I Flew Around The World in 80 HOURS on LOW COST Airlines

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- Today I'm flying around the world in 80 hours, and I'm doing it all on low cost airlines. So the starting point and the ending point for this massive 'round the world adventure is here, at William Hobby Airport in Houston, which is where Southwest Airlines fly from. It's one of their major hubs. And they revolutionized low-cost travel back in the day, so it only makes sense that we start and end our little adventure with flights on Southwest. Hi, good morning. - Thank you. - Thank you. The first leg of my adventure then was up to New York's LaGuardia Airport. Hi, good morning. - Morning. - [Passenger] You're my hero. - Thank you. - [Passenger] So are we there yet? - All right, that's it, we're on board flight number one up to LaGuardia in New York with Southwest on this brand new 737 MAX 8. From New York, we carry on eastbound and continue going eastbound all the way around the globe before eventually getting back here to Houston Hobby Airport, hopefully, a little under 80 hours time. We're airborne on leg one, and I gotta say it's not too bad so far. The legroom is not too bad at all for a low cost airline anyway. There's wifi on this plane. Brand new plane this. I had five simple rules for this little adventure made up by me before a set off. Number one, every flight was to be flown on a low cost airline. Every flight would need to be in economy class. No upgrade to premium economy or exit rows. Rule number three, I have to visit both hemispheres. I'll explain a little bit more about that rule later in the video. Rule number four, every flight must take me further east than the last flight. No backtracking whatsoever heading west to get on the next flight and no backsies. And finally, of course, I had to be back at Hobby Airport within 80 hours of taking off on the first flight. After a couple of hours we started our approach into LaGuardia, getting treated to the stunning expressway visual approach into LGA. Thanks so much, have a good one. - [Flight Attendant] You're welcome, you too. - Flight one done, eight more to go. Welcome to New York. Next stop was to hop into a yellow cab and hot foot it across to JFK airport for my next flight heading east. JFK, please. All right then, terminal eight here at JFK. Time to fly on my first long haul low cost flight of this trip with an airline called LEVEL who are gonna take me across to Barcelona in Spain. Heading through terminal eight was a task easier said than done, given the queues for security, which were absolutely insane. All right, finally through TSA here at JFK. Yeah, that was a bit of a nightmare, that was. It took about an hour to get through. LEVEL don't do pre-check. All right then, time to get on board flight number two, across the Atlantic. - [Airport Announcement] Once again, we are asking all passengers to please have your passports open to the picture- - Thank you. - Hello. Thank you. LEVEL's A330 is in a 2-4-2 configuration. It's actually quite comfy when you get on board. This is not too bad at all. It's in a 2-4-2 configuration, which for a low cost airline isn't bad at all, is it really? 2-4-2 and we've got seat back entertainment system and everything here. This is quite nice. Leg room is, um. It is leg room. It's not that great. I think it's about 30 inches. There's not brilliant leg room here. So this is the IFE then on the LEVEL A330. You've got a good selection of movies and stuff, and you've got a flight map as well. That's not really a flight map, it's just more of a progress. Pretty soon we were pushing back and getting on our way for flight number two. Once we'd taken off, I put my seat back and tried to get some rest as we headed across the Atlantic to Barcelona. - [Narrator] Six and a half hours later. - Good morning. I managed to get a few hours, I wouldn't say sleep, it was more like rest, dozing a bit on and off. Very uncomfortable actually. People kicking the chair all night and things. So it wasn't the most comfortable night's sleep. But hey nevermind. As we approached Barcelona, we got a great view of the entire city including the big church in downtown Barcelona. Bye. Alright, flight two done. Seven to go. Connecting flights at Barcelona was relatively straightforward, and I went straight through security and ended up in the departure lounge ready for my next flight. Alright, a nice easy connection then here at Barcelona, connecting on now to Vueling Airlines, another one of IAG group's low cost airlines. They're gonna take me onwards to Athens in Greece. Oh well this is quite nice, isn't it? This is a little garden terrace area they've got outside here at Barcelona airport. There's a Starbucks, and I'm in a little cafe. Got myself a little iced espresso brown sugar thingy and a bit of a sandwich just to get me through a little bit until we get on the next plane. It's quite nice to sit out here in the sunshine. All right then, time to head to the gate and get on board my next flight over to Greece. Let's go. My next flight was on this A320 Neo that looked like somebody had graffitied all over it. All right, then, on board the Vueling A320 Neo, this one. I had actually planned to do this whole trip without actually getting any sort of extra leg room or anything. But it seems that when you buy a cabin bag on Vueling, which is what I did not knowing if I'd need one or not, you get these extra space seats. But I don't think there's much difference to be honest. They seem kind of about the same. They call them Space Plus, but the leg room seems to be exactly the same throughout the plane, so I don't think it's any more room really. So I don't count that as cheating too much. Vueling actually seems quite nice. The seat's really comfortable as far as low cost airlines go, at least. Quite a decent amount of leg room. I'm not sure if that's because this is the extra space seat at the front that you get with your overhead baggage that you buy, but I'm not quite sure. But they do a buy onboard meal service, like many low cost airlines, just like LEVEL did actually, but I didn't have any food on LEVEL 'cause it was overnight. But I've had some lunch today, so I've ordered myself sweet and sour chicken with rice and a Diet Coke or Coke Zero. They have a choice of Coke Zero or Diet Coke. You don't get that very often on a plane, do you? So that's pretty good. Let me give this a try. It's basically, it's a microwave-ready meal. It's like a Lean Cuisine. That's a very solid slab of rice. It's very chewy as well, wow. It's not the best. As we headed further east, the sun started to set, and we got a cracking view of a massive thunderstorm just underneath us on approach into Greece. All right then, Athens in Greece. Flight number three completed, six to go I think now. And quite a nice flight actually with Vueling. I quite enjoyed them, much like LEVEL. Quite a nice little airline, aren't they really? But I've got a few hours now here in Athens. This is my first time ever in Athens, so it's gonna be interesting. I headed into town to my hotel and woke up a few hours later to a great view of a world famous landmark. Well, good morning from Greece, and I've woken up to a view of the Apocalypse, which is just sort of over there between those buildings. I'm not gonna lie, not quite as impressive as they make it look in the pictures. I mean they don't show the council flats and the graffiti in the brochure do they? But nevermind because today I've got another long haul, low-cost flight. After battling through the traffic of downtown Athens, I was soon at the airport and ready to check in. All right, so my next flight is with an airline called Scoot, who are based over in Singapore, which is where we are heading today. Now this is a flight, probably the flight, that I've been dreading the most on this trip because not only is it by far the longest, low-cost flight I'm taking, it's over 11 hours long. But Scoot don't have the best reputation. I've not heard brilliant things about them. So, this is gonna be interesting. We're gonna have to figure out. The check-in line for the Scoot was absolutely massive, and you can't check in online for Scoot, so even with no bags to check in, I had no choice but to wait in line. Hi, good morning. Check in please, Singapore. - [Airline Worker] Yeah, there's a window. - You're all ready. - All right, thank you very much. - No problem. - Alright, I've got it now. Thank you. All right, finally checked in. That was a heck of a line that was to check in. Security complete, I headed down to the gate where the Boeing 787 was waiting to take me all the way across to Singapore. - Zone four, you can come in the front. Zone four, check your boarding pass. - Hi there. - Hi. - Thank you. - Thank you. - All right then next stop, Singapore. - [Flight Attendant] Across to the right, please. Across to the right, yeah? - [Noel] Hello there. - Hi, welcome on board. - Thank you. - Across to the right. - [Noel] Scoot's cabin feels more like a discotheque when you get on board, albeit a discotheque with really terrible seats. - Hey there. What's your number? - Hi, I'm 39. - 39, right. - All right then flight number four around the world, onboard the Scoot Dreamliner down to Singapore, about 11 hours. That's what we're working with. There's a little bit more than we got on LEVEL, and but what we don't get that we have on LEVEL, there's no seatback TV screen or anything like that. I'm not sure if there's power connectors, but I've got my battery pack down here ready. Very basic cabin, which I wasn't sure about. The wing is looking ridiculously battered. Looks like it's held together with sticky tape, but nevermind. I might not have had a TV, but at least unlike this poor sod in front of me, I had a table to use. All right then, airborne from Athens, heading out on the 11 hour trek down to Singapore now. The aircraft, yeah, it's a little bit battered. I'm looking and I've got no seat to the back of me, so I'm gonna be able to recline. I always feel bad about reclining my seat, especially in economy, because there's nothing more annoying than you just sitting in there and then suddenly finding somebody's head in your lap. Well, that's nice I guess, but not when it's from the seat in front of you. But anyway, so yeah, I can recline quite nicely here not having to worry about people behind me. And just you looking out the window we see the windows have all been dimmed now and I presume they're gonna stay that way for most of the flight because this flight is an overnight flight. So things are getting a little bit awkward between the two passengers at the side of me. The guy on the aisle is Greek, and has spent the entire flight chatting to this poor woman at the side of me, talking her ear off most of the flight to the point where she put headphones in to try and stop him. It's a little bit awkward. She just took her earphones out toward her food, at which point the guy on the aisle has asked her out for a drink when they get to Singapore, which she sort of turned down. Now he's not really saying much, he's gone very quiet. It's all a little bit awkward, and I'm just out here like "Yeah, okay." Who needs entertainment? Who needs in-flight entertainment? It wasn't long until the buy on board food service turned up which on Scoot, if you want to eat, is mandatory as you're not allowed to take your own food on the plane. All right then, my $15 meal has arrived on Scoot Dreamliner. I have the black pepper beef with rice and can of Coke, $15 microwave meal. Let's hope the rice is a bit better than on Vueling. All right, we are now about nine hours into this 12 hour or so flight, and I'm starting to feel it now. Even though I can recline the seat a bit, it's still incredibly tight. I'm not very comfortable. The hardest thing is, is that the seat is really hard. It's not a comfortable seat. If you put your head back, it's like sitting on an ironing board. Now I know as well as anybody that sometimes life has it ups and downs and sometimes all you've gotta do is talk to somebody to feel a whole lot better. And that's where this week's video sponsor, BetterHelp, comes in. BetterHelp is a fantastic service that offers a network of over 30,000 fully qualified, licensed therapists to help you with all of life's ups and downs. You just go on the website, fill in your details, and get matched with a licensed therapist you can start talking to right away. You can do regular video chats with them and even have access to them via instant messaging so that you can always get in touch with your therapist that way too. The coolest thing about this that I like as well is that you get the chance to swap and change between your therapists. So if it's not working out with one, you can just quickly change over to another one with no hard feelings on any part. BetterHelp are offering you 10% off your first month at betterhelp.com/noel. That's betterhelp.com/noel and you can join the millions of people who have already taken charge of their mental health with BetterHelp. All right then, we are starting our descent finally down into Singapore. This has been a very long flight indeed, and I'm looking forward to getting on the ground in Singapore if only for an hour or two, stretching my legs before the next flight. It's another long one. Pretty soon we were smashing down on the runway here in Singapore with my long leg on Scoot finally over. All right, these retro 1970s carpets can only mean one thing. Welcome to Changi Airport Singapore. And now I've got a hot foot it across to catch my next low-cost flight on an Australian low-cost airline. Can you tell who it is yet? That's right, it's Jetstar. So the last time I did an Around the World video challenge type thing, a lot of people complained that I didn't cross the Equator and go to Australia. Now, the thing is with a aeronautical around the world circumnavigation, the rules actually say you don't need to cross the Equator. Anyway, it doesn't matter this time because we are gonna cross the Equator, because my next flight is with Jetstar, an Australian low cost airline, and that's gonna take me down to Melbourne in Australia. So I've never flown on Jetstar before. I've never even really looked into what they're like. I've just posted a picture of the plane onto my Instagram. Link on the screen to follow me if you're not following me already. But I've been sat here for like 10 minutes after posting that picture, and I've had about four messages in from people. First one says, "Oh God, Jetstar." "Good luck. Been hearing shocking things about them." "Let's hope they don't cancel your flight." "The worst airline on planet Earth," says Daniel Mindle, "Only one I ever refuse to fly." How bad are Jetstar? I've got like three flights with them. I'm starting to get a little bit worried now. It was soon time to finally find out what I was letting myself in for as I got on board the Jetstar 787 down to Melbourne. - Welcome. - Thank you. It was soon very clear that, just like on Scoot, Jetstar were making the most out of the 787's mood lighting. All right then, welcome on board the Jetstar 787, and it's not too bad actually on the face of it. We've got some TV screens in the seats. Leg room is okay, I suppose, and it's quite nice. I'm right down here at the back in seat 52 and yeah, on the face of it's certainly a lot better than Scoot in terms of the seat experience, seats are very comfortable. Nice pillowy bit at the back here, which is quite nice. All right, so we're not even, we're at the gate basically, and there's already a passenger kicking off to the flight crew that she wants an upgrade because she doesn't wanna be sitting so close to other people. Not quite sure what she expected flying in economy on a low cost airline. I think the crew have kind of told her that she's either got a choice of sitting here or getting off and she seems to be comfortable around them now. With that matter resolved, it was time to taxi out to the runway and get on our way to Australia. So the family that are sitting next to me or that were sitting next to me on the ground, the cabin crew came and they promised them that they could have the row behind us across the middle so they could all sit together, but only after we've taken off. And they've all been moved so they can sit together. And it does mean that I've got a poor man's flatbed. Stretching out on my poor man's flatbed, I sat and got caught up on the latest season of "The Crown," and is it just me that thinks they've made Tony Blair look a bit like Uncle Bryn off of "Gavin and Stacey?" - Sausages. - Ah, no, that's definitely sausage. Sausage, I know is sausage. That's a given. - I've actually been thinking Jetstar are owned by Qantas. Much like, pretty much every other airline I've flown in this video except for Southwest. All of the low-cost airlines I've flown are owned by a big brand named major airline. LEVEL are owned by IAG, as are Vueling. Scoot are owned by Singapore Airlines, and Jetstar owned by, obviously, Qantas. The slightly more cynical part of me thinks if they keep these low cost airlines as crap as possible, then that gives people all the more reason to go, "Oh look, we can fly Singapore Airlines instead of Scoot and get a much better service." Or, "Oh, look, we can fly Qantas instead of Jetstar and get a much better service." And for passengers to do that, it depends on them having a crap enough experience with the low-cost style to want to do that. You know, a part of me just makes me think, are they keeping it crap on purpose to give people that sort of brand segregation? All right so, the food has turned up, I've pre-ordered my meals on Jetstar for this flight, and I have ordered the mac and cheese. I'm not gonna lie, that doesn't look too bad. Now the good old wooden fork of shame that I'm getting surprisingly used to on this trip, every flight I've had has had wooden forks. It used to be plastic, but they all seem to be wooden these days. But that's okay. Do me bit for the environment of course, as you have to, he says flying around the world on low cost airlines just to make a video. Yeah, that ain't bad. That's pretty decent that, actually. All right, I am gonna go ahead and do a loo review because on this flight I can do, because I've got nobody at the side of me that I need to kick out this seats to go and get to the bathroom, like I have on every other flight. So this is the first loo review on this trip I've had a chance to do and it's a special one. It's worth the wait, because I have a new tool in my arsenal. Lots of you have been emailing me and asking me to consider getting one of these bad boys. This is called a black light. And what it does is it emits an ultraviolet light that sort of shows up any sticky messes that you might not see with your naked eye. - [Announcer] It's time for the Noel Philips Loo Review. - All right, then here goes. It doesn't work in the light, so I'll have to turn the lights off. Gonna have to turn the lights off and be quick, because turning the lights off means the toilet is suddenly not occupied. So let's try this. Remember, anything that illuminates, bioluminescent, is some sort of sticky, nasty, bodily fluid. So let's try this. How did it get up there? Ew. So there you go. They're the bits that you don't touch around the toilet. It's, yeah. Ugh. I have my shoes on, and I think I need to remain with my shoes on. There we go. That's the Jetstar loo review, and we're only about an hour into the flight. This technology is gonna come in handy on other flights, I feel. - [Announcer] That was the Noel Philips Loo Review. - All right then, the in-flight entertainment on the Jetstar Dreamliner. Every seat has got one of these little screens in the back here, which is quite nice. But the problem is, I think a lot of it you have to pay for. So let's have a look and see what exactly you can get on here. If you want to watch Hotel Transylvania, you have to pay to view and that's gonna cost you. Let's see how much that is? You want to watch that one film, $9, wow. Huh. And if you want to watch everything, it's only $13. But I mean it's a six hour flight, so what are you going to be watching. Yeah, that's expensive, isn't it? Wow. Free zone, here we go. I'm from the north. I like free. Let's have a look. TV and radio. Okay, so TV we can watch. Oh, okay. Aspiring pilot tours, Jetstar hanger, Melbourne, Gold Coast. Okay. There's not a lot, it's just promotional stuff. You can watch that for free. They'll advertise to you for free. Rather than paying $9 to watch a movie, I decided to sit and watch some Mentor Pilot that I downloaded to my iPad and pretty soon we were starting our descent towards Melbourne. So here we are then on the ground in Melbourne. But pretty soon I'd found out that as predicted, I'd ended up being Jetstarred. Welcome to Melbourne, Australia, the southernmost point on my 'round the world trip. And it seems that my enjoyment, should I say, of Jetstar, just then is probably a little bit short lived, 'cause I've just had an email telling me that my next flight with them that I'm due to be taking in about an hour and a half's time up to Sydney has been canceled. So I don't know if we're gonna, what we're gonna do from here, but I need to head over to the domestic terminal 'cause apparently they've got two terminals here in Melbourne. So we're gonna head over there and see if we can figure this mess out. I'm alright right, you? - How are you? - Stopping over? - [Noel] I'm just connecting on so. - Oh nice. - Sydney, hopefully. - Good to meet you. - [Noel] They just canceled my flight. Good to meet you too. - Awesome, cool. - Fan here. - I watch your videos everyday. - [Noel] Oh, do you? Thank you. - No worries. - [Noel] You'll like this one. I'm going around the world in 80 hours on low-cost airlines. - Oh my god. Oh awesome. - [Noel] This is the southern most stop. - Oh really? Safe travels then. - [Noel] Should be good. Yeah I actually to get to domestic, wherever that is. - From here, on who? Virgin or- - [Noel] Jetstar. - Jetstar, that way. Terminal four. - Awesome, mate. Thank you very much. - Awesome. Nice to meet you guys. - Take care. Yeah, you too. - Travel safe. See you later. Well they were nice, weren't they? Thank you, whoever you were for the warm welcome here in Melbourne. Right, see if Jetstar will give me quite as much of a warm welcome when I go to them with my predicament. Let's find out. Hi, good morning. Same problem, I think. - How can I help? My flight to Sydney's been canceled. So yeah, thank you. - Sydney? Must be all you're doing this morning. - I should be on recorder. So it's the 9:30. - [Noel] Okay. - Arriving 10:55. - Yep. Terminal one, sir. - [Noel] Awesome. Thank you so much. - About five minutes. Thank you, have a wonderful day. - No problem, see you. - Thank you, bye-bye. Well being as I'm in Australia now, can I have permission to say "bugger?" Because they've rebooked me onto a Qantas flight up to Sydney, which kind of breaks the chain of low cost, although probably, Qantas is kind of low cost. Well, high cost maybe, I dunno know, been a while since I've flown on them. Last time I flew on there, they were high cost but low service. But I don't know. It's a domestic flight, so please forgive me. It's one hour out of the entire 80 that will be on a Qantas 737 rather than a Jetstar one. Just finally had my notification I can check in through Qantas. Yay. One hour before the flight leaves. Would I like to take an earlier flight? No, definitely not. I've barely got time for this one. Right, Melbourne to Sydney. 9:30 AM. On schedule. Continue, yes. Can we get a window though? Can I get a window? I'm not infectious. No, I'm not infectious, only with love. Actually that's not a good thing at all. What am I saying? I'm so tired. I'm so tired, right. Are you traveling with any dangerous goods? No, I am not. Check in. You're checked in. 4E. Oh bugger, it's 4E. Oh my word, there's literally, there's one seat on the plane free and it's a middle seat. But hey, at least I'm going to Sydney. - Hello. - Hi. How you going? - Awesome, thanks. Welcome, just on the left hand side today, thanks. Catering's here. - [Noel] Thank you, bye-bye. - Hi, Noel. How are you? - Hi, how are you? Welcome to Sydney. How you been? - [Noel] Yeah, all right, thank you. - Quick photo together? - [Noel] Yeah, absolutely, yeah. - Sorry, I've been following you ages. - Have you? - Yes. - [Noel] Australia. - Well, I hope you had a good trip. - [Noel] Yeah, it's been good, thank you. - [Airport worker] Have a great trip. - Yeah, thanks a lot. See you later. - Take care. You too. All right, welcome to Sydney. The good news is that even after Jetstar canceled me flight and put me on Qantas, I only like 15 minutes later into Sydney than I would've been on Jetstar. So, that means I've still got a few hours here to be able to go and do a little bit of sightseeing in the city before my flight out of Australia. Everybody in Sydney seems to be wheeling a suitcase. Like, does anybody actually live here or do people just like transit through? Now that's a normal ferry there, but that's a manly ferry. Oh, yes. I've been to Sydney a few times, but I've only actually left the airport for the first time today. Usually I just stay around the airport area and connect on flights. So it's actually quite nice to come into the city. It's quite a nice little city, actually. It's a little bit like Newcastle. You've got like the bridge over there, over the water. There's all the boats. You've got the rain. You've even got yellow trains here, just like in Newcastle as well. It's quite a nice place really. And then you've got this place here, which is like a big theater thing over the water. Yeah, it's quite nice. Anyway, I've got a bit of an issue now, you see because my next flight takes me from here in Sydney across to Honolulu in Hawaii to connect onto my next flight back to mainland USA. The big issue here is that this next flight is on Jetstar again and based on so far my experiences with them, I've had a 50/50 success rate of even getting the planes to actually go. So whether we're actually gonna be there on time to even have a chance of making this connection in Hawaii, I don't know. I really hope I do because if I don't then it means I have to change my onward flight and there's every chance I'm gonna miss the 80 hour mark. So, fingers crossed. Jetstar, this is all on you now guys, to get me to Honolulu in time for my connecting flight out. Hi there, how are you? - Hey there. You going to Honolulu? - [Noel] Honolulu, yes. - Yeah, and can I see your ESTA or Visa, please? - My visa's in the passport? - So you'll be boarding at gate 54 today. - [Noel] Awesome, thank you very much. - Thank you very much, enjoy. - Thank you. All right then, all checked in for Jetstar, which means fingers crossed the flight is not canceled. It certainly didn't say that it was so, I don't think, I don't think, fingers crossed and touching wood heavily, that we're gonna be canceled. But it is Jetstar and we still don't know 'cause we've still got three hours before the flight, and they could cancel at any point. If you look, we have wonderful Air Calian. I wonder how many bags they've left behind this time? All right, there's a Jetstar 787 at the gate waiting to take me to Hawaii. I just want to go home. I'm knackered. Absolutely worn out. Home stretch now. This is gonna take us back to the States, and then we've only got another two after this one. Hi. - Mr. Phillips. How are you? - Thank you very much. I follow you. - Very good, thank you. Good to see you. - Thank you, I'm all right. Welcome on board. 52A, yeah. - Right down the back. We'll keep an eye on you today. Make sure you behave yourself. - Cheers. Good to see you. - Thank you, you too. - Oh, excuse me, sir. - All right then, another Jetstar flight. Second one, should have been me third. Same as the last one I was on, basically. I've got not a massive amount of leg room. Same seat, 52A. There's me view out the window. There is a bit of a misaligned window on this seat, but that doesn't bother me. I'm just gonna sleep, I think for this flight. Once everyone was on board, we pushed back to get on our way for flight number seven. We climbed out of Sydney as the sun started to set, and we headed across the Pacific Ocean to Honolulu. - [Narrator] Three hours later. - So halfway through this flight now. It's so uncomfortable. I've literally no room at all. I am penned in. I've got a seat right back here. The leg room on this flight is really like non-existent. I cannot get comfortable at all. After what was quite possibly the most uncomfortable flight on this entire trip to date, I was pleased to see the bright lights of Hawaii appear on the horizon as we made our approach into Honolulu Airport. Thanks so much. See you later, bye-bye. So I landed in Honolulu, back in the USA, and jumping back in time 24 hours now, back to this morning again or whatever time it is, I don't know. But the good news is that Jetstar not only have got me here without canceling the flight, but they've got us in 15 minutes earlier as well. Immigration at Honolulu was really simple this morning. I was straight through global entry back to landside and then back through security again within about half an hour. Alright, so I started my trip on Southwest Airlines, and I'm finishing my trip as well on Southwest Airlines. We made it. 40 minutes from getting off the Jetstar Dreamliner to getting on here. There is my ride, a 737 MAX 8. It's gonna take me on Southwest Airlines' longest, nonstop flight from here in Honolulu across to Phoenix, Arizona. It's six hours plus. - [Airport Announcement] Zone B. B1 through 30, welcome aboard, B1 through 30. - There you go, thank you. - Awesome, thank you. - Good morning, welcome. - [Noel] Hi, good morning. - Good morning. - All right then, on board penultimate flight. Six hours now, Southwest's longest, nonstop flight over to Phoenix, Arizona on the MAX 8, and it's quite nice. Loads of leg room on these MAX seats. I was on I think my first flight on this trip was on a MAX 8 a couple of days ago. Crikey, it seems like forever since then. But it's quite nice. Loads of leg room, stretch right out like that. Oh, that's what we like guys. That's what we like. Six hours now over to Arizona and then home. As we got on our way, I was exhausted, but I did have to smile at the funny safety announcement given by the crew on this flight. - [Flight Attendant] Pull on the mask until the plastic tubing is fully extended. Stop screaming. If you're traveling with an infant, a small child, your husband or somebody else requiring extra assistance, please place your mask on first and assist them with theirs. If you are traveling with more than one child, my goodness, bless your little heart. What were you thinking? Start with your favorite or the one with the most potential, work your way on down the line until you got that situation covered. Welcome aboard Southwest Airlines. - We took off from Honolulu. We got some great views of Waikiki as we enter the clouds and headed on across the Pacific Ocean back to the mainland USA. The snack service on Southwest Hawaiian flights has a lot more in it than the regular bag of nuts that you get on their mainland route, which given the length of these flights is probably a good thing. After a few hours, we started to approach the Californian coastline just south of LA. So here we are then after 70 something hours, back in mainland USA. Yay. Southern California, we've just flown over Los Angeles. We've got about 40 minutes it reckons until we land down in Phoenix. Almost on the home straight. It's quite interesting, we're actually following the I10 right now from LA all the way to Phoenix, pretty much it seems. We're just about to fly over Blythe. But the I10 is the road that I took in the Greyhound video I did where I was trying to go coast to coast on the Greyhound. And we took the I10 from LA all the way to Phoenix. That took like two days to get from LA to Phoenix. We're doing it in about half an hour on the plane. Isn't that incredible? And it wasn't long before Phoenix came into view and we started our approach down into Sky Harbor Airport. Thanks a lot, see you later. - [Flight Attendant] Thank you, thank you. - All right, Phoenix, Arizona. Back in the mainland USA. Almost home, guys. Almost home. One more leg to go now. I'll talk a bit about how much this little trip around the world on low cost airlines has cost and the entire cost of this trip around the world has cost me the grand total of $2,908. That's just for the flights that I've flown, and I'll come back to that in just a sec. The most expensive flight I've done is this one I'm on right now actually, Honolulu to Houston, which was $700. The cheapest one was with Vueling from Boston into Athens. That one was only 200. Actually a lot of the flights I was looking at were cheaper if you'd have gone on full service airlines. The other thing here is it's actually cost me a lot more than that. The trouble with low cost airlines is when you book a flight with them, you don't get any flexibility typically with them. All it takes is one airline to make a change, and then it throws out the rest of it all together. And that's exactly what's happened here, because LEVEL changed my flight, which meant that I would've missed a load of other flights. I was down about $1,500 from those flights. Scoot canceled one of my flights. That meant that I would've missed my connection on with Zip Airlines and then with Spirit Airlines, and then with all the others that I originally got planned for this trip, you just lose the money because that's low cost airlines. If you want any degree of flexibility whatsoever, then you're pretty much screwed. With that said, it was time to head to the gate and get on board my final flight back to Houston. - Good evening. How are y'all doing today? Can I just reach right in front of you right quick? Thank you. - Of course. - Hello. Right then, on board. Last flight of the trip, flight number nine. Concluding this crazy little thing that I've just done. There is literally barely anybody on board. I think they said there was like 54 passengers on board, which is crazy 'cause the last flight I was on, obviously from Honolulu, it was rammed. And this is like only less than a third full or something. It's not too bad at all. Got a row to myself. In fact, I've got several rows to myself. There's nobody behind me either. And I thought I'd come sit down at the back on this side and hopefully we get a nice view of Houston as we come in to land at Hobby Airport. So time to stretch out, I think. Two hours and something over to Houston now. Who's counting? Who's counting, honestly? Let's get out of here. All right, so the last leg airborne from Phoenix, heading back home to Houston Hobby airport. And I'm tired, I'm hurting. I ache in places that I didn't know could ache, but it's been an incredible trip. I've managed to see the entire globe, fly around the world on low cost airlines in less than four days. Just amazing. And one of the flight attendants has just said to me, she goes, "I don't know how you do it. I don't know how you can ride on a plane for three or four days at a time and you know, just travel constantly. You must be absolutely exhausted." I said, "I don't know how you do it. You are flying around the world constantly for three or four days at a time and you actually have to work. You have to serve customers and deal with people and things. All I've gotta do is sit in a seat, talk to a camera and look out the window." You know, so the flight attendants really are the ones that deserve the recognition 'cause they do these jobs. I don't know how they do it to be honest. If you're a flight attendant, thank you so much for everything you do, by the way. I don't know how you do it. I couldn't do your job. I appear to have been given a enhanced glass of Coke by the crew, which is very appreciated. They wanted to congratulate me on my flight around the world. So I shall be having a little sip in just a moment. And as we descended through the clouds on a murky evening in Houston, I couldn't help but think that I might have earned that. A little over 79 hours after taking off from Hobby airport, here I was again having circumnavigated the entire globe. - [Flight Attendant] Thank you so much for choosing us at Southwest. Come back and see us again real soon. Welcome to Houston Hobby. - [Noel] Thanks very much. - Welcome to Houston. - See you next time, bye-bye. - Bye. - [Flight Attendant] Y'all have a nice evening. - Thank you. We've done it. Well here we are then, 25 000 miles later, back here at Hobby Airport in Houston and a little under 80 hours after I was last here. Wow, what a trip. Hope you enjoyed the video as much as I enjoyed making it. I'm absolutely worn out. I'm gonna head home, try and get some sleep and try and get to the chiropractor's. But let me know what you thought of it down in the comments. In the meantime, as always, thanks so much for watching, appreciate it so much, and I'll see you next time. Bye for now.
Channel: Noel Philips
Views: 1,171,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noel philips, flight review, noel philips around the world in 80 hours, around the world 80 hours, flying around the world in economy, flying around the world, around the world on low cost airlines
Id: X5uwTdOXF8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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