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today I'm going to be flying around the entire world In First Class my smile might be ear to ear for this whole flight I'm going to be on airplanes for 80 hours in total and flying on the top three rated first class seats in the entire world I'm eating lobster at 35 000 feet on an airplane The Good Life I'm currently at JFK International Airport in New York City 10 days from now I'm going to come back to this exact same spot having circled the entire Globe each of the five first-class flights I'll be taking have a retail price from 4 000 to 20 000 I will be experiencing michelin-starred world-class dining seats with fully enclosed rooms and the best live flat beds in commercial Aviation this is going to be a wild Journey let's go board my first flight it just puts a huge smile on my face every time I see first class on my ticket my first flight of this incredibly ambitious journey is eight hours from JFK to Geneva Switzerland on board Swiss airs first class one of my favorite parts of flying a new Airline is getting on the plane and seeing the seat for the first time I'm always so giddy after getting my bags towed away and my jacket hung up I got my first look at my beautiful seat I sat down at my seat for about 30 seconds ago I already have a podcast okay thank you dinner menu as well think the amuse bush is for a more refined palette than mine but worry not the food is about to get much much better shortly after the safety video is played and we are on our way I set up my camera to get this really cool shot and um turbulence had other ideas the seat looks a bit outdated but is very soft and comfortable when sitting down the star of the show however is this beautiful leg rest where you can stretch out and enjoy ultimate relaxation and by the way this TV screen is 32 inches there's also this mini door that opens and closes giving you a feeling of more privacy right next to the seat there is this lamp [Music] and this remote control which controls the TV my seat alone has not won not two but three Windows time to get the table set and try the famous Swiss Air cuisine I'm starting with a basket of hot bread and butter with some delicate smoked salmon and cream cheese if the appetizer is that good I can't wait to see what the main course is like hold on a minute I didn't order this the flight attendant surprised me with a creamy tortilla soup and said I had to try it well she's spot-on delicious now it is time for the main event I've ordered the grilled salmon over Ancient Grains with blanched spinach the salmon is perfectly moist full of flavor and cooked to perfection delicious food just puts me in a good mood and this is the dish that gets my happy dance for this flight I feel like I have been eating Non-Stop it's a flight attendant talk to me [Applause] just as I thought my meal was over I was brought yet another surprise mixed fruit with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce they might have to cart me off of this plane surely that is all the food right wrong an entire box of locally made Swiss chocolate it's kind of the best day of my life though now that I've gone into a food coma let's grab those PJs and get changed like magic they are a few sizes too big but no big deal they are quite comfortable I've never really understood face spray but let's give it a go you're supposed to do something since there is no one in the middle seat next to me the fa has made up that bed for me to sleep in it is over six feet long has a nice duvet and is very comfortable [Music] I awake a few hours later over the south of France to a gorgeous Sunrise watching a sunrise or sunset on a plane never gets old to me we are now in our final descent to Geneva I glance out my window one more time and am greeted with views of the Swiss Alps and a Scenic Lake town I love flying into this airport okay thank you so much amazing flight thank you I'm greeted at the plane by my personal Swiss Air guide who takes me by van on the runway to the Swiss Air Lounge I'm not used to this type of five-star service there's a nice Buffet area ample seating and even a private section for first class customers I enjoy a light breakfast here before heading over to the gate to catch my next flight my second flight of this Mammoth journey is seven hours from Geneva to Abu Dhabi on another new Airline for me Etihad Airways first class this is an 8 000 seat but I found a travel hack to pay significantly less people always ask me if flying gets old for me it never does especially when I'm flying on a new Airline I still get that same excitement every single time they hand me my ticket after going through the empty priority security land in Geneva I arrived at my gate and got my first Glimpse at the Boeing triple seven I will be flying on today this is a stunning seat [Music] there's a little storage space right underneath here so let's see if my bag can fit like a glove kinda it's like Christmas morning for me all right I just got my bags put away a flight attendant brought me a cucumber lime and mint juice with a hot towel and some dates the pajamas have arrived she looked at me and said I don't think the slippers are gonna fit your feet we will have a look around the seat in a minute but I got too excited with all of the gifts that they had waiting for me so I want to have a look at those first so right when I got to my seat there was this beautiful Etihad branded branded blanket waiting for me on the seat and this amenity kit now I was told hang on to this bag because just the bag itself cost five hundred dollars it's an Aqua de Parma bag inside the amenity kit there are socks and eye shades body lotion aqua di Parma cologne this little thing is over a hundred dollars a dental kit and lip balm here is the menu for today [Music] members this might be the best view I've ever seen out of an airplane window I was gonna start the seed tour but I can't stop looking out this window well I knew the seat was going to be good I had no idea the views were going to be this wonderful okay I think I've pulled myself together the main thing that makes this seat unique unique is that there is not one but two seats you can sit in this is known as a buddy dining seat so if you're traveling with someone else you can pull your tray table out and enjoy a meal together or you can use it as a leg rest seat itself is super comfortable super spacious I could fit one and a half of me just in this seat because of this extra seat extra leg room here when the seat is converted into the bed it's one of the most luxurious and best beds in a first class at six and a half feet long the TV screen is very big and can be controlled with this panel right next to my seat the panel right next to that is used to convert the seat to a relaxed position lie flat so I've accidentally got this in Arabic and you can control the lights from here too this compartment here has some storage and houses these premium noise canceling headphones that are from New Zealand specifically designed for Etihad atihad atihad wow thank you so much meal service has begun to start I'm serving some warm nuts wasabi peas and some olives with another lemon mint juice before the rest of lunch gets here I want to show my favorite part of the seat in this compartment there is a chilled mini bar with water sodas but the part of this seat that ETI had is most famous for not that one fully closing doors this is Gourmet House caviar 300 a bottle why do fish eggs cost so much I don't understand it the correct way to eat these is to grab a bellini and with your metal spoon add on some creme fraiche and some egg whites and egg yolks and some chives and onions then this is very important with your mother of pearl spoon put on some caviar apparently if you use a metal spoon in the caviar it contains the taste then you have to eat it all in one bite pasta I am eating caviar at 35 000 feet flying over the Italian Countryside life doesn't get much better than this I'm just feeling super grateful right now I don't take any of this for granted I'm so humbled and grateful that I'm able to do stuff like this for my next course I have a beautiful spread of traditional Arabic message that are both cold and hot I have tabbouleh hummus Bubba ganoush and then some fresh Arabic bread hummus is one of my favorite dishes in the world so I'm gonna go in for this this looks amazing for my Mane I have gone for a black Cod fillet with mashed potatoes carrots peas and tomatoes wow look how flaky this is literally just falling apart this is a five-star restaurant quality right here I'm gonna get 10 pounds from this flight to end this incredible meal I've ordered a fresh mint tea chocolate souffle with raspberries all right let's try these pajamas on I will say these are probably the softest pajamas I've ever worn as luck would have it once again the seat next to me is empty so the FAS offer to make this seat into a bed for me it's no normal bed however it boasts Egyptian cotton sheets a mattress topper and pillows from a luxury hotel I think an afternoon nap is definitely in order [Music] [Music] that map right there felt so good I feel like a new man I slept a little too long though we're about to land as much as I'd love to go into Abu Dhabi in these PJs I would probably get some weird looks oh well that was a wonderful experience after a short but wonderful stay in Abu Dhabi it was back to the airport to check out the Etihad first class Lounge there's a main dining area where they have chefs in the kitchen cooking five-star luxury meals there's Lounge seating everywhere and by the way the lounge is pretty empty but my favorite part of the lounge there is a gym in this Lounge you can just be lifting weights and then be like oh my flight's boarding after a quick hop over to Dubai it is time for the flight that is known as the best first class in the world the Emirates Game Changer it is a fully enclosed floor-to-ceiling seat with michelin-starred meals served on board and a fully life flat bed designed by NASA if you can't tell by the look on my face I am very excited right now today's flight will be from Dubai to Brussels and flight time will be just over eight hours Let's head to the largest airport lounge in the world and check that out before boarding oh and right next to this Lounge there is an airport hotel so I was able to squeeze in a much needed workout and shower I basically live in airports so I don't take my airport lounge rankings lightly I can confidently say this is my favorite airport lounge in the world there are endless food options on the lunch menu here in the lounge I want to save room for the delicious food on my flight so I've decided to keep it light today I've ordered some salmon sashimi and a California roll this is my favorite part of this Lounge the sushi and trying to stay as healthy as possible this is a green detox juice with apple juice celery and Ginger come on his days after a great start if I just started boarding let's go the best part of this experience is you can board your plane from right inside the lounge [Music] just got my first look at the plane [Music] my smile might be ear to ear for this whole flight so forgive me is my favorite drink on Emirates it's called a cucumber giblet it's a weird name but it's cucumber seltzer water lime and mint bomb after a nice hot towel we quickly taxi to the runway and took off into the beautiful Dubai afternoon the reason this seat is called The Game Changer is because Emirates truly believes that they are changing the aviation game with this seat after only a few minutes of sitting in it I can already see why the seat could comfortably fit two people and was designed by NASA to be the best quality in the sky this Florida ceiling door truly makes you feel like you're in your own hotel room inside of an airplane there is so much space in legroom this has to be the roomiest seat in the world in fact let's test it out could I at six foot three actually fit underneath here well I did hit my head but that's my own fault let's get out of here before the flight attendants come by each seat comes with its own private mini bar complete with drinks snacks and chocolates the TV screen is the biggest I've ever seen on a plane and can be controlled with this smaller iPad like screen next to it the best part this is like a drive-through window when you're finished with your drink you simply place it here and someone will come by and refill it as many times as you want where am I speaking of drinks I'm starved let's get my seed into the dining position and order some lunch I'm starting with some fresh bread and a personal favorite caviar Emirates serves unlimited caviar and my fa has just informed me she's served me a double portion like Etihad this caviar is probably more expensive than what I paid for this plane ticket it comes with Bellini's creme fresh egg whites and yolks and chives after putting on all of the fixings I add a heaping scoop of caviar and enjoy it's an acquired taste that is salty nutty and definitely a special treat for me next up I opt for the Arabic meze which is eight different Arabic appetizers my favorite being the red pepper hummus in the name of flight research I have to try as much of the food on board as possible right so I've chosen two entrees a grilled cod over linguine and a baked tofu with sesame sauce and broccoli I definitely will not be leaving this flight hungry I think all of this food is getting to me because moving on I have the world's biggest sweet tooth so no matter how full I am there's always room for dessert is being food drunk a thing that's kind of how I feel right now let's have a quick look at this amenity kit before I sleep these 10 000 calories off in the first bag there are slippers and Hydra activated pajamas I guess that's a thing this bag is from Bulgari and just the bag alone costs 350 dollars 150 Bulgari cologne a razor with shaving cream aftershave balm lip balm while I comb my bald head the flight attendants are making up my bed for me [Music] normally I have to go into the bathroom just change right here it's fit pretty well they're not the most stylish pajamas pajam actually pants don't fit very well I gotta pick those up they are incredibly comfortable though buttery soft because there is no one sitting next to me the flight attendants made up the bed in the middle seat for me they said this bed is slightly bigger than my seat that's at the window and check this out there are 4K resolution cameras on the outside of the plane projecting onto these window screens right here in real time this is the most comfortable bed I have ever laid down in on a plane it's so wide and comfortable and this blanket is so fluffy I love you Emirates I did not come in here to sleep however I only have three more hours left on this flight and I want to enjoy every minute of it there are 5 000 different movies to choose from on here I feel like I stepped out of the kitchen which was my seat into the living room where it's now movie night I can't believe this is a commercial flight [Music] [Music] actually I fell asleep for a minute this bed is just too comfortable something kind of fun that I've never seen on another airline before they give you a pair of binoculars in this seat whoa there is one more thing I really want to try it works there's room service on a plane lobster salad with a brioche bun that is one bougie movie snack thank you guys so much seriously best flight I've ever been on laughs well welcome to Belgium from Brussels I flew over to Mumbai India but it was on Etihad which I've already flown so let's pick up my trip from cha ratapi shivaji Maharaj International Airport in Mumbai that was a mouthful up next is the only flight in the world that has a seat and a separate bed inside of your own room Singapore Airlines first class my route today is six hours from Mumbai to my personal favorite airport Singapore's Changi International this is hands down one of the most difficult flights to book and also one of the most expensive it has been on my bucket list for years now so today's extra special for me foreign normally when you get a first class C it'll say the airline first class this one says sweets this is going to be so amazing we are in India so you have to remember no spice is allowed on board after indulging in some delicious Indian curry and naan in the lounge it's time to get boarded we're on an A380 plane today which means it's a double decker the biggest and best planes out there thank you whoa this feels more like a hotel room than an airplane seat the flight attendant told me that this seat turns 360 degrees so [Music] that was fun there are two TV screens so the first one is right in front of my chair right here and then the second one is much bigger and is over on this wall and that's because this right here turns into a bed watch the TV from your bed ah no way we were welcomed on board with a gift bag from Lalique which is a luxury French brand it's pajamas they're so soft can't wait to wear these there's also eye shades socks and earplugs there's also a beautiful Lalique amenity kit that comes with soap body lotion lip balm and a 150 dollar bottle of voyage de parfumea the flight attendant just brought me this little bear and said I saw your phone background which is this she said I thought your daughter would really love that it's a boy it's a son but this is still so cute it's a little uh cheerleader bear right next to the seat here there is this vanity mirror with some noise canceling headphones and some storage space the cool thing about these menus is that each dish is handcrafted by a different Chef there is an outlet for charging and an HDMI so if you bring an Xbox on board you can play it there's one more Outlet next to the seat plenty of labor but the thing that makes the seat the most special and most unique is the door which opens and closes for full privacy with that door shut it feels way more like a private flight than it does a commercial flight just got a little turbulent all right it is dinner time for the appetizer they have brought me delicious looking garlic bread and a Caesar salad with smoked salmon and Parmesan on top of course number two chicken the menu on board has a few options for dinner but Singapore Air has a program where you can book the cook ahead of time what that means is if you pre-order your meal before your flight you can choose from tons and tons of different options from different chefs all over the like for example lobster thermador this is a French dish where the lobster is baked in a white sauce with a gruyere cheese on top and then it's served with rice and green beans on the side [Music] um I'm eating lobster at 35 000 feet on an airplane this is a good one it's a 10 out of 10. final course I'm not going to be able to walk after this cheesecake with berry combo all of the food has been delicious it's now about two o'clock in the morning and all of this travel has me exhausted oh geez my camera may not make it through this trip oops well this bathroom definitely takes the crown for coolest airplane bathroom there is a vanity right here with more amenities inside Dental kits shaving cream razor everything you need just the size of it is what makes it so special I'm six foot three this is the biggest bathroom I've ever been in on an airplane let's get these PJs on well these are it the league PJs while I was in the bathroom changing the flight attendant made up my bed for me and she even put my new little teddy bear friend on there the cool part about this seat is that if you're traveling with someone else you can book seats one and two and this wall divider can come down the two beds a join and turn into a queen-size bed but for tonight it'll just be me [Music] see in a few hours [Music] that went by way too fast felt so good though incredibly comfortable now we are almost Landing but there's the most beautiful sunrise out the window right now [Music] after landing in Singapore I headed over to the most famous hotel in the country to spend the night it was a fantastic 24 hours I now feel refreshed and rejuvenated for my last flight which by the way is going to be the longest one of the trip I am finally flying back to JFK where it all started this flight is 18 hours long that's almost a full day for most this would be a daunting Journey but I am actually very excited for this trip this business class ticket does include entrance into Singapore Air silver Chris Lounge my favorite part of this Lounge is that they have a fresh noodle station where you can create your own noodle bowls and not only noodles but freshly made dim sum I love this place I can't eat too much though because I have some surprise meals waiting for me onboard Singapore Airlines now because of the length of this flight there's actually no first class offered on this plane so today I'll be in Singapore Air's business class I hope you can forgive me foreign here it is home for the next 18 hours this honestly feels more like a first class seat than a business class seat look how much room there is could fit two of me here is it weird that I'm this excited to spend 18 hours in this seat right here I'm probably the only one all right we have taken off from a very rainy Singapore reached our cruising altitude of 40 000 feet let's have a quick look around the seat so right in front of me the TV is 18 inches and feels really big there are two storage compartments and a mirror so you can check in on yourself through the 18 hours and see how you're looking there are hundreds and hundreds of different movies to choose from and right when we got on board the fa brought me some slippers socks and an eye mask the legroom situation is a little bit funky there's not a lot of leg room right in front of the seat but over on the side right up here you can stretch your legs out the seat can be controlled from here and go into a fully Live Lab position but the part I am most excited for is the food there is an extensive menu curated by seven different chefs on board I also just learned that they don't give out amenity kits to everybody unless you ask so I asked for one let's see what's inside oh to be the Hulk to open it okay there are three things a lotion lip balm it's refreshing yeah wow that garlic bread looks good thank you no that's okay this looks good the next course has arrived marinated salmon with capers and some fresh hot bread on the side that salmon is really fresh really delicious with honestly some of the best I've ever had as good as it is the next course is going to be even better [Music] in Michelin star rated meal on an airplane this is Singaporean noodles with roasted pork bok choy and steamed wontons on the side one of the best meals I've ever had on an airplane bursting with flavor cooked perfectly I'm so happy right now I only ordered this chocolate and vanilla ice cream for dessert but the flight attendant was like we have extra banana cheesecake if you want to try one it's really it's really who am I to turn down a flight attendant's recommendation they don't offer pajamas in business class I have saved my pajamas from the Singapore Air first class flight I just did it the bed is different from any other business class seat I've been on the seat actually folds down and then your legs go in that side foot well it's not a lace straight bed like I'm used to it's at an angle so I'm curious to see how comfortable it is [Music] foreign think I'm a fan I'm comfortable [Music] well my body clock is a little messed up so I was only able to sleep for about two hours but it was a lovely two hours that bed is very comfortable and again it is time for more food thank you thank you that looks so good yeah it is it's yummy starting with the famous Singapore Air chicken saute is a perfectly this peanut sauce and served with this spicy and [Music] Bobby Lush I have a Singaporean Style seafood noodle here for dinner [Music] foreign [Music] watched a movie and then slept a little more I was woken up to an announcement that we're beginning our descent into New York [Music] thank you guys so much amazing flight have a nice day back in New York let's head back to my original spot well that was fun I need a nap
Channel: Counting Countries
Views: 307,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firstclass, First Class around the world, Business class around the world, flyingaroundtheworld, emiratesfirstclass, etihad, emirates, etihadfirstclass, emiratesgamechanger, singaporeair, singaporeairfirstclass, longestflight, newemiratesfirstclass, firstclassemirates, emriatesa380, dubai, abudhabi, genvea, mumbai
Id: tcr2wDZV_L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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