I Created The WORST Character In Project Zomboid

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if you thought the all negative traits challenge was bad get prepared for an experience that makes it seem like a cakewalk as instead of just picking the vanilla traits I have installed multiple trait mods stacking every single one onto one poor unfortunate soul actual garbage the guy with all of the side effects you hear about in the medicine commercials so if you've ever wanted to instantly walk outside and scream out a fear from these scary outside world attracting the entire neighborhood of zombies carrying a total of four kilos of space while dealing with chronic gout you've come to the right place what I'm trying to say is that we are a true genetic dead end completely reliant on human manufactured goods like pills and alcohol to function at a quarter of a capacity of a normal human while being too weak to actually fight for said Goods we probably won't live long enough to see any results so it should be a real fun time for me wish me luck everyone actual garbage may look like a normal human on the outside but that is very far from the case what you're seeing right here is one of the worst possible zomboid characters ever created our trait list looks like a smorgasbord of Hell itself and today we're gonna see if I can survive and the first thing I'm gonna do is uh as uh taking off all of my clothing and you might be asking why well if you look at my inventory we can carry a total of four kilos of stuff and it just so happens that wearing clothing weighs me down quite a bit now I did spawn with some Bare Essentials that my character will need to to basically function throughout the day which is bourbon beta blockers painkillers and cigarettes everything else so I can drop and then once we're done with that I can actually describe the traits we're running with I'll be honest if you want to skip forward to this part I don't blame you because I have more side effects than a literal health commercial anyways we have Butterfingers illiterate anorexia immunocompromised incomprehensive made of glass unfit weak a mundane slow worker chronic gout smoker sore legs fearful pack Mouse agoraphobic alcoholic anti-gun activist chronic kidney stones fibromyalgia motion sickness noodle legs opioid addict pacifist sedentary slow learner fear of blood student driver Sun sensitivity allergic to wild plants anemic ascetic clumsy conspicuous cowardly depressive disorganized heart palpitations melancholic nervous wreck panic attacks short-sighted weak stomach allergic excessive sweating unlucky all thumbs pluviophobia sensitive digestion snorer weather sensitive Lark nictophobic Sunday driver asthmatic hearty appetite High thirst and obese if that wasn't bad enough I also installed another mod that makes the negative traits that are vanilla 10 times worse one of those being smoker giving me less endurance reduction and another being thin-skinned which makes me even weaker when it comes to going through trees what I'm trying to say is that we are the quintessential genetic dead end but I have a little bit of Faith as I'm going into this with a plan and the first part of my plan is to re-pick up this pen and to see what we have inside here and would you look at that we are already thirsty I'll be honest as soon as I go Outdoors my life is gonna become hell itself mostly because I am scared of the outdoors and when my character gets scared I start screaming uncontrollably so what I'm trying to say is that I'm gonna take it slow inside here get some of our stuff together and as soon as we go outside it's a no holds barred thankfully we just started this run so we don't have a lot of bad moodles which means I am the most powerful I am ever going to be right now this this is it so let's try not to over exert herself and let's see what we have inside this place number one we have a fresh tomato mixed vegetables and peas with there being a frozen ham now I can't take the frozen ham as that would put me overweight but another thing I can do is go ahead and take a couple of sheets for myself this one here and that one there for one we can rip one up to use for bandages as our character is very weak when it comes to his immune system so if I get scratched and I get an infected wound I have three days until it kills me and two I can turn my old clothing into sheet rope and I can go ahead and craft a makeshift bag which should make having three carry capacity a little bit easier uh we are so pathetic it is unreal but hey we got ourselves a nice backpack oh man let's go put everything inside so I don't break my legs anymore and then after that we can go grab some water not bad at all trash well I mean garbage the difference between garbage and trash is that trash can at least be recycled garbage not so much another thing that I'm gonna need is an extra water bottle as I am a very thirsty boy so I can't really risk getting thirsty without dying horribly it seems like we don't have any water here so I I'm thinking we're gonna have to head out soon other than a hammer and screwdriver I'll use the Hammer as a weapon and I'll put my screwdriver away in my bag we have a full bag so there's not really much else I can take but I think if I play my cards right I should be able to make it to the neighbor's house without detract half the neighborhood it's time for all garbage to move across the street one of the most nerve-wracking things I could go for but if I remain calm go straight for the window smash it open and enter hopefully I won't scream like an absolute baby let's do this already going outside we are sensitive to the sun we're panicking really hard and we are very anxious and I also think there's a zombie behind me I'm not gonna let it stop me bam smash window oh okay there's another zombie I am screaming for my life now all right well there goes all the stealth out the window thankfully I can kill at least a few zombies even with how weak we are it just really depends on how many come after me any more than three and my life is over and don't get too confused on why I'm able to kill zombies right now because moodles are starting to stack up and it's getting really really bad please die okay we killed him we killed it the desperate screaming is just a fun byproduct anyways let me inside I need some damn water nice we are extremely panicked we're anxious we're slightly thirsty and we have minor pain from our gout but we have made it across the street now it's time to loot so let's see what we got in here oh that was a whole Quest and a half we got an empty bowl a bunch of canned food that I really can't bring with me because it's so damn heavy and lastly we got ourselves some chips and tortilla chips both are very lightweight methods of getting food a paper bag with some fried chicken and fries and lastly we have a saucepan with pasta that would work pretty well for a water bottle for us and I will equip it as a secondary as well to kind of save up on space so let's see how much we have by the end of this not much and we are overweight so I am gonna have to drop off a few things but I can fill up the saucepan and now I need to eat some extra food here so I can make some extra space awesome we're under 4 kilos and this kind of brings up the fact and how much I need to manage my inventory this is literally all I can have without being overweight and if I am overweight I am gonna be in a bad position let's loot the rest of these homes and cross my fingers these people have some medical supplies around the area let's see we got beta blockers which is actually huge and a hand torch within this closet the hand torch would be pretty cool but I only have 0.2 kilos of room to spare so yeah we really can't afford that okay now that we made it here I think I might try and make it to the other neighbor's house to see if I can get myself a better bag that's really the only thing I can get right now without putting my character overweight that and is some more meds but for now I'm gonna sit down rest up a bit because fighting those four zombies exhausted me quite a bit and then we're gonna go head right back out after a quick cigarette of course it's been 10 minutes and I'm really jonesing for one oh by the way I have seasonal allergies so I'm also coughing up a storm as well actually that's me smoking cigarettes laughing from smoking cigarettes despite having a dependency on it oh you never cease to amaze me garbage all right off to the next neighbor's house we're probably gonna attract zombies from our desperate screaming and allergies and that definitely seems to be the case I wish I could just shut up sometimes anyways okay that's actually a lot more zombies than I was expecting oh no that's like that's like five it's fine because all we have to do is use a little bit of window cheese and hopefully we'll get out of here just fine thank you I really like to imagine that trash is just screaming his head off while this is going on and it's just like a very pathetic back and forth between him and the others oh God please get back down zombie oh there's so many here I'm getting really sweaty on it and I'm in pain please stop yeah oh God there's another please don't lunge me by the way if I get scratched that's gonna spell the end for me as I have little to no ways to actually disinfect said wounds so please okay that's a lot of zombies I might have to run I'm gonna have to run I'm gonna quickly waddle back to my spawn house I'm so dead hey maybe this car Works hold on here if this car works I think we're gonna be golden no no there's no keys in it okay back to my house we have a really nice house for as much of a loser as we are though let's see if we can kill these zombies and if I can't I'm gonna move on to the next stage of our plan all right we finally took care of the zombies and despite us not being overwhelmed right now I will take a quick sit down to tell you what my plan is because if you couldn't tell not having a plan would result in my death I know from personal experience I'm still screeching indoors man anyways trash is at his spawn house right now which is in the lower section of Rosewood step number one right now is to get out of Rosewood as trash is a bit of a screamer which isn't the best when we're trying to be discreet and when we can only take on like five zombies at a time during a fight so my plan right now is to loot as many houses as I can getting essential Goods like can openers medical supplies and most importantly disinfectant once we got all of that I can actually make my way out of the city slowly walking as we can outpace zombies right now in our current state walking all the way into the rural Countryside Kentucky all the way to these military Barracks here for one there's like nine houses that we can live with little to no zombie interference and up here there's gonna be some Barracks with a nice little kitchen inside once we actually clear out and sustain this base what I can go ahead and do is make our way over to these two warehouses which hold a bunch of food which I can then bring the food back to this place put them in refrigerators and then we'll have a bunch of food to actually build up our skills to prepare to go back into the city at a later date right now I'm not really prepared oh and by the way the main reason I'm doing this is so I can detox from my alcoholism if you don't remember I am alcoholic which requires me to drink a little bit of beer per day in order to not suffer the consequences the only problem is that drinking alcohol severely hinders my awake time especially when I already have restless sleeper and sleepy head so drinking alcohol basically makes me functional for like two hours out of the day oh by the way don't mind that I just had a mini heart attack they're fine that's okay but yeah alcoholism is going to get me killed and even if we did spawn with bourbon I want to save said bourbon for disinfect it for when we get inevitable inevitably scratched so yeah I'm hoping this whole plan is gonna help me survive anyways I'm gonna try and stay around this area for as long as I can please don't get stuck I thought she was gonna lunge me if she would have scratched me my immune system would have actually perished oh there's so many damn zombies but I'm gonna try and stick around to this area for as long as possible even if that means I have to kill a few bozos with my very weak Hammer swings okay we're rested up let's see if we can make it down to the house I did not Loot and also check the glove compartment of our car to make sure I'm not missing anything I am in fact not alrighty let's hurry this one up then we only have time to burn as it is only 3 30 p.m please get down sir wow he actually listened to me thank you this really is like the cdda challenge and having a cold it's terrible okay we're rested up one more house and hopefully we can get some good stuff out of here really crossing my fingers for a bottle of disinfectants huh we're in okay I think I did attract one zombie but that's the risk I'm willing to take where is he at right there hello sir goodbye I'm really glad I found this Hammer at the start this made my life 10 times easier okay we can rest up inside calm down a bit and have uh some beta blockers actually I'm not gonna have any beta blockers I'm just gonna I'm gonna eat some I'm gonna eat some uh a tomato yeah when you survive in the zombie apocalypse you just have to think about the small things that keep us running okay what do we have inside this house now please a bag no bags Scotch Diggity dang it but we do have ourselves a kitchen knife with some salt I'll take the kitchen knife as that can be a tool a CD that is called hell has opened tell me about it it's four comic books and on the floor there's a sauce oh actually never mind that's my stuff by the way I have butter fingers which means I can drop the items I have currently equipped it is very annoying God dang it man I'm already thirsty it looks like a year and a half to pick up the damn saucepan okay it's back in my inventory uh we got some VHS tapes emotional intelligence a razor with a bath towel I was really hoping for some bourbon this guy shot himself not useful cereal useful and lastly we have some ice cream I'm not gonna eat the ice cream as we are morbidly obese but I will help myself to some carrots and see if I can make my way over to the neighbors there's more zombies so oh there's actually a lot of zombies yeah you know what I am gonna stay the night here and I'm gonna move out in the morning but instead of going down that way I think I'm gonna try to make my way down to these homes here in the woods I might have a better chance of actually surviving within there so let's go house jump all the way back I really need some damn disinfectant dude foreign oh by the way because I have thin skinned with the expanded traits mod I have a much higher chance of actually scratching myself on Hedges and or windows so I am gonna try to avoid touching those as I can deal with the wound right now of course the damn door is locked just my luck when there's so many zombies after me uh oh I hate it here okay we're fine I just have to find a way in so I can window cheese these zombies please open open sesame damn it okay okay okay we're fine oh Jesus that was scary it's locked of course it is why wouldn't it be locked please just open the door for a poor boy alrighty it's up to plan B I'm gonna smash the window remove the glass and hopefully hop in please remove it quicker sir we got it bam we're in all we have to do now is kill every single zombie yeah oh also antidepressants hell yeah foreign we've killed the three zombies so far and we have made it in the house I am taking this time to rest up by the way look at how slow my endurance bars are generating now it's bad it gets really bad and I want to stay on top of it so I don't have to get too exhausted now if I am gonna stay here I might need to drink a little bit of alcohol but to be honest I might want to just keep the alcohol as well because I can disinfect Rags with it which is really really helpful if I do get scratched which I probably will need because my character does have a chance of just tripping over himself okay we're in though let's take it real slow and then once we're done we can take a shower and then rest up for the rest of the day please get on the floor ma'am thank you man this Hammer is great by the way okay there is another zombie here that's fine I can I can manage this there we are bam boom Bingo we're tired it is 7 00 p.m so I think we had a pretty productive day nonetheless by the way it's already begun if you can look at our moodles they're not doing the best right now but it is gonna get 10 times worse I'm already depressed it's been a single day but at least we have a pretty cool bandana I can wear because it only weighs .03 pounds equipped which is something I can trade in the terms of having drip oh look at me actually let's go ahead and double up on that there we go now we're looking a little bit more apocalypse prepared there is one more zombie and I am tired so I'm gonna definitely be staying here for the night I might loot the other house in the morning we'll see what happens I'm sad I haven't found any alcohol yet but you know Beggars really can't be choosers prepare to die bozo oh not bad at all we got some Nails some duct tape and extra screwdriver in here I'll take the new screwdriver because it is better than my old one overall pretty nice we also have an extra gas can I'm gonna go eat some ice cream while we are here why the hell not up I have eaten too much food and became sick I forgot I have sensitive digestion okay that probably won't kill me oh by the way wearing a bandana actually muffles my shrakes okay wow that's actually huge yup there it is I'm queasy now oh I ate too much my my tummy hurts we also got a granola bar that's pretty good to eat I really want the low weight stuff when it comes to uh food we got orange soda which is actually really damn huge because it means I can drop my stupid saucepan um pour out the orange soda because drinking it would make me sick and that way we have ourselves a better Mt tea bottle I sure hope I don't die from this I won't die right I'm gonna die I'm not gonna die I'm not gonna die I'm gonna go get some sleep right now though holy crap what why do I why is my cage friend fractured I want to go to sleep everything is in pain I am screaming in agony and I need to drop off more stuff I can't carry all of this with me actually and I think that's what was killing me okay we're gonna drop that we're gonna take some painkillers and hopefully we'll feel a little bit better by the way I only have three carry capacity right now it's bad it's really bad I am in a Perpetual sense of nausea I am moderately exerted and somehow I I wonder if I coughed too hard but my ribs are now broken at least I'm still alive though anyways I'm gonna end the episode here and tomorrow we can go check out the other home and finally leave this terrible terrible City please like and comment if you liked the series so far and I'll see how far I can take things before my body explodes anyways peace the hell out everyone
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 89,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime
Id: wpXR5OA-gRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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