I FINALLY Raised Childe, and I'm Impressed (Genshin Impact)

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i've been a deadbeat dad long enough time to finally raise my child lol funny joke we have actually already given him an artifact set uh we're gonna keep him with the string list for now because i don't really have any better weapons um you know ellen wants a mastery decent base attack it's not so bad i would try and get him up to 90 but these are gonna be too hard to get we only have three out of 24 you might be able to craft a couple but i literally have not used him at all you can see our friendship we are going four piece heart of depth uh elemental skill normal in charge attack you know he does his melee stance i thought that was a pretty good set for him we got crit rate quick damage here energy recharge basically a perfect uh flower i would say the plume is much less perfect since we have 16 hp there i have actually no idea why he has this uh sans i do not have any good sands like at all not even really any good non-raised ones but we're going to try this if it is defense percent next one let's try this see if we get crit rate elemental mastery which wouldn't be bad either but i kind of really need crit rate this one we just need element mastery or energy recharge i would take either all right it's elements of mastery let's give this a try uh we got an element to mastery boost another element of mastery boost how about a crit rate no not the flat attack well we got a 5x bonus which i guess and a 2x bonus helmet mastery again it completely dodged crit rate and credit damage wow what's wrong with these stats 83 hydro over 300 elements of mastery though we actually see one as well so decreasing the cooldown of his like melee stance there talents are currently four six seven i didn't bother getting this one up too much because it's just his aim shot and i don't plan to use that very much probably want to get his uh ult up a little bit more but again we're missing these yeah literally one before we get onto the showcase i'm going to thank today's video sponsor dragon raja dragon raja is a fantasy mmo with limitless possibilities you can be whoever you want and play how you like make sure to check the description of this video for various links to dragon rodgers communities in addition to their recently added housing system they've now updated the game to include a special home for couples you can choose furniture furnishings and wallpaper designs together and design the home you were both happy with personally i thought this was a super cool addition and following the romance they also have a wedding system as well as an air system as long as your proper parents the air will grow up and can help you fight back to dragon raja as a whole though it does have some of the best graphics i've seen in a mobile game they're using the advanced unreal engine 4 which can provide some truly stunning visuals all while being optimized for mobile devices the open world is exceptional as well featuring tons of fun and natural interactions dragon raja has a lot of depth with their career system story development choices and an incredible character creator the one downside that i feel like i have to mention is that the install file is pretty big but i mean considering the quality i'd say it's a fair trade and of course links to download as well as various dragon rodger communities will be in the description down below so make sure to check those out just for fun let's do this first one with uh solo child i know it's kind of dumb because uh his biggest stat is elemental mastery so yeah some basic aero attacks obviously not super impressive let's go ahead and go into melee mode yeah that's not bad actually there goes the riptide explosion i think that is and uh yeah you know pretty pretty sick let's go back in the aero mode so we only have a 12 second cooldown the shield dude is a little bit annoying i gotta say let's go back into melee mode here for a second boom charge shots actually do some pretty decent damage 4 700 there all right that was a little annoying with the shield dude there but uh oh we have another one let's go ahead and try his alt in melee mode i got a 21k there not super impressive but again we have so much elements of mastery that we're gonna have to uh do some reactions so let's go ahead and get a team up in here how about that and since child is a bow user i can actually use my c6 banette with him and i think that'll be pretty good got banette for vaporize i guess we could throw mona in there sure and maybe we'll just focus on vaporize and get like another pyro in there for the extra attack bonus all right let's give this a try we're gonna start with him and uh just do it like this i guess gotta get rid of this shield first which is kind of hard all right so i guess we're just gonna try a reaction first of all yeah i didn't see we're gonna have to try that again on the next one and what's actually cool about child is you can actually use them as a sub dps as well because pretty much the only requirement for that is that you have a note where you don't need to be on the field because uh characters like that you know cli uh eula they're basically forced main dps's uh okay but here we go let's try this again we might just try bin that's all and then going straight to do a uh boom yeah we got a 59k there and i don't think that was even a critical you know getting some decent damage with some uh melee here there was a 5k let's try monazolt uh okay well that just killed them with moana's halt so i don't remember ever having this daily quest where we have to go up here and pick leaves well daily quests are done how about we try child versus child just start with bennett's old uh let's try and uh just go into uh melee mode straight away probably shouldn't have done mona's either all right let's try some more of this all right he's going into his other phase now so that was kind of bad timing all right i'll be honest the first two phases actually didn't go very well i think he has some kind of resistance versus water so maybe it wasn't like the best test ever and yeah it's kind of hard to do reactions um except for like his ult uh yeah um i'm probably gonna cut most of that i kind of need someone who is continually applying pyro maybe i don't know channeling i also kind of want to get zhang li back in there he is just such a wild card and that i kind of want to keep also i guess we can swap out who tau as we don't need two main dpses i kind of thought benett's alt continually applies pyro per tick because once i go into melee mode i can't really just swap out to uh like banette and do his ian and swap back because then he's like back in bow mode yeah i think the only one that really like you know applies it consistently is probably shondling my trolling sc6 or pyronado actually does last a while still got the book event running so i guess we're going to go ahead and try that as well let's just go ahead and start with jean-luc shield um you know do her old stupid netsults uh go go into the 50 oh i think there was over 100k over there so uh you know wait yeah his crit rate isn't enough honestly i think the battle pass bow is pretty decent for child as well but i don't have that right now yeah that was like 75k i think and uh there actually wasn't very much prep there i think they were vaporized but that was it i mean that was pretty quick for this place honestly let's go ahead and just try uh shondling alt here and uh let's just try his old straight away yeah we got a 91k there he was dead instantly and this one should be following yep if i'm just trying to get the vaporizer for his ult shondling isn't really necessary that's the question like right now it seems like i'd rather have him as a sub honestly and just do a super strong ult when he has his q ready i'm not super impressed by his basics even in melee mode right now but that's just because it's really hard to apply pyro that consistently to get vaporizes you know he attacks really fast here we go yeah okay the one the one that critical had 130k on it that's pretty that's that's not bad at all dang let's get sean ling's ult back in here let's get banette's old uh let's just do some basics with tartaglia yeah we i saw a 9k basic for someone that attacks that fast not bad yeah he just needs more crit in general i would say but i mean you know having a lot of the stats go into elements of mastery isn't bad either because yeah it would just he would be more of a sub dps in that regard then what is that oh did they add that that was probably like a warning to go back into bow mode because the cooldown is longer if you don't exit melee mode in time yeah now we have a massive cooldown even though he's c1 i'm starting to get the hang of him a little more and the more i play with him the more i think sub dps you know alt mainly which is kind of a shame for a c1 honestly because you know the main perk of c1 is having a lower cooldown on his e or his melee stance always got to try mr rock frog i suppose oh dude it says it right there the pyro and then the cryo symbols i never noticed that never paid attention if we are going to have it more as a sub dps just for results though like i said i don't think shandling is super necessary i want to get benet's old first all right let's give this a try going to benetsults gonna go to child uh but that's not gonna be a vaporize because uh yeah i have to pay attention when uh he does his e he does a little hydro attack as well i know his melee mode alt is a lot stronger or quite a bit stronger than his bow mode ult but i'm not sure if it's really worth it because it is always going to trigger the reaction before the alt does yeah how did zhang li shield get destroyed that fast all right let's try this again we're just going to do his old straight away yeah we got a 50k again i don't know if that was even a critical we are not very healthy right now oh well transforming into uh melee mode gave us like an 18k hit that wasn't bad okay we uh everyone has died except child uh i don't know if he's gonna be able to destroy him the rest of the way but we're gonna give our best oh he's marked that's probably not gonna work anymore oh we could do it go child can i get rid of that mark now okay mark is still on me but i wasn't taking damage wow okay that was probably the hardest rock frog ever yeah because you can see a result it's almost 700 in melee mode at level 7 but only 560 in range and then you have a 101 percent uh when you go into melee mode that little hit that did 19k earlier or whatever so i don't know it's hard to say you know go into melee mode but then like for example shaun ling would be useful there to reapply the pyro so i'm gonna go and do bennett's old go into melee mode and not attack yeah bennett really doesn't reapply the pyro it's weird though cause he applies it to like the team when he heals but not to the enemies standing in the ring so yeah to take advantage of the boosted mode for melee mode and uh you know the initial attack where it hits them you would need someone like shandling i guess because you can't swap out to another character to reapply pyro because then he goes back into range mode so yeah i can't really think of anyone else that can do that besides shanling you could actually even do that just with her bear you don't even need her ult uh i haven't actually really looked at shinyon at all her ultimately last two seconds so it's probably not gonna work but yeah overall especially in those book dungeons we did earlier i'm pretty impressed i mean getting a 100k hit at all is pretty impressive i mean especially considering his somewhat lackluster artifacts and him not being 90 yet he definitely has a pretty high potential for them big numbers but yeah i suppose that'll pretty much do it make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below everything i did wrong go ahead and drop that down there also like i said i had not used child before today so yeah i mean there could be some mistakes but i'm still not really sure about the weapon but i mean it seems fine you know especially for a sub dps element to burst 36 percent elmo to mastery rust for a main dps child would be pretty interesting as well but i don't really want to raise it just for like a trial i already figured out sacrificial bow is quite useless four piece heart of depth is obviously not going to be that great for a sub dps where you're just mainly doing his ult because the four piece is kind of useless in that regard so i'll probably swap over to a two-piece oblige and mainly focus on raising his alt a little further those are my future plans for my child here but yeah again make sure to leave anything in the comments down below dropping a like on this video if you do enjoy is always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 436,879
Rating: 4.9417787 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact game, genshin impact 1.6, genshin impact childe, childe build, childe gameplay
Id: 6DlHS1s1_sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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