I Foraged For 10 DAYS Straight In Project Zomboid | Trailer Park Only #10

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what you're seeing right now could be Chester's very last moments in this trailer park it's either going to be that or a start to something far greater and all of that depends on a single item a saw anyways welcome back to the trailer park challenge chestra survived 23 days killing almost 300 zombies and I would say the main problem for me right now is food food and weight sustainability for one Chester is losing weight which is good right now because we are a little bit overweight but it won't be good as soon as we become underweight and two I haven't found a lot of food around the area that can actually sustain me and our Farms have been extremely slow and forging has not gotten me a lot of options so yeah there's not a lot of food coming in through there as well and it's making me tap into the non-perishable food reserves the only thing that could save me right now is trapping fishing all right just better foraging and with all of those Solutions there is a massive problem for one fishing uh if you guys couldn't sell there is no body of water nearby that I could actually fish from so that's kind of out of the uh mix for two uh farming is extremely slow and the only plants we have right now to grow are radishes which if you guys didn't know a single radish only gives me -3 hunger if I had potatoes or cabbages it'd be a different story but I don't so that's not really sustainable and three trapping might sound like a good idea because we can get a bunch of worms and worms are perfect bait for Birds the only problem in order to make bird traps I need sturdy sticks do you know what I need in order to make sturdy sticks I need a damn saw and no you can't supplement it with tree branches that's not possible so we're based really screwed unless I find a saw and that's gonna be my whole goal for this episode here as we've only survived 23 days so right now my whole goal is to tap into our non-perishable food supply and hit foraging like I've never hit it before we are gonna be foraging for days on end and a hope in a desperate attempt a plea to get a saw though there is one location that might save my life but I'm gonna have to save that for tomorrow as it's getting pretty laid out so I will see all of you tomorrow and by tomorrow I mean right now oh man we grew one hell of a beard I honestly might keep it because this might be the last episode and I think Chester needs a little bit of character development even if it's just a beard it still makes me feel accomplished anyways the solution I was talking about is one location that I did not salute on purpose Until the End mostly because it could be one of the most massive game changes for me or a final nail in the coffin and that has to do with one of the rules I set if you guys don't remember I said I couldn't leave anywhere past the Dixie sign up near the trailer park within this cell so let me show you what building is behind said sign a quaint little rest stop right here for one there's gonna be some trash and two there is a tool shed this Tool Shed could very well have the saw I need in order to continue this series and everything at least for now hinges onto that also as you see it is right behind the sign so in my opinion it's in my jurisdiction so I'm gonna wait on looting the shed until I loot everything else around the area with four urging because this could make or break me and uh oh I really wanted to make me hey we even have a generator inside oh I am crossing my fingers but I shall wait for that as I want to check out some of the trash piles and the garbage bags in here for one we can grab some extra garbage bags like that and that but two we can go ahead and use this for future water storage and there are a couple of nice little snack machines here there's not a lot of food and stuff but it'll have to work is there anything else within these trash cans here yeah we got another two garbage bags and a dead rat with a dirty bandage which means if I head back to my base I can go ahead and create another water collector another thing is the trash here that's actually on the floor which I can go ahead and forage sadly there seems to be nothing here but that is a new little Waypoint for me to check out I also hear a zombie within that I want to kill right now as well I hear you in there loud and clear buddy are you in this one yes you are Hello Goodbye you're supposed to die with that there we are okay now we're done with the boring part and this is where things start to get a little bit interesting RNG please if you've ever if you've ever okay okay we have some Nails some rope a jack a Louisville map mechanics volume one scrap Electronics uh metal bar metal pipes Metal Sheets and a light bulb well that's a swing and a miss all right I mean I'm not gonna be too sad over it because the boxes of nails and rope are pretty huge also the generator literally allows me to potentially startup electricity in the future but I was really hoping to saw would have spawned in here man especially with the normal apocalypse loot settings I'll just take my damn generator and go home man after we drop this bad boy off I can go ahead and uh and do a foraging run and there are a couple of things I can do after said foraging run at the very least we are one generator and 200 more Nails richer let's go start off our first foraging run now shall we after dropping off all of the stuff I founded before that is I'm also extremely sad that you can't supplement tree branches for the stick trap it should be a thing and it probably will get added but man does it suck a lot all right after we're done here we'll see what we have which includes a garbage bag some Sage a dog a chew toy a magazine and a metal sheet An Empty Bottle smashed bottles Lumber and a Rubik's Cube oh I'll put that on my bed an Electronics magazine trash another magazine a soccer ball and lastly some hair gel overall today's foraging session was a success now we have depleted all of the spawn tables at least for today but there are a few things I can do with the new garbage bags and a bunch of these planks here so let's go drop off all the stuff that's going to be useless to me to clear up the space necessary to build ourselves a gate I didn't realize it right now but last episode I did reach level 6 carpentry which means I can go ahead and build up a gate for us a good old double door because I don't need a saw in order to make it for some reason I did but I definitely don't so we have all the planks and Nails necessary all I need to do is visit a couple of trailers to grab the last remaining supplies and then I I can truly feel safe inside my house you know it's a small things you gotta look out for when we're dealing with such oppressive odds so we need a bunch of doorknobs and door hinges which I can grab very easily right here and it looks like I'm gonna need to disassemble One log wall in order to place it down damn these double double doors are really freaking huge oh I need a saw in order to disassemble a log wall you know what you know what better idea I have I'm just gonna smash this damn thing down with with something dude I am literally malding at the fact that you need a saw to do anything in this game literally I think the wood saw or just the normal hand saw is one of the most if not the most important tool in Project zomboid history even compared to the damn Sledgehammer because while you can bash down walls and Destroy literally any tile with a sledgehammer there are so many crafting recipes and so many just things locked behind finding a saw to where it's really one of the most important things to find at least as far as the countryside run goes I'm sure if I lived in the city things would be different please tell me I have enough durability to smack down one wall this is gonna be so damn depressing if I can't damn Chester builds a good wall okay we got that smacked down so I can go ahead and build my gate it's the Small Things man it is the Small Things oh by the way another thing to add on to the whole disassembly thing I can't even revamp my entire trailer to be more rustic because uh I can't disassemble any of the furniture inside to redecorate it so that's fun I am so desperately needing a a a a a a saw and a crowbar so I can take apart the flooring so for now we're gonna have to deal with the normal old trailer so yeah that's another thing that's out of the cards if I don't find a saw I'm giving myself around 10 days so around day 30 to 32 is when I'll give up with foraging and I'm pretty sure at that point I'll almost be out of you know non-perishable food so let's go build the gate let's go get another water collector down as well because I want more water collection and once we're done with that I can talk about the last thing that I will probably need to do well would you look at that I don't think I've seen any Countryside trailer park engineering that's gone that far oh yeah it's in any which is kind of sad but let's go build to that rain collector now I am one level away from building the high quality Barrel but I don't have time to level up a carpentry especially with how grindy this game can be but bam we've just doubled our water capacity which is good because I'll probably need to take a shower later but bam I was finally able to use all of these planks I gathered last episode for something productive another thing I really want to do is I want to double down on stir fries now I am out of perishable food other than these two stale sausages and this bread but one thing I do have is a bunch of canned goods right so what I'm thinking is I can I can make all this non-perishable stuff go by pretty far by making stir fries and shoving as many spices in them as possible to keep our depression at Bay as I do have a lot of spices that don't go bad ever so yeah that's gonna be my big plan but let's go grab these stale sausages and let's go make ourselves some food and by food I mean a good old sausage stir fry look at all of those spices I can go and add in oh yeah this is gonna be one spicy thing boom look at that minus 15 hunger minus 23 unhappiness with a single sausage and you wanna know what's cooler we got a grill with its name on it oh oh it's it feels good to actually use one of my foraged uh propane tanks to start this bad boy off so let me just grab the two sausages the one in the stir fry and the one outside of it as I kind of want to make some brow worst and we shall turn this bad boy on oh yeah I smell it already we'll take it off the burner turn off the propane tank and go craft up a nice sandwich as well out or I guess burger from the sausage it's a brat in my opinion though including some Wild Sage and as many spices as I can fit inside giving me a stir fry and burger respectively I'm gonna eat the burger today and save the stir fry for tomorrow and that kind of marks all of the things I can do without a saw I'm sure I can dig for worms do more foraging but right now I am soft locked in things I can do until I find a saw so I'm gonna introduce you to the next part of this episode which is gonna be a voiceover because all I'm gonna be doing is cooking food eating the non-perishable food and foraging it's gonna be really boring and really it's up to the RNG Gods to see what happens in the future so I kind of want to do a voiceover because it's going to be a lot of time I'm gonna give it around 10 in-game days or so and if I can't find a saw or anything super crazy crazy within those days it's a wrap for Good Old Chester I'll probably have him Escape because you know having him slowly starve to death and to lose weight would be terrible you want to know the funny thing though even if I do find a saw there's a pretty good chance that I won't be able to make up for it with the weight and I will still die of rabbit starvation out here so you know what I need to stop being negative I will go to sleep and we will begin the second part thank you for stopping by it is time to hit the grind I will see all of you maybe later it depends on really what I find and this will be a fun little experiment to see how far foraging can really go so this is where my full 10 days of foraging begins I'm gonna be going through the days quickly only talking about the final lootal and other major events that happened during this time starting off on day one in which I cleared out some wandering zombies looted to the trash and found some decent loot including an American football I also went ahead and built a crate to put all of my loot findings in to keep these 10 days of foraging separate from the rest which put us on day two and as a kickoff we actually had our radishes fully Bloom out with harvestable seeds I harvested all of the radishes put them in salads so I could eat them for the next few days I then foraged for the rest of the day which had even more stuff than the last including a propane torch which was pretty cool though day three is where things started to stagnate as the entire day of looting only boasted me a few rocks in a used toothbrush not cool thankfully day 4 did start off a bit better with a new thunderstorm which meant I could plant a bunch more radishes without having to worry about watering them sadly the thunderstorm was so heavy and dark forging was a no-go for the day so I spent the rest of the day indoors day five finally saw the end of the massive storm but there was still a fog blanket in the area I didn't let that stop me and was able to forage all the way to level 8. overall the loot was still better than day three but pretty sad to look at day six instantly gave me a forged hand torch which gave me optimism but after that I got hit with massive amounts of nothing to the entire cell of foraging which was just uncharacteristically low compared to what I forged in the series past which made me think of a potential Band-Aid fix for it with every episode I did in the past of the series I quit the game after which might have had an effect on the foraging glue so I then restarted my zomboid game to kick off the next day with day 7 really proving my theory correct as I started finding massive amounts of new items boasting a much higher inventory of looted goods I decided to include gamer starts into my daily routine to avoid the diminishing returns for my own sanity and survival day 8 also started off a new thunderstorm so I grew more plants and then and looted around the area which included a lot more rare finds such as a box of screws and Boris the badger a pretty decent day overall day 9 was another dud even with a game restart which means we are on our final day the big old day 10 and I have to say things get pretty interesting from here on out [Music] would you look at that ladies and gentlemen oh on the final day as well you literally can't make this up we've survived for one month three days and 23 hours and I'll be honest this was supposed to be the end of the challenge but hey hey looks like Lady Luck is on our side it also really helps that I figured out that restarting or just quitting out to the main menu and we're starting afterwards is a massive help holy crap it's real it's actually real we also have just gotten astronomical amounts of stuff so I'm gonna go through with the rest of this foraging run find all the stuff I can and we can continue just a little bit longer I'll be honest though it's not gonna go for too too much longer but you know getting that small little uh pick me up was real damn nice man holy crap I'm still kind of like basking in its Glory you know what I mean there are a couple of zombies that I've moved in though but that saw opens up so many opportunities for me and I'm just I'm just a happy be little camper now man oh I I was legit about to end the series there if I wouldn't have found the saw but here we are here we are and the best thing is we got it through good old grinding I've been doing this whole run by the way for about an hour straight including basically running the entire game at three times speed the entire time so it's taken a while also don't know where the hell the zombies went I'll find them later I just want to finish I just want to finish up the foraging run so I can you know say I've done it I'm sure that we'll come back to bite me later okay what else we got here oh my god it feels good it feels good to be me man it feels like I just won the goddamn Lottery who won the lottery I did two more wandering zombies I also have to say it looks like the zombies have been brought in alongside the loop also don't mind if I take that hunting knife and now we have two more small piles of trash hand that should be it we have an entire umbrella just chilling oh these are the this is the kind of loot I've been waiting for man and lastly we have another Hunter magazine and one zombie alrighty after that Hunting magazine I think that's gonna be it let's go ahead back to our base to show you what I found today I'm so happy I'm so happy I'm such a I'm such a happy little guy man anyways welcome to my little foraging stash let me drop off everything else so I can truly show you what I found other than the damn tree branches and I have to say it's quite a lot some of the more standout things are the bags the flight cases the extra five garbage bags which means I can finally craft up another water container Boris the badger a couple of tool boxes some random bugs more fishing tackle uh Toys random trash a flashlight and we got a whole bunch of magazines a propane torch by the way and a saw oh this saw is the most important part anyways it looks like we're gonna continue the series for a little while longer we have survived let's see here one month four days three hours killing 323 zombies and we'll see how much farther we can truly take it with with with the with the horizons opened anyways I will see all of you next time peace the hell out
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 66,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, private lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid base building, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid for beginners, project zomboid, zomboid, project zomboid map, project zomboid base, project zomboid hardcore, cdda challenge, cdda, cdda sprinters
Id: t58mek6csdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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