- I already destroyed 60
computers with computer viruses. And before I destroy the 70th computer, let's destroy those computers
with even more viruses. No hesitation, let's get it started. So in my last video, I
destroyed a bunch of computers with dangerous computer viruses. And I ended up recovering
six of the computers. So before I make the part seven video that everybody's asking for, I'm gonna destroy those
computers even more. We've been absolutely crushing it with the Like Skull lately. So go ahead and get this
video to 66,666 likes. If you wanna know why
I want that many likes, take a lucky guess. Subscribe to the channel if
you haven't done so already. I mean, you're on 6.6 right now, and you still haven't subscribed? Anytime you hear something or see something you like in this video, there's gonna be something
underneath that says Remix. I want you guys to press that Remix button and make a short for my YouTube videos. I mean, you're gonna
get a few views from it. But without any further
hesitation, ladies and gentlemen, let's go ahead and get this video started. We're gonna go ahead and open up the first instance of Windows 11, so we can download the
first computer virus. We're gonna go ahead and
disconnect from our internet. So we're gonna go into the Virus and Threat Protection settings, and turn the real-time
protection off on this computer. The first computer virus that we're gonna open up is Fantom. And go ahead, right click
Run as Administrator, run. "Do you want to allow this
app from an unknown publisher "to make changes to your
device, Fantom.exe?" Yes. Anything gonna happen? Hello? Configuring critical windows update. 1% complete, do not
turn off your computer. How is it gonna do an update if my Internet's disconnected, right? My Internet's disconnected, right? Yeah, so it's telling me do
not shut off my computer. I'm gonna go ahead and
shut off the computer. I'm gonna open it again. Everything seems to be working. Oh my God. "Attention, all your files
have been encrypted." Okay, so it literally... Oh my God, what do I do? "Do encrypting was used algorithm RSA-4096 "and AES-256, used for
protection military secrets. "Restore your data possible "only buying decryption
passwords from us." Looks like English is
not their first language. "Sent your ID Key to the mailbox here. "Pay our services, get software "with passwords for decrypting your files. "Make measures to prevent this type "of situations happening again." So they're saying here, "Important, do not try to
restore files without our help. "This is useless and can
destroy your data permanently." Oh, that's creepy. "Important, we cannot hold "your decryption passwords forever. "All decryption passwords for
what wasn't we received reward "will destroy after a week
of moment of encryption." This is my ID key. So I have to copy my ID key. And I have to go to these
emails and send ID key to them. So where's the decryptor? Virus and threat protection,
Fortnite.url.Fantom. Oh my God, all my
confidential information, my shipping info and credit
cards, my Bitcoin private keys, all of that looks like it's encrypted. So if you download a
ransomware on your computer, you can't even play Roblox
or Minecraft anymore. Oh, now you have to pay. Anyways this computer
is absolutely destroyed. You're gonna have to pay
to decrypt your files because this is a ransomware. They're gonna take all your
files and put it in a cage. And they're gonna lock up that cage. The only way to get all your files back is to buy the key to that cage. The point being, is that I'm
gonna have to take that ID, I'm gonna have to go to that email that they want me to email, send the ID code to that email, and then they're gonna send me a price to decrypt all of my files. And it's typically in Bitcoin, which is a hard-to-trace currency. It's not untraceable, but
it's a cryptocurrency. Not the video to explain what it is. But since the computer's still working, we're gonna go ahead and
open up virus number two. The next computer virus
that we're gonna open up is called the H*t*er Virus. YouTube, go easy on me for this one. I'm gonna hit run. "Do you want to allow
this app from an unknown "publisher to make changes
to your device, H*t*er.exe?" Oh my God. (suspenseful music) Oh no. So it's a ransomware. We have another ransomware,
ladies and gentlemen. This is not good, oh, this is not good. I don't condone... Oh, this is... I don't condone anything
you see right now. Oh, this is destruction. (suspenseful music) Oh, no. Oh no! Look at all my files! They have the BMP picture here. So I am running two
Ransomwares on this computer. They want 20 euros to encrypt my files. That's not that bad. "Bitcoin accepted here." So I have to send Bitcoin to this address. And they're gonna decrypt my files? (suspenseful music) Oh, this is terrifying. I don't under... Bitcoin address, yeah, I
don't understand German. Oh no. What if I tried to restart the computer? Restart, restart anyway. All right, so that was the Fantom virus and virus number two on one computer. I'm restarting the computer. It looks like it's going to work. So you know exactly what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go show this in Finder. And I'm gonna send this
to the Shadow Realm. So now the computer is gone forever. We ran two computer
viruses on one computer. But we're gonna go ahead and open up another instance of Windows 11 so we could download
another computer virus. So now we have Windows open again. It looks like nothing even
happened to the computer because we destroyed that virtual machine that was obliterated by two Ransomwares. Again, we're gonna go into the Virus and Threat Protection settings and turn the real-time protection off so we can download another computer virus. We're gonna make sure to
disconnect from our internet. The next computer virus
that we're gonna open up is called the RedEye Virus. "Do you want to allow this app "from an unknown publisher to
make changes to your device, "RedEye.exe publisher unknown?" We're gonna go ahead and hit Yes. Oh, no, what? "You must restart your computer "to turn off Account User control." Oh, no, no, no, not another ransomware! What happened to the games? I only have Fortnite. Every file on my computer became RedEye. How do I decrypt them? The firewall is turned off? Oh, this is a really dangerous virus. Thank goodness I'm... (gasps) Restarting. Oh, I didn't do that. Oh, I didn't do that. Oh, the background changed too. Oh, I didn't do that. Yo, this RedEye virus is crazy. (gasps) Oh hell no. Oh, that just... Bro, that just disappeared. (suspenseful music) "RedEye Ransomware. "All your personal files
have been encrypted "with a very strong key
by RedEye, AES-256 bit. "The only way to get your files
back is to go to Red Eye." Oh my God, it's a dot onion website. So you have to go onto the Tor browser and type in this dot onion website. And you have to enter your personal ID, and pay 0.1 Bitcoins to the address below. After that, you need to
click on check payment. And then you'll get a special
key to unlock your computer. "You got four days to pay it. "When the time is up, your
PC will be fully destroyed." "Your PC will be destroyed
in three days, 18 hours, "59 minutes and 44 seconds." They have multiple languages here. Oh my goodness, oh, that's terrifying. So if you're Arabic,
that's what it's gonna say. If you're Indian, it's gonna say that. If you're Spanish, it's gonna say that. So what you have to do is
go onto the Tor browser, type in this website, type in your personal ID, which is this. You have to send 0.1 Bitcoins
to this address below. After you're done all that, and you have to do it within three days. By the way, 0.1 Bitcoins
is this much money. Within the three days, 18 hours and 58 minutes and 43 seconds, I have to click check payment. "Amount of already paid Bitcoins, zero." Oh my goodness, encrypted files. (gasps) So you have to go to the decryption key that you get from them. For example, I type in
1-2-3-4 and I hit decrypt. Nothing happens. "The key is wrong." They have support? "Chat live with us." They have a live chat, oh my God. "Destroy PC? What? Red Eye can destroy your entire pc. But it says that isn't a solution. I agree, it's not a solution,
but I'm gonna hit Do It. What's gonna happen? Oh my God. "Your device ran into a
problem and needs to restart. "We're collecting some error info." The RedEye ransomware has been one of my favorite viruses so far, because I love when viruses
have a destruct PC button, because that right there is the
boot sector of the computer. If this is the first time
you've watched one of my videos, if it popped up on your recommendation and you still haven't subscribed, I'm not gonna talk about that. But the boot sector is
the part of the computer, when you see your Windows logo appear, or the Mac logo appear, the first thing that happens
when you turn your computer on when you press the power button it's what tells your
computer it's a computer. That very thing I explained
just died in front of me after clicking the destruct button. I like that ransomware. We're gonna go ahead and show that in the Finder and send
that to the Shadow Realm, so the computer is gone forever. We're gonna open up another Windows 11 so we could download
another computer virus. Going into the Virus and
Threat Protection settings, turning the real-time protection off, disconnecting from our internet. The next computer virus
that we're gonna open up is the Tickle Me Elmo virus. This one was sent to me. It's apparently a really
quick, really fast virus. We're gonna run as an administrator. Unknown publisher Tickle Me Elmo, Run. "Do you want to allow this app "from an unknown publisher to
make changes to your device "Tickle me Elmo.exe?" Okay, "Turn on Virus Protection." Nice.
(Elmo laughs) Oh, that's creepy, what? "If you click Continue, "the application will ignore this error "and attempt to continue." (Elmo laughs) (suspenseful music) Oh, task manager is not working, oh, no. Task manager, oh, that's not working. Oh! (suspenseful music) - Emo knows where you live. - Oh my God, ah! - Elmo knows where you live. - Oh, that's creepy, bro. That's actually a really creepy virus. I actually am not gonna lie. I'm kinda scared of Elmo right now. I still kinda like the Pan
Codes of viruses better. Virus and Threat Protection. Real-time protection. Real-time protection on, Yes. Threats found, remove, start actions. (Elmo laughs) Threats found, what the hell? Remove. (Elmo laughs) What the hell? (suspenseful music) The Tickle Me Elmo virus is
beating the Windows Defender. What? "Your PC ran into a problem
and needs to restart. "We're just collecting some error info." And oh, right there, it
just hit the boot sector. We're gonna show that
computer in the Finder and send that computer
to the Shadow Realm. Don't mess with Elmo. I'm gonna give the creepiest virus and the creepiest toy award
to the Tickle Me Elmo. Elmo, absolutely freaking terrifying. We're gonna go ahead and open up the third instance of Windows 11 so we can go ahead and download
another computer virus. We're gonna go into the Virus and Threat Protection settings, turn the real-time
protection off, hit Yes, disconnect from our internet. The next computer virus
that we're gonna open up is the Maze Virus, Run. Is anything gonna happen? Oh, it actually worked! "We hacked your network "and now all your files,
documents, photos, databases." (tone beeps) - [Computer] Crypto NWO,
alert, Crypto NWO, alert. Dear Crypto NWO your files have been encrypted by Maze Ransomware. You need to buy Decryptor in
order to restore the files. - How much does it cost? - [Computer] Crypto NWO, alert. Dear Crypto NWO, your files have been encrypted by Maze Ransomware. You need to buy Decryptor in
order to restore the files. - Oh my God. - Crypto NWO, alert.
- Okay. - Crypto NWO.
- Oh, oh! - [Computer] Alert, dear Crypto NWO, your files have been
encrypted by Maze Ransomware. - Oh, this is bad. - [Computer] You need to buy decryptor in order to restore the- - Okay, so I just put the volume down. I'm gonna read to you
what popped up first. 'Cause right now, there's
a lot going on here. "Attention, what happened? "We hacked your network, "and now all your files,
documents, photos, databases "and other important
data are safely encrypted "with reliable algorithms. "You cannot access the files
right now, but do not worry. "You can get it back. "And it's easy to recover in a few steps. "We have also downloaded a lot "of private data from your network. "So in case of not contacting
us as soon as possible, "this data will be released. "If you do not contact us in three days, "we will post information
about your breach "to our public news website, and after seven days,
the whole download info. "To see what happens next to
those who don't contact us, "Google Southwire Maze
Ransomware, MDLab Maze Ransomware "and City of Pensacola Maze Ransomware. "After the payment, the data
will be removed from our disks "and our decryptor will be given to you "so you can restore all of your files." I have to take this Maze key
and go onto their website and publish that Maze key. So they're gonna tell me
how much it's gonna cost to decrypt all of my files, and all my databases from my
network, apparently, what? This is my ID, so 92891707. Oh, this is so scary, bro. You can clearly see so far that this video is the ransomware edition of
my Computer Virus video series. Go ahead and click Shut Down. Restarting the computer. "Crypto NWO, welcome." Oh, no. Oh, no, so the files are actually gone. Decrypt files. "How to decrypt your files." Oh, no, they're all just opening again. A ransomware found. Oh my God, what? Oh, we have the ability to take Maze off. Start Actions, Remove, yes. But Maze is still on the computer. Will Minecraft open? Minecraft. I'm gonna keep pressing
until Mo Shang pops up. Oh, again! Okay, so that's the... Oh! That computer virus was absolutely wild, because we had Windows Defender
trying to beat the virus. Windows Defender said it beat the virus. It turned off the computer,
brought it to the boot sector, destroyed the computer to bits. But now we're gonna go ahead and open up the next
instance of Windows 11, so we could download
another computer virus. We're gonna go ahead into the Virus and Threat
Protection settings. Go to the real-time
protection off, hit Yes. All right, now we're gonna
disconnect from our internet. The next computer virus that we're gonna open up is Unnamed Virus. I want you guys to go
in the comment section and name this virus for me
after you're done watching it. Give it the best name that
you can possibly think of, as to what's about to happen. I'm gonna click run. "Do you want to allow this app "from an unknown publisher to
make changes to your device?" Now, when I say unnamed virus,
that's what it says there. We're gonna go ahead and click Yes. It looks like Penn Coza, the virus creator has been watching the
videos, because look at this! "You know what this is. "So I will not write long time. "Only warning, if you
click yes, you're dead." Yo Penn Coza is a legend. I'm gonna go ahead and click Yes. "Your PC has been trashed,
say goodbye to Windows." Okay. Epilepsy warning has been in effect the entire freaking video. Let's try to play some solitaire while the computer is being destroyed. (laughs) Is it gonna work? You know what's the best part? I don't know how to play Solitaire. Klondike? Holy.
(computer beeps) Oh, that's so sick. Oh, that's so sick. What if I try to open up Microsoft Edge? Oh my God. So it just inverts parts of the screen, sometimes the entire screen. And unfortunately, I have
confidential shipping info, important info, Bitcoin private keys that are all being bamboozled right now. Oh, is that even a computer? Oh my goodness. Oh my God. Oh my. Oh, this is really bad, dude. Fortnite? "Connection error." Oh my god, Fortnite got
bamboozled, oh my goodness. I played these three games, and destroyed them with computer viruses, Minecraft, Roblox and Fortnite. Go check out the video just appeared on the top right of the screen. It's a banger video. Oh, dude, this is really bad. The computer's starting to actually take like, really, really... Oh my goodness. Oh my God. I didn't even do anything, I
was trying to open up pinball. Take a look right there. "Parallels ARM virtual
machine, Apple Silicon, 10.0.1. Ladies and gentlemen, subscribe to channel if you haven't done so already. Put on the notification bell to be notified whenever I upload I download the most dangerous
computer viruses number seven, and hit the Like button. Let's get this video to 66,666 likes. Actually, if you hit the
video that just appeared on the top right of the screen, I know you're gonna enjoy this video, because I hand selected this video. That's all for the video,
ladies and gentlemen. Thank you guys so much. I will see you in the future, love ya.