I Got Stuck in a Lucid Dream

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so i have this tv remote whenever i click it and think of something it happens i don't know how i got my hands on this divine object ever since i became lucid in the dream from doing a reality check i just always had it in my back pocket i use this remote to do a whole bunch of epic things i spawn people objects teleport around the world but what fascinates me the most is this remote's ability to control light switches no but for real i could point this thing at a red light and turn it green if i could change something about how lucid dreams worked it would be the ability to bring one object of your choice back into the real world when you wake up imagine bringing that remote to school or something like you just click it during an exam and sicko mode starts playing in the halls you know now that i think about it i wouldn't exactly feel safe with a whole bunch of these remotes floating around in the world so maybe that's why the developers haven't added this feature yet back to the dream so i find myself in this room with a few other people some of them are my friends and others i don't recognize we start talking about lucid dreams i still see your shadow oh sorry i i forgot to mention not the song but the thing i was doing right now so uh quite frankly in the dream world it's uh it's uh just like real life you can't tell the difference nobody can i mean i probably could because i'm the smartest person i know yeah it's funny because i know we are all dreaming i mean it's just me because multiplayer mode isn't out yet but it feels like i am talking to other people and i really want to tell them after a while however i wasn't laughing anymore because my iq had decreased by at least 100 and i couldn't tell whether or not i was actually dreaming the conversation goes on a bit longer and then all of us decide to fall asleep and try to lucid dream you might be wondering how can you sleep when you are already asleep and the answer is quite simple the power of your mind it's basically a thing called dream layering i've made a video on it before but yeah it's it's pretty cool pretty much instantly i fall asleep and enter another dream and within seconds of being in that dream i become lucid i look around and see my friends in the new dream with me oh my goodness multiplayer mode is real what it was all fun and games until i wanted to wake up ah there's no log out button i actually tried really hard to wake up from the dream i got my friend to punch me i imagined my alarm going off i even tried to think of my bedroom which always instantly wakes me up but this time it doesn't work there was a point when i did wake up only to realize i was still in a dream i was like actually stuck and every time i thought i succeeded i was just in another layer of this endless dream and yeah i'm still here to this day my family actually hooked me up to a wi-fi router so i could make these videos and spread awareness of this bug so maybe the developers could fix it even though i may be stuck here forever you watching this video will spend six years of your life dreaming so why not learn how to control them i mean think about it lucid dreaming is probably one of the most valuable skills to learn because you are literally extending your life by 6 years i have some epic videos that will teach you how to lucid dream for yourself so subscribe and turn on notifications and my channel will extend your life thanks for watching this video i really appreciate it and if you enjoyed make sure to drop a like and i will make more animations like this one have a great rest of your day or night if you're watching this at 3am which a large portion of my audience seems to be doing and yeah i'll see you all next week
Channel: Explore Lucid Dreaming
Views: 283,733
Rating: 4.9655719 out of 5
Keywords: what lucid dreaming looks like, lucid dreaming, lucid dreaming animation, animated story time, lucid dreaming animated stories, what lucid dreaming is like, animated dream, lucid dream animation, lucid dream story, dream stories, lucid dreams, can you get stuck in a lucid dream, trapped in a lucid dream, stuck in a lucid dream, stuck in a dream, how to lucid dream, is lucid dreaming dangerous, how long do dreams last, dreams time moves slow, cant wake up from a dream
Id: scu--bF9mcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 14sec (254 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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