't touch me glitch i think your wife might be a little upset the only thing holding her back right now is a chair oh did you get it out of your system there balor are you good glitch baby you need to calm down that's a lot of broken glass your child is going to end up in prison glitch what what exactly are you holding to him you look like you're holding an invisible penis i don't see you're drinking it too no no no no no there's something has happened to glitch baby he's been possessed by a demon that man is corrupting your your family reunion glitch deal with him you're shaking his hand he took out glitch baby he took out circus baby he also took out your wife laura do you see this yeah i know william afton is a bad bad man oh you give him a seating room in the party lovely glitch trouble are you injecting your family members with drug i'll take care of this problem myself glitch i did not mean gregory gregory does not go out the window glitch trap gregory does not go up circus baby calm down he's dead just chill back away slowly i know this party got off to a bad start are you happy that gregory's gone your girlfriend's still here and your wife oh are you trying to get her to put on a helmet glitch she's not not there she took too many bums in the head i know what's wrong glitch she's imagining when you used to be a good guy apologize to balora because all she did was love you and you had to go killing children you got her twilight really glitch trap she can't even blink do you think she's gonna read what is that book let me see that book wormholes or she bore a wormhole through your heart i can go on with bad romantic jokes all day ah well she's holding on to it maybe she'll read it eventually someday glitch are you hungry you guys are you guys hungry why don't we get this place cleaned up and we can have an afton family dinner no gregory no glitch baby just you your wife so well gregory yes you your wife and circus baby and gregory the actual aftons deal all right an afton family dinner um looks barren as expected glitch trap is incredibly disappointed and everybody wants to run away glitch trap what are they going to eat dinner on now this the plates are shattered the table shattered what are you even going to eat glass gregory is so hungry he's having a seizure calm down child well i'd say this was a pretty successful afton family reunion nobody's dead right yet thanks to the revival syringe um all of your secrets are out and now i can test on glitch baby with no blackmail you hear that glitch baby you are all mine oh you're you're protective of him and now circus baby's crying do you see she's jealous she's jealous she's supposed to be the chosen one and it's a glitch baby all along glitch trap can i ask you something have you learned any lessons today a little one mm-hmm what might that be do you love your family except for gregory of course but i mean ballora and even gregory bring an evil man around his family and he has a change of heart let me know down in the comments what you guys want to see next if you enjoyed seeing the afton family reunion but until next time glitchtrap has to go to family therapy see ya glitch trap that's not what an nda is you can't tell her to keep her mouth shut by ripping it off i'm sorry it just doesn't work that way let's trap you're gonna rip her head off
Channel: Jeaire
Views: 224,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I Forced The Afton Family Reunion in BONEWORKS VR!, boneworks vr, boneworks sandbox, boneworks vr mods, boneworks mods, boneworks experiments, five nights at freddys, fnaf vr, five nights at freddys mods, afton family, afton family reunion, fnaf aftons, jeaire boneworks, jeaire vr, jeaire glitchtrap, glitchtrap, boneworks, five nights at freddy's afton family, family reunion, reunion
Id: T6gUYVLrncw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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