I Filmed What Lucid Dreaming Looks Like

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all right so it's night time i saw this video on youtube and tonight i'm going to try to control my dreams [Music] everything is all set to go wish me luck huh there goes my alarm it's the middle of the night surprisingly i don't feel that tired i'm actually pretty excited to be trying this technique wow if i could control my dreams there's a lot that i would do i'm tired of being trapped in this prison all day if i had a lucid dream tonight i would go to a big city and the mountains and outer space well here goes nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait is this a dream right now there's no way whoa i'm in a lucid dream the technique worked but no this is too real to be a dream all right if i really am dreaming i wish for there to be a portal right behind me whoa okay um why is it like that oh right i need to specify where it goes how about a big city that would be cool although i should probably change my clothes first [Music] dude this is so cool i was just in my room and now i'm in the middle of this massive city where i can do whatever i want i'm still shocked that this is a dream i mean look i can feel things with my hands this can't not be real how could my brain create all this all right if this is really a dream when i snap my fingers i'll be over there hmm it's getting a little hot how about i go somewhere else maybe a bit colder like the mountains or something i guess i gotta make a portal first i could use this portal to teleport although why don't i try a new technique huh i still can't get over how beautiful this world is i mean it's a dream i can do anything i want but it's satisfying enough just looking at my surroundings and knowing that i'm inside of a dream like what this snow right here i feel it it's cold and in my hands and yet now it's gone man this is so much better than being in my room uh i could go back to the city or you know what let's go to outer space whoa oh man i feel kind of dizzy oh my goodness i'm actually in space right now [Music] this is so weird i can literally breathe and i'm in space hmm if i can do anything let's go to another planet how about mars that would be pretty cool maybe i'll even see elon musk there [Music] well it looks like i'm back here i'm gonna do a little more exploring because i mean it's insane i'm literally lying in bed but i'm here this is awesome [Music] [Music] wait a second i i probably shouldn't be here right i mean you're not supposed to dream about real life memories and places or you could mess with yourself but what happens if i go into my room [Applause] oh man i probably shouldn't have done that but wow that lucid dream was so much fun i was in the mountains space a huge city all from my bed wow i can't wait to try this again tonight and do some more crazy things now if you want to lucid dream for yourself and have your own unique experience like this subscribe to the channel because i have tons of tutorials that will help you out and these techniques really do work if you want a part 2 where i film what lucid dreaming looks like from the first person perspective like the video and share it with your friends if it does well i'll make a part too it was so much fun filming this and i definitely want to make more thank you for all the support on my channel i love you guys and i'll see you next week
Channel: Explore Lucid Dreaming
Views: 481,194
Rating: 4.9489484 out of 5
Keywords: what lucid dreaming looks like, what a lucid dream looks like, what is lucid dreaming like, lucid dreaming, lucid dreams, lucid dream, explore lucid dreaming, is lucid dreaming dangerous, lucid dreaming pov, what lucid dreaming feels like, how lucid dreaming looks, how to lucid dream, what lucid dreaming is like, what does a lucid dream look like, lucid dreaming music, lucid dreaming simulation, how lucid dreaming feels, lucid dreaming video, how to lucid dream for beginners
Id: AEff89Oja6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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