I Declare You Victorious (Part 2) - Bishop Dr. Delford Davis

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[Music] the glory that shall be revealed in you for i reckon that the suffering at this present time are not worthy to be compelled this is your here of complete victory this is your hero of 100 overflow this is your year of 100 overflow in the name of jesus this is your hero 100 of love god we thank you for your blessings upon us bestowed we thank you for the holy spirit given to empower the body of christ especially in this end time when all kinds of distresses are upon the land we thank you that is still anointing men and women for this hour and now as i stand to speak your word again i pray that thou wouldst anoint this lump of clay use me for your glory and for your honor speak through me to your people in this sanctuary by television by radio by internet whenever and wherever oh god glorify yourself as we seek to glorify you oh hallelujah in the name of jesus have your own way do your own thing and we vow to give you the glory the praise and the honor in jesus name amen continuing the message i commenced on last week part two of this message i declare you victorious i declare you a victor and not a victim i declare you victorious in the name of jesus we focused on the number 17 and we pointed out a number of things biblically that relates to that number or that number speaks to and from the perspectives of biblical numerology those who believe that there are connection or biblical mathematics those who believe the same we bring you part 2 of this message genesis chapter 37 verse 2 says these are the generations of jacob joseph being 17 years old was feeding the flock with his brethren and the lad was with the sons of baal and with the sons of zepho his father's wives and joseph brought unto his father their evil report are you still with me joseph being 17 years old when we continue our look at the significance of numbers in the bible which in many instances they are very profound connection to persons and their destiny and we would see that uh all through the scriptures in many instances persons and their destiny in this message we will remind all of us of the numbers 7 and 10 which equal 17. amen 17 being the number of victory everybody's a victory seven being the number of completeness spiritual perfection 10 being the number of law and responsibility so 10 plus 7 17 we see a number of things wrapped up in those two numbers completeness complete victory and in those two numbers brothers and sisters are in the number 17. according to the text and our emphasis this morning we see a picture of two sons everybody said two sons and i want to connect with me because this is going to be a little deeper than last week we see the picture of two sons joseph in genesis chapter 37 a son of jacob and we see jesus the son of god according to the scriptures who were sent two sons were sent by their fathers joseph was sent by jacob to take care to see how his brethren were doing to see what's happening to them and also jesus was sent by the father to secure the well-being of his brethren the people of the world john 1 and verse 11 says amen well let me give you john 3 16 first of all for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life so just as how jacob sent joseph god sent jesus in john 1 and verse 11 it says he came unto his own speaking of jesus and his own received him not in the very same way joseph was hated rejected despised cruelly retreated in the very same way jesus was rejected hated despised and ultimately cruelly treated by his brethren are you following me somebody amen this is a very important lesson because we want to understand that types and shadows in the scriptures are very important as they relate to bringing out biblical messages amen jesus and joseph have some parallels some similarities between them both joseph was hated joseph despised joseph was thrown in the pit joseph suffered all kinds of ill treatment because of his brethren and the very same f.a.t.e befell jesus christ amen they treated him so badly as a matter of fact they could not accept that their messiah could be born the way he was born so he came to his own his own jewish people and they received him not they said give us barabbas and get rid of this jesus oh hallelujah they both endured cruel sufferings are you still with me laying a foundation here now joseph was sent away at 17 years old the next time jacob saw his son joseph everybody say the next time that's after many years everybody say many years the next time he saw joseph his son it was in egypt and he went down because famine was in the land of canaan food was in egypt because god had made provision through the wisdom of joseph and fear at least amen to prepare for famine time and when joseph interpreted the dream the vision of pharaoh pharaoh said you've got to be the man to be in charge of egypt so the very way joseph made provision in egypt to rescue his brethren in the time of famine when they got down their food was there but look at this they did not see a suffering son they did not see a suffering sibling they did not see a brother who was destitute who was in a pit or in a prison or who was being mistreated they found a brother who was highly exalted who was running the fears of egypt and who could make provision for him for them everybody said the next time oh hallelujah you'll be surprised to know that god is still moving in mysterious ways hallelujah and i want to god he would give every one of you here today a heart like unto that of joseph that those who mistreat you those who treat you so bad and put you down when god placed you in a position of authority and god plays in a position where you can be of help and assistance to those who mistreat you i pray you of our heart like joseph to say god was working his purpose out [Applause] and you do good to them that mistreat you somebody praise god oh glory give him praise i'm just laying a little foundation here with joseph and jesus now guess what the next time the jews see jesus some of you don't get it as yet the next time jacob and his sons saw joseph he was a man of authority and power the same one whom they rejected the spies threw in a pit went to prison all kinds of misfortune the next time they saw him he was not where they left him god almighty lift your hand and say the next time you see me i don't know who you're talking to but maybe somebody around you need to hear this tell them in the spirit the next time you see me [Music] the next time you see me [Music] next time you see me [Music] the next time the jews see jesus because they're going to see him again they will see him and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess this israeli demand that jesus christ is lord somebody praise god here so hear me well don't you be discouraged the satan and give up on life because people treat you bad because they throw you in a pit because they lied on you because they sentence you to some kind of death don't be discouraged because of it keep trusting almighty god keep being faithful to almighty god and what goes around comes around the next time they see you [Music] they are going to wonder is this joseph my brother i thought he was dead is this jesus the messiah we crucified him we rejected him but now every knee sprout before him [Applause] and everything must confess jesus is lord wave your hand and give him a praise oh no give him my praise if you love him so you see there is something about a stone that builders reject you only reject that stone for a while what as you continue to build you're going to realize that you need a cornerstone [Applause] my god i feel the spirit of god the upon that the builders rejected minister western brian the joseph that they lied on and sold and threw in a pit and declared him dead the jesus that they rejected and crucified joseph became the main cornerstone the life of his father and his brethren and today jesus christ is a chief cornerstone inside somebody praise him like you mean business praise him like you mean business oh lamb of god sweet lamb of god i love the holy lamb of god [Music] so jacob saw his son joseph for the first 17 years of joseph's life because us when he went was sent away first 17 years of his life and then look at how providence would have it everybody say 17. jacob or joseph sees his father jacob for the last 17 years of jacob's life so while jacob saw his son joseph for the first 17 years of his life never saw him again until many many years god would so have it that when farming hit canaan and they went down to egypt and jacob on his breath his sons found joseph there his son and their brother jacob only lived for 17 years genesis chapter 43 47 i think i'll find it genesis 47 verse 28 47-28 after he went down the iran was fed and was taken care of and all the restitution and reconciliation that should have been made were made after 17 years jacob died are you with me but the mission continues everybody says 17. now follow me closely those two periods 17 before 17 that closed jacob's lives the holy spirit says those two periods represents the first and the second coming of messiah the first coming the first 17 years that they knew about joseph was a period of suffering everybody says suffering oh that was a time he was thrown in the pit that was a time he was sold as a slave that was a time he ended up as a domestic servant that was a time he was light on and ended up in prison are you with me the first period is up was a period of suffering just as how the first coming of the messiah was one of suffering he went through hell god almighty suffering untold isaiah declared his first coming he was wounded he was bruised he was despised he was forsaken he was a man of sorrow he suffered so badly that even his accountant his treasurer sold him out for 30 pieces of silver are you not with me he suffered so badly that his assistant pastor so to speak at one point disassociated himself from him i don't know him no i do not know him deny them vehemently suffering the garden of gets enemies suffering and some of you might be going through a first period of your life now a first period which is a growing breaking period a period of suffering a period of trials a period of severe testing but press along sayings press along in god's own way persecution you must bear trial and crosses are in the way put the heart to your battle hallelujah hallelujah so the first period of joseph's life was suffering the first period of jesus's life here was suffering but the second period of joseph's life god almighty he was a man of authority and pharaoh said only in the kingdom in the throne i am greater than you i give everything under your command no man move except joseph say move joseph i give you authority over all the provinces of egypt take charge and ruin their fears the second period after the suffering i don't have to tell you about the second period of jesus christ you know what it will be somebody praise him with me oh and he shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangels with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first and we that are alive and remain shall be caught up with him in the cloud to meet the lord and hear what a day a triumph it will be when every king and every prince on every church and every throne and dominion must bow before him he wrench you prayed over all the earth can i tell somebody what you're going through now is just to prepare you for the glory that shall be revealed in you for i reckon that the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared [Music] [Applause] tell your neighbor fight your fight pass your test pack your persecution make them slander you make them persecute you make them tear you down let them see all manner of evil against you it's only a matter of time hallelujah your trouble your heartache and your pain will be over god if you're getting blessed leave your hand and praise him if you're understanding this message praise him if you're connected to the holy ghost praise him somebody showed something here the second coming will be with majesty and power hallelujah it will be glory revealing the ultimate victory that brings all human beings out of their suffering and into the glorious liberty of the children of god that what what joseph did for his brethren took them out of famine and death and destruction bring them into prosperity and blessing that's what jesus has done for his people dear god wave your hand and say something there's something there [Music] joseph had food for them in egypt everybody said food in egypt they hate and he's talked up their bags and sent them away and gave them money and everything jesus has its second coming he gives eternal rest to his brethren and he feeds them from the tree of life oh glory to god i said he'll give you eternal rest and he will not give you the food that joseph gave to his brethren he will feed us from the tree of life somebody praise him with me revelation chapter 21 let's tell you something about it from the scripture revelation 21 from verse amen one through five somebody praise god here hallelujah and i saw a new heaven and new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea and i john saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down from god out of heaven prepared as a bride a dawn for her husband and i heard the great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men somebody said come on jesus come on come on the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and he shall and they shall be his people and god himself shall be with them and be their god and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away neither sat upon the throne said behold i make all things new and he said unto me right for these words and are through and faithful we could read on some more but the new jerusalem is coming and as joseph gave them food amen and satisfy them so jesus will give rest to his people and satisfy our soul throughout eternity lift your hands and give god praise for jesus give him praise for jesus [Music] hallelujah hallelujah so the number 10 the testimony of god and the number 17 the perfect number number of perfection the number 7 10 7 17 amen that number 17 appears now look at the correlation number 17 appears only 10 times in the bible 10 plus 7 17 and 17 appears only 10 times in the bible do your homework and find them 10 times in the bible can you say amen so there is a connection everybody say connection hallelujah attend the testimony the number of testimonies seven the number of victory i when i was preparing this message just completing this morning last night the holy spirit dropped in my heart i never even thought of this could this be the reason why i was born on the 17th day of a particular month i don't know that month has only 28 days sometimes 30 days 29 thank you so what i mean i don't even know could it be some divine connection why on a tuesday morning a rainy tuesday morning i was told the heels of mavis bank the district of mount charles in saint andrew is rural my mother gave birth to a third child a third son which was a home delivery it was raining cats and dogs i was told not even a nurse could come by to deliver you when you were born you were just there trembling trembling trembling i wrapped you in a blanket to keep you warm until many hours later when a nurse came to siva your umbilical cord could it be that god was signaling something oh somebody praise god with me [Applause] could it be could it be could it be the reason also why i was not only born on the 17th but before my 17th year of age in this earth i was born again [Applause] born physically at 17 day 17 born again at age 17. could it be that there were some divine connection to this 17. [Music] could it be the reason why of all my brothers and sisters i was released among them yes some of you are hearing me and watching me could it be at one time they i'm sorry some maybe did not even remember that i was alive oh no there were some years of banishment years of seclusion could those have been my pit ears my prisoners when i had to go it alone with jesus could it be could it also be the reason why i missed the 17th day for my marriage only by one day but i'm closely connected could it be why my wife and i got married on the 18th day so close to that 17. are you not saying nothing one you never know what god is doing and there are still mistress for us to understand somebody praise god with me i say praise god with me [Music] 17 the number of victory complete victory and i declare every one of you a victor in the name of jesus christ lift your hand and say i receive it i shall walk in it i receive it i shall walk in it [Music] whoa where did i leave you last week i'll leave you right here i'll leave you at acts chapter 2 17 different tongues were spoken on the day of pentecost everybody says 17. oh yeah they're right there in the bible you can find them 17 different types of tongues were spoken at the day of pentecost 17 what a mighty god we serve romans chapter 8 35 through 39 17 things which shall not separate us from the love of christ they are there in your bible 17 things in which you must be approved and stand against them in the name of jesus and when you conquer them you can say i am more than conqueror through jesus christ o glory to god first timothy chapter 3 from verse 1 through 7 it points to 17 qualification for the preacher of the gospel i did say 17 biblical qualifications for the preacher of the gospel not seminaries and bible schools and theological that that that that has its part to play but a preacher is not made by seminaries and and bible schools and bible training that doesn't make a preacher a preacher is made by the call of god number one and a molded life in the scripture number two if any man come after me oh you're not saying nothing let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me and those of you are preachers please read those 17 things in that particular text and approve yourself before god first timothy chapter 3 1-7 read them and digest them for no man that wareth entangled himself with their fears of this life you know i don't know this just come holy spirit maybe that's the unction that i'm under we're hearing all kinds of stuff these days about pastors having sex with people who are not their legal legitimate married spouse case in court this that some of you might have seen the one on television yesterday evening 26 year old young pastor having sex with a 14 year old girl there's a sex scandal across the church community today all right i did say 26 year old man with a 14 year old girl okay if you don't hear that one you don't hear me every time you see it i'm not talking about the other man who you say six to whatever all kinds of immoral actions are taking place it said dr john told us he'll be on our panel tuesday night on on the off prayer special he will be one of them he told us at the arena that 29 of the adulteries that are being committed today are committing from behind the clergy behind the pulpit 29 of preachers are falling as adulterers today people wonder who you can trust some of you are not saying nothing because they now lump everyone in the same barrel all of them are the same thing they're not saying nothing and i'm not boasting excellence to my morality from my god save but i can look on any camera in any congregation in any form across the world and say not one woman point their hand to me as a fornicator with them as an adulterer with them i say not one [Applause] to god be the glory somebody praise god in this house [Applause] i said not one pour the hand to me as a fornicator or as an adulterer there is a price to pay for ministry [Applause] so bishop all temptation come to everybody's command you've never been tempted dear god never been what never been what except from an angel and i'm not an angel temptation came left right center above beneath and all across sometimes my own carelessness led me into temptation [Applause] oh no how many preachers can say that this is a honest art but thank god thank god i said thank god [Applause] somebody lift your hand and say thank god say thank god [Applause] [Music] it's finished [Music] there are certain words biblical words when they are used in the holy scripture by the holy spirit are generally of great significance and i want you to listen this the words scripture scripture only 17 times in the old testament only 17 times you'll find the word scripture in the old testament signs 17 times in the book of john the gospel of john love everybody say love 17 times in the book of first john remission the most one of the most powerful biblical words remission 17 times 17 times only in the new testament remission those are words with tremendous insignificance has this relate to our relationship with god the scripture love signs remission powerful words 17 times because god wants us to walk in victory tell your neighbor walk in victory walk in victory the 17th time the word world and the world is one of our greater challenge love not v but not the world no not the world three things was overcome also the world the flesh and the devil the world the cosmos all that it offers what the heist sees and what he hears here oh you're not with me somebody is up but echoes of faith not with me you're not with me everyone is a world yeah we're having problem with the world the devil took jesus upon the pinnacle and showed him what the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and say all this will i give you why you think some christians are not in church today rejoicing and praising god the world stripped them off their feets but i want you to know something in the book of john the 17th time the word world occurs in first john is where it says in chapter 5 and verse 4 i think it is where it says for whatsoever is born of god overcomes the world somebody said something there whatsoever is born of god another version says everyone born of god enough another virgin says for every child of god is able to overcome the world every child of god born of god you are able to overcome the world lift your hand and say i am able i'm able to make let me i mean you are able to overcome the world to defeat the world and to win the victory oh hallelujah over the world over the flesh and over the devil and walk in complete victory in jesus christ no defeats no defeat lift your hand and say no defeat no difference [Music] say it like you mean it number no defense no defeat no defeat in the name of jesus fight to win fight until you win don't give up the fight knock down jump up again shake your spiritual shoulders roll your spiritual muscles and said i'm in this thing to win hey you know there are some things about something i don't to appreciate many things i appreciate some things i don't but if there's one thing about samson i really appreciate among others it's when the man found himself down and out and the enemy making a mess of him down on his back i suppose it's about hold on oh no i wasn't born to die like this say anything you want to say it is a righteous man that falls down seven times and rise again you have to be righteous to rise again something lifted his eyes and they say oh god oh no just one more touch just one word do not let me go down in the feet look at what the philistines have done to me anoint me one more time i would to god i have somebody here today who would say to god the father god the holy ghost i can't continue like this just give me one more touch one more whoa somebody jump up on your feet and lift the ball to your hands as we prepare for the onslaught against hell and say one more touch one more one more one [Music] i must work in victory i must live in victory i must die in victory [Music] one more one more let me avenge the philistines for my eyes and for my anointing one more sit down please five more minutes and i'll stop [Music] hey yo comprehensive 100 victory in jesus [Music] yeah christ god the holy ghost is touching upon somebody i don't know what he's doing to somebody what he's doing for somebody but the holy ghost is touching upon somebody is anointing your head with oil because your cop must run over child of god must overcome the world child of god i declare you victorious [Music] and even as joseph on jesus conquered them all so will you two you're here of victory you're here of victory this is your year of complete victory this is your here of 100 overflow this is your year of 100 overflow in the name of jesus this is your hero 100 on the floor [Music] 100 overflow no separation my god almighty somebody wave your hand in his presence and receive of the anointing right now receive up the anointing right now i declare you in spite of what you're going through in spite of where you are i declare you by the grace of god victorious i declare you the head or not the tale i declare you above or not beneath i declare your lender and not to borrow i declare you rich or not poor i declare you healthy and not sick i declare you strong and not weak i declare your will now not a loser i declare you hear your vocal tumble son i declare you and clear your house and declare your family and declare your children i declare you victorious [Music] i declare you and you and you in the name of jesus i don't care if you're light on i don't care if you're in the pit i don't care if you're in the prison god has a destiny for you god is working it out they meant it for evil but god is working it out [Music] somebody jump up on your feet and begin to praise him and absorb this anointing absorb this anointing from head to toes and in between in the name of jesus [Music] oh [Music] in jesus name i prophesy upon you that god will open up brand new doors of opportunities and blessing i declare the body heal you declare your blessings well this is victory this is victory this is victory this is victory this is victory this is victory this is this is this is this is your shout out [Music] sunday [Music] by the power of the hornigolds [Music] stuff [Music] hallelujah i make a call right now [Applause] for every unsaved and backsliders because the kind of victory of the clear [Music] hear me well in the same first john when john declares those who overcome the world he did not only say did not say everybody would overcome the world it says those who believe that jesus christ is a son of god and of the wickedness in them they overcome the world if you believe today jesus christ is the son of god he is a savior of the world and you are not yet born again it is your moment to walk down this altar from wherever you are sitting there's an isle close by you and if you make your way down here the blessed holy spirit is standing by to welcome you into the body of christ we are victors because we are the redeemed we are the redeemers and i don't mind singing for somebody we are the redeemed i am redeemed bought with the prize jesus has changed my whole life if anybody asks you why bishop davis behave like that it's because [Music] come a little closer please honestly joy to you [Music] everybody not yet born again [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm still waiting on others come on now [Music] is can somebody worship god as you sure [Music] jesus has changed [Music] [Applause] jesus i am [Music] jesus has changed [Music] [Applause] [Music] give it up to jesus right now give it [Music] full surrender [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] who i am sing it one more time everybody you really mean it you know it's time these young men and women in the name of jesus [Music] in jesus name [Music] i am close your eyes [Music] more ahead and close your hands consider your station in life right now [Music] consider where you are in life it doesn't matter what station you are first second third fourth fifth six are about to close the chapter jesus died to save you he hears your joseph he went before you suffer to make preparation for you come that you might have life [Music] you might have it more abundantly invite him in your heart there's no better thing to do right now than to ask jesus christ to come into your hearts to wash you in his precious blood to write your name in the lam's book of life he wants to do it and he will do it if you ask him to he will do it he said ask and you shall receive seek you shall find knock it shall be opened to you he says everyone who asks receives everyone who seeks they find everybody pray right now unsaved friends backsliders pray for salvation pray for reclamation come back to jesus come back to jesus come back to the love of your soul come back come back come back to jesus you die that you might be forgiven yes sir he died that you might be forgiven so that satan don't ruin your life gonna ruin your life young girl see it and don't destroy you come to give your life life more abundantly in the name of jesus heavenly father we pray for all of these precious souls it is for them you died on calvary i ask you now lord to convict and convert them turn them around this is order of salvation what shall it profit once again the world [Music] loses soul may the blood against every spirit of intimidation set them free by your mighty power [Music] save them by your grace let your day be a brand new day in your lives lose them from sin [Music] lose them from everything that have them bound give them a place among the sanctified oh jesus by the spirit of the living god i call upon them every conviction [Music] it leads them to conversion loose and loose and loose and loose [Music] set them free now in the name of jesus [Music] lord take me as i [Music] raise your hand and say my only plea everybody everybody everybody everybody come on lift up your hands and sing it one more time save the not save everybody one more time jesus [Music] my [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus [Music] one more time and we're gonna worship god almighty i am take me jesus take me use me [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] me open your mouth and worship god come on everybody take time out go ahead nobody listening you're watching you come on man open up your mouth and give god praise come on [Music] express your love to him [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] uh [Music] [Music] jesus oh precious we love you [Music] so god bless you we thank you for two things one [Music] to get up so early to come to this service early hours i commend all of you on that not even some christians don't get up yet belong to this church don't go so we thank you for that we thank you for listening to the word of god participating in the worship thank you for responding to the holy spirit's plea he's the one that led you down here nobody stick you up with a gun oh no you were stocked up from the heart and he brought you down here because he wants to establish a love relationship with you so you can serve him in spirit and in truth bow your heads with me please i say a prayer for you and lead into a short prayer father in jesus name i commit these souls to you i ask you to minister to each one in a personal way calvary paid it all for them the blood is still dripping by faith so i ask you no lord god to breathe upon them let calvary become real in their lives show them in a vision the nail scarred hand not on a picture form lord but in reality show them the blood tripping and show them your love for them in the ways that you can oh god and may they surrender to you today lose them from whatever it is that have them bound satan the blood of jesus is against you take your filthy hands off these people will lose them by the power of god and call them into calvary and into covenant relationship with jesus christ father we thank you for hearing us in jesus name now pray this prayer from your heart say lord jesus i open my heart to you i invite you in lord it might not be very clean right now but you can clean it up so clean me up now lord take up residence in me that from this moment i will serve you in spirit and in truth by your grace i commit my life to you so i ask you to sustain me and help me to walk in victory from this day onward in jesus name amen well give god praise for all these wonderful [Music] people [Music] you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 9,384
Rating: 4.8585858 out of 5
Id: Al4oQbF0bPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 47sec (4067 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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