Can The Tesla Cybertruck Really Off-Road?

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[Music] it's way too [Music] [Applause] [Music] fast can the Tesla cyber truck Offroad if you've seen any of those viral videos where it gets stuck on some not very steep slopes you're probably thinking no however Tesla is about to release a new off-road app it's basically a suite of new software that uh has a load more off-road modes and crucially activates the front and rear diff lock so that should make a big difference so we thought we'd put it through a real test and we've come out to Johnson Valley and bought along a rivan r1t as a rival to see how it Compares so we're going to do some whoops we're going to do a jump we're going to go through some sand Junes and we're going to do some rock crawling yeah and we've already done some uh drifting around on a dry lake bed a drag race and we've actually slept in these trucks as well those are in separate videos and those were in the tri motor version of the Cyber Tru here we've got a dual motor version with 600 horsepower because you get mechanical diff locks on both axles right we better get them prepared haven't we what do we need to do to prep these up we've air down the tires we dropped them from 50 psi down to 30 we need to take those wheel covers off the Tesla though cuz I reckon they're going to get pulled off in the they just clip on don't they yep so right you sort that side I'll sort the other the last thing we need to do is send a prayer up to the off-road gods look after us to put the Cyber truck's new off-road app and locking diffs to the test we needed to find somewhere gnarly enough for a proper workout without ending up on our roof somewhere like this oh this looks gnarly as hell look at the size of these Boulders Off to the side right challenge is then can we get the cyber Tru to the top I think it's going to be a challenge but I have got quite a lot of stuff to play with to help me out I've locked up all the differentials well front and rear center diff is a virtual diff obviously in here ride height is in very high if necessary if I start scraping I can hit extract which will take me up another 2 in what I can do which is quite clever though I can press the cruise control button and then wind my cruise control back because to 4 mph here which does not only heal descent but it also manages your speed uphill and I can increase it and decrease it with the throttle in the brake but here we are feet off everything just climbing up here at 4 miles an hour Ollie I'm going to be your spotter today sorry no one else was available bit more left hand down right let's give that a go that's it and that's it straighten the wheels straighten the wheels very nice fraction of left hand down sitting on a rock there's another spiky one just after that the moment you hit this rock your bre TI is going to hit another rock lots of rocks in other words I should do this for a living don't be a chicken go for it I've got to say I'm Blown Away by what this is capable of standard suspension standard tires oh it's heavy though you can hear it crushing Rock left yeah and give it lovely you probably can't see anything in the sky right now but there it is it's all you yes high five oh look what we have conquered yeah now you need to do some proper work and help me get the riew hey exactly yeah okay my turn in the rivan in terms of modes Rock crawl mode pretty obvious that one we got the ride high in its higher setting we've got the hold button on which means when I come off the throttle I shouldn't roll backwards which is a big no no and off-roading because it's got four Motors you don't have to mess around with anything oldfashioned like diffs you've got full independent control of each wheel yeah it's pretty loose and bumpy through here right start coming over now there we go right slowly now straight you need to go straight now that's it oh good amount of angle 22° of roll feels like I can fall down that mountain at any time that's it there we go perfect okay W slowly slowly this is fun you're going to point your left WI wheel at me and when you say left wheel you mean right wheel I do I've conquered this very small bit of mountain that's really impressive that's pretty severe yeah that was fun I mean I say fun all of these off-road activities are slightly fraught with anxiety yeah there's Jeopardy involved next up was the whoops those vicious undulations that can shake a car to bits in other words the ultimate test of suspension durability and body control right you're going to have a go at the whoops then the things that try to destroy your car they're horrible they're absolutely horrible but a pretty good test of suspension body control all that sort of good stuff and drive a wheelpower because if you hit them too hard then you're just going to break into s and break yourself as well break yourself but you've devised a little game here right I have you are going to go against the clock yeah right I'm in Bara mode yep I'm in high ride height but not very high cuz very high limits your limit you to about 22 milph don't do that are you ready I am 3 2 1 [Music] go it is butt puckering there's some unpleasant noises coming from that car already I want to go fast I want to beat Ollie but I don't want to break this truck it's quite stiffly sprung it's sort of tickling along over the ground there dealing with them really well and actually the more confident I get and the more speed I give it the better it gets patience Jack patience right this is the turnaround point it's got to be right this is where my Superior turning circle is going to pay off look at that 38 39.5 I can't seem to get over 40 mph doesn't like it 2 minutes 10 now it's taking a bit longer than I expected actually it's going a bit [Music] slowly okay don't get overconfident Jack you're doing well mate you're doing well there's the finished line here I come and do are all the GoPro still attached yes they are the wheels still attached the wheels are still attached you want to know how fast he went 2 minutes 37.421998 [Laughter] [Music] that's the back wheels in the air already the tent on the back of that rivan is jumping I have to say dropping those tire pressures down does seem to have made an enormous difference those back wheels are just in the air way too often this feels springier than the Cyber truck no idea how I'm doing on time but I can't lose the Rick right turn around Point boun SE this is quite alarming but the car actually it's staying pretty Rattle and squeak free I think 50 m hour that's way too fast let it out I can see the rear of the truck po going around back end's bouncing around all over the place [Music] how' he go that much faster first and foremost I'm glad that's over the back wheels were in the air more than they were on the ground yeah all right yeah 20 seconds faster than me I'm not sure that's a fair reflection actually because the this one feels springier and bouncier than the sub truck the Cyber truck actually feels stays More Level over those whoops than this does so a moral victory for the Cyber truck but um it'll go down in the record books as the rivan's quicker yeah yeah how about something that really gets the blood flowing what are you going to say ah there's one just around the corner it' be rude Nazi okay should we do it you lead the way it's over there and from one brutally tough test to another because next up we'd be taking flight it was time for the jump right jack are you sure this is a good idea no I'm not sure it's a good idea I have to say it's very gentlemanly of you to let me go first Ollie I am in position and ready so why don't you come and have a crack I'm going to sit here and watch the consequences 3 2 1 go all right that's going really quite quickly [Music] o how was that it looked like you were going really fast in the runup to it yeah it could definitely go faster I mean you could olle with your Superior driving skills I love the Royal U that you're applying to that oh Brave pants on let's go and have a go then right Oe it's your turn now oh I'm so looking forward to this I can sense that you're a bit grumpy the whoops are just painful on me this might well be painful on the car just to remind you you do have a massive tent clamped onto the back of your truck yeah it says the man who knocked his tono cover out of position everything's fixable right are you ready I've got front row seats for this thank you mate I'm off in three two one go he never backs down olle from something like this 50 m hour let's go a bit quicker 56 57 58 59 wow w wow that flew God it's such a stupid thing to do in cars like like this but that is just phenomenal that it's built to withstand stuff like that last but not least we headed for a drift about in the power sapping sand dunes what do you think of this it's quite exciting isn't it what a playground I know the views are just insane 360 views I've never seen anything like it and right in the slap bang in the middle of it we've got our own personal sort of sand pit to play in basically uh right shall I have a go first crack on I'll cheer you on from here and then uh you know don't get stuck basically it's absolutely Bonkers when you're looking at the Cyber truck in the desert when you get the right angle the sun just shines straight off the stainless steel I saw it driving off into the distance Elliott and it was like a sort of UFO there we go oh that look good [Music] you can feel the traction just pulling in a bit occasionally so I think what might be required is a bit of Bara mode go from Overland into Bara and stick the slider to 80% rear stand back instantly it's got no traction whatsoever I know it's probably not as technically correct as being in sand mode but Fara mode is excellent fun this is too much fun all right Mr Bara stop ruining all my sand can I have a go now off you TR right I'll take his Bara mode and I'll raise him a rally mode I have to say I think the tires on this are making a big difference cuz there was some stuff that olly was was laboring on a bit earlier and I'm making them look super easy that looks so cool love watching this thing slide around look at it go you can see exactly how hard the suspension is working as well yeah the suspension is working hard I watched how high you bounced just then hey well that's bloody good fun isn't it you have to sort of guess that the wheels are spinning around because there's no engine to tell you where you are no if you spin them enough they start digging their way downwards quite quickly well look I think we've got away with that one but um worth it cuz that was quite good fun so the mission was to take the Tesla cyber truck get it away from the bright lights and the camera phones and the hordes that follow it around everywhere and find out whether it's a proper off-road Adventure truck is it yes there we go next question easy answer no I'm so impressed with what we've been able to do with it over the last couple of days yeah seriously the punishment that that thing has absorbed bashing back in the San Junes the whoops especially they're pretty harsh the jump that wasn't very friendly and we've just been rock crawling over there yeah no damage you say that however the jump might have found a couple of little victims the tono cover on the Cyber truck's been knocked slightly out of place yeah and we've managed to bend one of the roof bars on the back of the rivan yeah the T Mountain so that's the T fault for for being so heavy yeah yeah there nothing to do with the way that we drove the car no but the big question is are you one over could you see yourself being a Mr cyber truck tell I came into this really skeptical about the Cyber truck I just thought it's going to be one of those triumphs of design and desire over everything else and yet I've come away from this really impressed by it when I first drove it in Los Angeles few months ago it was all about the way the car looked and the celebrity of it and I didn't want one but now getting out here getting away from all of that and getting under the skin and seeing what it can do I want one there's just a bit of a problem with that though isn't it what it's never coming to the UK I can just carry on wanting one I might just put it on a poster on my bedroom wall like a teenager [Laughter]
Channel: Top Gear
Views: 895,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top Gear, tesla cybertruck, cybertruck, tesla cybertruck review, tesla, cybertruck tesla, tesla truck, cybertruck review, tesla cyber truck, tesla cybertruck pov, 2024 tesla cybertruck, tesla cybertruck interior, cybertruck towing, cybertruck update, tesla cybertruck reveal, tesla cybertruck off road test, tesla cybertruck off road fail, tesla cybertruck off road baja, 2024 tesla cybertruck off road, tesla cybertruck official, cybertruck problems, cybertruck interior
Id: WSgNA-pWM8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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