I Drew The WORST Solutions To People's Problems

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I don't see how moon would help either of these people but I would assume they mean moon like the astronomy object no moon noun but I'm kind of more interested in moon the verb that is one big butt cheek but you'll be able to figure it out Gladys you've seen a couple of these before in your life no it's not a snorkel you don't want to suck on this trust Noah come on what's up guys welcome to draw puzzle again where you're given a stick man scenario of people in trouble and is your job to draw the solution to their problems or in my case draw them even more problems to see just how bad things can get it looks like we have some kind of employee trying to duck out of work a little early it's only 3 o'clock you gotta get in your 9:00 to 5:00 otherwise SHM Adolf Hitler will be pissed that means that I don't think we need to be quite right with these opening levels it looks like they're gonna be pretty easy because they're straight-up telling us what to draw they want us to draw a line so we can just easily go ahead and draw a line exactly as its asked of us I don't see this being a trick question but at the same time I also don't see how this is gonna help you get out oh no I see animal migration we're wait you mean my drawing is animal migration drop puzzle what kind of opioids did you mix into your Lucky Charms this morning how does this get interpret it is animal migration this is strong possibility the draw puzzle is illiterate I'm gonna try this again we are going to draw the word line if they wanted me to draw a line then they should have said so it looks like a leg no matches no keep guessing is that oh my god I playing pictionary with a blind robots I did not think I would be red in the face and crying in the opening few minutes of this video but here we are okay do you want me to draw a line because I can draw a line I thought I could draw a line that's hopefully gonna be good enough no it's not a river come on man can you please just cut me some slack here this is straight as it's gonna get this is supposed to be a mobile game okay good there you go and he's gonna hold vaults across the door Schmidt ler can still see you okay you know what gonna have to be good enough let's try that again shall we draw a puzzle this time around we've got a stick man without legs who's selling ice cream cones out of the back of his monster truck RV and it's raining so they want us to draw Sun this should be an easy one the Sun is literally just a really bright circle and I can't draw really bright hopefully I can manage to draw a circle that's gonna have to be good enough is that circle yes yes good good draw puzzles that is circle but that was supposed to be Sun they're not good enough for Sun no drop ah so it's not a bandage I'm doing my best to make it the Mario Sun I get it you think it's a bandage it's not a bandage maybe it means the Rays to be a son but do something like you this that looks pretty son like to me no it's not a hedgehog come on what kind of decapitated sonic would this be it's a son oh my god this is torture don't apologize draw puzzle it's fine I did tried to spell it out for you but I really do appreciate the fact that you thought this was some kind of Sonic fan fiction alright well we'll try again with try again this time we'll keep it nice and small nice and simple we've got a circle you remember circle right you don't remember circle we're going backwards this is like the opposite of AI can we oh okay Apple not bad but I'm oh okay that that was a really Sun but you guessed it right so I guess that's what matters and now hey look he kind of grew legs a little bit either way people can get their ice cream to hell for someone who's played countless stick man games I know very little about them but I had no idea that stickman pooped it means they have a butthole means some of them are probably into blood stuff we're all learning things here today it's educational I need to draw nail do you mean like fingernail or like wooden hammered nail because I don't see how either of those are gonna help you what your oh he's got a balloon on top I didn't see the balloon I know there was a light fixture or something okay well hmm how do I draw a nail like if this wasn't like an etch-a-sketch that got thrown down a flight of stairs that I would draw nail but I guess I have to draw wood snail something like that's is that a nail I see Mountain are you kidding me now about if I make it a little three-dimensional no it's not a feather I swear to God I would have better luck playing pictionary with my dog I mean that and if you haven't seen a lot of my dogs eek then you should probably follow me on Twitter at the captain sauce I'm tweeting up stuff about him all the time he's adorable ain't a genius especially compared to this thing I really am trying here like I don't understand no it's not a pencil what if I draw a a hammer over here would that give you context are you capable of deciphering content that that is a hammer okay good we're getting places but it's it's hammering this is it's you you probably don't get arrows and circles and stuff do you okay we'll start over Jesus Christ maybe it was the angle of things that was screwing you up is that okay so if it's like a 45 degree angle then it's a mountain but if it's straight up and down then it's quite obviously a nail and now we can water-balloon the pooping stick man I've got a lot of questions as if the poop balloon wasn't bad enough we've got another wet and tricky prank waiting for this guy except for this time we want to actually keep him dry okay we need to draw an umbrella that seems pretty easy an umbrella is pretty distinct I'm not gonna draw one right away though because we're already on level four and I somehow haven't drawn the most obvious thing to draw in any drawing game to ever draw let's see how you interpret something like this what is that draw puzzle no it's it's not a key and you do shove it in a hole so you're not far off a guess but what if I add a little something like this oh you don't understand a wristwatch no no okay so you're either dumb or innocent or both probably both I think the trick is to draw everything straight up and down because if you put things on an angle then it's very confused what do you think that oh you picked up umbrella from that I thought you would've guessed like mustache tend to cool can you guess Pokemon a surprise box oh I need to watch an ad what could you possibly give me than this no I'm good thanks it's made off may have taken my comments to hurts you ain't shaved his head he changed his mustache style hopefully this guy enjoyed his long weekend there's a couple of levels off and now he's back at work nope all vaulting out of this you got to run around and get coffee and we need to draw mug do you mean mug is in someone's face the verb mug you know to mug someone actually I'm gonna draw that how about we draw mug can go ahead and draw the victim right here no no it's not yoga it's it's actually gonna be closer to Martha Wayne just give me a second there we go okay and then we've got this guy over here give him the old mask I didn't give him eyes so the mask is probably not gonna do a great job yelling give him the necklace no it's not drums no not quite drums not yeah there might be some beating involved but definitely not drum so I know you don't understand okay I'm just I'm trying to work it up just let me finish the drawing first okay he's got a gun he's asking for the necklace and it's the origin of Batman can you you're not even gonna guess anymore okay cool I guess you just give up quitter I may give this robot a lot of crap but it is kind of impressive when I draw things straight up and down it guesses stuff like lollipop but in all reality I don't have a bunch of a drawing so that's perfectly reasonable I would say you might be able to get this yeah that's pretty impressive you could go ahead you can have your coffee forgive me for pole-vaulting my way out of last week's meeting we what halfway done the game oh we might be halfway done to getting another pencil I don't think I should be trusted with more pencils there's not a whole lot to see in this level which I'm guessing is the point they want me to draw a flashlight flashlight I'm gonna draw something close to a flashlight and then we'll see whether or not you can figure out what this is it is very similar baseball no no you definitely wouldn't want to shove your dick into baseball how about no it's not baseball will you just let me draw stop guessing robots oh that's that's not great actually that's a little wonky I see mermaid whatchu Oh some of these guesses are just out of this world I don't know how I can improve this what if I put a switch on it I'm sure some of them have batteries I don't know I've never even seen one in real life I know you don't understand don't like stop guessing the guesses are hilarious what if I get rid of all of this just get rid of all the meaty flaps up at the front and then maybe you're just not gonna guess anymore okay well I could have swore like again is it just the fact that I'm drawing it on an angle you just want me to do something like that no it's not a vase this is actually really difficult if there's a switch switch help hello is anyone home I got a bunch of light beams coming out the front there we go we got there I did not think we were gonna help that employee robbed the safe at night did i just become accessory to a crime I'm just as confused as you are a stickman Steve he clearly wants to get in his night club except the club has a no Steve policy I've never seen something like that before and apparently to get him in there we need to draw a mustache okay I didn't think they were gonna give me the answer every single time I thought that would just be like a tutorial and that eventually I would have to kind of work things out with the Machine I need a name for it I can't keep calling it the Machine how about we call it Gladys it really feels like it dropped his glasses and forgot to take his glaucoma medication so you want a mustache huh well that should be easy enough I don't even really know how to screw this up it's pretty much just gonna be an umbrella all right this is what I drove for the umbrella are you gonna guess no it's not rain I could see cloud but rain do I need like individual hairs what if we there we go that that's a Ned Flanders right there Otto oh I could see a bottle cap okay um maybe if I put like a No who's up here right see that's that's the nose she's not gonna guess on that at all it's a smiley face oh come on this fits mustache you guys gotta give me some credit I really am trying for some of these how do you draw mustache any differently I guess I could just kind of do something like that mustache is that brass no it's not grass okay there's a face about it no it's not a hedgehog I'm never gonna draw a hedgehog Gladys Gladys I'm not going to ever draw a hedgehog you can stop guessing Hedgehog thank you I was about to have very strong words with you it actually did get the context of a face though that's really impressive when I drew a mouth and as soon as I drew when I was a Oh mustache or in its case I guess it would be Oh - come on drop puzzle you can't be serious like I know Gladys is a little rough around the edges but we're a good team we're getting through this you don't need to spell it out there's literally a star silhouette and it's telling us to draw a star why would I ever need a hint in this game it straight up gives me the answer what if I draw the Sun it's technically a star are you gonna guess Sun this time Apple it is the Sun okay now what what what is the Sun what is the Sun what is it an example of okay I'm barking up the wrong tree here I need to be barking up a Christmas tree how about we try something like this we can go kind of David style no it's not a boomerang not oh yeah there we go okay that that was kind of an abomination of a star but Gladys really nailed it she keeps giving me presents I know they're ads I wish they were like cookies or a sweater or something but it is it's gonna be tick tock it's always tick tock ads Oh okay now we're getting taken a little more seriously we've got someone held at gunpoint on the edge of a cliff and I need to save them or maybe help that person shoot them not really sure who I'm helping here why drawing moon I don't see how moon would help either of these people but I would assume they mean moon like the astronomy object no moon noun but I'm kind of more interested in moon the verb that is one big butt cheek but you'll be able to figure it out GLaDOS you've seen a couple of these before in your life no it's not a snorkel you don't want to suck on this trust Noah come on it's it's this part right here GLaDOS you're being what is what what if what stop get back to guessing girl come on how am I supposed to draw moon for you because every time I draw something like this it's pretty crooked but at the same time she guesses circle I'm never gonna draw circle and then like if I put stuff like this then she's just gonna guess cookie you've always guessed cookie before yeah yeah I get it you see cookie it's not cookie keep guessing oh it is okay she did get moon you know cookies can only have like three chocolate chips once you add more it's the moon obviously or maybe she just cycles through similar looking things either way we got ourselves a werewolf didn't see that coming don't you just hate it when your roommates drunk gets up on the table and starts making out with their seven-foot-tall and visible girlfriends it's so relatable right we need to draw it share why would you want a chip there's a chair right there you need another chair I could just drive exactly that is that a chair that's a chair okay how it was an upside-down for oh I got a new pen um no I'm pretty good with my pencil I think I don't really want to watch an ad for that dear love is in the air okay she's a bit of a looker we can go after her catch me if you can catch who the the random floating Bay's or the the guy who's bugging me or the missus who I was after drawing around the world Hong Kong China we're going to China after we once where did the sexy stick lady go and why am I suddenly in China getting yelled at by Schmidt ler Gladys is this your doing I'm so confused apparently I need to draw a snake okay I've drawn some lines that looked quite a bit like snakes I don't suppose you'll be able to pick that out would you you don't understand okay I'm gonna build on this because I feel like this is actually a good base I really hope that you don't give up guessing really want you to continue guessing this is such a snake but there we go I know without the tongue it looks a little but we would much rather fire a snake onto his face have you ever been stoned out of your trees and just got outside and yelled at the back of a parked monster truck because if you have then you know that you need a fork to do so I'm gonna do my best to draw you a fork sir and hopefully that'll help you know it's not a river Gladys calm down just just let me actually dry I get that it looks like a river to you how I don't I I don't get it I mean River is kind of have Forks right so you're gonna guess Trident no we're good we have a fork wha okay he burst it tight no I don't want your surprise box Gladys okay you can't make it up to me just guess things right or funny I don't even want you to guess things right I just want you to make people laugh in the video you're doing a great job so our butts just keep the press today it should I open it try to see what's inside it's gonna be a friggin tick tock ad okay now things are starting to heat up get a little steamy in the park it's the perfect time for us to draw an apple not really what I was hoping for to be perfectly honest you know what class we're gonna work on something else okay the game doesn't get to tell us what to do if you guess what I draw correctly then it happens that is how it works that is how I choose to believe it works so I'm gonna draw something I'm gonna let you guys guess along with GLaDOS you know I'm not gonna say anything quite yet don't guess yet GLaDOS don't worry I am going to make it kind of clear maybe it's small it's blue it's got the letter V on it make your hurt is that tree no it's not flip-flops flip-flops are not gonna help get it on is viagra come on what if I keep it simple what if I draw something like a hurt that will indicate romance we need more romance it's a bit of a crooked heart but no it's not an apple how is that an apple oh my god okay well I mean we knocked him out it's bad news for Steve good news for us does that mean we get away is that the misses that we travel halfway across the world to see I don't know she walked by pretty quick earlier telling you guys China's crazy one minute you're trying to take viagra in the park with your missus you get knocked out by an apple and then the next you're jumping out of a burning building apparently I'm supposed to draw a firetruck that's a big step up from stuff like Apple fire truck okay um Jesus Oh what is a fire truck even look like something like this maybe I'm gonna use all the space I can if you guess this is Optimus Prime I will love you forever umbrella but how do you see and I know you don't understand what umbrellas don't have wheels snorkel snorkels also don't have wheels come on oh all right yeah you know what I didn't even get the ladder on and you guessed it right I'll give you partial points umbrella and snorkel were still really really dumb I've only seen her make like a dozen guesses I feel like she's got a little limited in her mindset you know I don't think that's gonna be up for this episode of draw puzzle guys I gotta say one of the funniest mobile games I played it a very long time and not intentionally so but I really enjoyed this video and I'm pretty sure there are both more levels to this and more draw puzzle games it's sequels or spin offs or rip offs are know if you guys want to see more stuff like this as always be sure to like the video let me know subscribe so you can keep up with us and then I'll return to draw an alarm clock Steve is gonna rest he's had a very long fire truck viagra umbrella mustache mountain filled day but leaves watching his video I hope you enjoyed Oh see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,569,468
Rating: 4.8805542 out of 5
Keywords: draw puzzle, draw puzzle game, draw puzzle gameplay, draw puzzle sketch it, art game, draw puzzle walkthrough, draw puzzle playthrough, draw puzzle ep 1, draw puzzle episode 1, draw puzzle let's play, stickman game, funny stickman game, simulator game, funny simulator game, stickman games, mobile game, funny stickman, funny moments, draw puzzle funny, draw puzzle funny moments, captainsauce, captain sauce
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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