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this is not a stream deck bashing video i just put that in the title for clickbait you guys know how much i love stream deck but i have always found it lacking in certain features check this out here's everything you can do with obs on a stream deck that's it that's the list no filter support no changing transitions no studio mode no changing audio levels what's more is the multi-action feature kind of not great i talked about this in another video in case you don't know the stream deck has a feature called multi-actions which allow you to put multiple commands on a single button the problem is the stream deck adds a little delay between every single action and so if you wanted to do something like toggle two different sources on and off at the exact same time well you couldn't do that this delay along with no filter support makes it really difficult or even impossible to do some of the really advanced effects that i show on this channel so to solve this issue i did what any normal person would have done i programmed my own stream deck [Music] today we're going to be looking at something very special because it's a program that i developed myself over christmas alone i'm calling it nutty's official obs commander or noobs commander now you might be thinking nutty why did you make your own stream deck couldn't i use something free like touch portal or leornboard nerd or die nerd or die is like a wonderland for streaming you can get alerts panels stinger transitions all sorts of designs for your stream i just teamed up with nerd or die to give the first 100 of you guys 50 off your next order all you have to do is go into my link in the description box down below and use the code 9050 at checkout and don't worry guys if you miss out you can always use the code nutty to get 15 off so go ahead and upgrade your stream all right so what is noobs commander what does it do and why do you need it basically noobs commander is a tool for making commands in obs for example when i press a button on my stream deck i want it to enable a black and white filter put some thug life glasses on me and freeze frame my camera all at the exact same time without any of the delays that a stream deck has just to give you guys an idea this is what the program looks like and if you've ever used a stream deck before or touch portal this interface may look pretty familiar you can do things like change scenes toggle sources on and off enable filters a whole bunch of stuff but noobs commander works a little bit differently to those other stream deck like apps so if you think i'm trying to replace touch portal that's not what this is noobs commander is much simpler to all of those programs in fact all it allows you to do is put together all the commands that you want obs to run and then export it into these tiny little files for example here's a really basic macro i made in noobs commander all it does is it toggles studio mode on and off all i need to do is click export save it to wherever i want and then double click on the file that it creates and you should see it turns on studio mode and if i run it again it should turn studio mode off okay but that's boring okay nobody wants to double-click files in the middle of their stream see that's why you gotta use that little brain of yours eric because your commands are just stored into these little files all you need is some kind of thing that can open up files and what can open up files that's right a stream deck in your stream deck you just drag an open button onto your deck and then point it to that noobs commander script that you created and bam now your stream deck can toggle studio mode or change audio levels or change scene transitions or anything else that noob's commander is capable of doing and you can do all of that without any of the delay garbage that a stream deck has some of you might be thinking okay what if i don't have a stream deck why did you ever consider my feelings a little bit emotional i'll say doesn't matter you can use something like touch portal or leewarn board or deckboard literally anything that can open up a file can use these scripts one of my favorite things to do is to combine noobs commander with the last video i made and use a program like voice attack to control my stream using just my voice so i can execute any of these scripts just by saying phasing [Music] and then it does all of these really cool effects using just my voice and the great thing about a system like this is if you have multiple different apps like you got like touch portals stream decks lee on board voice attack a whole bunch of different programs for controlling your stream if you have a particular effect that you've made you only have to create it in one place and then point all your different programs at this one file and so now when you update your effect in the future you only have to update it in one place and the best thing about this is these are just my ideas obviously you can use whatever you want as long as you can find a way to execute these noobs commander files you can control obs a crazy idea i had was to buy a kinect and then see if i can control obs using like my hands like it's some minority report thing i think that would be really cool if i get really bored one day i'm probably going to figure that out all right so you probably want to know how do i install noobs commander [Music] to be honest i've been rambling for like six minutes so i'm really surprised that you guys are still here but if you're one of those youtube commenters that's like video starts here and then you like leave the timestamp this is the time stamp to leave in the comments i left the link in the description box down below for where you can download news commander but just to summarize it this is what you're gonna need number one noobs commander no okay second thing of course is obs studio no this doesn't work in streamlabs obs i know you guys are expecting me to make a joke here i'm being completely serious though that's pretty funny though right and finally you'll need obs websockets if you're using something like touch portal or the oranboard you already have this installed but this just allows noobs commander to communicate with obs setting up noobs commander is pretty straightforward you just download the file in the link in description box down below you'll see a zip file just unzip that file and inside you'll see something that says noobscommander.exe open that up and then it'll be like yo homie you need to be running in admin mode so open it up in admin mode you only need to do this for the first install after that you don't need to run admin mode anymore when you first open up news commander it's gonna ask you to install obs command and i'm not gonna get into the details but basically obs command is the backbone that does all of the heavy lifting of controlling obs you can install this wherever you want the default location is fine so just select the directory that you want and then press ok give it a few seconds and you should see noobs commander open up now if you're super skeptical of me trying to install a virus on your computer first of all i have a youtube channel 50k subs you think i'm not stupid and second if you just don't trust me and you don't want to run news commander in admin mode you can always manually install obs command i left a link in description box that explains how to do that i'm just not going to get into that for this video so with the installation out of the way let's actually take a tour of noobs command here come with me come with me here come wait my pc's over here so here's the interface for noobs commander first thing of note is you'll see in the top left it says connected so when you open up noobs commander it's gonna automatically try to connect to obs if you don't already have obs running it's probably gonna stay disconnected so this is actually a button you can just click on it to disconnect and you'll see this server ip address port number and password if you don't know what any of this means chances are you could probably just leave it as is but just to be sure the port number and the password have to match what you have in obs so in obs you just have to go to tools go into websocket server settings and make sure your port number is exactly same here and if you do have a password which says enable authentication here make sure the password that you have set in noobs commander matches anyway the point is click here where it says not connected and it should now say connected if it worked if it didn't work you may get an error message or it just won't connect anyway so now that it's connected on the left you'll see a bunch of different things that you can do with noobs commander so for example if i want to do a scene switch then i'd add a scene command and then here i'll say switch to and if i click in the box it should list out all of the scenes that you have in obs so if i want to change my scene to like let's just say my webcam scene and then on the top right you can just click test command and if it works then it just switches my scenes but of course you can add as many commands as you want so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna add like let's just say add a delay and we're gonna add a delay of like let's just say two seconds and then we're gonna add another scene switch which will go back to my fps scene and if i run this again it should switch to my camera for two seconds and then automatically switch back to my desktop scene now there's way more things you can do in noobs commander i'm not going to show you everything you can do but trust me it's way more than you can do on an actual stream deck so there are things like i don't know talking with filter on and off um and so i'm gonna just select my camera so i'll just type in camera and bear with me guys i do have a lot going on in my obs scenes i'm gonna select camera and then select black and white and then if i test this it's gonna switch to my camera full screen switch back and that's gonna make my camera black and white there are other really cool things like there's a screenshot functionality so i'm just gonna select screenshot and then you can select the scene that you want or source that you want and i'm just going to select uh i'm on my fps scene so i'm going to set my fps scene and then i'll select like a directory i'll just call this uh test as well um and then if i execute this it should have just taken a screenshot so i'm gonna go to wherever that directory is and you should see hey there's a screenshot of the thing that you guys just watched now for the purpose of this demonstration i'm going to keep it really simple we're just going to add a source and we're going to set this to toggle source and then what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to set this to my camera so what this will do this will actually just turn off my camera and then i test it again turns my camera back on i'm going to click export here and i'm just going to export this i'll name this test and then what you'll see is that created two scripts both of these scripts actually do exactly the same thing but there's one key difference you'll notice that if i run the dot bat file it's going to quickly open up the command prompt you'll see my camera turned off but you'll see as i run that bat file it always opens up the command prompt which is probably not what you want so i also included a vbs file which should do exactly the same thing but you'll notice every time i run it it actually doesn't open up anything at all i just provided both different file types there because some programs don't play well with batch files and some don't play well with vbs files so you can choose whatever works for whatever program you're using now final thing i want to show you if for some reason you want to update your script later on like let's say you've already saved your file and you've closed down noobs commander you can actually reopen noobs commander and then click import and you can import either one of those files that it created and it should automatically bring everything back in then you can update it again then re-export it to save it now obviously you wouldn't run a script like this from a stream deck because a stream that can already toggle your camera on and off but if you wanted to do something really really complex you can run it from a stream deck how do you do it i already told you but i'm going to show you how again anyway in case you forgot in your stream deck you just search for open and just drag that anywhere you want and then select your bat file that you created with noobs commander so we're gonna use the bat file here and then now when i press it it should toggle my camera on and off so there you go that's how it works with the stream deck it can work with many many other programs i'll show you that in later videos but that should be enough to hold you over for now so there's noobs commander i'm gonna be talking about this way more in future videos i got an idea on how you can use noobs commander to turn any keyboard into a stream deck i think a lot of people are gonna watch that video i'm just like i'm just salivating thinking about all the views i'll get from that like like you know what i mean so guys if you want to ask questions about news commander or really anything about streaming make sure to join the discord i just made a noobs commander channel so if you want to ask for help that's the channel to do it also if you want to see all the cool things that you can do in news commander make sure to join my twitch stream we're always talking about all cool things that you can do with streaming effects all this cool stuff anyway enjoy noobs commander have fun enjoy streaming i will see you guys next week okay i'll see you guys then [Music] you
Channel: nutty
Views: 38,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1x3QqZHr6IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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