My Girlfriend Is A GOLD DIGGER (Animated Story Time)

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hello friends it's me this is the true story about a coal digger who got exactly what she deserves hi my name is Frederick everyone's always called me Freddy I'm Freddy like from icarly so for years I've had a crush on this girl in our school her name's Emma and she is like an angel I remember the first time I saw her I was only 7 years old but I was smitten she has this laugh that even if you're having the worst day ever it'll still make you smile my friends teased me all throughout elementary school and middle school saying a girl like that would never fall for a nerd like me once we got to high school I decided to just be brave and ask her out never in my wildest dreams that I think she'd actually say yes did he know she did she agreed to be my girlfriend I suddenly became the luckiest boy in the world we've been dating for six months so far and it's been the dreamiest six months ever I'm completely in love with her and I think she loves me too maybe one day she'd even become my wife we go on a date every Friday night and sometimes even on Sundays I have quite a big allowance and I used to spend it on books and video games but now I spend it all on Emma girls dream rich boyfriend takes me out every weekend we usually go to fancy restaurants though quite hard to get reservations at but my father is quite wealthy and respected in our town so as soon as they hear my surname there was make space forever and I you mean fanciest restaurants by the time you're 21 you would have already seen it all and it's just downhill from there on Sundays we usually go shopping I won't lie I'm not the biggest fan of Moore so Emma loves them she could shop till she dropped so I usually go with her and treat her to some special things I mean what am I gonna spend my money on my girlfriend deserves the best her 16th birthday was coming up and I was planning to buy her a diamond bracelet that I'd seen her eyeing up in the mall diamond bracelet y'all really ballin when I went to school we get like a pack of peanut M&Ms for our birthday a week before her birthday I went to the shop and bought it and then I decided to get her the matching necklace and earrings too I wanted to make it the most amazing birthday for her and thought that the gifts might not be enough maybe I could surprise her somehow to diamond bracelet necklace and earrings grand on hers is it enough for fifteen-year-old gee golly I don't know some of these kids on sweet 16 be getting cars so then I hatched a plan I told her I had to go away with my parents the weekend of her birthday because my cousin was getting married she said it was okay she would just spend it with her girlfriends and we could celebrate again when I got back this was going to be the best surprise ever the day of her birthday finally arrived I ran around by her favorite handcrafted chocolates from Switzerland and the most beautiful bunch of a hundred roses I wrapped the jewelry up in a velvet box and tied it with a boat and around lunchtime I set off for her house first grade reached her place I could hear voices coming from the backyard I had planned to knock on the front door but I figured I could improvise a bit and surprise her in the backyard I tipped out along the wall and stopped to check everything was in the right place then I heard her beautiful laugh I got ready to turn the corner and shout surprise when suddenly I froze in my tracks I heard my name she was talking about me I wonder what she was saying I bet she'd just been saying what a wonderful boyfriend I was and that she was so sad I was missing her birthday but then I heard all her friend laughing one of them asked her why she's even dating a dork like me and that it's clearly not for my good looks or fun personality then another friend interrupted before Emma had even replied to the first friend and asked if I had a brother then they all laughed again and Emma said yeah but freddie's brother isn't stupid he'd never fall for a gold digger the way Freddie fell for me she just caught a rotisserie chicken herself I was brothers not stupid like he is he'll never fall for a gold digger like me but some blac chyna would say okay but why is everyone having wine out of sweet 16 and she said can you believe Freddy actually thinks I like him I mean we all know it's his money I like I bet he'll even have gotten me something with diamonds for my birthday you girls all need to get yourself a rich boyfriend too it's the best gold digger I had no idea I was devastated and miserable I couldn't believe that the girl I was in love with and thought of as my future wife was in fact very shallow and materialistic it's partly his fault two nice places y'all gonna keep her humble make her pick some from the dollar menu every once in a while good for the stinky eye when she orders the filet mignon her be like you gonna pay for that when she order a plate of sashimi it's just what she's used to and this dude probably gets dropped off at school and his Rolls Royce like she knows he's rich and he just throw my money at her I'm back home feeling distress and kept trying to comprehend how she could pull such an act on me with dazzling proficiency the more I thought about it the more angry I became but unfortunately I somehow still felt that I loved her despite learning that she's someone different from who I thought she wants my feelings for her just couldn't change that easily and I kept thinking of what will happen to me if I break up with her how much I'm going to miss her eyes a smile her voice and everything about her feel like high school students aren't this rational like you go home you start crying what did you just say about me no I'm going to sit on my bed and rationalize I didn't say anything to Emma I wanted her to think I still had no idea of what she's really after that is why I wasn't going to break up with her and give her the easy way out instead I needed to give her a taste of her own medicine so I decided to drastically change the way I treated her oh my dude straight up evil just you know oh no I was about to give her an even bigger challenge to put up with as a start I sent her a happy birthday text after a day had passed saying happy birthday sorry I forgot haha and when I saw her she was expecting a big gift from me which of course she wasn't high school boyfriend with daddy's money go chill I told her that I got her something sentimental and I gave her a flower that I had picked from our backyard and the look on her face was priceless she was so confused and mad I asked her what was wrong and she couldn't say a word I then told her that I knew that our love went beyond material things and that's why I got her something simple to express my feelings Emma looked at me like she was about to kill me and with a fake tone she said thank you baby all these diamonds expensive vacations and oh you want to pick me a flower forgot my birthday thank you pick me up flower most people are gonna get mad if their girlfriend or boyfriend forgets about their birthday who can't do that I started to treat her very poorly or let's just say treating her the way she deserved I stopped checking up on her always told her that I was too busy and didn't have time to meet or talk on the phone and whenever we spoke I only spoke about myself and my family I knew that just makes me like you for real what made her angry the most was that I stopped buying her expensive gifts I played it smart and I kept her thinking that I will buy her the things she asked for I told her yes to everything she wanted but never actually bought it this played its role in keeping her hopeful so that she would stay with me and it worked weirdly enough her attitude changed in an unexpected way she started acting way nicer to me she started using what's so-called magic words in children's books like sorry and please and thank you Wow groundbreaking as horrible as it sounds this is how you humble somebody so at first it was like his respect her respect and then when his respect goes down my respect goes make the rules she even started to care about how I was and what I was up to which made me still feel like I have feelings for her but the truth was the EMA thought to herself that I'd lost interest in her and she was desperate to earn it back and that's why she acted that way I always cold advice and I didn't give her the attention she was thirsty for my girl clinging on to his rectangular eyebrows I need to be a rich man it's like once you get a taste of this lifestyle you want more and there wasn't the girl for me being in love with her was crazy on my part and to be honest I'd had enough of her and didn't really want to see her anymore I decided to set up a plan that will surely make her disappear he playing her but he liked dragging it out and then there's the big finale I told her that I was going to take her away for the weekend to my father's hotel I informed her that many high-profile people will be there because it's a fancy party you have to see Emma's face she was too excited to hear that and started to get herself ready for the big event she packed all kinds of expensive stuff that I got her dresses jewelry shoes and more whenever arrived to the hotel she looked very impressed but what she didn't know it was the moment I was going to make her feel sorry for using me I'm gonna take her to my father's hotel and I will do the breaking up here on company grounds where I have a feel good vanish I asked the hotel service to take the bags to the room and told Emma that we needed to talk the first sentence I said completely left her in shock Emma I'm not going to buy you anything anymore then she asked why I was waiting for that question I then told her and I knew all about her using me for the money and that I will end everything between us Emma frown and said all right Freddy there may be some truth to that but my feelings changed for you after a while I became very attracted to you I wanted your attention so badly and I kept thinking about you the whole time I suddenly started to fall hard for you why is it when you ignore a girl attention suddenly it's not so easy anymore I gotta work for unless he likes me no more I like him I look to Emma and told her that I'm afraid that she won't stay with me much longer because I'm breaking up with her and I added not only that Emma you're also not getting your bag back since everything you have in that bag is what I bought for you with my money and you obviously do not deserve it give it back to me childish what we look very great again brutally about a square up in this hotel lobby over my suitcase by then and what was solving with tears and said I'm really sorry Freddie I don't care about the bag all the money you can take it I really love you and want to be with you please let's forget the past you really do like him giving these words from her made me feel something that I had never felt in my life I felt powerful and well she begged me to stay with her the more I lost interest and I thought to myself she felt exactly like I did when I was running after her all these months I guess we're not that different after all all my anger disappeared and realized that what she did was out of human nature to want what we don't have and I understood how childish it was to take her bag a stupid revenge she taught me an important lesson it was more valuable than a few thousand dollars I'd spent on her in the end I was sitting in my dad's hotel and a few thousand dollars meant nothing to me so I decided to give her the bag back and even thanked her because what she did just made me the man Oh smarter keep it mind we sixteen year olds we sophomores in high school and all this drama llama going their freshman year of high school I like the boy had a crush on him we dated for like an hour too and they broke up when we over at Tech yeah girl cried for day and I was like I'm not doing this relationship yes anymore the rest of school enjoyed this video beloved and Emma get what she desired or did Britney get what he deserves much like if both notifications today and make sure you subscribe to the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,493,499
Rating: 4.9229059 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, true stories, animation, actually happened, animation short film, story time, share my story, animated story, my animated story, animated story time, girlfriend, gold digger
Id: HJAshq6G0J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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