Top 6 Streaming Devices I Can't Live Without

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I've spent a good chunk of time experimenting with gear not only for my YouTube channel but also for my twitch channel it's not that I think you need fancy gear to be one of the best streamers or even enjoyable to watch but just that for me part of my brand is experimenting and and pushing the envelope in terms of tech and production value that's that's what's important to me that's what a lot of people come to my stream for and so especially the last couple months not only have I just been accumulating gear but I've been experimenting with piecing different pieces of gear together and see what happens when you combine different things that what's that one phrase the sum of their parts is greater than wait what's that what is it that's the product is greater than the sum of their parts I'm gonna look this up GLaDOS says it on portal no that's it that is it the whole the whole the whole is greater than the sum of its parts basically saying you combine this thing and this thing and now it's worth more than the two pieces combined now it's you know it's like one plus one equals five anyway but while this video is is called in like my five or six favorite devices whatever I decide to call it it's more it's more like my favorite tools because some of my favorite tools are like combinations of multiple devices and what they can accomplish together that they can't accomplish separately anyway let's jump into it let's get number one number one is my stream deck excel I didn't clean this one was i doing when al gato first announced their stream deck I thought it was cool I bought one about a month after it was released but for me it seemed kind of like a luxury item it didn't really create anything new for me the turning point was when they added multi event actions which is what El Gato calls it's basically its macro function you can assign different tasks in a row that pushing one button will accomplish you can even assign delays between the different tasks and so the reason that this device is an essential for me is because it's what enables me to do my just super advanced transitions that I did a whole video on where a stinger transition happens and then an animation happens and then my camera and all my analytics fade in late and it's like 10 different actions in one push of a button and I probably could do it without the stream deck I know there's macro software out there but like but the whole purpose of the device is like you want to do it you the software takes you like 30 seconds and then you're done whereas I know if it was software that took me like 20 minutes to adjust every single time I just I wouldn't do it I just don't have the time and I thought that that actually went back and grabbed my original stream deck this one was sent to me by Al Gatto and since I run a to PC stream setup I have this one plugged into my streaming PC and my regular-sized stream deck plugged into my gaming PC and that opens up a lot of doors for some great content creation opportunities which I'll actually get to during the last device in this setup I also think just the magnetic hinge thingy so clean it's so clean they did a great job on that before we get into the next device I'd like to give a huge thank you to the sponsor of this video nerd or die nerd who dies a one-stop shop for all your stream design needs from overlays to alerts to transitions it's all their focus is a minimally designed stream package from nerd or die it features a simple and clean look with almost endless customization the overlay pack has seven different color options and the widgets and alerts include custom fields that allow you change the colors language animation directions ended a whole whole lot of other things so if you'd like to make the smart move like a lot of the community have already done head over to nerd or die come and if you find something that you like and it isn't free use code alpha for 10% off anyway back to the devices essential device number two my go XLR definitely a essential piece of equipment for me I was so excited when they announced this I mean when people ask me questions about like its functionality I of course talked a lot about you know how it's got a routing table so you can make sure your stream and you hear the right things it's got mute buttons so if I want to mute my voice from my teammates but not from my stream I can set it to that you have faders so you can see all the essential things also it's got the i/o built into the back for plugging into two different pcs these he got us be here for your gaming PC and line in line out there for your streaming PC and if you want you can even plug your console directly into it right there but the thing that I encourage a lot of streamers to do with this especially the right side with the you know the voice changer in the sampler is not to just like use it and abuse it you see a lot of streamers just like oh you got the little girl voice oh you got the grandma voice or the old man voice this is the class I actually only used like one of these voice changer you got six banks here for save voice changers I only use one and it's like a voice that's like a character on my stream we call it the hentai voice it's a really high pitched voice then I speak my really broken Japanese and anyway you know say onii-chan all the time and that that's we use it for that and it creates a whole new element because it's a character that lives on my stream and it's unique to my stream but it's essential for me not only does it make audio setup for a to PC setup easy to set up and easy to adjust later on the fly but it's just it adds a whole new level of content creation to my design also I did something here but I grabbed that go explore mini that Helicon gaming sent me and I found out how to connect them together again because I have a two PC set up I can plug each one into a PC and then connect them together so let me just do it for you line out to line in out to line in there we go so there's an out to an in and out to an in and then both of these are connected to their respective pcs this one the gaming PC this one the streaming pc and now i have 8 faders at my disposal so on this one my faders are my mic my game my chat and my headphone I just have a headphone slider here for turning up and down my headphones on this one I actually have my guitar or plugged di into this so I don't have to like mic up a speaker or anything I got my guitar my xbox if I ever want to plug it in which I haven't yet my music at its own individual fader and my alerts on their fader so eight different faders eight different mute buttons a ton of control just my my absolute dream audio setup on stream number three essential item is not as pretty as the last two but it is my quad capture card a lot of streaming capture cards like avermedia Elgato put a lot of time into the housing and making it look pretty this one not so much it's it's very rugged and industrial looking should have cleaned that off too but this capture card was one of the first ones to have four different HDMI inputs so you plug four different cameras into it all four of these are 1080p so he frames per second so I've got my main super wide angle camera I've got my narrow camera this one connected my ceiling mounted action camera before it broke gotta get another one of those and then I've got a spare one I haven't found a solid use for yet I've got some ideas but I kind of like the idea that if I ever had a camera idea I've I've got an input right there just waiting for it production quality for me is like top priority allowed to push the envelope I love to try new things with camera and audio equipment and this allows me so much Headroom for creativity with the visuals very expensive though actually Blackmagic has released one that's got four or K inputs and it's like half the price so I need to take a look at that see if it's any good because if so no but this is gonna be a ripoff item number four is actually my standing desk I've had a pretty bad back injury since middle school that resurfaces every year or two and it last happened again in like February or March and around that time flex his spot a standing desk company actually reached out to me said hey we'd love to send you a standing desk if you showcase they don't want of your YouTube videos and I was like this is amazing I literally I'm my physical therapist that I'm not allowed to sit for more than an hour at a time so having a motorized standing desk is an essential for me and I would actually recommend as soon as you have the funds to do it I would recommend any streamer do the same sitting for as long as streamers do is just so bad on your lower back in your pelvis I use my stream deck to set our timers and 30-minute timers and I'll sit for an hour and then when that goes off I'll stand up and I'll turn on the 30-minute timer and I'll stand for thirty minutes and I'll just alternate throughout the stream sitting for an hour standing for a half hour and honestly it actually saved my streaming career I wouldn't be able to do this without that I was streaming from a bed for a while when I say bed I mean I put this table in front of my desk put some blankets on it and streamed horizontally for like three months straight until I got the standing desk if I haven't mentioned it yet by the way links to everything I'm saying down in the description below number five is something that allows me to play guitar on stream without the cumbersome nests of cables this is the line 6 relay g10 this goes in your guitar it then connects wirelessly to this you see got power right there in the USB and then you got a little output here to go to the rest of your aunt Frigg and so with my entire audio rig I'm able to apply to my guitar in wirelessly then go through my whole rig which then goes directly into my go XLR the mini one that I show it on there and I have amazing guitar audio quality on my stream completely untethered in fact so untethered I actually also have I didn't grab the wire the headphones to hang it all right there we go when playing guitar having not only a wireless guitar setup but then also a wireless headphone setup just completes the whole thing so this is one of the two wireless headsets that I know for sure actually works with a go XLR and for a specific reason on the back you can see there's a a lion in Jack right there and that allows you to go from the headphone jack of your goal XLR directly into here and instead of broadcast what comes in via USB you just broadcast what comes in lying in and that connects to to this so everything coming out of the go XLR including my guitar my voice my PC my alerts my music everything comes through here via the lion in and then gets broadcast plus plus I know this is still technically is this still one not sure if this is like one device or two device we're gonna make this one device but my other favorite thing is unlike other wireless headphones where if they die you got to charge them up it actually has a battery pack right here you just pull the battery out you can see there's a spare one charging inside the dock here swap it out get this one charging and now your headsets are already fully charged and the old batteries charging genius design so I never ever have to go wire it on stream even if they die but yeah Wireless stuff especially for standing streams and guitar strings I'm able to stand up move around whether I'm just gaming or playing music absolute GameChanger last one and for this one I'm actually gonna bring that string deck and bring in these little suckers I just pulled apart my streaming pcs so I could bring these on here oh I grabbed the wrong Fork a capture card didn't I putting it over here what the son of my VC for no reason I don't know if how God was gonna watch this and if they are I don't know they're gonna be super happy that I say this but I'll god it was like turning into the Apple of streaming and not in a bad way to think for me that gets me sticking with Elgato hardware is the the ecosystem it's one thing to make like a solid capture card that captures like high resolution high quality footage it's another thing to make multiple devices that work together in tandem to create something that otherwise none of them can make I actually use both capture cards and I'm gonna try to explain this real quick I've got my 4k 60 plugged into my streaming PC paired with the stream deck XL and I've got my 1080p capture card plugged into my gaming PC paired with the regular stream deck that's plugged into that piece thing I can utilize I've got a software and do flashback recordings which allow me to capture up to the previous 30 minutes of footage and because of the way I have this all set up I can capture my gameplay raw and 1440p and I can capture my camera raw in 1080p regardless of how it's cropped are edited on my stream and utilizing the go XLR software specifically the double go XLR setup I'm able to send a specific output to that recording that doesn't have my alerts in it and doesn't have any music that might be playing in the background so I don't have to worry about copyright stuff and I don't have to worry about alerts playing in my youtube videos so this this whole thing right here is like my ultimate content creation setup which allows me to do all of those things that if one of these pieces was missing otherwise wouldn't be able to do so that's why I like these six devices I say six because it's missing the original stream deck but like these six devices are like a device or like a tool to me does that make sense you combine them together they're greater than the sum of their parts you following I think you get it and that for me is my essential set of everything else that I use is is a amazing I love all my equipment but like they're not essential I can go without a 1440p 144 Hertz panel my al gato key lights are great products but I can use you know an LED panel that's half the price and you guys wouldn't know the difference these are the things that for me turn my content into unique content that I couldn't replicate without them and I'm really hoping at 2020 brings a ton more innovation for the streaming industry because 2019 has been a fantastic year if you guys have any questions about this or want to see these devices in action I do stream every Monday Wednesday Friday evening on slash Harris Heller link in the description below also if you want to discuss tech we do have a specific channel in the discord that has like 30,000 people in it where people discuss their setups in different text so feel free to join the discord as well and if you think I missed anything if you think I missed any essential streaming tech that's like essential to your setup leave it down in the comment below I'll be checking those and as always happy streaming [Music] every jelly is long to me courage I will face I will battle every day to claim my rightful place [Music]
Channel: Alpha Gaming
Views: 641,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, Elgato, capture card, 4k60, hd60, pro, goxlr, mini, audio, capture, device, devices, tools, content creation, content, wireless, steelseries, line 6, guitar
Id: ANqKC_48Abs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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