Lexus Owner Said I Could Keep His Car For FREE If I Can Get It Started. Fixed It With A PAPER CLIP!

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hey guys welcome back to legit street cars in today's video i'm probably getting a free lexus yes a free lexus a guy reached out to me and said if you can get this lexus started you can have a title two sets of keys and everything he basically abandoned this thing like a year and a half ago he doesn't know what's wrong with it it doesn't start obviously so i'm up for the challenge i agreed i'm getting a free lexus if i can get it started um but i got to start this video off unfortunately with a quick rant i just got into the biggest argument with my local u-haul guy because he wouldn't rent me a trailer because of my pickup truck so i have an o2 ford svt lightning and he said no he'd never heard of this truck and that it wasn't an f-150 i mean i had to kind of like take a few seconds to soak that in and i'm like dude it's an f-150 it says f-150 the vin is it's an f-150 and yeah i don't know how else to explain this to you no he said it looked too small i'm like it's definitely not a ranger maybe you're thinking of a ranger and he's like no he's like this doesn't look like a normal f-150 i tried to explain to him i'm like listen it's a performance edition it's got a big v8 a six and a half foot bed it's a normal pickup truck and it can tow 5 000 pounds and he didn't want to hear it he's like no i've never seen a truck like this before i'm not renting it to you this is the guy at u-haul he's probably seen i would hope every single pickup truck in existence he's probably renting these things out to people with minivans but he wouldn't do it he wouldn't do it so instead my buddy eugene is letting me use his six-cylinder toyota 4runner and the guy rented it to us in two seconds with this six-cylinder toyota but an f-150 the world's longest best-selling truck ever made nope can't tow a trailer so anyway as you can tell i got a little flustered there i tried to be as nice as possible but i mean how much explaining can you do to a guy that doesn't believe you actually have an f-150 i don't know i was so excited to finally be able to tow a car with my own pickup truck i've never owned a pickup truck in my life i've actually never even towed a car before in my life but i'm going all in on this truck lifestyle right now i'm shopping for a small little camper and i'm already fully prepared with a new little toy i want to show you guys and that new toy is a renegee 40 amp dc to dc charger and if you guys are into the camper life rvs boats anything that requires an agm gel deep cycle or even lithium deep cycle batteries to be charged these chargers from renegy are the way to go so a normal car or truck alternator right down there on the lightning wasn't really designed to be hardwired to multiple batteries for charging so i went out and bought the 40 amp model and this has over voltage protection over temperature protection reverse polarity protection and it has three stage charging so you know your battery or batteries are being charged optimally and automatically it truly is set it and forget it so this gets installed close to the batteries that you're going to be charging i rigged up this piece of wood to mimic the inside of the camper so this is going to go inside of the camper and you can mount this any which way so it could be on the wall it could be on the floor of the camper and it's very lightweight very very sturdy super quality piece and the installation is ridiculously easy so you have your input power and ground so this is coming from your vehicle starter battery and then you have your output power and ground this is going to the battery or batteries you're going to charge and there's a d-plus terminal to run an ignition source from your vehicle so this is only on when your vehicle is running and one of the best features is it doesn't matter what type of alternator or battery your vehicle has and it doesn't matter what type of batteries you're trying to charge this will handle it all so renegy is a renewable energy company and they started in louisiana and they've grown really quickly and they sell the dc to dc chargers solar panels inverters batteries cables and much much more so if you guys are interested in the dc to dc charger or anything that renegy has to offer i'm gonna leave you a link in the video description box and in the comments section you guys are going to love this site and you're going to love the really smart products even more all right anyway let's hit the road in this toyota that can easily tow this 2000 pound u-haul trailer because we all know this can't do it alright guys we have made it to the lexus what is going on guys this is joe hey this is my 2006 lexus is-250 uh so the story behind this car is that it's been sitting for roughly a year now and you could kind of tell with the flat tires uh the body panel is kind of not super lined up it's a little rough it's a little rough joe a little rusty a little rusty brakes aren't in the best of shape let me open it up and it was sitting for a while not here though right it was no it was sitting actually at our church parking lot for about eight months okay uh we started getting some complaints about it sitting there for a while i wonder why yeah exactly um and my sister has this beautiful property so i asked them to uh let me leave it here for a little bit and they said of course so now like if we could just push this into the barn right there this is a barn find so joe's actually got a youtube channel yep what is it it's actually my name joseph marcus so it's j-o-s-e-p-h m-a-r-k-u-s um so make sure you guys subscribe to the channel as well all right no one's gonna remember that but i'll link it down below all right let's take a look at what we got so this is what i might be getting myself into if we can get it started that is the deal and these are actually pretty nice cars this one's in the little little rough condition it's definitely been abandoned for a while but uh it should clean up i'm trying to be nice here joe i'm trying to be nice this is a six cylinder right these 250s still have the six it's the smaller six cylinder i believe okay let's see batteries under here somewhere there we go i don't think the uh thing works these shots the shocks okay all right now did you say you did replace the battery at some point yeah about three months ago okay actually replaced it so it's a fairly brand new battery okay and i don't think that that was oh this is crazy wow i mean but what happens when you turn the key does this thing even crank does the engine like spin over and anything nothing no i don't think so oh man i mean i'm all about working miracles here but oh look at this we got animals living in here oh man yeah let's put some power to it and uh see what happens all right so we got two keys that's what i'm saying the battery is only three months old but yeah this thing is totally dead so it might have a current draw so that's all right we got a jump pack we can use all right so we're gonna go get the jump pack but if i get this car back to the shop can you say detail video can we resurrect this interior look at this i mean it's pretty cracked up but we might be able to make a good series out of cleaning up this lexus it's got that little bit of rust back there we gotta fix um and the bumper is off and obviously the wheels and the brakes we got a ton of work to do here but it's not smashed so that's good but it but it was at some point joe what was what's the deal with the rebuild title you bought it in 2016 with a rebuilt title already that's correct yeah so i purchased it off a guy from craigslist and it did have a rebuilt title um but i drove it for two or three years uh no problems do you know why it had a rebuilt title uh i don't honestly i don't i i had a toyota celica before this and it had a small oil leak and i didn't know about it and i was driving one day and uh just stopped working the accelerator accelerator pedal would not work anymore and we popped the hood and the engine had a hole about this big straight through it joe didn't see my toyota camry video where i drained all the oil out i did not see that dude it's impossible to blow up a toyota engine with no oil let me tell you that's why i ended up with this thing all right all right all right so we're gonna juice up this ac delco battery a toyota oh oh we know we got power we know we got power look at that all right here we go foot on the brake key is not detected we got two of them is that what it was doing for you joe the key keynote detector thing yeah but that was a newer issue it didn't it did it after i brought it here so that's not good all right let's see here ah it's got one of these tiny 1632s i don't have one of those all right so this should still work if we hold the key fob here even with dead batteries oh it did something [Music] there we go okay check complete 114 000 miles wow it's not bad all right when starting the press brake pedal definitely i'm definitely depressing the brake pedal come on dude you're a toyota you have to start [Music] it it doesn't think i'm pressing the brake pedal let me ask you guys something are there brake lights back there nothing about now nope all right well we might have a stop lamp switch issue it's very possible so there's a switch down there when you hit the brake pedal a lot of them are just physical switches that you're pushing in with the with the brake pedal when you hit your foot um and that could be our entire issue so the car doesn't think we're hitting the brakes and it won't let it start so i'm gonna get in here it's a little nasty go i'm gonna rip on the condition here throughout the whole video go for it it looks like this is the stop lamp switch in question and i believe it's normally closed and then if we push the pedal down so it just could simply be faulty joe you said this thing ran and drove what in 2000 like two years ago in 2019 yeah and then once you parked it at the church it still technically started it was fine right yeah i drove it over to the church you drove it there okay i mean it would be weird that a stoplight switch just goes bad sitting here but i've seen weirder things what i'm going to do first is try and get this connector off and i can't do that holding the camera people all right i've gotten the connector off and i have a paper clip and very little instruction here on which ones to jump so there are four wires on this connector and i want to find the two to jump in i found some information online so we're gonna we're just gonna go ahead and wing it here i think it's these two terminals okay it still says to hit the brake you know i'm gonna try a bunch of combinations of this pen if you can just hold this here and just keep on trying to start it all right try now now the whole dash is on there we go go go go [Music] hold it uh all right give it a break give it a break give it a break let's go oh okay well at least we know the pins nice it's a stop lamp switch awesome all right well for those of you watching right now if you have an is-250 you to jump the red and the green wire the red and the green wire with the paper clip and uh and you're good to go you can save yourself 20 bucks for a new stop lamp switch um all right this thing was cranking pretty slow i'm thinking maybe we get some cables on here too yeah yeah i mean the fuel is not that old and it's got it had fuel right yeah okay just just all right let me permanently install my little jumper all right so we want to give this thing a little bit more juice so we went out and got a 2020 rubicon oh oh wait a minute i got a paper clip man i got a paper clip this should work all right all right here we go here we go [Music] go let's go it's gonna go it's a toyota oh [Music] so close all right that hasn't been a minute but let's do it i'm too excited [Music] i wonder if joe's changing his mind about the car now get him up now no change in her mind if i get it started that's the deal that was the deal now if you guys are curious if i get this started and if joe gives me this car for free i'm gonna fix it up and of course donate it to someone in need so uh you guys have seen those videos before and this one might be a little bit more of a challenge to make it sort of nice again the lincoln that i gave away was actually already nice but uh yeah if we get this going we'll be passing it along as soon as i'm done with the project and someone will get a nice reliable toyota i mean lexus lexus all right if it starts if it starts hang out [Music] i'm really surprised it's not starting right now [Music] that's that's all i needed to say it ran for a second and look at my key the key fob's all the way down there now oh it's running it is running it's running bad but it's running eugene you're the man magic touch right here gave it like a three minute rest and it fires up nice are you uh are you giving a throttle or no i'm not seeing the guess though okay it's not doing anything okay whatever it runs ah i spoke too soon we got it running it was a stop lamp switch a paper clip we fixed it with a paper clip so far that's enough for me to get the car right joe you're not you're not changing your mind good enough man all right all right let's do it again okay that's firing right up we don't have any smoke coming out but you can see it's misfiring the tailpipes are jiggling back and forth that is the misfire jiggle right there and no throttle at all right no power steering either great the belt is uh staying on miraculously kind of surprised and there's not even a pulley noise there's no squeak or anything sounds good sounds really good until it dies is it just dying on its own that's yeah you're not doing anything okay all right and nothing's on what do you mean nothing's on no like uh none of the accessories no radio no no uh anything huh that fires right up all right so the first challenge of this video was to get it started i'm adding another challenge on there and that is to get it driving because i really don't want to push it onto the trailer um i did bring an air pump for the tire that's flat over there but we have to get this to move oh it doesn't even shift out of gear nothing try trying now yeah i could do it like this okay there we go all right we got to shift out of park oh hold on you know what there's one left last brick here hang on hang on oh there's a couple bricks oh and there's one in the front we got bricks all over just try to just try to creep back we don't we're not going crazy here it moves it moves it moves put it back in the park now it won't it won't come out no okay i pulled the stop lamp switch uh thing out that's probably it no power steering right okay i'd assume it's electric probably in this car that's why it's not on all the electric yeah trying to see if this has an electric power steering rack and i think it does all right so the engine's smoothed out it's actually running really nice but it's as if the car doesn't know it's running literally nothing works so the windows don't work none of this stuff works we can't shift out of park unless we jam something here into the shift lock uh it's got no power steering bunch of lights on turn signals don't work um yeah i don't know what's going on it could be some kind of maxi fuse or something's blown for a module so i'll start looking around for fuses as well but right now i really just want to get at least one new battery in uh in one of these keys technically you know it'll start up if you hold a dead key fob up by the push start button but just wondering if these things are just going in and out of connectivity so maybe the car thinks we're trying to steal it right now i'm not really sure so let's go get a battery and see if that fixes something all right we went to walgreens picked up some batteries i want to see if this is a part of our issue so 12 bucks in batteries not a bad investment considering we got it started with a paper clip and i'm going to make my f-150 useful in this video somehow some way and use the key here i won't even do that it's too fat this f-150 is useless all right number one it's beeping [Applause] yeah no power steering again no windows again uh we can start looking for fuses that's the next step we'll leave it running for a bit all right so ah it needs the jumper darn that could be a battery alternator issue let's see what this alternator is putting out oh yeah alternator not working 10 volts 10 volts that'll definitely do it so the electronic system's not going to function properly on 10 bolts it's just totally freaking out right now so there were some mouse droppings here possible a wire got trued through and i just want to take a look at whatever i can take a look at oh come back to me that jumper pack is dying isn't it oh look at that now it's bad it's charging though better than before [Music] yeah that's running off this thing it's completely running off of this man this is the battery you replaced joe like three months ago this battery could be bad it could be totally throwing off the whole electrical system right now it might be worth to try to put a battery in this thing again all right so we've had this thing running for a very long time the battery's at one volt so there is a good possibility that there is an issue with this ac delco battery wouldn't be the first time i see a problem with an ac delco and that could be throwing the whole system off it's definitely worth it i think we're gonna go swap this battery and see if this thing totally comes back to life across my fingers all right we got a brand new acdelco battery swapped it out no problem all right in case you guys are wondering what the with the background noise here we got some sheep and some chickens we're at a farm barn fine lexus i don't know i don't know probably should have checked this when we got the battery from the guy 12 and a half that's much better than one all right according to the internet we have to lock it and leave it parked for five minutes after a battery replacement no idea why it seems a little weird to me but we're gonna do it and hope for the best i don't know all right so it's been five minutes so according to the internet we're going to unlock this car and then take this manual blade key out and we're going to lock and unlock three times take that out now we should be good okay i have to use this key to get in okay nothing oh it says the press break okay ham i think probably popped up all right joe hit it it turned green okay i didn't have a good contact [Music] still got nothing let's go check that alternator yeah it's not good no it should be like 14 right now could actually have an alternator problem um joe can you give it a little bit of throttle it probably won't do much but we'll see if it raises at all that alternator well before this thing dies on us it's running right off of the battery uh we better get it on the trailer because i don't think we're gonna be able to fix this alternator problem right here um but at least we'll be able to use the shift interlock switch to get this to roll onto the trailer and we got a little bit of throttle so i'm hoping we don't have to do that much pushing they got an air compressor here at the barn so i'm filling it up really hoping this one will fill up and yeah that's not good i'm gonna venture to say the accident was on this side i should be able to look this up and see what this guy looked like a few years ago when it was wrecked all right so we got to get this thing out of gear luckily these are easy to do push this guy down still running here joe these are yours here you go buddy merry christmas you want this xbox game oh yeah i should probably shut this off here take your xbox game it's only 6.99 [Applause] not bad all right so i was telling alex it's pretty funny i was actually trying to sell this car at one point had a few people come out here with their mechanics and they took a look at it and they weren't even able to get this thing cranking it's funny alex came out with a paper clip from the back of his phone and they got it cranking we threw in a new battery and uh thing was driving so big thank you to alex make sure you guys thumb up this video all right the lexus is all loaded up on the u-haul trailer see this toyota sagging i don't think the f-150 would have done that but you know u-haul rules i guess um so we're gonna head back to legit street quarters where i'm gonna show you two more abandoned in my own parking lot very weird coincidence just hang on all right joe we're out man thank you very much for the car you're gonna come check on it though right yeah for sure for sure yeah i look forward to seeing you back on the road hopefully soon we'll get this running and we'll give it away to somebody let's do it all right so we got this rear bumper here fixed look at that done it'll never come loose again oh wait a minute a little super glue will help that out so i don't have the lifts installed yet at the garage so i just wanted to take a quick look is it the original muffler it says toyota on it might be the original exhaust all together it's got catalytic converters everything seems intact aside from the rust on the quarter it seems pretty straight and solid the paint isn't horrible a lot of it will buff out we have some bumper work to do and just looking under here the frame rails no crazy leaks either nothing's dripping at all only 114 000 miles so this thing is just barely barely broken in and uh yeah it's looking pretty good all right we're gonna try and drive this thing right off all right there we go oil maintenance required soon it never hasn't said that yet before still no throttle no window switches and i can't go into drive or reverse all right i'm off the trailer watch what happens when i go to drive the whole car just shakes it just bangs into gear oh no power steering and we have no throttle we're going up a little bit of an incline luckily we're at a thousand rpm and it's able to do it but i have absolutely nothing i can just floor it all the way it does nothing and here we are abandon lexus number one abandon lexus number two and abandon lexus number three let's just park right next to it oh wait my bad this is a four runner it's not a lexus this is his lexus so these two were owned by the same guy uh this one has been abandoned this one has been abandoned and supposedly this one only has like 50 000 miles on it so yeah i don't know i don't know it doesn't look too bad especially if it was a chicago car it's not all rusted out it's locked right now digital cluster so we can't check the mileage but yeah eventually i'm gonna talk to this guy and see if he's okay with me trying to resurrect these the license plate there is from 2014 so it hasn't been on the road for a very very long time but nonetheless now we have a very nice toyota and lexus abandoned lineup the ls 400 we have our 4runner and now the is250 but mine runs i found the little handle trim piece inside of the car so there we go fixed i'm sure that'll stay right there too and that'll do it for today's video we got the lexus started so it is now mine my problem i got to do a lot of repairs on this figure out it's electrical gremlins but i'm confident we can get this is250 sorted on a super budget and then we're gonna give it away to someone in need once it's fixed up and cleaned up as well so i hope you guys really enjoyed this video if you did give it a big thumbs up share the video subscribe if you're new and most importantly have an awesome day i'll see all of you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: LegitStreetCars
Views: 1,406,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free lexus, free car, abandoned car, abandoned lexus, legitstreetcars abandoned car, getting an abandoned car started, first start in years, will it start?
Id: uYRNyHlLsWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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