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welcome back to jelly's minecraft world the series that's fueled by your likes the only reason i'm here every time you guys hit 100 000 likes on these videos i will make another one for any of you that are new jenny made a minecraft world i hacked into it lots of stuff happened in between but we don't care about that right now what we care about is our awesome base check this out now we should have a house here and that's what we're going to be doing today but first of all there's uh there's some things going on outside now remember we do have a trap here that shoots actually oh wow oh so that shot a lot of arrows so that way i just know that the other two have been trying to get into my place uh we're gonna take the long way out the back door that they obviously didn't figure out um what is this why is there a big yellow board i don't like the look of that and wait are those are those yellow sheep wait crainer city aka the best city on the block hello jelly and josh i had nowhere to put my poor sheep after the troll on jelly i can't even keep out which troll that was where i turned his house yellow no problem by the way jelly wait where is jelly's house we'll get to that hang on as the sheep farm was growing they were running out of space rapidly since i am a good guy i decided they deserved a bigger home welcome to crainer city enter fee one diamond wait please feed the sh why would i want to go in here and pay a diamond all i want to do is burn these things hey why is this sheep dodging my fire okay this is not called for no way buddy you aren't leaving here alive there you go dumb sheep there you go see ya i'll eat you in a bit actually i'll eat you right now so basically he's turned this entire place into a crane a city and filled it with yellow sheep um and he's renamed it as well and then he made an entrance that goes into his house wait a second but i mean house where's his house what are these signs hey crainer congrats on your move to craner city i decided to help out and clean up your property for you i'm not gonna lie i'm a little bit confused right now i mean his chest is still here and why why is he got green beds okay i guess i'll just jump out i don't really want this fence wait the best flag on the block wait a second wait a second his flag is breaching into my property that's illegal you know what i'm just going to sort of disable this oh oh okay just for a moment while we're working here we cannot allow this to go on there is no way let me just go up here and there we go sorry it breached the boundaries so it has to be removed i'll leave a sign so that he knows to the point your sign breached it your sign breached into sloverland so it died yeah that's just that's it really wait why did it just split in half well back up we go i guess that's more like it there we go all right let's have a look at what's going on over here under construction wear a helmet for your safety what i don't see any construction hey this is jenny's house has johnny just removed his house okay things are getting a little bit weird here on turtle sorry crainer city aka turtle town anyway i think it's time that we begin with building uh my house i've been doing quite a lot of work getting all the blocks that i need and it's going to be a little bit different in design it's not going to be medieval at all um because i think what i'm going to do is probably remove the walls once they're finished with the house anyway so yeah i guess we're just gonna jump straight into it now you might notice i've got quite a lot of weird blocks down here um which is what i spent most of my time doing what we're actually going to be doing though is making a couple different types of blocks first of all i'll make this one i'm trying to remember how to make it i think it's like like that i think this is concrete yes no that's like concrete powder which we then have to turn into actual concrete you'll see in a moment so let's get as much of this stuff as we can now we could always make more that's absolutely fine but we just gotta do there we go perfect that's this stuff and then i also need to make some clay that's what i'm gonna do all right and boom okay so those are the two types of things actually no no sorry we need to make this concrete powder into actual concrete now hold on a second isn't this the stuff that needs water okay let me get that and then oh no i have picked the worst thing wait so if i put it out and then place water on it i can mine it i think i forgot that this is how we have to do this why do i have to get the most complicated materials for my house okay so let's at the very least start with uh spacing out exactly where the house is gonna go it's gonna be fairly modern of a design okay so that kind of works this is going to be the core uh section here i guess you could say that i don't really know if i need to build all of these walls yet i guess i'll just do it anyway so i guess that kind of starts that and then basically we're going to have like a bit swooping over the top i'm i'm not making any sense to you guys in my no i don't think so okay um so we've got room for some windows there i guess we'll do another layer of windows i'm saying it like you guys have any idea what i'm building but you don't i've just been really inspired to make a very modern looking house it's yeah with the walls like i said it doesn't really make sense all right well from here we're gonna sort of go over i don't really know if this is actually how deep it's going to be i guess we'll just add these walls here for now i don't know if we're going to keep him like this okay i think the core section is done now i gotta build the bit that's gonna swoop over so that's gonna be kind of like a wall like this so let's build that up okay i've actually decided i wanted to make it one further out so yeah okay okay and then pretty much it's just gonna go in at this angle there we go and then we're gonna put glass along the side of it there speaking of we should probably get some cooking [Music] there we go okay so now we're going to bring that out along here and then we're basically going to go up so this entire bit is going to be sort of a white floor i keep messing up okay that's that bit completed uh we got some dirt we need to get rid of all right let's see how it's coming together is it okay sort of to work in progress okay so now i want to add some of the wooden structure around it i was hoping to do that oh that's going to be something to do it like this but that's going to be like tiny um hmm unless we use this as like uh something else like a staircase downstairs that would be kind of cool how does that look okay all right i don't completely hate it which is good how's our glass going uh really slowly okay so i think the glass that we have inside the white bits i want it to be dark tinted so we're gonna have to kill some squids for that um but the ones that we have actually in the front that can be just normal i think um how does that look yeah i kind of like that so let's put that in and now we need to go and find ourselves some squids for donating their lovely ink oh hello there yeah take that yeah thank you oh we got a lot to do actually i guess we won't need that many because we get quite a lot come on give me your donations thank you all right should be nearly enough okay so i think i have to do oh i'm such a dummy i have to turn this into ink uh black dye first there we go okay i don't know how much of this i'm gonna need i'm gonna just get actually quite a lot all right well 32 is a start so we'll place our panels along here first that looks super cool i like that cool all right there we go that's that obviously haven't really done any of our interior yet but we're getting there we are gonna need some more of that though okay and i don't think i'm gonna have this as completely glass i might have some sort i knew i'd misplace the one i'm gonna have some sort of accent here somewhere maybe in the middle but for now because i've got more than i need we're just gonna do a little glass okay so i think this is pretty much what the bedroom area is going to look like now i guess this is going to be wooden wouldn't would it would be like this i'm not even totally sure i'm not sure if i'm going to turn this into slabs or not yeah and then for now we're just going to do a really lame staircase because i'm not sure what i want to do yet and then we'll make the entire floor in here wood as well all right it's coming along pretty well if i do say so myself uh we're getting there we're getting there oh i didn't even i haven't even opened it up into this area i'm not really sure where are we gonna have the entrance to that because we also need to i think we're gonna walk no we'll we'll glass this back bit off nice okay there we go and then just remove the floor and then this little extra little area is gonna be done as well nice cool that looks really good should we open that oh no we can't really open that up anymore we could open that up though that's kind of nice okay so for this room i think we're gonna keep this floor just like this and keep it fully open up to the top same for in here as well so i guess let's open that up three high like that this will be our bedroom i think i like that and i need to figure out the roof i guess we'll just put some spruce stores down at the moment not exactly perfect but that's what we're just gonna go for uh and then let's clean this up oh yeah we haven't opened up the the area into potentially our underground entrance that's this bit here let's close you off uh and i guess i'll just i'll just floor it with wood for now until we know exactly we're gonna do with it and we need to put some torches down so that mobs don't spawn cool there we go all right it's quirky we gotta figure out the staircase i know i know and the roof but i think i'm going to do those last finishing touches and move everything in off the video because you guys don't need to see all of that but there we go that is my new house sort of kind of complete it's small but i like it it's something different and i think the others who are gonna like it as well but anyway last thing we need to do is figure out some of these uh signs i suppose wait oh hang on a second did i accidentally burn this house down i did not realize i did that this isn't the house that i store my diamonds in is it no no no no this is the old house okay yeah if some of you guys might remember i have some secret diamonds stored inside the blacksmith which um we are we gonna move should we move maybe that would be a good time to move it now uh as well okay let's move our secret diamonds um back to our house now that we actually have one and find a little secret spot to hide it either way i just haven't fixed these fences i just don't even care you know what we'll just burn this no one needs this sign it's a dumb sign anyway okay where do we put it where do we put it i guess um what i'll do is i'll build like a little floor opening mechanism like right here that opens up and it gives me access to the chest so we will need to make a chest and i can show you that in the next episode i think that'll be pretty cool so we'll just put like a temporary chest there for now just to store our diamonds in perfect and then block it off and hope no one comes digging in our house well there we go that was my minecraft episode on jelly's minecraft world we've got a new house finally it's been about time i'm pretty proud of it i'm going to do a little bit more work off camera and i'll see you in the next episode 100k likes for another one and if you watched another video there's some on the screen tap those videos and i'll tell you the next one enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,260,666
Rating: 4.9056416 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, jelly world, jelly, crainer, troll town, cowtown
Id: 22cRcIi75Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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