I Forced Golden Freddy To CRASH Boneworks VR!

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you realize he's metal oh my hello my favorite animatronics i am so excited it's been so long since i've hi glitch trap you gotta walk in and interrupt my intro like that i see did you miss chica it's been a while since you and i glitch trap have seen each other but that doesn't matter because today we have a new test subject and it is these test subjects of all test subjects in the fnaf kingdom glitch trap may i present to you your mortal enemy the chosen one the one you should not have killed golden freddy he is bigger than you hello cassidy nice to meet you i think you also go by andrew in the book um glitch that was a little rude you know he decided to let you go just to let it go not that's not how you let a glitch trap i think he needs therapy glitch trap put golden freddy where he belongs before you know he or she decides to come back to life glitch trap really really hates golden freddy that's okay though [Music] uh glitch glitch i i think you might have broken something i forgot to tell you what happens if you mess with golden freddy in the game oh dear i didn't think it was gonna happen and bone works but nonetheless the spirit continues [Music] glitch trap it may not be his fault you don't need to step on his pelvis you can give him a talking to if you want to it may not be his fault that he crashed the game but nonetheless we should punish him anyway how many katanas do you think golden freddy can handle two you think he's a bit of a weakling huh even the children had more than that right now this instant all right golden freddy come on your wires are hanging out you gotta get up um i think he broke his legs put him out of his misery i'll get another one wait stay stay stable maybe maybe oh he doesn't like you very much don't start you two he just crashed the game don't make him do it again out of anger two oh now he looks like golden freddy all flopped over and looks like you were wrong about two there glitch trap come on golden freddy take out those eyeballs not much more than two though four i think i can do better what do you think hello friend say boop okay glitch trap said two we got at least four i'm gonna say at least we're gonna say eight and one make you stand up at attention boy two sorry cassidy i poked you in your nipple three four i kind of stuck you to your pelvis i'm i'm sorry five do you think he's still alive four five four uh we're gonna round up and say five i'm a bit disappointed your mortal enemy the one that you cannot get rid of only takes five katanas glitch trap you know what to do with her put her in the pit and these as well hey glitch trap fetch ready you you want me to shove it in your face hey speaking of yes where's your child is he with his babysitter today i know you had some issues with bunny protective services does the state have custody i hope he finally learned his lesson glitch trap i have a surprise for you what weapon do you think we should test that is the essence of golden freddy i don't have one of those sorry i have something golden though you might like you remember our golden frying pan your favorite behold glitch trap the golden frying pan hi glitch trap show golden freddy say one is normal the other one you can see a reflect that was just a one-hit knockout he didn't change to golden though what do you want me to do you want me to smack him with it [Music] there he goes now he's really golden freddy glitter i bet you could sell that for like 69.95 can you balance it between them chica you poor thing it's okay girl all right glycerin now's your chance if you could do anything to cassidy what would you do that is still a living animatronic in there living soul you would know about that cassidy i'm sorry i know you can hear me in there you look fantastic glitch where are you oh no don't shoot me he's cassidy's break dancing golden freddy says um may i interject do you realize he's metal i guess not you need to learn to let go glitch trap calm down calm down ow ow into the pit glitch trap he's got anger-ish i swear i need a new experiment partner glitch trap can we have a talk you and me i think it's time i find a new lab assistant because because you you my friend have personal issues i mean you belong in a mental institution bunny protective services has already taken your child do you still want to be my lab assistant because if you do you gotta make some changes golden freddy you sure you um i think he's afraid of what's gonna happen you showed us earlier that you know how to crash the game when you get upset everybody knows and fnaf one when you show up game go poofy everybody also knows in the rest of the fnaf games that's your shtick we're gonna see if we can make you crash it again except on epic proportions starting with the conveyor belt i've recently played a new fnaf game much scarier than you involving a compare conveyor belt so we're going to see if we can you know calm you down a little i'm stuck in the floor he's kicking this out of me freddy please are you good you good glitch i can't touch him he's he's he's already glitching he gave up on life we'll just do it this way then there you go buddy get him through chop him up nice and good glitch drop [Music] i think we need another one why did he disappear okay that's one two boy oh he hit his ass on the wall smush him if this doesn't make him angry and crash the game i don't know what would glitch shot please be careful [Music] that looks like it should be a tick-tock thing that's the funniest angle just to see you go up and down and up and down and up and down he's just stuck you think we need another one glitch up i don't think the conveyor belt works so do you have a better idea oh dear not the pit oh my okay that was close i don't think he has any soul left to crash everything oh dear god are you gonna make him into a trinket things are just going everywhere we're getting close bye for me it's it's drop it make it shut up make it shut okay it says make a wish i wish for this thing to shut up okay buddy you're kind you're adorable but you're kind of annoying yay glitch trap drop into the hole does that crash the game glitch trap you can't just leave him like that that's that's him or do you feel better oh glitch trap found a puzzle okay you want a freddy there he is glitch launch him bye do it again bye one more time just infinitely launching freddy's last one he shall be the chosen one oh high five that was a nice one you want me to launch you bye all right glitch we're back in the playground launching him off the map running him through everything didn't work do you have a better idea oh dear office equipment didn't work and you think they're running him through all of these uh oh dear jesus everything is okay we're getting close well i mean all you've done is make a gigantic mess out of everything i'm blinking like a mad woman don't shoot ow ow was this your brilliant idea make it crash by making my computer explode glitch trap you really are virus aren't you okay things are moving very very very poorly oh god i'm gonna be sick glitch trap i think this counts as a crash are you proud of the madness you've created where did you go no crash i'm close enough to crashing but i have a foolproof way that this is going to work it'll decimate you me and everything in this room are you ready i'm sure you remember our friend the nuke [Music] and it crashed officially this time [Music] [Music] considering you crashed the game twice now twice i think it's time to see what you would look like gigantic and itty bitty intestine medications on you to get you rid of whatever it is you have inside if you glitch trap shall he be big or tiny you want to be itty bitty i need you to assure me you're not going to curb stomping one sees anybody can you promise me no one two three four five six seven eight nine we might even be able to go tinier than normal why does he only have one ear why are his joints more stable when he's little that means you need to lose weight sir ten one more one more can i make it glitch trap don't well i mean it worked i didn't have to shoot him his ear is still like out in the middle of kansas he's indoor glit glitch trap you already curb stomped him to kill him what else do you want to do with him turn him into a squished bug oh dear god you always gotta do that dude don't you and even worse now that this is your mortal enemy what syringes would you like something anything let's see what i got i have a bone breaker syringe for you you're gonna steamroll them [Music] i'm gonna give him the bone breaker syringe the gentlest poke ever i feel bad for golden freddy nothing happened i don't feel bad anymore he lost a foot congratulations oh would you like some golden freddy torso i bet it's a delicacy here look how stretchy he is he's a flexible dude we need another golden freddy this one's going to be gigantic uh who got stabbed with that glitch trap saved your life freddie didn't deserve that oh uh we don't want that golden freddy do we there we go this one's a little bit more normal calm down buddy calm down this is a very angry spirit would you like the power of life and death i can sell it to you back for one video and you're already sick of my here you go glitch feels like the sword of a thousand truths i feel like i'm gonna regret giving that to you oh we have two all right let's try pick one to be gigantic and pick one to get all of the syringes that guy gets what you want that guy to be big and oh dear he he blew up like a balloon we're gonna make him oh dear do you see what's gonna happen to you friend that's gonna be you golden freddy we've done bone breaker we've done revival on the massive golden freddy what syringe would you like to give him you want some crack glitch trap easy on that guy no glitch trump i got your favorite crack glitch trap the hell man you guys all witnessed that he bit me for some crack oh dear he's twerking worse than a tick tock girl shaking them hip like i can't even do it oh my goodness is this your way of sending cassidy into limbo now he's just stiff as a board kind of like you when you wake up in the morning i i met your back that sounds very i meant your back sorry why do you have wires oh god all right glitch trap we have one last syringe that i haven't given you yet whenever you're ready firework duh [Music] ah we have our confetti back everybody gets it today i'm sorry no no confetti let me know down in the comments below who you want to see glitch trap and i experiment on next make sure to check out the other fnaf videos on the channel if you're interested but until next time glitch trap really needs to go to rehab and get away from these syringes see ya glitch trap you have to go to rehab to get your son back i know you don't want to but you need
Channel: Jeaire
Views: 174,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i forced golden freddy to crash boneworks vr, boneworks vr, boneworks sandbox, boneworks vr mods, boneworks mods, boneworks experiments, five nights at freddys, fnaf vr, five nights at freddys mods, five nights at freddys golden freddy, fnaf golden freddy, five nights at freddys glitchtrap, fnaf glitchtrap, jeaire boneworks, jeaire fnaf, jeaire, jearie, golden freddy, golden freddy crash
Id: Arz1NAR2gbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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