Someone STOLE My PET BORK In Minecraft! (Bee Town)

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welcome back to b-town it's jelly server that i hacked into crainer cried so we let him join they made a town i create a secret base which they found and here we are there's a whole lot more to the story there but why don't you just go and watch those videos stop asking questions okay it's probably at the right time to also tell you that this is officially going to be the last episode that i upload unless of course you hit 100 000 likes on the video if you managed to do that i'll upload another one now last episode i'm not gonna lie we we kind of went a little bit crazy we released jelly's bee thingy our dogs ate greatness fish the wall blew up i think or was that the time i don't even remember but all we really know is that bulk gang is superior aside from the fact that what are the clones ate crainers fish obviously um but that's a clone you can't trust them anyway i did want to update you guys on the cloning operation okay found your cloning facility crainer why is there a hole in my window there's two i hope he fell off of that crane has definitely made holes here i know he always goes through windows oh well guys it was gonna happen at some point let's see what the damage is i really hope the book gang is still why is it so dark i hope the board gang is still strong bulk is still alive um otherwise all of the pets are gonna be dead wait wait wait what the what just happened wait you're not bork this is a book cloak hang on what uh lol check your cloning facility uh uh don't ever mess with my fish again every dog died who are you wait the crane just killed all of my dogs wait i'm so confused this is not bork this is a blue collar that that's the clones the clones have the blue collars so if that's my clone where is the real book because he wouldn't have just he's obviously tried to kill the real bulk in front of my face this is really confusing i need to do some more investigations actually let's bring the clone ball with me just in case i don't want to leave you in here there's probably some very traumatic memories oh wait is that fish stuff here we did offer our fish to craner but i guess he didn't take it so whatever all right so nothing really looks hang on a second there is definitely a new building up there ah look at that what a top quality fix right there really great stuff from b town i'm moving to b mountain jelly is this b mountain is that what that is why is there holes in his house okay well nothing has been moved yet all right let's go figure out what's going on oh yeah yeah one of the clones was in a minecart and i killed it why did you remove the track okay what's going on up here some sort of building project jelly's new house in construction soon to be the best house on the mountain this is smaller than his other house what is he doing this is like the lamest thing ever also what was the fallout with me releasing his uh oh wait yeah we were gonna make him blow this thing up why did he not get set off did he just realize that it was there maybe i didn't set out properly i wasn't really focusing that much you guys should probably stay in there right now i don't need to make more enemies than ju than craner it seems like julie isn't too upset with me so that's wait a second did he remove all of the signs oh he left bulk rules does that mean he thinks pork rules is jelly a member of the bulk oh they both fly away oh i'm such a better person anyway i think julie is a part of the board gang all right just a quick message it came to see how the step out the way how the stats she was doing and the bees flew out again you really need to increase your security uh yeah anyway hopefully he doesn't get upset by that it's i highly doubt that they were mayor beanie anyway i don't know why there was even two it it's all confusing let's go check out crainer's house entrance to fish town aka the best town on the block yeah wait i see dogs in there hang on wait born clones hello wait craina didn't kill you guys the borg gang is reunited kind of without your supreme leader bork um because whichever one this is is a yeah pretty sure you're a fake but uh okay bought gang is still strong i was actually having a thought by the way and i want to get your guys opinion on it what would you say to some bork gang merch now i know jelly and crane did their dumb little thing but what if we really show how superior bulk is by releasing a bought gang shirt that would be cool feel like we can only do that if we recover the original bork though and i mean i have no idea where to even start wait a second maybe he's a b tower i mean it's a good place to start come on board gang let's roll out b tower okay i'm not ah okay not seeing anything i'm hoping it's at the very very top here gotta be careful no are you kidding me okay this is um this is problematic what is that why is there a floating block in the sky there's no chance that that's bork like someone has put him all the way up how would they even work that's not possible because it would teleport unless it was sitting which they wouldn't be able to move it it's kind of the only thing i can do is go and check it all right you know what let's build an operational space here that we can get all of the dogs to like just sit on otherwise they're going to just be flying off of this tower i actually have a feeling i don't have enough blocks to even do this which is not great so we might have to head down as well we may as well just go down and teleport them hang on a second oh oh some of them took some damage one of them died no okay you sit you sit do you sit where's the other ones okay there's the fake one there we go all right let's just head down to jelly's house grab a couple more stacks of building blocks let's make our own entrance oh wow jelly you shouldn't have that's too kind and then we can head on up i don't think we need to build a staircase because i think we can just sort of jump off if you know if nothing's there imagine if this was just a random block in the sky and we'll go through all this effort and time in the video for nothing i genuinely now believe it can't be booked because i have no idea how you could possibly get up this high like that seems insane to me i mean it would have been like a mine wait a second is that why the minecart track is gone because it was used to get the to get bulk up here okay well it's getting clearer now now we just be very careful i probably should have put water under where the platform actually is because that's over my house which is not ideal okay nearly there wow this looks so ugly okay we do need to go up a little bit i am going to build a staircase for that it's easiest okay did you guys hear that i heard a bark oh is why did i do that is that you book i knew it i knew you were still alive i knew that that dumb one wait i call him bulk in a sky block okay that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard you're safe buddy you're safe now how do we get you down here safe that seems to be a little bit more complicated okay well first things first i'm gonna put this water down now i'm hoping i'm just gonna go down and you can teleport to me okay let me get you standing up first oh get your head out of the woods there we go okay so let me i i want to remove the water though so okay okay so that's gone and now we just go to the bottom and then hope walk teleports with us uh book what hey bark you made it welcome back buddy is this water coming down by the way i really don't want this to be like this forever okay i am so happy that you are back and safe follow me i need to go get the rest of the board gang guys look it's the it's book it's the real book all you guys are just clones of this book which means you're less important hang on a second where is there we go there could only be one true ball sorry about that guys it was just a clone though you shouldn't be too upset all right the real book and the board gang and any of you guys if you want to join the board gang let's roll out our cloning facility has been compromised so we are going to need to find a solution to that but the most important thing was recovering book although we do need to figure out a way to keep him safe now we can't keep him in the cloning facility so i guess we're just going to hide him at least for now the question is where do we do that i also don't want to risk any chance that any jelly or crane aspires watching this video could tell him so i'm thinking maybe for now we just head out and find a random cave uh to keep him in and then next episode we'll create like a proper vault or something or move the cloning facility somewhere safer well we've been running for quite a while now but i think i have spotted a good location for the dogs to lay low we just need to figure out where exactly they're gonna stay oh i think this could work quite nicely it is inhabited currently but uh we will evict the current tenants excuse me excuse me goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye all right dogs come on in check out your new home book is first in because bulk is strong and superior and definitely the alpha of the gang okay this is gonna be a little bit more complicated than i expected all right you know what some of you guys can just like keep guard outside that's that's absolutely fine you you're like the surprise attack when they come in and you you better keep an eye on them otherwise i'll come back and i'll kill you okay just just checking all right great um i'll see you guys later don't worry i will have a new cloning facility set up for you next episode hopefully now i'm gonna make the journey back to the house but like i said if you guys want to join the board gang and grab some bulk gang merch then let me know by clicking like on this video and dropping a comment down below if we get enough support i'll do it well we will do it as the bought gang anyway thank you very much for watching click one of the videos on the screen if you would like to watch some more and have a great day goodbye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,642,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, jelly, crainer, bork, stole my pet, troll, bee town
Id: z4aXZ0_s4w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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