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it's a car I'm not buying a car you have to buy it oh my gosh I want to begin to know how expensive these cars are baby welcome to another video today we are doing an amazing challenge that will help both of us you've captured unspeakable exactly we put you in the Lego Jail now we have a challenge for you there sir nope no well you can't you can't you can't you have no choice you're going to do the challenge yeah you know how many some explainin because you guys know me in the cell mm-hmm and you told me something cool is gonna happen yes and I have no idea what's happening and now there's camera in my face so I'm gonna need some explanation before I take this thing apart and break up well you're gonna stay right there and did you learn as we go how's that sound sure okay so the challenge is they have a spinning wheel right mm-hmm with a bunch of different stores on it whatever you spin and land on we have to draw it on the whiteboard within 60 seconds and he has to guess what it is and if he guesses it it's good enough drawing you can tell that's the buy it yes it's the challenge so you're saying you have a mystery wheel full of stories you're gonna draw something but I'm gonna guess what it is if I guess the right answer I have to use my money to pay for it precisely and I don't get to keep it I mean we could let you use it a few times I mean yeah but it's otters after but whatever you get so I almost have been first I'm excited to get us something no I now I know what's on this wheel of history's no you don't get to know what's on the wheel of mysteries because that gives away the surprise I'm sorry that is a very I know let me out I'm trying to think what I want from this store breakfast one thing we were missing ah yeah I'm totally down to by God said do you didn't say anything about food the time of day in which you eat typically important already breaking out of it stay right there [Applause] what is it what is it going to be the water bottle our clothes it's more of a jug a gallon no water no coca-cola no dr. pepper no beers yeah that feeling it no okay so what is it what's your final answer like a water jug that's a pretty big pinch I do not know so I'm buying a gallon of milk not just one gallon you only drew one yeah but behind the jug is there there's a special number you just didn't see that 9,000 gallons of milk huh no we buy one this is an easy challenge okay so wait so wait when I complete this challenge I can get out of here right if you buy everything we draw this is easy I gotta buy a gallon of milk what's next - cheeseburger I'm ready to get this milk yeah we're gettin almond milk it's not really was it like 30 bucks it was three sir don't lie to the people it was - it was 298 it's alright lie deal two cities off those two pennies were we found two pennies when we were checking out like on the floor so it's just Adam anyway okay well since this store is off the list we'll just go ahead and say goodbye to that and I will spend my turn once we use the store oh I see so you can't buy two gowns now if that be 18,000 gallons of it's already going oh it is good because my um guess where it is you don't get it it's a banana it's a boa I mean yeah okay thousand dollars that's off the list now so gave this is what you want it $700 $400 $500 the Cheetahs what I see is $400 I was just thinking like $150 okay oh this is a 500 no I'm joking it's 30 bucks there's no way Oh in a minute it's yellow it looks like a banana it's not super expensive done deal oh man I like this doesn't saving me money yeah okay be nice I see you whoa that was quick yep you gotta go training for the Olympics now you think you could make it across the pool oh yeah yeah this is really nice and it's almost exactly what I do you saw it fast all right let me give you a little push I just want to relay me a push let's see really cool I like that this thing is sick that's really cool let's go fast you can make it across the pool three to four seconds to get across Oh that's not water I believe first place only contestant all right I'm going inside just looking a bit nippy so sad now so far you can pedal your kayak and drink smoke my kayak oh yeah it's like I heard no you said no use ok do you have your phone on you no I do not ok it's gonna be really bored in there [Applause] [Music] starts now Burger King but a starfish I'm buying a starfish No buying a human that's a starfish you're running out of time here you got 10 seconds 5 seconds ok got three people kappa pull that candle rectangle why you've got three people give me a hand give me a story like it looks like a flying magic carpet and you're flying over people in the city what's the story give me the story I listen we've used it before you like to use them intros confetti cannon okay yeah now what I leave way too loose - I I can't draw actual people not that code okay the only I'm not good at drawing so these are people you got it right uh-huh but they're different colors different colors there you go yeah if you want it to be a different color how would you be like how would you do it probably jump into some paint cans or uses maybe you it was party so we're out here in the wild I'm ready to give my morph suits and confetti cannon yeah maybe fly this ladder no okay let's just buy the wall did you find him should we test it out right now should we get so like I go on one of these nice you know one of you treating me like rainbows do you like bunch of colors well I guess we're only gonna need to go down the drone one I should look draw like it what have we done oh there's the kerb adoption aliens you can't see to this Brandon you're at and we did get their confetti cannons we're not using these now okay you know television it's a TV oh let me guess you want a smart TV don't you what the size of the TV Oh hidden it's a specific thing you get a 15 inch scale okay I'll be nice 2875 that's taller than me I think get out of here that'd be nice that would be nice but we need you to buy more things worse Hey look at now the TV's better look look it they made it smaller for you oh we're gonna need more than that Oh get out of here Gabe not a 90-inch TV well get to TV 90 inches they don't eat cell 19 yeah they do you do yes they do I don't know here I don't know here but they do style 90 do you want they don't have an onion you know like a nice fit underneath the expensive that's like keep going keep going yeah you go I'm good doesn't fit in this store right down I mean I could get some sticky like juice or something make you like maple syrup you know what I mean I'll just uh you just you know hey starting as soon as I click the button which is now toilet toilet is the ground like completely around it's a flowerpot it is a what is it this one's really hard I don't yeah I really like it I have a no idea either I don't know you want a fish huh not goldfish I'm guessing we landed on a pet store what it's great day yeah look at Gilbert yeah Gilbert the fish Gilbert the Magnificent this Gilbert doesn't not a swim-up he only swim now he only swims down I guess literally get anything off of this anything any tacos the scarecrow scarecrow scarecrow really really the background exceeded really you want one of those I don't know like what they're called give me an exam it's the things you see outside normally they're Cardinals it's the dude spit they'll fly their arms around me it's something like that yes but it has to be great it has to be green patch to be green if it's not green I won't accept it were you gonna buy Windows where do you find everything the eBay eBay in the right area right $200 $70 but it's the wrong color why do we need one of these wait is that a a set $200 I don't know why we need this I think it's pretty funny though that's 20 feet look it is look it is I see it it's seven dollars I mean this is better than the plunger got any green Add to Cart great I don't know the point for high bucks ordering that's almost 500 wonderful started wait whoa okay wait now I don't want to snack you actually gave me like it I thought you gonna jump off these balls on we had cheese balls that can pick them away time's up it's a shopping cart full of random things wow you actually got it yeah we're going to the store them I'm getting the shopping cart and I'm filling it up with whatever I want you have to buy the whole thing in the shopping cart do we tell them the store is you just find out when we get there find out when we get there you don't know what's stored in ours where we are Dollar General we need to get a car go have fun you get a cart I'm going back in the car hey we need you caution extreme gaming inside I'll get this one for you well now we need 100 of those and we'll have the cart full sure no no my tape game Oh duck to throw the camel duct tape okay you see it are you gonna throw it oh one of our colors I proved I proof okay all right I like this way I'm doing your job for you or knowledge with the shenanigans cared for a little bit oh wait no we need Gorilla Glue right and now we kill like bluest fingers to you Lee I can hear everything Lebanon Hey look little trees we have enough papers house are you sure yes try some more paper towels okay rather different than the other chairs I don't understand that wheel I don't understand what you mean oh yes hey Nathan Soph let's really go in the car yeah I'll hold them that just hold them you want this sure cool while we were around the corner we got a lamp - finally got out of there after $170 so it's so windy why we gotta go get more by disappointed can we go get mark no didn't didn't try there's so many things I know I'm thinking there's some things so many things to buy like what are you thinking about like a flea market in a story I got something it's not the best yeah okay good yeah it's a toilet but not the toilet the actual under you're buying a plunger out of everything that we could get anything we want from a store you want a little is it some of this story target and you want to buy a plunger fun you literally put bought an iPad or a new phone or yeah wotcher here to get Gabe a plunger got it there's nothing when I imagine I just wanted a flat one yes your plunger today this is the closest one there's no sticker on it right so high great at $16 plunger Sun don't break it okay you ready yeah I'm gonna throw something more expensive than a pool I hate it a plunger it could have it could have a fight I've never seen a plunger with dying exactly this isn't minecraft we're good that one's just a few stories what are you still mad about my choice of girl plunger I want to fund these by that's a 90-inch TV and you play a plunger where to got the TVs I would have accepted toaster you know I couldn't use the new blanket we're definitely gonna need this plunger now now you're already five seconds in oh you stronger what is that I mean I'm starving too yeah you don't get nothing it's me I know don't be surprised if a bike gets taken out of the car you know hi how are you good how are you I'm doing great what can I get started for you all right yes can I have a burrito and a taco what kind of burrito just pick one you like beef and cheese yeah okay and do you want a crunchy or soft taco hmm let's do a crunchy taco you want a regular supreme oh yeah I'll take the supreme I'm not paying for it so yeah I'll take it okay 420 is your top oh you're getting your tacos are you happy I would be all full not hungry appreciate it you have a good one are you happy you got your tacos now there's too many tomatoes on here though oh wait there's too many tomatoes let's just back up let me just fix that oh there's still too many I can't help to be one tomato plus I didn't draw bites taken out of it all right we're gone to get some unspeakable merch he brought the wheel without the entire wheel I don't have any shirts tie-dye hoodies hats we got it all guys get your merch come on link in the description also if you guys spend more than $75 you can get a very free autographed photo my beautiful face I don't even know you had this new now me personally I'm taking some of my favorites they're gonna have to be the youngest I like the color of blue eyelets but this one is yellow come on now I'm gonna take this one what are the ones doing one we got blue hoodie and is enough blue we got more goodies oh yeah we got to get some accessories water guns this isn't your average water gun it lights up come on I cannot forget the squishy toys come on now and they smell amazing what are you guys stealing now new keychain from Blue Dog new eggs splat balls we got rings we even got reusable strolls we're saving the Turtles hops plenty of pop sockets I know what color do kind of do we have red you only have green we have white we have Oreo rhythm what what is this Oh okay no way what if we just take that we just take the whole sign please take the whole sign we're taking the whole sign I'm still taking this shirt though but guys seriously go get your merch link in the description WWE and speakable Co I think I got the best one I'm pretty sure I got the best one it's a car it's a car it's a car certain things that go on the backs of cars that look like that this looks like a whole dorm complex she just wrecked a house listen it's not even that expensive I don't even know what car is I don't okay let's go through some guests does this look like a real nice garden tutorial no it starts with an M yeah this timer save yourself what's another car dealership that starts with M Mini Cooper bra do you know one more it wasn't expensive what do you mean Oh what do you think it don't tell me what is it don't wait don't tell me don't tell me a blue it's gotta be blue if it's not blue it's not happening you joke you're actually joking has to be you want a blue McLaren you know how much of McLaren sauce I'm not buying in the glass you have to buy it right here right here yeah oh look at one of my plants this is joke right good for a blue one I see a blue eyes it's got to be the glue I drew though oh my gosh I want to begin to know how expensive these cars are all that one's nice maybe they're like better one inside you're more expensive probably get one was like one mile on it we're getting everything out of the car yes we're going inside we're going inside now he's already out we gotta go no no no take off your seatbelt I looked at it they only have one blue one that's the only option there's got to be more peas right I have to find right the correct there's a whole nother sugary Oh now Wow oh I see another blue one hey that one's our convertible that's nice that's the one that's going this is what you want this boy you gotta be kidding me right how much is it I don't know but this is the one cars are that expensive you see I don't have enough money on me it got the brand-new smell and everything the exhaust comes out the top what's blue and orange too bad I'm not wearing any orange oh wait and we're going blue and orange got to do it I may have to make it happier maybe five one for me too let's all three buy some and we can all drive together I'll be right back this one right [Music] they give me 15 minutes he's gonna wreck it know how to do those in the door there you go let's open the doors go up we should let him drive it I can't even buy in the door you're giving me many rides actually I'm gonna be your only passenger what what do you mean it's to start it up all you do foot on the brake start again yep [Music] or you would do it but you did look at my seat now this actually it is real it is oh my gosh no return it return it so we're done we don't want it it's not awful like it [Music] should've ripped off the body [Music] right let's go [Music] I honestly can't believe he bought this car like look at that it's crazy did you guys see that price that's a house on wheels supposedly it's supposed to be really fast so I hope we can keep up with it and he's gone and by you've gone we're lost now we're lost I don't know how to get home my boat live over here I finally caught up to him after like four red light I'm glad there's a lot of traffic today because he would be gone if there was no one on the road he'd be home already I hate this kid the Meuse even folded everything oh my thank you for my brand new McLaren I'll let you drive it every now and then you know just to be nice maybe like one come on what is it cute looks like a bit look at it spaceship let's look at it there's not even unlock there's a lock but that's the unlock yeah Aaron logo that was like that it likes on this thing's gonna be fun that is gonna wrap this video because I'm done buying things you don't want to keep going there was a couple more things on the wheel usually I would say that oh let's do a part two no you're not doing a part two that's not happen oh look who finally showed up that vein is ridiculous you guys like to call rockets hope it's in the back how long have you guys been here 15 minutes and you guys know that it is official literally have a license plate it's happening literally yeah you stare at it I'm gonna go stare at my bank account statement thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys did enjoy if you did definitely sure to leave a like on this video yeah I know you did yeah I know you did I'm sorry I just gotta do this one more time I want to send the driver's seat I didn't make it to sing it I feel you liked my car jealousy thank you guys so much for watching hope you guys enjoy this video be sure to click that like button and the subscribe button otherwise you can miss out on all our crazy future content and we will see you soon in a brand new vlog what are you gonna drive to next Florida [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 16,761,927
Rating: 4.8572412 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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