3 Reasons You're NOT Lucid Dreaming!

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alright so if you've been trying to lucid dream and it hasn't been working there are three main reasons why if any of these things even just one applies to you then you most likely won't be able to succeed until you fix it many of these problems were things that affected me back when i was still new to lucid dreaming but once i realized what they were so i could overcome them i really started to progress on my journey to mastering this skill and i hope this guide can do the same for you i want to start this video off by saying that everyone can lucid dream and everyone with enough practice can learn how to do it consistently multiple times per week as long as you have dreams to begin with which everyone does unless you have an extremely rare medical condition you can learn to control them so if you've tried the techniques on this channel and they haven't been able to work or the lucid dreams that you do have are short and not that vivid just know that it's not a problem with you but rather a problem with something you are doing and in this video i'm gonna help you fix that today so that you can go back to sleep with a great chance of experiencing an amazing lucid dream so starting off with reason number one the most important one which in my opinion is the greatest factor in whether or not you succeed is being able to actually remember the dreams that you have every night i get a ton of comments from people saying things like how can i lose a dream if i don't even dream or every time i try to lucid dream it's just black or the dream is fuzzy and i can't really do anything if you have any of these problems yourself they are 100 tied to your dream recall everyone including you has four to six streams per night but the thing is you don't remember them if you've been watching the channel for a while you may have noticed that the first thing i tell people who want to start lucid dreaming is to learn to remember your dreams the truth is many people and this may be you forget to do this or skip past it thinking it's not that important but remembering your dreams is important it is the most crucial part of learning to lucid a dream you need to be keeping a dream journal and writing something in it every night if you want to master this skill for the long term not being able to remember dreams will lead to dreams that aren't that vivid ones that are fuzzy or completely black and it might not even feel like you had a dream but the worst part is even if you try a technique and it works and you find yourself in a lucid dream and do all these crazy things when you wake up you won't be able to remember what happened or at least the details won't be clear and it will seem like less of an experience than it actually was alright so now let's move on to the next reason this is something i think affects everybody who isn't able to lucid dream and that is lack of consistency you see what makes most major lucid dreaming techniques special is that they have the potential to work on the first night but you need to remember that they are designed to be practiced consistently for at least a solid week if not more this means that when you pick a technique whether it's mild wake back to bed or wild you need to be trying it every night or every other night depending on the technique for at least one week this will allow you to see actual results because you are giving the technique enough time to affect your brain and work with your sleeping habits i want to give you an analogy to kind of help explain what i'm trying to say think of lucid dreaming like going bowling before you arrive you probably read up on some techniques that you can use to do really well and impress everyone you know so you're reading you finally get there and it's your turn to throw the ball even if this is your first time at bowling you are a complete beginner on the very first throw you have the potential to knock down all the pins and get a strike it's not that hard to do which means that it can happen by accident in this way lucid dreaming is just like bowling you can be completely new to the subject and get a strike or a lucid dream the very first night you try a technique but if you don't end up lucid dreaming it doesn't make sense to quit or immediately change things up because that's like expecting to get a strike on the first throw succeeding right off the bat doesn't always happen if it does that's awesome but if it doesn't you need to put in more practice until eventually you end up getting a strike and now it's time to discuss the last reason why you may not be lucid dreaming which is similar to the one i just talked about and that is changing up your routine like i said earlier picking a technique and sticking with it is very important if you want to see actual results however there does come a point where it makes sense to try something new namely if what you've been doing hasn't been working for the last week or two the awesome part about lucid dreaming is that there are so many techniques and ways to become aware in your dream people have thought up all kinds of things some of which are very effective for different people only practicing one technique will limit your potential and your overall progress as a lucid dreamer it's really important to experiment with different ways to enter a lucid dream so that you can figure out which one works best for you and then expand on it trying new things was exactly how i learned to lucid dream i tried so many different methods until i found the one that worked for me if i had focused on only one thing instead i wouldn't be where i am today because the truth is some techniques just don't work well for certain people when i was learning i found out that i was practicing a lot of things that weren't effective for me that being said i want to finish this thought by saying you need to give the technique a chance jumping all over the place will only result in you wasting your time since like i said before you need to give the technique time to do its work so give it a week maybe a little more and if you don't see results try something new and see how that goes but yeah that's about it for this video if any of these reasons applies to you make sure that you go ahead and fix it the good thing about these things is that they can be fixed today as long as you identify what you're doing wrong then you have the chance to fix it and trust me when you do fix these problems you will start seeing a change in your dreams if you are learning to lucid dream and have questions about anything make sure that you join the official discord server it's full of people who would love to help you out so make sure you join i put a link down below and of course if you want weekly lucid dreaming content make sure that you hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications i would really appreciate it and it would also help me make more videos like this and as always thanks for watching 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Channel: Explore Lucid Dreaming
Views: 88,475
Rating: 4.9690633 out of 5
Keywords: cant lucid dream, i cant lucid dream, lucid dreams, lucid dreaming, how to lucid dream, explore lucid dreaming, why youre not lucid dreaming, reasons why youre not lucid dreaming, lucid dreaming mistakes, heres why youre not lucid dreaming, lucid dreaming beginner mistakes, lucid dreaming for beginners, why cant i lucid dream, why you arent lucid dreaming, can everyone lucid dream, dream recall, lucid dreaming technique not working, lucid dreaming not working
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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