I Watched *THE BOOK OF LIFE* For The First Time and It's An Underrated GEM! (Movie Reaction)

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wow oh who chucked the guitar at his head like that as soon as we find out who you are trust you will be dealt with period ignore my cat sleeping right there he's having a fat nap right now and I don't feel like moving him anywho hi guys for today's video we are going to be watching The Book of Life for the first time because y'all would not shut up about it in my Coco video holy guacamole I've never seen this movie but y'all kept saying it's good and y'all kept saying it's like cocoa but better and underrated I'm excited to see if y'all are lying to me or if y'all know what you're talking about if y'all are really good with your movie recommendations comment down below your thoughts and opinions and subscribe if you want you don't have to but if you want to you should let's just get right into this reaction rise and shine last tour of the day I wonder why nobody wants them Jesus Christ bye super old guy wow okay it's okay Thomas I'll take them uh are you sure well do you want to deal with them don't you worry I can handle them follow me kids she really said try me try me kids you messing with the wrong one oh I love her already yo lady the museum doors that way you need to see something special is this a good special or a bad special right through that door huh you're seeing things lady oh am I or are you not illusion stuff like that always trip me up now today is November 2nd does anyone here know why that date is important she's my girl food love me some tacos the Glorious beauty of Mexico oh this is cool what is this book that is The Book of Life the name of the movie Mexico is the center of the universe oh is that true why am I learning more from this movie already in the first five minutes than I've ever learned in my history classes or it would be geography class oh Lord just ignore me I'm stupid directly below it lay the land of the remembrance and below that lies the land of the Forgotten y'all look depressing you need to meet the two magical rulers of these realms that is she is made out of sweet sugar candy she's so pretty she is and that is zibalba that Charming rascal thinks Mankind is not so pure he's not wrong though mankind uh what about the weirdo with the beardo the weirdo with the beardo he keeps everything in Balance he is made out of wax and has a beard full of clothes oh that's an interesting combination wax and clouds see all of these wooden figures here they represent real people in our story oh I love that and so our tale begins on the day the people of Mexico called The Day of the day you have no idea how cold and vile the land of the Forgotten has become it did look quite depressing down there just like your hearts oh Miss ma'am don't comfort him like that come on my dear trade lands with me I beg you oh you're so cute when you beg [Laughter] you made your bed with that wager what wager not the man I fell in love with all those centuries ago they were together how about another little wager you think you can calm the Flames of my anger with another bet what exactly did you have in mind okay I see we got gamble in this shoe two boys best friends no less oh in love with the same girl that's gonna get messy real quick my girl is mine never She's Mine nope I belong to no one exactly tell them don't worry he knows a real man is protecting you tonight you're not even close but I have a mustache yeah just like your grandma why are you coming for Grandma's neck out of nowhere Grandma's just at home making some empanadas and you're here coming for her throat your mother would be so proud of you oh mom passed why does there always have to be a dead Grandma a dead mom dead dad whatever why because all it does is make me emotional let me grab my Kleenex just in case this turns into Coco and I'm here crying my eyes out oh you think she'll come back tonight Carmen is here all of these families have lost someone but as long as we remember them we can feel their presence with us for one night each year oh they are with us the moment we forget them they are truly gone wait why is there a clown three Moment I Saw bubble the clown he just popped out of nowhere who's in there young sir may I please have some of your bread this bread is for my father perhaps the trade don't do it don't trust old wrinkly men in dark shadows never a good thing so then my boy marries the girl I will finally rule the land of the remembrance and if my boy marries the girl you will she really got him there panting like a dog um turning feral wait so these ancient gods picked three little kids to like represent the whole world yeah pretty crazy right yeah keep going lady I love how invested they are in this story [Music] so cute shut up [Music] oh no they're gonna turn them into some bacon some pork chops not on my watch exactly safer little cutie hey little pig stampede oh my gosh angry Pumbaa what you doing here [Music] yeah crowd I'm shocked too [Music] that's my son that girl is in so much trouble uh-oh why is Maria the only one in trouble the two other boys were also caught up in it well I guess she was the one that released the pigs though so kind of yeah but it is you my son who will be the greatest Sanchez ever they don't like songs about you wait what I'd be a musician no you must Focus pause Pixar did you get inspired by this movie a lot yeah papa I want to be a musician I'm getting a bit of deja vu right now I'm gonna miss you guys I'm gonna miss you too don't ever stop playing and you don't you ever stop fighting for what's right oh I got you a present yeah I named him true since that pig was kind of the one that got you kicked off to this board in school you might as well keep him this is to make up for breaking your guitar I gotta go forget me Maria you are way too iconic to be forgotten miss you booboo bye [Music] oh this music [Music] oh we're older now a little show-off pretty impressive though but it's because of the badge why he's so good so it's not even that impressive because you're cheating you want to end up like those bozos I don't think Mr Sanchez likes us yeah it's quite the lazy bums all the Sanchez's are bull fighters I was a beast in the arena a beast oh you were Grandma okay the hero of San Angel returned oh come on you didn't think I was gonna miss your first little bullfight did you and Maria is here too have you seen her I cannot wait to show these babies I can't wait to see her grown up is this our girl Maria oh look at her stranding in her boots Jewel of the town has returned and she's going to be helping at the orphanage oh that's kind of her I hear she reads books for fun no way she's not like other girls I usually hate those types of tropes but I kind of like it in this movie of Maria like to dedicate this corrida to miss Maria Posada he doesn't like that oh oh looking glided oh I'm catching it in Steve he is so smooth with his movements he spelled her name no killing the bull is wrong yep yep it is who chucked the guitar at his head like that that was foul and unnecessary I'm sorry Papa do not make it worse by apologizing A Sanchez man never apologizes never oh my goodness that poor kid never had a chance my dear good game though it's not over when you were here before Oh okay the Sun Ray is a paid actor coming in just on time to glow on our guy [Music] yours King makes me cry no but I'm a creep wait a damn minute I'm a creep what I'm a weirdo okay [Music] what just happened you don't know women my love tell them it's so wonderful to see you again Joaquin I'm sure one day you are going to make a man very very very happy you're not that man though oh yes and I'll cook and clean for him and be at his beck and call that sounds so good are you kidding me oh boy we're only here to make men happy yeah [Music] knock them in the back like yeah oh that was hilarious I've lost her to Joaquin all we gotta do is play the right song and trust me everything will turn around in the space of four bars we've already been to four bars twice I can tell y'all are so out of it but I want to drink whatever y'all are drinking [Music] shut up oh baby you you got what I need that was so good Follow My Lead [Music] this Trio is hilarious that girl is way out of your league bro where did the cactus come from I know I love how they're adding in modern twist in this movie [Music] if you love me as much did you think it was gonna be that easy exactly make him work for that kiss this is why I love Maria Maria's that girl he needs some milk excuse me will you marry me no get that clear Ring Pop away don't worry your father already said you could what it's not my father who's marrying you [Music] oh my well you will never be as great a hero as your father tossing trauma back into his face oh yeah I love this fighting did I mention I also studied fencing I keep loving her more and more every minute of this movie don't go walking what if the Banditos come how convenient right when he leaves they come we are going to drive is with me hi this is not good [Laughter] because that would literally be me why don't you fight a real man with a really awesome mustache what's up with you on that Flippin mustache oh yeah steal it someone needs to kick him off of his high horse and take that thing away from him perhaps now we've possibly could continue our conversations no go home Maria please do it for the town no no thank you no thank you no thank you putting her Duty before her heart yes life can be really tough for the living yep you can say that again listen you love Maria then Fight For Her Like A Man Joaquin proposed to her already oh that's a real man quiet Carlos well you could be the father for Hakeem then since clearly you love him more than your own son uh I have something for you Maria that is so nice wow I'm speechless red I get that a lot be so for real right now he gave her an autographed portrait of himself you're not ashamed of yourself old friend old friend oh no not a snake I did not like that transition that would have been cool in 3D though in the movie theaters just come right at you shut the front door this is so romantic amazing [Music] Only Fools I love this song too I can't tell [Music] every time I'm with you I have nothing to give but my love that was beautiful no no Maria [Music] no no no no no no yes yes [Music] this shot is so beautiful and so sad at the same time just the color grading and then the fog and the rain ugh this is all you're doing leave or so help me I okay I understand you're upsetting grieving her loss but why are y'all jumping at his neck it should have been me yes it should have Maria tight that can't be right what kind of story is this we're just kids I will never see her again are you certain no with all my heart done what in the Romeo and Juliet is going on here Nolo too what is it with Mexicans and death that boy everything he says but wow I was not expecting this [Music] oh yes hey you know I've been down here for years awaiting my beloved honey bunny too soon it's me Manolo I'm so happy to see you what why you disgrace the family name playing the guitar you couldn't finish one ball you were a clown sorry cousin your mother will be very happy to see you oh yeah mother is here I can't wait to meet her oh look at her hi Mama [Music] reunited and it feels so good this is La muerte's Castle that is so gorgeous now this is a castle oh this is nice my lady could you help me find Maria Posada no one here can help you bull fighter what what amorte would never hand her domain over to you she lost a bet ah she would do that they were like yep she is she is quite so I win no but Maria passed away I saw her oh no she didn't pass away did she not pass away my Champion easily woke Beauty it's a miracle yeah it was the badge not the kiss right snake he'd beat me twice and I noticed that too I just thought since he he had a bigger body than her then maybe it took twice the snakes to do the job what happened Manolo passed away no it can't be and he did it out of love for you and now here you are crying in the arms of his nemesis will you stay in San Angelo if I marry you why does she need to marry him for him to stay in the town like he grew up in this town shouldn't he already want to protect this town I'm seeing a bit too much pressure on her that's not sitting right with my spirit stay here with us no more worries epic fiestas every day oh yes say no more churros I love churros versus she is way too pretty to be down there going there would be certain Doom well it's a good day for Doom oh I'm Lake of Arts [Music] why couldn't this be the elevator of souls why is that me it's like if there isn't an elevator or an escalator I can't do it come on what are you guys waiting for you are not worthy really heated him what is this called cause I remember playing this game when I was younger with the marble rolling around oh [Music] oh yeah because it's not gonna that smart that was never clocked into my peanut brain I would have been too stressed to panic and I would have gotten ran over by one of those things [Music] get you a man that's as committed as he is that was awesome man oh yes I almost forgot about this wax Cloud dude come on in y'all Manolo and his family were the first to ever see the magic waterfalls that leaked all the realms to the cave of Souls whoa is that gold or are those candles candles candles okay it's a life cow is on the march with him comes the end of your town we would all be forgotten they're gonna go Slaughter the whole town even man random kids bro The Book of Life it holds everyone's story the blank you didn't live the life that was written for you you are writing your own story oh I love that oh I'll take you to lamorte I'm going alone hold on now fine I'm going alone too can I get a word in right next to you actually out we should go let's listen to the candle dude that knows what's down there and what's gonna happen two seconds later [Applause] I did this Ginger [Music] okay you can stop screaming now dude welcome to the land of the forgotten I love the Black and White theme with the pops of colors here and there I know about the wager you did what why y'all acting shocked though he seems like the type of guy to cheat all the time you might want to cover your ears right now [Music] oh I love me some good female rage yes my dear oh why was he down here though was he coming for a booty call or some little enemies with benefits that slap is personal oh can I get a slap too I want to slap too come here let me I'm sorry for slapping you guys I'm sorry I love you don't take it personally I have to go back please Barbie hey what about a wager a wager another one we're gonna solve a wager with a wager you will have to defeat every ball finished thousands small [Music] once R.I.P are you two all right you some okay Daddy who wants to go first of course the biggest one wants to go first he died no papa why did you die he didn't stand a chance though but that came just in time to witness him fight in a thousand Bulls [Music] thank you that's not fair man this is a whole lot of bull exactly this seems like cheating in some form why did it merge like that you take Joaquin to be your husband or San Angel I do and wacky she said not cause I love you let's get that straight all right [Music] we will not fall yes now who's with me yeah you are like this son I never heard but much prettier what don't give me that medal all this is about a stupid medal not now Maria it's walking time again nothing new nothing changed same old there goes your little medal okay what we gonna do now let's talk about this yeah no talking [Music] oh my goodness he only got out two strums before it just yeeded him across the arena I am humbled for tonight I understand [Music] [Music] and if you can forgive me [Music] oh this is so beautiful [Music] not that moment Manolo conquered his greatest fear being himself that's such a beautiful message [Music] yes you make your grand entrance that was so bad ass [Music] oh he said give me a moment I've been away from my woman a bit too long so my father tells me you hate bullfighters I hate everybody oh at least he doesn't discriminate you know he said everyone can catch these Fists okay family and on our day we have a certain amount of leeway good luck thank you oh that's awesome [Music] oh you held that note yes defeat them with your killer vocals what is up with this priest it's like I'm about to bless you with this ass whooping I got it I got this I I got this no she got this did I tell you I also studied Kung Fu she's just so awesome I want to be her when I grow up yep [Music] they're just casually dancing while defeating him wait I'm taking this all down with me sir what is wrong with you you just don't give up do you take the L and leave don't stop fighting for what's right wait what you know that adios brother no no don't do that don't sacrifice yourself forget me no I was actually really sad oh he's not dead oh he did have the badge on him you were going to sacrifice yourself for me thought it might be time to be a true hero a human I love this character development [Music] and so Joaquin learned that to be a true hero you have to be selfless I love that I love that I love that I love that now we pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss oh she didn't even wait I believe you've won the wager anymore along with my heart all over again will you ever forgive me not everyone getting character developments I love an enemies to lovers plots I will stay by you even when we fall she can sing to what can't Maria do what can't she do and I won't let you fall hey [Applause] I'll be there I will say it was pretty obvious from the beginning that those two are going to end up together but oh the story for them to get their beautiful it gets me every time okay kids closing time your bus should be outside waiting for you oh I yeah I forgot they were on a field trip [Music] shut up never sees the cease to anyone can die these kids they will have the courage to live I'll wager you were right [Music] hey write your own story exactly wow wow let me take off these headphones that was a beautiful movie I had so much fun watching The Book of Life and if you had fun watching me react to it please don't forget to like comment down below and subscribe and I will see you in the next one till then peace foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rukiya Reacts
Views: 2,362,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rukiya, rukiyaa, rukiya sherman, rukiya reacts, movie reaction, movie commentary, watching movies, first time watching, film reviews
Id: YdU0ZqiL2BY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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