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oh hey don't mind me just riding my bike down this incredibly steep mountain and I'm probably gonna break a lot of bones hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome to descenders as you can see this is a mountain biking game that my buddy Sam Taber actually plays quite a bit he recommended I check it out cuz it's fun and also hilarious goodness gracious I'm probably gonna break a lot of boats in this episode but this is just the practice course and as you can see I am a professional see look at that backflip very well executed directly on to my head but enough goofing around let's actually try playing through some of the career levels and we'll start with the first level so here we are our first level the Highlands Oh looks really scary I know it's the first level but my goodness there's a lot of twists and turns and bits and bops and all that good stuff probably gonna get hurt but let's ride shall we here we go oh gosh get too near misses what is a near miss is that oh gosh I'm going so fast okay okay just play cool play cool okay I don't know what a near miss is but I'm just okay that was a hay bale that was trying to attack me not cool hay bale not cool man alright let's let's try to carve into the the corners here look at that move right there that was nice I'm going a little bit off-track here though I need to stay on the trek key in oh I'm doing it backward I'm doing a backflip look at that that was actually pretty good it was okay it wasn't great I didn't get any near misses but I did finish the level okay so it looks like we can actually choose where we go next Oh steep stunts I'd I should probably go with the basic setup but then you see this what is that why is there a skull on my screen that's scary okay let's go with basic setup this looks very similar to the level that we just played but there is a jump this time okay I can handle that who's the monster that is throwing up probably not the best idea I probably shouldn't have tried a backflip that was bad you've bailed be careful once you start a session you have limited health lose it all in the sessions over that makes sense so is that what that thing is in the upper left hand corner kind of like heartbeat sensor I guess when my heart stops my run stops also how do I get a little bit more oomph on my jumps here hey I don't know about that I want to jump a little bit better than that I just did a front flip I feel very proud of myself for that although I didn't really mean to do that what the heck is a mini-boss jump that sounds terrifying oh I missed the jump oh gosh but at least I did a cool tweak in the air that was kind of rad in its own unique way right look at look at that Wow but that was not very good mellow straight race is this against other bikers bring it on other bikers there are no other bikers here it's just me so I'm racing against myself ectis I'm going really fast right now and it's kind of freaking me out and there's a there's a turn there's are you okay yeah well we handled that all right that was actually a super boring course also why is this level on fire fire note test your skills seems like a bad idea let's do it it's got max everything steepness curves stunts it's all bad get one clean landing I don't know what a clean landing looks like because I'm bad oh oh we got like woof D whoops okay that was not a clean landing it didn't even really count as a jump that was kind of lame oh my gosh this is gonna be bad this is gonna be really bad this is gonna be very bad okay that was not clean that was really bad it was very bad do a front flip for style there you go beautiful well done sir this is absolutely it's just scaring me to death I I don't know if I can handle this game anymore I don't know if I can do this is too much it's too much for my poor old bones to handle I just I don't I don't know what I'm doing I don't yeah yeah it was very excited about just like shattering every bone in his body oh gosh this that's bad this is bad I'm off course I'm off course oh oh okay now you can do like tricks in the air I think I know how yeah there you go okay I did a no hander look at me I'm professional here I'll do another one I'll do an extra long one there you go a clean landing he's done it at least I got the bonus objective look in here I get plus one health for landing something clean for once in my life what is this helmet cam see through the riders eyes oh it's gonna be first-person okay I kind of really want to try this okay first person oh yes oh my gosh oh okay I gotta do a backflip right like you got maybe it was a bad idea try that again maybe don't backflip off of this because it's not really a great jump to be perfectly honest well I did a little bit of like a nose wheelie there though okay this is oh this is this is actually really cool also way scarier I thought that the third-person view was scary this just takes it to another level who is awesome I've done a back flip I'm doing another one oh my goodness I got a clean landing on that one what's awesome we're gonna jump over a castle oh gosh oh no oh no Last Stand oh this is my last life if I fall again it's over okay okay up the castle up the castle don't do anything crazy now I'm dead I'm dead I died on top of the castle wrecked sweet I got a rusty bike for dying on top of the castle what also a rubber duckie rusty bike this cannot be good right like it's saying that I can equip it now I should not equip it right however the rubber duckie definitely gonna equip I don't know where it goes but I need a rubber duckie okay where am I oh this is the training area look at my rubber duckie I just noticed it's on the handlebar that's awesome okay so I have not been bunny hopping at all through these jumps I wonder if you bunnyhop like off of a jump if that makes you get more air I don't I don't really know I think we need to keep going and I need to try bunny hopping off of a proper jump whoa did you see that I barely had any speed and I launched way up in there I think that's the way to go okay so I've returned to the Highlands and if I'm understanding this correctly basically those four lives that I have in the upper right hand corner oh my goodness I'm jumping so high now those are all I did for that entire level so like that whole map selection thing I get four lives to get through every single one of those levels on the map either way at least I know I can bunnyhop oh this is gonna hurt okay all right then we survived that's what counts right oh gosh why did that happen I didn't wanna go off the track I accidentally slid off the track my bad yeah so as you can see I have to start over completely let's go down steep a curvy race this seems very scary I wonder if there's a way to actually go into first person mode as like your default view third person mode much easier though so we're gonna just stick to this look at those jobs man okay should we backflip back i okay here's the all gosh oh I lost two lives with that one yeah that mm-hmm I just did a near miss by the way I don't even know how but never press the brake button by the way the left trigger is brake I have not pressed it once in any of these levels that we played so far so I don't know if that's a bad sign of things to come or maybe like I said I'm the greatest mountain biker in the world medic camp heals 1hp when completed that seems like a good thing for me because right now I have one health this Hill seems very steep oh no oh no don't hit the tree oh okay we didn't hit the tree that's great news great news indeed everybody's happy why are you doing that amazing trick why would you do that let's do another one cool 360 front flip don't mind if I do how about just a regular front flip that's cool yeah keep doing those I do want to try more of the like what I was trying to say is that I want to try more of the like the the tricks that you can actually do on the bike without flipping and that's exactly what I did there and it led to disaster and sadness and everybody is crying now just gotta get to the end and then we'll get that that health back and then we're saved gosh don't do a front-flip on such a small jump you maniac alright there you go I get my health back I am NOT going to the fire node for the record that's terrifying steep race I like this this sounds fun but if I'm understanding like the mechanics of the game here it's creating these courses on the fly like they're procedurally generated which is really really cool I'm super impressed with the game and it's a ton of fun to play I'm just not very good at it but maybe I'll get better and if you guys really enjoy watching me play this game will definitely play more oh my gosh it's so fast I'm going 68 else or km/h that is too fast too fast that was incredibly fast that's the fastest we've ever gone I I was not prepared for that kind of speed in my face what is this danger zone more rep but double health loss on bails that's a good way to die let's do it the bonus objective on this level is finished without letting go of the acceleration Oh buddy boy do I have a plan for this one I'm not gonna let go of the right trigger because I often do not I already don't let go of the right trigger oh my gosh I'm gonna die I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm so dead oh gosh don't it the tree okay we're just going off track now this is this is insane I'm not letting go the trigger oh it's happening it's happening oh gosh okay hit the jump hit the jump nice and smooth look at that clean landing beautiful the finish line is right there it's right there we've done it we've totally done it and I did not let go of the right trigger look at me and I crashed into the railing at the end sir sir are you okay are you okay he's okay he's okay what is this thing sponsor track what does that mean also boss track I kind of want to see what the boss track is I mean it's a skull on the map let's go for it bring it on boss this is it the boss battle survived the boss jump just got a survive a jump that that seems kind of scary I don't know where the boss jump is but I imagine once we find it we'll know I feel like a boss jump is gonna be you know a little bit more steep earth is that it was that it did that was definitely different than any of the other jumps that I've done in the past but I don't think that was it because I'm I haven't beaten the objective oh we're jumping over a train okay okay yep that's happening oh I'm dead I'm dead like I said super dead all right that's definitely the boss jump it looked a little bit different than previous jumps that we faced so far most notably there was a train and we jumped over a bridge I'm how are you supposed to do that I need to not go so fast I think that's what it boils down to this is my last attempt oh man okay who would have known boss jumps are hard but I got a do a trick over the boss jump right I slowed way down chicken I got a chicken yeah I I was coward so now I have the option to end session which I think means that we like sort of beat this level are you sure you want to retire yes I think so like so have I completed Highlands I mean I know I could do a lot better but I didn't want to push it cuz we were already on the brink of dying yeah so we're back at the training area kind of the main hub area and we kind of sort of finished the Highlands level although I was a coward taking on the boss jump I didn't even land it like over the bridge but I gotta tell you the center's awesome game its ton of fun I like it a lot let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below and also hit that like button if you want to see more let's see if we can get this video to 20,000 likes I know that's a lot but I feel like you guys can do it and if you want to see more dissenters you got hit that like button but that's gonna do it for this episode if you guys enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching I'll see you guys next time I'm just gonna go probably fall down this mountain alright see you [Music]
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,434,419
Rating: 4.914957 out of 5
Keywords: descenders, extreme bike obstacle course, extreme, bike, bicycle, obstacle course, obstacle, course, wipeout, bikeout, wipe out, bike out, mountain bike, mountain biking, game, gaming, video game, videogame, video games, video, games, videogames, keyin, kindly keyin
Id: Tfiw8B4yTkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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