I Finally Watched MAYA AND THE THREE (Episodes 1-3)

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we are finally doing it y'all have been requesting for me to react to this show for almost a year now ever since I uploaded My Book of Life reaction go check that out if you haven't already it's at almost 2 million views which is insane to say thank you guys so much for the love and support on that video but you guys have been nonstop recommending me to react to my end the three because you guys say it's based on same story as the book of life this is a limited series Series so it has nine episodes in total I'm going to break it up the same way I broke up my Arcane Reactions where I did three episodes in each video so this video will be the first three episodes the next video will be four to six episodes and then the final video will be 7 eth and finale episodes I'm excited also this furry thing right here is my dog he's being a little clingy today so he's going to watch the show with me and I hope you don't mind usually you guys don't mind you all love seeing my dog let's finally get into Maya and the [Music] three ooh I'm already loving the animation and character design and the lighting is really good too long long ago when magic turned the world was the legendary Kingdom of tea tea the Ancients told of a great prophecy that a mighty eagle three courageous Jaguars Vanquish the dark Lords of the Underworld uh-oh the bad guys from The Book of Life look similar to the people of the underworld [Music] here oh sorry I feel like I'm pausing a lot already but that game the kids were playing where they shot the ball through that circle thing looks like the game that was played in The Road to El Dorado I did a reaction to that if you want to check that out that's such a good movie okay they're real fast ready happy oh that's cute I thought they were on like a secret mission or something the way they were bouncing on things and just sneaking around but okay it was just a little surprise celebration for Maya that's cute your brother land stove into the cursed ocean and brought you the golden pill your brother daggers invaded a burning pirate ship fought the nefarious band Queen and stole her duel earring am Aur your most courageous brother Shield out ran a deadly Avalanche of Doom and found you this Majestic turquoise bird Majesty yeah not the smartest bird that's cute that all her brothers went through those Journeys just for their sister husband your daughter has been out all night these are not the ways of AA princess why has Rebel Fire Burns bright just like yours a gross let me just say I love mom's hairstyle all the intricate designs and ribbons all through it gorgeous okay so we actually have a pet Jaguar okay makes sense this is going to be if I survive if you survive what do you mean if you survive you better survive you're the main character of the show your name is literally in the title of it you can't die already what's your name girl eagle what no no claw claw's better Eagle Claw we could have came up with a better name but Eagle Claw will do now how about you taste some Eagle TCH yeah mhm give it to [Applause] him check out this Eagle Claw ooh yes right in the face I love how the unconscious this thing was Maya running around [Applause] yeah Eagle Claw Eagle Claw Eagle Claw CLW this little Eagle is not ready what do you mean is not ready oh because he's not done yet ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh he broke a bone mm- you should have gave him another elbow and the third one you know you got to keep hidden so you know for sure they're donea now e claw she she's going to have a forfeit or some she the Mighty Eagle is or maybe not oh [Applause] okay who won that kind of looked like a tie for the God's sake Maya I'm sure she'll be fine and what about her dislocated shoulder oh it's dislocated it's not broken okay that's good your brothers are the Jaguars from the prophecy the prophecy a great Eagle King me and his three Jaguar Sons your brothers would one look at me n Maya will never fight again oh Mom no no no no why did you have to rip it Mom oh what is what is that them spinning around on that thing that looks cool also feels like You' get a major headrush though [Music] look the Grand bua and The Wizard council is here I love the attention to detail put into the characters like all the different accessories and clothing stuff saot the air doesn't feel right sensing a great Darkness around I'm sensing disturbances in the forces so tired rbit H that's what you get for talking out pocket you get turned into a frog oh Barbarian King is hungry right Papa we just ate King is a foodie Crown to take a princess now so we can fol Papa she's like shut up and eat some carrots I present to you our daughter Maya [Applause] [Music] o o are you okay can we help youas I got this yes you do [Applause] Maya what is that fly away fly away fly away what do you mean Fly Away what is coming are you ready to carry the weight of the crown we have oh no that Crown looks heavy so maybe not if it is to be it is up to me oh what is that storm's coming oh is this like the underground uh what were they called The Underground people allow me to introduce myself I am SATs the prince of bats the prince of bats okay princess Maya will be sacrificed for what why why are we getting sacrificed lady mik Maya's True Mother shall welcome her to the endless death is our mom not our mom oh the tea is piping hot right now what's the drama what what do you mean other mother now please allow me to escort princess Maya I promise you no harm will come to anyone but you resist and I swear you will all die so you alone is going to kill everyone I highly doubt [Music] [Applause] that I can defend our people too listen to me Maya it is not our place let your father and brothers handle this we're going to leave up to the men I don't think so I don't think so oh so he does have his own crew with him they were just hiding my God yeah and they're [Music] ginormous boys get the bat prins I'll take the stone giants got it beh the you think you alone father can handle those big giants [Music] okay oh [Applause] oh n vampo is that all the God sent I will not fight you King tekka it is clear you're hurt tell your gods that if they want my daughter they will have to rip her away from my cold dead arms don't say dead arms now I feel like you're going to die Dad this is madness the God of War will be furious and it's all your fault princess Maya why you all blaming her did I miss something it's not like she summoned them to come here This Is War I will lead us all to an epic Victory will you I don't really believe that will the alliance join [Music] us y'all real quiet this don't want to join you easy husband rest we're going to war with the gods for you Maya I'm still confused what did he mean by Maya's other mother this looks very similar to the underworld in The Book of Life sorry I keep bringing up the book of life it's because y'all told me it was like similar premise so now I keep thinking of The Book of Life when I'm watching this it's not me saying one's better than the [Music] [Applause] other not the rock music it is done Lord in God of War I can already taste their fear y goddess of death your half breed daughter she will be a delicious sacrifice Half Breed daughter Maya is a half breed I pay a visit to an old acquaintance of yours okay well that was episode one that was a cute introduction pilot episode now we're going to be going onto chapter 2 which is the prophecy and let's see if we get some answers for our questions careful careful hi Gordo we need the other kingdoms this could have been done with more diplomacy diplomacy oh they ease dropping okay hold her daggers I got a chill no I'm Shield I think you think I can't tell y'all a part either but if I'm not Shield go the guys guys really ow I don't think my arm is healed yet this isn't easy to discuss Bach could have said and by the way Maya the gods do Walk Among Us and I cheated on your mother with one of them and then boom you were born oh the tea is exceptionally good today Father you cheated on mother and you cheated on her with the goddess of death men ain't [ย __ย ] I'm kidding I'm kidding but I didn't expect that from this show for cheating scandal I'm invested were you Angry Mama oh I was Furious it was the first time I stabbed him I can still fit my finger in the stabby hole but yet you still stayed with Dad couldn't be me you were just a baby when the forest Spirits brought you your father recognized your necklace belonged to a death goddess and right then and there we knew but I couldn't be angry at you this was not a choice you made exactly good I may not have given birth to you but I raised you I am your mother I love that cuz it could have been so easy for Mom to resent Maya I love how she's mature enough to realize Maya didn't ask to be here it's not Maya's fault that Dad cheated okay okay I will make it up to you Maya H you're going to have to do a lot to make it up to her the Divine gate will crumble before us we are the prophet he made flash mik we got this Papa ooh I'm so jealous you guys get to go on this adventure in Prophecy or not you're a great warrior my we'll see you soon oh oh I love their relationship here you go [Music] Papa if it is to be it is up to me I'm sorry I can't look at dad the same now that I know he cheated I can't look at him the same like I honestly hope father doesn't make it through this battle and he ends up deceased sorry not sorry the transitions in the show so creative and good and I've also noticed moments where they've broken through the ratio of it prepare for battle PL ready Shield ready Pap daggers even radier you know that prophecies are just stories fables you know they're there to make children believe their parents are in control Such a Pity that none of you will make it to the Divine gate that was really cool with the voice effects they were using and the god of I don't blame that Soldier I would have been running away [Music] too that was just the intro wow I love how there's gold Incorporated all throughout the buildings of this place please H what in the papa dad does not look good leave now you're hurt a fight now will be dishonorable your brother's weapons they belong to your family now did our brothers die I wanted dad to die not the brothers also I have a strong feeling that the prince of bats is going to end up being like a love interest for Maya I know I sense it and he's an honorable dude okay you fought all the gods it was it was just Lord mlon Maya they are coming for you your whole Army got defeated by one Lord [Music] wow I can't get over they killed off the brothers I can't get over that that's actually upsetting is the statue com into life for the prophecy I would have been there to fight by your side what rooster skull [Music] Puma I've seen those symbols together oh even in the after life your brothers are helping you out supporting you uh so rotate the sun to get them wait wait the whole Sun this makes no sense Brothers unless Papa Mama Maya another cool transition this show is filmed really well well animated really well help me line up the rooster keep turning stop a rooster wizard a skull Archer and a puma Warrior oh my gods the real prophecy is that the rooster a skull a puma and a little Eagle will team up to save the world okay I love that that's real cool you should have seen her courageous and beautiful I knew it I knew it he's grown acrush for Maya they're going to end up together and I'm living for it this is the last time I will ask you bring me the DECA princess bring her now she will be yours and her sacrifice will be delicious what okay mother weirdo God will bring her to you my Lord I trust you two will bring her back in one piece it will be our pleasure my Lord better get your hands off our man get a little handsy there first I will write Shia out the endless Forest raar this is so adorable kind of looks like stickers moving around hey Widow Queen I need to borrow your greatest skull Warrior and she'd be like take this bad om he's yours then the Barbarian princess will see my group of adventurers and will beg to join our Quest the best part of it all is there's no actual fighting it's just a gathering of three awesome Warriors the way you're describing all of this right now sounds easy I am predicting though it's going to be the opposite and there will be fighting probably a lot of it especially since um none of them wanted to help you earlier they wanted nothing to do with y'all in your war with the war God but I like your optimism very confident you're going to be confidently wrong together you will destroy the Divine gate and we serve the world but it can't be that easy it's not I know sacrifices will have to be made and some might not make it back yeah I hope you don't make it back father if you're cheating self oh no no no no not another princess dress please I could barely walk in that last one I don't think it's going to be a dress I think it's going to be a badass outfit wow o and I was correct look at that thing now my Eagle armor is yours Maya graas Mama [Music] [Laughter] did Mom not get that thing cleaned after wearing it h Jabba perhaps he isn't quite ready Jaba come out here come down come on old friend we need you for one last mission choppa's traumatized speak to No One Maya and no matter what what no fighting take care of each other and do not separate I have a feeling they're going to separate yep cuz I just know this mission is going to be chaotic I think we're getting close to Luna Island Chapa someone needs to stay awake and keep watch you both can't be sleeping at the same time come on now now we have a pink glowing hand coming towards us and they stole our map and they're burning it great no no no no no no no no no no no no no that mosa can't beat me even for you aut this is low that hasn't bothered you before oh this movie is good y'all the drama in the show I can tell Prince of bats he ain't feeling a cat and I feel like Maya's going to cause some drama in between [Applause] them wasn't that the bunny from earlier that came flying towards us okay Forest deer bringing us apples apples look real Goods an apple a day will keep the healers away oh I remember you from earlier who are you we are the spring and we are the fall we are everything nothing at all okay stop rhyming and tell me your [Music] name anyway abush can you guide us to Luna Island please oh okay Bush what's what's wrong with going to Luna Island you must fulfill the true prophecy see follow the clouds follow the clouds follow the clouds okay can you be a little bit more specific like what do you mean follow the clouds oh princess Maya come out to play I am a goddess of tattoos goddess of tattoos that's a fitt in name cuz you're gorgeous and your tattoos are beautiful could take on a warrior goddess like me yeah I think I can take you oh it's on the girls are fighting yes I hate snakes well how do you feel about trees trees oh she's pulling down the tree oh wow that was amazing W trying to kill me we to be best friends honestly I would like for them to be best friends oh I'm going to take your heart out and give it to my boyfriend and we'll be together forever Maya Maya alive this right through the heart I'm sorry I'm sorry I I didn't I didn't mean to oh it doesn't harm her okay in the name of silly Half Breed did you really think you oh she's like you better stop calling me a half breed knocked her straight out look at her even knocked out she still looks gorgeous Luna Island oh princess Maya I'm not done with you princess I think I'm done with you catch you later bye yeah take the L you lost the fight give up oh no they destroyed the the the stairs no too slow ink face ink face oh those are fighting words SM yeah M she's coming after you now oh come on come on come on come [Music] on Maya you need to stop laughing because you're not in safety yet prin what what oh okay you shoot your opponent in the back you have no honor a [Music] cut you and I were clearly a mistake how are you going to break her heart right now I'm no demon I'm like you a half human huh please my so did your dad also cheat with a goddess good thing that was there huh good thing that was there huh oh they're for sure going to end up together just their Baner going to be in enemies to lover situation I'll see you soon whatever [Music] prino good luck Maya he likes her and she's going to end up liking him so I told him not today G that's one hell of a nose that thing is huge that's what she said the te prophecy was wrong and you Raa are the great rooster wizard I seek I am I feel like these episodes need to be an hour long every time and episode ends I'm like it's been 30 minutes already now we're on episode 3 with which is the rooster I love how this whole city is on a [Music] moon oh and this place has like an ocean theme to it where is [Laughter] he oh is that the king you're meate never I just like making humble little entrances humble little entrances sure that was for sure little so without further delay follows oh they have spells super mango I love [Music] that M Chocolate rooster me d a yeah oh that's cute so they do like wizardy sorcery stuff and our last young wizard is go oh you're nervous you can do this yeah you got this babes you can do this oh my that's the child that used Bic magic to get you easy easy look at him he's just a poor Oran this is a school not a CH so every everyone's being mean to what mm- I don't like that how you going to bully a child and laugh at a child like that's so embarrassing of the grown adults to be laughing at a child corny L boo tomato tomato tomato I'm throwing Tomatoes I don't belong here Rico stop hey but but but I am different and there's NOS isues with that okay yeah you're special and one day mark my words you will be the greatest wizard who ever lived [Music] yep huh oh around boom Oh my God she uning peasant magic everyone get out so so what is peasant magic is that like dark magic or Voodoo get out of there yikes did the King die I'm sorry bro it's okayo no it's not okay you can't die cuz you were the only person supporting us for me pretty protect each other get away from him no that really sucks at the only person that was showing love and support to the little kid died and people are going to blame the little kid for the king dying and it looks like even the King's Daughter is just kind of resenting him and this is not going to be a good situation I wonder though if ma is going to end up teaming up with the little kid though now come with me to destroy the Divine gate and save the world or stay here like a coward oh May Lord niklan is guaranteed to be better at War than you because he is the God of War yeah that makes sense y really trying to defeat a dude that's the god of the thing you're doing princess Maya there is a young Wizard My Father once called the greatest wizard who ever lived I was correct I hear he lives near the Luna Island Academy gra why did you do that smirk I was oh hey is he the W is is he the kid yep Princessa never call me that again now I'm busy leave me alone hey you are cold I'm missing a leg but you missing a heart that was funny youo wait who there is please take me to the Luna Island Academy sorry I can't help you why not you banned there I really need your help please fine follow me you want know why I think he's the kid because he looks like he's homeless by his ripped up clothes in the intro they said that the kid was an orphan and plus everyone else didn't like the kid so I feel like he would still be homeless and an orphan and whatnot so I I'm betting my money on the the dude with the I was about to say wheelchair that's not wheelchair with the the crutch that that's the wizard we're supposed to team up with y'all need to give me $2 if I'm correct this is the Luna Island Academy bro died here he he Trieda a fake missing leg my leg oh my leg it grw back I'm correct give me my $2 oh you and the grand BR set me up unbelievable ha very funny Granda you sent me on a wild goose chase Granda where did everybody go oh they up and disappeared hey what was that you see huh what so they can turn invisible I can see you can you see this yes I can prove my father was not wrong about you and they disappeared again rooster wizard will you join my quest to destroy the Divine gate you will be the greatest wizard who ever lived mhm you got to prove him right you got to do it I will join your quest e oo I like the outfit change tell me the hair designs in this show 10 out of 10 gorgeous you sure you know where you're taking us on this Quest I always know where I'm going besides AO helped me the last time I was lost AO yeah I'm starting to think this AO character doesn't exist oh she does she's missing a couple marbles but a is real who's lurking in the bushes oh my goodness Cher he left me to fight a crazy tattoo godess all by myself come on he's traumatized still from the war I forgive you your giant cat looks delicious do we B him no cuz y all sound creepy of course you can pet him if you can tell us how to get to the Jungle Kingdom dear no I don't like how that little boy sounds like a grown [Music] adult I bet he tastes like kittens I'm scared hey follow usig no I will not be following you creepy kids y y I do not trust these kids they're so fast what are these kids eating probably Jaguar probably demon Spirits like hold on wait for [Music] us it's a trap it's a trap I feel like it's a trap whoa also didn't your mom say not to talk to anyone and you're here talking to creepy kids something is not right [Applause] that got me you didn't scare me really well how about this I knew it I knew it what are you I am CER CES okay of alligators I love that don't just stand there do magic oh we're doomed Mina there's no need to fight just come with us never I tried to be nice but now who about to get ugly oh so we can turn into an alligator okay and does she have alligators heads for hands holy run heads up he playing soccer with his head I think we should just go back home cuz clearly we're not experienced or strong enough to defeat goddesses and gods Lord mlan Commander us commanded we are gods don't be a fool fool the gods who sacrificed the half will become the most powerful in both Realms and I want that to be us that's kind of romantic not going to lie I like that Lord miklan is too strong and you think I'm weak I didn't say you were weak did I say you were weak that didn't come out of my mouth does this look weak okay but why are you doing all that sir where do you think you're going go May oh oh you squaring up get back down there dud you get do this rise me up I more [Music] fear oh oh how are you going to get knocked out by your own magic come on now what was your name again chup Brian it's oh and you're the god of Tantrums or the god of terrible husband kind of weak weak I'm not again yeah the this look you the power she is right when she said God of tantrum because sir why getting this worked up nothing without your staff we H don't break it but then again the staff is magical so I don't think I can break like that you can do that Rico leave PE [Music] Magic did nothing but break the staff oh that sucks oh why does she keep dislocating her joints I will never give up come and get [Music] some I was not expecting that save yourself go wait what why you helping us I'm not going to let you sacrifice her Lord miklan will kill us both watch out oh okay it's to save her own butt that's why cuz our husband's getting a little too power hungry I'm in awe with how cool this scene looks please oh don't tell me she's going to get injured in the process ooh what you think you're big time you're going to die sir do you not notice your wife is injured like can you stop with this tantrum I swear goddess of alligator better get a divorce from this dude cuz he's too hot-tempered [Music] right in the head [Music] [Applause] his head bouncing like a basketball I he [Laughter] [Music] tripped she found the rooster wizard another great transition right there this show is really good with its Transitions and how it frames and scenes and stuff farewell princess [ย __ย ] you're not included in this hug it's a girls hug we made it wow o this place is stunning all the shots and sceneries and places in this show so far has been gorgeous colorful wait I don't see any cards o o o they are ready to attack we come in peace wave the White Flag okay why don't you let me handle this this is going to hurt yeah is that okay I thought that was the end of the episode for a second next on my it is the end of the episode I don't want to get spoiled on anything in the future episodes so I'm just going to stop that that so that was the first three episodes of May and the three and I am invested this show is really really good so far and the pacing is really good too I wasn't bored at any moment like it was constantly something happening I'm going to see you guys in the next video where we do the next three episodes so you better like And subscribe for sure because I'm going to be reacting to the other episodes and I know you want to stick by to see all of that till then [Music] peace
Channel: Rukiya Reacts
Views: 166,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rukiya, rukiyaa, rukiya sherman, rukiya reacts, movie reaction, movie commentary, watching movies, first time watching, film reviews
Id: KiiPgruQeb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 44sec (2684 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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