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open it up let's see what's inside what yo i got a video message from gabe okay yeah what do you say i don't know let's open it hey so i'm out of town i left you guys this message and uh i know you're probably bored because i'm your best friend right best friends okay keep watching i decided to hide a bunch of presents and gifts and things in the lego house but you have to find them bring them back to the circle and whatever you find you can keep you can trade a present with someone if they aren't in their circle yet but you can only do it once what this man hid presents around the house why would he do that wait a second you already found one oh no no no this is mine it's not cheating it was right next to me yo it's got llamas on it this definitely seems like something gabe would wrap does llamas have glasses on wait hold on i already got my first present wait so he said we have to return it to the circle i didn't even notice there were circles out there hey give me that so i got the first present wait this man actually put circles in here okay so we have to put our presents in the circle i'm watching that circle all right gotta find these presents that means i gotta run quick be faster than nathan gotta put my crocs in sport mode okay so here's the deal i need you guys to click that subscribe button otherwise you're gonna miss out on all the future content that we're gonna film with this crazy house but we gotta hurry because we gotta find these presents what's he doing in my garage yo what's up well what you doing in here bro any presents in here you see [Music] no no no presents in here all right let's go we gotta find presents there's gotta be a present somewhere in here maybe under one of the carts no nothing i'm kind of surprised there's not any presence in here what if this man is just tricking us what if that's like the only present and he's just sitting there watching all the cameras laughing no presents in there what is that yo that thing's huge yo back up back up it's my present yo what circle do i go in though i'm gonna go with the ga yo what is up with the wrapping on this one look i got happy birthday llamas this is gabe um i don't see any presents in here but um i will take a milky way that's for sure yeah let's go wait a second what there's a present in there too yo let's go that's two for me and i got a milky way never fail my eye on the target bro oh there it is did you check the mailbox there's not gonna be a present and boom i forgot gabe hid these you see when gabe hides presents they're not really in good spots no not at all upstairs no no no wait always keep your eyes on the prize kids i knew there was something wrong with that tree over there it was looking at me differently it wasn't photosynthesizing right all right we're looking for presents look in the ceiling look with your eyes hmm if i was a present where would i be probably not in the hot tub yo get out of the hot tub there's not gonna be a present in water you don't know that there could be a present in water nope nope oh what the heck is this okay there has to be a huge present in here a huge one i'll be back what kind of present is this it's like a poster i'll take it the guy in there told me there wasn't a present in there look at this present i got the coolest present of the presents bro well the guy told me that there's more upstairs yeah i'm out of breath i really need to go to the gym all right i got four presents james has three presents but his his presence are kind of looking big gabe you to do a better job than this bro what about in the plants [Music] nothing in the plant whoa these are my presents bro this is a brand new house excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me demolishing the house already i haven't even had it for more than like a week i've known gabe for a while kind of and i know that gabe likes to hide things and interesting places there's nothing up there i thought you died camera man i heard you like fall a little bit one two three four one two three four gabe also did design the staircase right before he left and right before he went out of town so maybe he had something in the staircase [Music] yo what are you doing yo you're like kind of demolishing there's got to be a present in here right why would there be a present in legos okay maybe maybe i was wrong i don't really want to destroy the whole thing because you see gabe's been like there's a present why are you kidding me yeah you've got to be kidding me i was wondering while i was falling i was like yo this stairs suck but uh thank you for helping me find this present right here gotta be kidding me dude this is some baloney no this is gift wrapping paper look at that that's so beautiful okay you know what i'm gonna keep that bow there's gonna be something up here is under the hot yeah that's not going anywhere i don't see anything in the ceiling i remember gabe telling us we could steal one of each other's presents so i'm gonna put this one in here and i'm gonna take this one because this one's like so well let's go back inside act like nothing happened and uh i did not steal unspeakable's present what is that what is that what is oh it's just a box of candy you kidding me oh hey what's up dude how you doing i'm doing good are you doing good yeah yeah i'm doing great yeah good luck i already looked in there you already looked in here already did you look on the roof you're one step ahead of me i did look on the roof i didn't find anything on the roof on the roof not the ceiling the roof see everyone thinks i'm so smart but i just fell upstairs how do you fall upstairs i don't think there's any presents in there um it's really difficult or almost impossible to hide a present in a nerf gun so i don't think that's really now nope no you find anymore hello he's in the house hello yo what's up you find any more no i can't find any more presents i can't find it anymore either he didn't say how many presents he hid though that is true could be ten it could be five it could be thirty i don't know the best present has to be in here here's what we're gonna do we're gonna open all these presents at the end of the video so i need you guys to watch till the end i also need you to leave a like on the video and let me know in the comment section below if your friend was to plant presents in your house what would you do probably find them right hey what's up what's up i'm just gonna squeeze past you here uh no i'm just to scroll past you no no squeezing all right we're going to go back downstairs nothing in this chair presents presents presents wait there is one place that we haven't checked yet presents presents presents stay right there presents presents present yourself present let's go see what he's yelling about you're not gonna believe what i just found i found nothing yeah there's nothing in there is it in the ac vent hello ac vent do you find it is this it it doesn't look like a presence now i put it back where can these presents be okay we're going to look outside what if it's under the tree yeah there's nothing in there so funny anything on the street sign no nothing nope maybe that's the last present unless there's one in this tree shake the tree yeah no i think that might be the last one i mean like we don't know how many presents he hit yeah i have a hunch that there's more in the stairs i'm not sure i already did that okay the only place we haven't found a president yet is in the garage no it's not up there i don't see anything there's nothing in here [Applause] let me look down the barrel of this gun real quick and all i saw was a llama with sunglasses looking at you you've got to be kidding me this man has like six presents all right so here's the deal i got one two three four i got i got four one two three four five six you got six i got six and i also stole one of yours do you wanna um trade i already traded with you what if you remember from gabe's message if someone's not in their circle you could trade with them you took my present took your present but i also gave you one of mine because that's the rules this dude is ridiculous okay all right well that is the last present i'm gonna go text gabe and i'm gonna tell him that we found the presents let's see what he says yo i can't believe i got this present found it fair and square yeah okay um gabe hasn't replied yet so i'm just waiting for him to reply i told him we found 10 presents but can you stop rubbing it in my face that i hope that's the worst pr i hope it sucks yeah i hope it's not farts when you open it at the end of this video it's probably going to be sucks oh wait yo it's in another video do you want to watch it no i don't want to watch it fine then i'll watch it no no i want to watch it oh you're back oh so i guess you found everything well i guess now i should tell you that all the cool and expensive items are at the vlog house so go find those have fun what do more expensive what dude this guy has to be playing games with us i want to see what's in these presents but i guess we need to head to the block house now because he said there's more expensive i don't even know what's in there it could be clothes it could be socks but you want to go to the vlog house and see what there is uh no i i got something to do i gotta go to the dentist and like you know he's going to the vlog house let's go i got such a big rush on nathan i could just chillax you know turn on tv watch some youtube no no big deal yo oh gosh he's here what's up i'm gonna find all these presents what's up stop it no i gotta find the presents first no i'm gonna find the presents first are those worms that's disgusting you left circles in here too what this man really organized this little video for us thank you gabe there's presents scattered throughout the house and we gotta find them nothing in a trash can oh let's go oh this feels expensive i'm watching you don't touch my presents he'll never know if i steal another one i know gabe really likes to cook so he's got a high presence somewhere in here right huh [Music] come on hey i think i see a present in there ow where hey is come here i want to show you something what do you want to show me look at this fat present i just found you know what you keep looking inside gabe probably hits stuff by the pool no you can't check the outside without me oh oh that's just glue you have been fooled pretty cool i'm kind of proud this thing's also very very heavy about 100 layers of glue oh i forgot we have a cube out here that's 45 pounds i'm gonna go check on the bushes nothing nothing present hello is there any presents down here oh that's a really pretty flower last time we did a hide-and-seek thing there was something in there nothing in here today there's probably some big bees that land on it i'm gonna go the other way i know this thing opens where does it open at nothing you know cameraman we're not doing a very good job at finding stuff looking for presents if i was a president i probably wouldn't be out here so i'm gonna go back inside later it'll never find the presents now there's no way gabe would not hide anything outside nathan never uses his eyes oh wow i don't know something got me okay check this out guys i didn't even know this was a thing what it took me three years to figure out that this opened up and there was a drawer in here yo cinderella you got anything you look like you're dying too hot outside for cinderella she needs to stick to the shade i feel like there's more presents outside so i'ma drop this in my circle oh look he's trying to open the door oh oh wait are these your presents james what is this yo put my present down ah he's stealing my present yo you can't open up put my bow back right now should i open it don't don't you is he trying to open the window okay fine i won't open his presence let me in gabe here sometimes gets really creative never mind he doesn't get creative he didn't uh keep the door front door with him black box yeah what's up it's it's all good you stealing my presents bro no i didn't touch your presents i found this outside you must have dropped it because you were in a rush no i think it was yours i'm gonna throw it away anything up here hey i found something it's a piece of paper what what bro what no you're lying you did not just pull that out of a trash can there's no way thank you for dropping that ribbon earlier nope help me out bro you're not even searching things you have to look inside of them oh oh oh oh that cuts away james looks like we got a pretty even presence over here buddy hmm if i was a present where would i be [Music] if i was a present where would i be what you didn't see that one it was like in plain sight dude so bad i'm gonna take my talent outside yep go for it go back outside i'll lock the front door this time okay we unlock the window all right i'll go search the top i'll be right back gabe never hides anything in good spots nothing in there nothing in there nothing in there nothing down there nope nope okay see gabe we appreciate the presents and i have no idea what's in them but if you could give us like a a count next time be like oh guys that'd be great let's get out of there it was a big loss this man really went outside and this man left the door open you know what i'm going to have to double lock it this time jeez hello hello accent freeze come out hiding presents you know i really ran out of places to look what if it's in the walls you see anything out here maybe uh right here no i don't really know where to look maybe in the broken fence nothing in the broken fence i know this house like the back of my hand i don't really know the back of my hand too well hmm all right i give up on that side i'm going back inside i'm hot i'm sweaty this is ridiculous wow oh no way how did i not see that are you kidding me oh i'm so glad i caught that i got one two three four five six seven eight gosh dang it let me in what is he doing the window's locked you noob open this window right now it's locked no no it's not yeah it is no it's not yeah it is i can see it's unlocked no it's locked it's definitely locked look buddy i don't really know why you want to come inside i know you got some good presents but like you see uh there's no more presence in here put my present down bro this feels expensive it really does i'm a fight unspeakable coming to the pay-per-view next to you next you pay-per-view yeah front door hello buddy what were you doing stuck in the door does that mean there's a there's a present in here any presents hidden in here not really seeing anything you oh you look really sweaty thanks for leaving me outside sorry now sorry let's go check that corner real quick scared of snakes gonna bite me hello is there a present in here i'm looking for a present all right boys i'm going in wish me luck click that subscribe button if i get bit by something it is what it is however you get stung by a bee bro what's in here i don't know i don't see anything is it in the bird feeder no how is he hiding these presents so well i don't understand this maybe there's nothing over here now it's not in the tree hello hello is anyone in here you see any presents up there nope oh hey i just found a present bro what the flip okay cool i would have never guessed it was gonna be there but okay gabe's apparently really good at hiding stuff but he really stinks at hide and seek if you haven't seen those videos i would go check him out because he gets found in like the matter of 30 seconds especially when we went to the resort the red sands one that one was fun yo gabe you know what i give up on this video i'm gonna go get my flowers some more potting soil oh mr james is uh still looking for presents i am 99.999 000 sure that there is not any more presence left i know this house like the back of my hand and there's no way there's any more presents so i'm going to take a nap and i'm going to wait for them to look for these presents come here mr hot biscuit pour some dirt on you real quick it's looking good what are you looking at yo is that a present no way we would have never found this one that's crazy we didn't show nathan now you need a show come on what's up hey yo guess what found a present bro where it was in that corner underground gabe dug a hole and put it in the hole this man buried presents underground and i didn't even find it the cameraman found it so if the cameraman found his i mean we have to split whatever isn't in it yeah i'll go i'll go halfway oh yeah i'll go half and half we gotta cut it in half and half yeah like i don't know what it is like if it's a watch or whatever you get and just rip the watch out like halfway open it up let's see what's inside what bro yo count that dude one two three 200 bucks okay one two three oh three hundred bucks do three two three and we have to cut this one four five we're not cutting it in half you you said you would gotta go i didn't know what it is no like split it in half it's all money you're not gonna cut it well i was gonna grab scissors oh my gosh you can cut your portion in half that's fine i got scissors 200 300 give me 40 bucks i'll be half how much do you have i have 340. you actually owe me 10. no don't cut it you said i owe you dad just get chance if we cut it in half if we cut it in half that's ten dollars just keep the money just keep just keep just go open your presents no you open your presents fine i'll open my presents okay so now the time we've all been waiting for it is time to open the presents and see what gabe has gifted us i'm gonna open this one first because this is probably the weirdest one yeah happy birthday i think i'm just good with this i don't know if i need to open any more presents but really he wrapped wrapping paper this is wrapping paper you know that's what you get for locking me outside thanks gabe i guess we'll have to do this challenge back to you when i go on vacation because now i have wrapping paper all right this is the present i stole from nathan earlier hey i got sunscreen all right let's see what we got in here what is this it's a fan it's kind of sick nathan what's up you know that gif i took from you right yeah yeah i i think you need it back though why is it sunscreen it's such a stream yeah hey do you want to trade sunscreen for this fan yeah slide it all right so 30 spf nah i want to trade back i need 100 but i want the motor or the cap okay wait how are you going to give me just the cap i can't fill it up with water then i mean you should never trade back oh my gosh what is this yo yo no way this is an apple watch that's pretty cool yo yo it might not even be a real apple watch what you mean this is so real no it's wrapped bro like the wrapping paper was wrapped yeah the wrapping paper is wrapped exactly you know what i'm gonna wear it right now what is that what is that thermacool bro now i can stay cool forever would be nice if you had a fan right no because it's wet now so i'm nice and fresh let me open this thing to make sure this thing is legit it looks very legit and this is a series three i'm pretty sure this is a new one oh yeah this has to be legit this is the gift i found outside under rocks got carrots nothing beats an apple watch by carrot seeds no an apple watch definitely beats carrots no carrots are healthier than apples so carrots went i don't think that was the right way to take it off it's definitely an apple watch hey siri probably going to set it up what else do we have what is this buds i got puns what a weirdo yo i got a poster yo i got a flip i got butts and i got a flip it's a speaker you got to trade me that you can't just i'm gonna keep both wrapping you can't just take no that's not fair they're wrapping paper why do you care i want it yeah thank you oh snap the mighty sight led magnifying eye where is this dude trying to say i need to get my eyes checked yo i bet this uh beat your apple watch and your flip and your buds i bet your buds can't fly my butts can fly yeah watch my drone wow this man literally got a drone what is this a mini waffle maker come on bro you know i don't make food okay so far this is my favorite present because it took the most effort to wrap it's a comfy it's a hoodie blanket no way what is this this one's this one's squishy oh hey james tell us [Applause] it's not even funny bro i don't even play minecraft oh you don't get the reference no but you know what i bet you don't have a hoodie blanket you do realize it's like 100 degrees outside right yeah if i'm in the refrigerator i'll always stay warm bro look i even got hand pockets what you got on me i'm an eskimo what did a buffalo say to his son i don't know my son okay well i've opened all my presents yo what is that yeah you got a zombie now we can hey now we can scare him at night time when he comes back yeah that's a pretty good sized zombie i am pretty happy gabe thank you so much and the fact that you gave us wrapping paper makes me want to say that's not wrapping paper this many times i gotta tell you it's a poster it's a poster yeah that's why i was trying to take it okay well gabe the fact that you gave me a poster makes me feel like i should you know i don't know maybe wrap presents for you but i'm not gonna do that oh it is a poster do more of what makes you happy that doesn't even make any sense thanks gabe for the motivation is he trying to tell me something yo i'm gonna stay cool all summer long [Laughter] what's up dude look at my son you know we gonna fly our drone together while we're in the freezer at home you're still opening presents yeah sorry i've been enjoying my gifts i finished mine a while ago yo i can make bubbles with my hands look at that look at that go make some bubbles wow look at i can make bubbles with my hands congratulations poster's ugly it's beautiful it's not even a sunset bro where's the sun yeah i got macbook pro bro pro rhymes with bro bro you're an average joe you want to split that one no no okay so this man has a laptop he has a minecraft zombie and he has a drone yo my minecraft zombie has a name what's his name alfred you know what i think your post is cooler than mine bro yeah let's see what your poster says what does it say that's a lot of words oh that's a lot of words challenge your limits you can't finish what you haven't started a journey begins with the first step keep going it gets better when you want to stop go farther work it out train the pain it doesn't get easier you just get stronger sweat stops the tears from falling exhale i can't inhale i can inspire yourself inspire others it just never stops your goals were meant to be broken pain is your excuses leaving the body believe in yourself it's half the battle the effort today will change tomorrow create your future i'm about to cry that's amazing i told you my poster was better and then i have do what makes you happy what is this bro this makes me sad just looking at it all right i opened all my gifts that's all your gifts oh my gifts all right well gabe i'm sure you're gonna be watching this thank you so much um we're gonna use these posters as wrapping paper for the presents that we're never gonna give you so thank you so much click that subscribe button though guys because we are going to do something back to gabe we just got to think of what let us know in the comment section below if you have any ideas um are you stealing my buds no no that wasn't me bro i'm gonna take here you take your poster you take it you take that i'm gonna take this and i'm gonna take this and i'm gonna take this and i'm going to take this and i'm going to take this and i'm going to take this what is this bro this makes me sad just looking at it
Channel: undefined
Views: 12,235,917
Rating: 4.8964391 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: -J65O6cfz_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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