Crafting Makeshift Arms To FIGHT Zombies | Project Zomboid Metro #3

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after four full days we have finally done a pretty significant task and that's clearing out securing and defending our subway station base and now that we're done with the defense of this area we can finally focus on the offense anyways everyone welcome back to project zomboid aside from the fact that we are depressed and also agitated today should be a pretty productive day as I'm just going to create as many weapons as possible in order to fuel My Expedition to a new area right because now that we have cleared everything out there's not really much else to do than to go into the tunnels themselves and travel our way on down and on the entire way down there are going to be countless amounts of zombies so in order for us to you know survive we are going to need some pretty good Firepower which should be really no problem because we got so many supplies last episode though there is one thing that I am lacking right now and that's going to be leather strips so before I go upstairs and go into my base to create the stuff I am going to be stealing the shoes off these zombies and leather jackets so I can make some leather strips there we are after stealing the shoes off of every zombie within the area we have acquired 31 leather strips four denim strips and 14 ripped sheets which should be more than enough to create some weapons and also armor as well as we do need quite a few leather strips for that anyways we have so many supplies and it's time for me to craft also I hear some banging yeah no that's not going to fly over here okay give me one second everyone it looks like some zombie has found their way into my base how many times times am I going to have to teach you this lesson ma'am please don't break the barrel anything but that I'm going to pick it up and as soon as I do I'm going to stab you all right awesome I'm going to get back to my thing now hopefully more zombies won't pour down here because this is my weakest link now I can head upstairs and actually craft up the workbench which is going to require three Metal Sheets two units of Propane fuel a welder mask a hammer and a saw so let's go craft up one and I can also use this to drop off even more supplies there we are everyone let's go place this bad boy down I'm going to say I want to leave it maybe right over here yeah that's not too bad at all though I definitely will need to move this freezer right over here matter of fact I'm going to pick up all of these except for two because they just make a lot of noise yeah there we are and now that we do have this bad boy placed down I can use it as a container to drop off a bunch of my materials so let's transfer this stuff over really quick all righty we got all of the stuff situated inside and if you look in we have an assortment of metal parts tools and other bits and bobles to make crafting as easy as possible it did take quite the bit of time though so I am going to help myself do some ice cream and then we can look over our options right now and with the options the things I want goes as follows for one I want a ranged weapon so I can shoot and kill clickers or bloaters with no problems two I would really like a better melee weapon as cool as this spear is it's not really built to last and three I would like some armor for my legs hands and shoes right because even though I won't be able to be saved from the walking zombies if I getting jumped by a bunch of Runners I have a pretty good chance of getting out just fine oh and number four if I could help it is I really really really want a silent ranged weapon like a crossbow so I'm just going to hit filter all and we can see the stuff that we can just make right now which is going to be a slamfire shotgun sharpened screwdrivers and Shop signs some salvaged blades and Spears and some basic armor okay so going by that the first thing I'm going to make right now is a slamfire shotgun we are going to have to use a plane plank but with that plank comes a very very powerful early game weapon boom we have made it and now we are packing some major heat the cool thing about the slamfire shotgun is that I don't need to make custom ammo for it like the others inside this crafting menu right because if I want to use stuff like scrap pistols I would need to make scrap bullets which are pretty cheap in and of itself as all you need is 20 gunpowder one pair of pliers and some scrap metal though the problem is that scrap metal is a little bit hard to make in excess that is because you need four units of unusable metal one unit of welding rods I could make some though so I might do that next for now let's go load up this bad boy and make it ready to shoot because as it stands right now we have around six whole boxes of the stuff so I am not going to be running out the the only problem is the capacity of this gun right because it is single fire but what this gun is is it's basically a it hits the fan option right if two zombies are sprinting down at me or if I get myself cornered I can hurry up pull it out of my sling and instantly you know blow off some zombiie head and really I want to make a spear now which is overall pretty cheap aside from the 15 leather strips you need to make it but having a spear will be a very nice weapon just to co zombies with the range is long the damage is high and the critical chance is extraordinary bada boom let's see how this bad boy looks in terms of drip alone this thing is looking pretty damn good and now that we have our ranged weapon and our close proximity weapon the one last thing I need is armor because as nice as the magazine armor is it's not going to save my life especially down my waistline so let's use the remaining leather strips to craft up myself some Greaves a couple of hand plates and that should be pretty good for now we could make some leg pads but if you look at my armor right now I think we're pretty good as we have a 90% bite chance resist on our legs 100% for Scratch and really our most undefended parts are my neck which is the most vulnerable and our feet and all you really need to fix the foot problem is some military boots so yeah we're armored up we have a gun to use and we have a spear to spear zombies with the only problem right now is our depression oh man it's bad it's really really bad down here so I'm going to eat some last minute ice cream we're going to read a book and I will see all of you tomorrow not before one more thing though as I forgot number four which is going to be a crossbow right all we need in order to make them is going to be 10 screws four twine four scrap metal and one screwdriver all we need is a twine and because we found that rope before we can turn that bad boy into the twine we need okay yeah let's go craft up ourselves a nice metal crossbow as well how does it look now oh it looks really really really nice the cool thing about this right is that I can actually assassinate Zombies From a Distance without bringing too much attention to my character because if I shoot off the slamfire shot gun that thing is going to alert all of China right so having a way of being able to like assassinate certain zombies is going to be huge do we have enough resources to craft the bolts though let's see we need scrap metal which is something I do have and a knife or machete I don't have any of that what about the wooden bolts the same goes for that do we seriously not have a single knife around here yeah no I don't think we do okay you know what that's one thing that I won be able to use today we can place it on our desk and maybe we'll find a knife within one of the many zombies we will be killing in the future I'm going to go to sleep and tomorrow we are going to fight our way on through the tunnel systems wish me luck everyone all righty everyone welcome to day number five and holy hell it looks like our good luck wish is paying off as we woke up just in time for woodcrafting that right there is some free experience which is not bad at all I have also decided to grab some extra shotgun shells and hopefully it should last us the while and really the only other thing that I need to do right now is wear a new dust mask that isn't about to break bada boom I'll leave the old one on the trolley but I think we are good actually there is one last thing that I would want and that is to upgrade my pipe wrench that I've had for quite a while right we might as well increase as much damage as possible and if my spear brakes I don't have to you know rely on something that's kind of mid a dude that is a mean looking pipe wrench okay cool I'm glad I did that then I don't know if I'm ready by the way because it might get bad but hey if I make it to another subway station that will just about double my entire income right and now that we've done everything it's time to eat my final ice cream and go off into the darkness speaking about darkness that is one thing that that I don't have yet and that's a single flashlight oh man I would really kill for one but you know what Beggars really can't be choosers especially down here in the Metro by the way this is where the real boring part starts right because we are going to have to travel quite a ways down to reach any new location so we are going to be shimmying our way on down just killing any zombies on the way I'm probably going to make it a pretty big Montage but I will let you know if I find anything or if my life gets put into Jeopardy the cool thing is that if we do get jumped I am no longer depressed from reading books so I can pull out my pipe shotgun very quickly so here's to a fun and fresh experience in complete pitch black darkness there's our first zombie down it's going to be one of many I am pretty happy we decided to upgrade our spear because I just demolished that zombie right there how good is a durability it's it's not even affected oh yeah no this the Salvage spear is going to be my best friend though the more I move down the more I want to try out the other weapon so let's pull out the pipe wrench really quick and see what kind of damage we can do with it not bad four hits to put one down what are you doing okay that was a little bit weird I got a little bit scared but damn no our weapons are really freaking good dude the only thing we really need to about are these bozos here right thankfully with the spear I don't really need to put myself into you know arms length so I'm really not in danger so long as they don't jump me oh man this is going to be a long long road down huh let's make it a montage then hey hey yo look at that we got ourselves seven free shotgun shells and a nice leather jacket with bourbon that bourbon is actually huge aside from that though it's just more work hell yeah we've made it to another checkpoint everyone I'm going to start calling any small point of Interest along our way a checkpoint there's even more zombies down there but our spear has been working real nicely it is pretty low condition though so I won't be able to use it for too much longer so I might switch over to my pipe wrench to do a little bit more work we have some beers on these zombies also another digital watch and there is one thing that I did forget to Brink and that is a propane torch next time I had back down to my base I will grab one though so I can disassemble any of these small little bits of furniture so I can you know make use of our time and slowly start to level our metal working skill we are working on it passively but I would really like to increase my skill as much as possible so we might be able to move up to scrap assault rifles yeah that's a word for for it it doesn't look like there's anything too large here by the way just some Transformers a nice little control panel and a small cot okay hold on here we got to sell some good stuff no wait this is actually so cool I love the idea of small little bases along the way I might make this into one actually I mean we have a day pack in here which is going to be 10 times better than my duffel bag we have an oxygen tank carrier which does look pretty good actually 26 capacity 80% incumbrance reduction oh actually they're both the same I like this small little sling pack a bit better though so we'll wear that we can also wear the AR battle belt set which we will pop on looking very cool a poncho military helmet and steel rat Slayer visor does that actually pop on our face before I pop it on though I am going to shut the door so I don't catch the Airborne strain anyways how does this look pretty goofy not going to lie I kind of look like a budget Isaac Clark If you cover up my goggles but the one thing that I will take is the military helmet that'll do much better than my ride in one right so yeah let's drop off the visor and we look a hell of a lot cooler already hell yeah not to mention the double carrying capacity I get from these bags and the little belts we have okay cool what a nice little spot but now that we are here I'm going to sit down for a bit eat some chips and we will head on out until we get actually tired [Applause] okay nice after battling through the tunnel for an indefinite amount of time we have leveled up our spear usage to level one and I hope you guys can kind of get how dire things are because we have been moving down this path for quite the while and there is still no end in sight it is a very very long road filled you know not to the brim but with enough zombies to make it a real hassle going back and forth anyways we have picked up a few items along the way including two masks 6 5.56 rounds an extra zombie who thinks he's him but he's not him one chocolate chip cookie one lollipop one set of peanuts four leather strips and we have currently killed 95 zombies so we've cut down about 50 going down this way we aren't tired yet so I am going to continue my way on down I have no idea how much longer this spear is going to last but we just need to hustle right hopefully soon we will reach an actual location though instead of it just being you know massive amounts of tunnels [Applause] a dude you cannot rest down in these tunnels let me tell you that much that one was a little bit close as I really didn't like how they completely just dead zoned right into my area but we are alive we're doing well and our maintenance skill is up two skill points already still no end in sight matter of fact I see even more zombies God I feel you buddy I feel you we can see that we have reached like a bit of an intersection inside of this Metro by the way it's so damn dark I am so sorry but this entire time I have not found a single flashlight so we are just going to be in the darkness for a little while longer and now we have a decision on our hands do we continue up north nor or do we snake it down to the right instead there's nothing else here it is 10:50 p.m. it's getting increasingly dark I am going to head back and go to sleep it's probably going to be like a 2hour run back so let me speedrun this and I can show you how far I travel out per [Music] location yeah no it's insane it's actually insane how far you need to travel out but we have made it home and before I do anything else we're going to go back home fill up our water bottles and figure out where I'm going to be going next tomorrow okay nice we've slept uneventfully and we have made it to day six and now I can begin the real process of like setting up multiple bases throughout the subway station because making that trip back and forth between our base and the other checkpoint areas is going to be a lot of time so in order to save myself the time I think we are going to take our trolley down with us today so let me grab some Basic Essentials and we will work from there first of all we have a bunch of canned foods some non- perishables a few magazines and pieces of literature because one of the most I guess damning things in this challenge is the fact that I have to hold off on depression also that's another level of carpentry how am I so lucky in grabbing these broadcast casts I am going to read the book so I'm no longer depressed and on top of that we have decided to bring along three propane torches and a few leather strips I don't know what I'm going to use it for but we got it and so now when I do reach other stations I can disassemble the furniture anyways it's about high time we leave and get moving the only other thing that I will do right now is dismantle all of these black digital watches we have in order to gain a little bit of experience in the electrical field also I'm going to grab some food particularly some tourists Delight wow that makes me extremely unhappy okay maybe we don't eat that maybe I go for chili instead yeah okay nice we've made it over to the base everyone and it just made me realize I forgot one thing and that's water we don't have any water out here hopefully my half drunken water bottle will last me for the rest of the day let's go transfer the stuff over uh actually there is no good spot for it I'll just leave it inside the Metro Hazard oxygen tank container then yeah that actually works out pretty well and now that we are here I'm going to go grab my welder mask and disassemble all of the furniture here nice it's not too much right now but it is a little bit of extra experience that I can learn and and if I reach level five metal working I will be able to make the Whatchamacallit oh I remember I'll be able to make the scrap SMG which is going to be pretty good to use in the future I'm probably not going to reach the new area so I'm going to count 10 zombies and then I think I'm going to end the episode there 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 okay that right there was the sound of my weapon breaking hold on give me one second there it is okay that's not good that's not good at all especially if I want to fight more clickers I need the other weapon it's a good thing we took care of them but I am going to have to leave my spear for rest and that kind of gives me enough reason to head all the way back to base even though we just got down here though there is one small little area here probably another little safe Zone that we can stop by for a bit does it have the little military box it does oh dude we are looking good today and inside here is another control room next time I will hopefully reach a new subway station so we can clear it out come hell or high water for now we are going to rest here anyways if you guys have liked this episode be sure to like favorite share and subscribe for more I will see all of you next time peace out everyone
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 47,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid day 1, zomboid, project zomboid, zomboid build 41, project zomboid first day, project zomboid 1 day, project zomboid 1 day challenge, project zomboid broken bones, project zomboid broken leg, project zomboid impossible, project zomboid impossible challenge
Id: rUySQ6MfV2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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