I Donated $10,000 to BadBoyHalo to go BALD...

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all right so it's really happening i guess we have 15 000 people waiting 17 000 people waiting that is going live in two minutes where he's about to turn on his face cam completely go bald this is really happening i am in complete all right now i'm still in shock and i i can't believe this is really happening so i'm gonna get a call with dad right now i know i should be like freaking out right now but i'm not i'm more just nervous for him because he's going legit bald on stream so yeah i i guess this is it i mean i didn't think he would actually like do this but he uh he really is and i think he's expecting well i mean i know he's expecting me to donate 10 grand r.i.p 10 000. i seriously can't believe i'm doing this i can't believe he's doing this i can't believe any of this is really happening let me just get into you speak with him you were moved user i'm just really really really nervous you have 25 000 people waiting for you i know i've got your merch on right now you do yeah the hoodie light blue hoodie dude all right when are you going live i'm about to you ready i'm ready let's do it all right let's do it i'd leave the face cam on right at the start you think yeah no no no no no no don't okay leave it off all right let's do it oh my gosh all right i'm about to start ready nope tweeting all right i have uh tweeted your stream go for it all right going live in three here we go one okay 32 000 people waiting for you all right i'm live oh hello hello everyone oh my god is this really happening that never did i ever think this day would actually come we mean about it for like two years we mean about it every day for a year we did i know what everyone share the link with everyone literally i want this stream to a hundred thousand viewers hi i want this stream to 100 000 viewers keep sharing this no no keep sharing this with everyone break his channel wait get him to 800 000. he's shaving [Applause] we need a hundred thousand viewers bad oh my gosh you're really gonna make me do this dad yeah i honestly didn't think you would do this what well okay then all you gotta do is throw out uh hey bad jk i i think it's time for you to put on your face cam okay i'm gonna put on my face cam as soon as i have everything situated 50k all right guys we're halfway there jeffy you know i'm wearing uh i'm wearing your merch you're in my merch oh i get free merch promo off of this too oh my goodness you won't forget that i'm taking this off no no no no no no i can't believe this skeppy i'm actually i'm actually literally in my house i believe this is happening okay he'll turn on face cam at 60k viewers 60k i'll turn my face cam on insane please you're literally about to hit 60k in a minute 52 54. just throw out uh just kidding right now please just kidding and you end it and you don't do it yes just say that say hey wait technically technically right i haven't given you any money yet so if i just leave and don't give you the money technically you wouldn't have to do it right i wouldn't but that's not going to happen i'm definitely oh i'm definitely making this happen so yeah i think you should get ready to turn your face cam on because i had 60k viewers skeppy i can't even get on my server there's probably like a million people no no no guys listen listen literally like there's a way we can all avoid this guys there is no possible way that this is being avoided you control it skeppy well yes but on the other hand i really want to see you kill bald bad okay no no skippy all you have to do is say april fool's do you know how many people would be so mad at us no they would be happy no one wants to see me get my you know what let's read the truth okay let's take a vote let's take a vote in the chat do you want him to go bald yes or no because there's definitely a handful of people that don't want you to do it oh i see i see a lot more yeses okay see look oh my god i see it's for ten thousand dollars bad oh i think face cam 58 000 almost almost 60. no wait a minute if they don't get it to 60 000 i can shave my head with no face cam uh sure yeah wait really uh-huh oh my goodness guys keep those numbers down all right we're gonna hit 60k in like the next minute or so so then no no no no we aren't no we are 58 000 59 000. all right you are officially at sixty thousand you have sixty thousand viewers turn on your face oh my gosh guys why do you do this oh my god i can't believe this is happening i legit can't believe that all right okay okay okay okay i want to see lots and lots of support in the chat i want to see hearts i want to see support you know ben has not done dad when was the last time you've done a facecam stream it's been a while it's been a while i want to see support everywhere for bad that's all i want to see in the chat he's happy he didn't have to do this keep that in mind you did not have to do this excuse me before i turn my face cam on i need to tell you something okay okay all right i've been growing my hair out not specifically your hair's straight for long but not super long but i've been growing it because i've been appreciating it you know in preparation for this you're right right exactly it's it's looking it's pretty flowy i don't know if you've ever seen a l'oreal shampoo i just turn on your face cam why not okay are you nervous i'm nervous no scabby i'm about to shave actually it's 64 000 now no oh wait no 66 000. stop saying i want to see a hundred thousand viewers today no we are peaking at 100 000. all right bad go for it there it is do you see my greetings yes i see it oh your hair is long yeah i want support and hearts and just all of that stuff in the chat all right hi everyone it's all you i'm gonna shave my head because i am not happy i can't get on my server i'm gonna shave my head to a bunch of people oh my god oh my gosh can i please not do this skeppy please do you even have like a razor or like like a thing to shave it oh i do i'm guessing that's a yes yes also just in case that runs out of power i brought these what is it scissors oh you have scissors yeah i have scissors so how are you are you just gonna start with scissors wait okay i have a question i've been meaning to ask you for a really long time and i probably shouldn't ask you this on stream but i'm going to anyway i don't know if this is true or not bad do you cut your nails with scissors why are you asking just answer the question it's not a question answer the question no i'm not gonna answer no answer it no answer it no answer it okay better question for you who doesn't i know it's more efficient skippy debbie can we make a deal what is the deal okay if the stream does not get to 80 000 viewers i don't have to shave my head 78 000 because i'm a little bit worried no no that's too much of a gas 72 i'll do 70. no bad i'm gonna start donating i'm gonna start donating what do you mean you're gonna oh yeah you haven't paid me the the ten thousand are you gonna pay it now or after i'm done shaving my head i'll just do it once you're done oh why are we here what are we doing you're not gonna bamboozle me are you no wait what do you mean oh well like i leave after you like at the end [Laughter] lmao scissors wait are you really gonna do it with scissors like no i'm not gonna do it with scissors but if i run out i can't believe i'm about to okay okay okay just do like a little piece right now just like the top no do the top i don't want to just do like like half an inch half an inch right now just do it half an inch off what off the top what you just want me to reach up and just go take a piece and snip yeah that much that much like that you just held like that much there's no one doing it bad if i can't get clumps you're gonna have to start away at some point right so just start with a tiny bit you won't even notice the difference oh my goodness okay okay you know what forget it so just you're saying with the scissors just do like a tiny piece to start off with because you don't want to just i mean did you want to like straight away just go with the razor and just you don't want to do that you're right i need to just it's very there we go just a teeny little bit all right that's a good start now just do that a thousand more times oh my goodness oh my goodness skeppy i'm actually about to shave my head on stream i know what if you ever told me this was going to happen at any point in my life honestly i didn't even believe like you were i mean like i thought you just weren't going to do it the bald meme has been a meme for what like a year yeah but it's gonna be like not a meme anymore it's gonna be like no no it okay i just wanna make a point okay even if i shave my head right right even if i do it right i'm still not bald i still have hair it's just really short okay well like think about if you shave in the morning right you still have hair you just can't see it yeah yeah no yeah you won't be bald back okay jeffy just listen you're gonna be bald just today but by tomorrow you're gonna have that little tiny spike dude you know all those images i made you know how many thumbnails i've made with photoshopped images of your head being bald i don't have to photoshop it anymore just don't talk to me just go away oh i think i see 78 000 viewers by the way i regret everything well i might as well get it started did i just go in oh what do you think cut it with scissors but do like a little bit more maybe a little bit more i don't want you to do like oh i guess you have to but i don't oh that maybe i don't want to do this i feel bad whoa whoa whoa hold on what you need to make up your mind wait wait now you want to no no no you need to make up your no i just i don't want to backtrack on this i'm just saying like maybe we should rethink this listen skeppy i want you right right now yeah you need to make up your mind okay okay cuz i'm just gonna i'm gonna say this what do you mean having a great day but it's about to get better the monster what sort of a donation is that okay listen you need to make your mind up right now okay okay because we're not having any of this and then scotty's like well actually bad now that i've taken a big stripe out of my head like i don't actually want to give you ten thousand emily let's do it let's just do it let's do it okay once i do the first big snip badge no no roll back just just you can do it okay are you ready skippy i am i'm ready bad all right first big stamp okay guys once i do the big snip i can't go back just for the record like there's no undoing the big snap ready tdk i might as well do the first snip we'll call this the no going back snip skeppy ready all right i'm i'm looking i'm watching oh my gosh i got a nice big clump wait so 100 but i don't want to okay no that you can't even notice the difference oh no i know that's not even bad that's not even bad that's no no no no trust me trust me trust me just yes you can't even see the difference what are you doing you look great you feel you look great trust me you know you listen okay wait a minute do we on [Laughter] wait can can you do like just like the top bit what do you mean the top what you mean like just shave a big a big out okay you want i could probably hide that don't you think how much did you do i mean it's just just a little bit like a teeny bit of hair yeah okay all right you're right you could probably like wear like a hat or something you feel should i do another bit okay all right skeppy are you ready yeah no yeah okay i'm gonna do the i'm just gonna take a chunk out okay oh my goodness i can feel the bits that are short okay okay oh my gosh debbie can we just undo it right now oh my gosh i can't i can't i'm a viewer i'm watching i'm getting i can't it's really hard for me to like talk over this just i'm watching okay here we go okay here we go i'm doing it i'm doing it okay here we go i can't scummy i can't do it i cannot okay wait let's negotiate here i'm not even trying to negotiate i'm not even telling you to do it ah you know what forget it i can do it psyche me promise you want me to and you're not going to hate me for doing this later like me you want me to right yes i want you to psych me off you won't be mad at me for doing this right i promise you pinky promises not be mad pinky promise okay i'm are you sure yes i'm sure okay you can do it you can't do it bad boy halo can't do it in the chat come on everyone bad you can do it you can do this you have been called bald all your life i mean oh no wait no okay you can do it okay hearts in the chat all right here we go no going back keep blinding me i'm scared you can do it you can do it bad you're the best you're good you're the best you're literally the best in the game you are oh my god oh my god [Applause] oh my god i'm about to fade stop stop okay okay let's just not do it let's just not do it oh no let's just not do i got a big bald spot in my head skeppy let me i can't go back now stop pepe you're actually gonna make me shave my whole head no i'm not no you no no don't put this on me what do you mean no i'm not i'm done i'm literally done one is enough the chat is saying one is enough one is enough that's it okay we can leave it like this i can just i can put it if you want you can leave it like that i'll get one of those hats with the little uh helicopter blades on it you know the little colorful one so i'll just put it right here no one will ever know okay that's it then right that's it all right all right we're good okay cool that wasn't so bad wait you're actually fine if i stop yeah really i mean i'll donate like a thousand dollars wait so you're not going to donate the full 10 if i don't go full ball well you're not bald right now steppy yes there is a bomb spot in my head again do you want to do it yes then let's do it if you want to all right what's that are you sure yes i'm sure positive yes i'm positive all right i'm just gonna i'm gonna go in from the side okay all right you can do this oh my oh that was a big clump of hair that fell that was a big clump of hair that fell gosh no wait can i hold on is there a slash slash undo for real life i don't like this kevin oh my god there's so much left oh my gosh where did it go there's so much oh my god it fell on my chair get me it's all gone okay you want i'm just not gonna worry about the hair i'll take care of it later okay all right oh my god oh my gosh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god okay now there's definitely no going back i can't stop okay you got this you got this you're a beast man you you got this you know you got this you can you can do it you can do it you can't do it oh my god i feel so sharp i can hide this right i can hide this right now i'll tell you what i'll tell you what tell you what if you finish that side and then do the other side you'd have a sick cut if you finish that side and then do the other side and then just keep the middle right are you forgetting about something scary oh yeah yeah i forgot i freaked out there's hair everywhere i'm so done with you this might end our friendship are you bad what don't bad me you're making me go bald i'm not making you do anything you wanted to don't do that you don't have to do it i've been saying that okay you know what skippy yes i'm just kidding i would never end our friendship you're my best friend i love you you're amazing trends keppy i just sometimes strongly dislike you like when you pay me money to do things like this skeppy i don't like this at all okay you know what i'm going i'm going i'm shaving more okay this is i've had it skeppy okay i've had it okay i'm gonna i'm gonna do the rest of this side here we go oh my god you know what i i can't hear you just keep that in mind oh he can't hear me oh he's cutting so much there is so much stuff together there is literally salt okay this is fine everything is fine how does it look bad it looks good it looks good it looks good oh my gosh i think you're gonna be able to pull this off really good no this looks bad no no no one if i comb this part over maybe i can cover it up you think oh come on guys we're going to take a short little break so i can tell you about the sponsor of today's man we need to get a sponsor for this i got a sponsor for it skippy how did you manage to let me do this no i want to know how you managed to get a sponsor for you shaving your head bold you'll find out when i mention the sponsor all right go ahead okay the sponsor of today's stream did you know that two out of three guys will experience some form of male pattern baldness by the time that they're 35 oh my god he's doing more the best way oh my god he's doing to prevent hair loss is to do something about it while you still have hair left beeps offer scientifically proven treatments that can combat the symptoms of hair loss you don't have to avoid he's doing a hair loss promotion to avoid going bald say goodbye to pharmacy visits and awkward you can get medication delivered straight to your home it's happening right now remember guys prevention is key lips can take up to four to six months did you memorize this or more to see results so it's important to act fast if you guys want to check peeps out click the link in the description www.keeps.com bad boy halo remember if you want to keep your hair that's the way to go keep your hair thank you for sponsoring today's stream skippy yes why am i shaving my head you're getting paid i know uh every time i look at myself i just see it i can't you know what i'm not gonna lie this is somewhat cathartic that actually suits you it does yeah you think so like finish that side and then go to the next side like i think it works yeah so do like like this side yeah like finish that side and make it look as good as you can like a mohawk i feel you all right let's go on this side here we go guys wait one are you serious yes i'm serious you know what i'm not i'm already this far i might as well scappy oh my gosh oh my gosh this is your fault no no no no no no no no no no no this is your fault no no no i know blaming it on me seems like an easy way to go right now it is the easy way to go it's also the correct way to come it is not it is our fault not to so many times you know what i think i might be able to work this never mind there's so much hair it looks good i think it looks good don't say it looks good why there's hair everywhere skippy okay so i think i still have enough hair that i can cover it up if i just look at people like this they won't know what they like never go in a different angle yeah from this exact angle no one will ever respect anything so i i don't think i need to shave the rest i think i'm good oh bad what's behind you what a little muffin oh my gosh that looks so bad oh are you going for round two he's going for round two all right oh my oh okay that side's fully done that side is fully done are you happy skippy i might as well keep going and this far ready i'm gonna look you do it down the middle what do you mean down the middle can you just go straight up down the middle i thought you wanted me to go like i know but you already have a bald spot there are you serious might as well if i do the other side i can at least hide it i'll have a mohawk right well you are going bald but skeppy mohawk can i go mohawk go go mohawk and we'll we'll see and go mohawk bad just think about it think about this every single decision we've ever made in our entire lives has led us right to this moment it's just hair it will grow back that's true literally in like a month you're gonna have so much of your hair back and you can get so many muffins so you really want me to just do a stripe down the middle i think it would be great you won't forget it oh my god forget it okay you want a stripe down the middle is that what you want scuffy day it scappy um if you want to do it they stripe down the middle say the words right down the middle are you ready skeppy okay oh my god oh my god don't give me what i look like a maniac there's no hiding there you know what no i'm just gonna leave it like this i'm being serious that's not a good idea you should just finish it no i'm staying like this are you sure yeah i think this looks fine i think finishing it would look better yeah b can we make a deal okay can we leave it up to the stream yes yes yes we can leave it to you the stream anything i whatever works best okay stream we're gonna leave it up to you okay listen if you say leave it i get to leave it if you don't shave it i don't think you should it doesn't make sense to leave it like that what do you mean it doesn't make sense because if you leave it like that it's gonna grow really weird know what at least i have hair skipping no but you don't understand you're in a weird spot now let's just stop right there i think that's good bad i'm telling you not to leave it like that nah we'll leave it like this i like this are you sure yeah i know that's what i thought oh my god user joined you you're missing some there's there's you're missing some on your head i'm telling him that he needs to finish now right keeping it like that would be way worse yeah you're taking too long you seem you need to go bad you need to just straight dream be nice hold your breath and just shave it get him out you're ugly get him out get him out get him out get him out get him out dad get him out get out of here we don't need that you know what it's kind of growing on me actually bad no just i'm very concerned i might leave it like in the back don't don't i'm telling like just leaving i don't know no the hair why are you keeping it like that what do you mean are you not gonna i don't know i'm kind of liking it bro what what is my hair skippy cut it what slash splash cut do i have to i really think you should what i'm gonna shave the back okay go on then oh my gosh gaby i look like a lunatic you know what what i have to do just cause i'm already here what do you guys think should i finish uh i finish it up i think scissors might be easier so skippy yes are you doing today um it's been an interesting day oh my goodness scary how was your day it could be better hello would you by any chance be the homeless guy who spat on a few months ago a16 why would you say that skipping what my hair i had such beautiful hair you're almost done i'm almost done you're almost done oh my gosh newly done yay yay save the rest it'll look so good i don't know if i want to i think i might stop here no bad but the one strip ahead actually looks like it's skeppy i have one little strip just like right here keep the little strip wait so shave everything except for this one piece yeah yeah do it bad save everything except for this piece right here okay well let's just wrap this up i feel like oh my i feel like i'm doing the lawnmower style my hair is all over my neck wait a minute you think what bad what are you doing bad what the heck are you doing bad what are you doing bad you've lost it you what are you doing what it looks beautiful literally don't eat them you're bald now take it off i'm not bald i have hair with that what i'm not gonna fall for it what i don't see anything there's nothing behind me i'm not gonna lie this actually looks not bad what are you doing what i'm admiring my hairstyle it's like i never cut my hair i like this is very nice you want let me do a test just to see how well it stays on you're bald boy halo i got hair in my mouth i can't believe your ball boy halo well this is your new life now you did it i did it i can stop yes after you cut that last i don't want to stop okay you probably shouldn't stop this looks awful all right bad well it was fun i'm gonna go now bye what wait no whoa whoa channel switched skippy hey skippy skippy he left did i just shave my head for nothing you know what i'm leaving the rest i'm not gonna shave the rest get me get back here you can't make me shave my head and then not give me ten thousand ah there's so much hair in my mouth i don't know what to do now there's no way he's scanning there's no way skippy you better get your butt back in here do you think this works on arm hair has skeppy driven you insane no why would you think that skeptic get back here all right guys so skippy's gone i keep expecting him to pop back in and be like there's trolling oh my goodness did i actually just do that tell me you're just trolling ah that is okay you know what even if i'm i don't have 10k at least i have you guys you were moved hi why'd you leave well i have some explaining to do what well technically you didn't go bald so i don't have to donate anything why are you serious are you serious no no yeah beam yes you're beaming i am me me oh my gosh oh my goodness why you actually did oh my gosh i saw it kevin he's waiting so long ah thank you i was messaging someone i was like he just memed me oh my gosh thank you okay the mods are replaying guys thank you skepty oh my gosh ten thousand dollars i believe i did that i can't believe i shaved my head first what the heck oh my goodness thank you skippy thank you so much you're welcome guys i mean i still don't know if it was worth it but thank you all right so you want me to i assume you want me to shave the rest now only if you want to you paid me ten thousand dollars to do it i have to okay okay yeah all right here we go guys no yeah oh my gosh i can't leave it like this okay bad what have fun with the rest of your stream you're leaving me you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 1,989,221
Rating: 4.9584336 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, badboyhalo, badboyhalo bald, badboyhalo $10000
Id: 6rSb4xQn-qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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