Surviving 10 Days As The WORST Character In Project Zomboid

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you know I think this is the first time I've ever had a peaceful night sleeping in this challenge now I do say peaceful with very loose terms as we are in agony and severely depressed but you know Beggars really can't be choosers anyways we have survived quite a while five whole days in fact which means I need to survive around a five or six more days in order to make my character a little more useful so here is my plan we're gonna watch television for eight days and for the final two days I think we're gonna go out and do a little bit of looting now I won't be going out too far but I am eyeing up these few buildings up here and maybe if I'm feeling a little bit risky this house set here but for the most part I am going to be wasting away my life because there's not really much else I can do in this position I mean I can go outside I second look at the grass and start to get very panicked because I'm very scared and I'll be completely honest with you going outside in our current form would be pretty damn boring because I wanted to make it five feet without getting tired so it's much more in my interest to just sit and watch TV so I can capitalize on the Airing shows as the shows only last up until the Eighth Day and on the eighth day I think that'll be the perfect time for us to check out the homes so we're gonna batten down the hatches eat our stockpile of fresh raw potatoes like an absolute freak and we're just gonna take it easy you know we're gonna be living life large at large and I'm not just talking about my size though that does bring up another thing that I realized I forgot to add in obese fun fact with the trait mods I have if you take anorexic before you take obese you can't take the two mutually so you have to take obese and then anorexic but I forgot about that but I think that'll lend to the challenge in and of itself because I am losing weight pretty rapidly and that'll be that'll be fun to think about in the future for now I'm not thinking about that at all as I'm just gonna sit down and wait until it is 12 p.m I would be digging for worms right now to pass the time but digging for worms does make me tired and I really don't want to pass out through a TV show so yeah This is Gonna Be My Life just watching Woodcraft shows gaming skills crawling my way over to the fridge just to eat an entire raw potato only to crawl right back to our couch just to pass out in the middle of a TV show so I missed completely everything to wake up for another day come on how the hell crap okay well welcome to to day six I've grown a beard that looks absolutely disgusting I'm gonna shave that but not before I I'm gonna go grab another potato so I can wait for the the carpentry shows man passing out sucks but that's just something you have to live with when you're running with all of the negative traits on the bright side we at least have some broccoli seeds that I'll be able to plant as soon as it rains I also don't think I have any scissors to to shave my beard with so we are just gonna be rocking it for a while anyways it's time to build up even more of our skills as we have reached level three in carpentry level two in cooking and level one and a half in fishing plus we also have an additional VHS tape so yeah it's it's time there's not really much else to say I'll probably miss half of the shows because of me passing out but well we'll see what happens We're Here for a Good Time not a long time anyways and surprisingly the rain came a few hours after I just said something about it we're also catching another carpentry show so give me that extra level okay we did not get the extra level but I really don't care about getting an extra level what I care about is the rain being here finally because this means I can go out and plant my broccoli seeds now I am a little bit nauseous so I think I'm gonna wait until that passes by so I can go out really quick so I don't get too wet and drop down all of these seats please okay cool we're just at queasy let's hurry this one on up because we won't have enough time and this way we can actually get some passive food income going for us as well seeing how long we're gonna be spending time here well might as well make it as good as possible right we'll plant down four rows or maybe six even I am gonna have to just plant two run back inside when we're moist so I don't get you know any closer to death than we are it's gonna be very slow but we are going to make the progress we need I also get naturally sweaty so being a moist is the only safe part for us okay any minute now okay we're dry again we're gonna repeat this a few times so we can get ourselves some some some Farm Fresh crops in the future hell yeah by the way we're only gonna plant four as I only have 26 seeds and I would like to stagger them out for each of the reins so I don't get like 30 bushels of cabbages at once or not cabbages of broccoli at once aside from that though nothing else has changed I'll keep you updated though for now it's back to the good old grind set okay and in true trash fashion I caught a total of one cooking show because I passed out during every other interval also the chopper event has arrived I've I've been sleeping for around 14 hours I woke up at a solid 3 A.M which finally means why why the hell is a helicopter out here at 3am anyways we have survived one two three four five six seven eight around eight days with today marking down our ninth which means the television is useless to me now the only thing I can do is go watch the VHS which is something I might do after the chopper event passes I'll be honest this whole montage kind of sucked I really did not get much skills at all we got three and a half in carpentry two in cooking one in fishing that that is it and we have been subsisting off of potatoes the entire time at least we have potatoes though I I love potatoes and we got so damn many eight kilos worth so going up to that market was definitely worth it and I think we've earned ourselves some ice cream later anyways since the TV is now useless I think we make more use of our time and that is by looting these buildings right up here in which we have three homes one shed and a couple of barns it is what I'm guessing anyways it's not too far and it should be out of the zombie population zone so we should have a pretty easy time looting it I don't think I'm off of my alcohol binge yet so I'm not gonna need to worry about that and one more thing that I almost forgot to tell you all the damn water went out yet again I don't know why I have terrible luck with the water but yeah we are gonna have to conserve our water now which is always fun it is 4 30 a.m we're only gonna get more tired so I think we head out right now as it should be a straight shot down to the first house it is a little bit dark but I have no fear as I am fearful of the damn outside what else can be even more scary than fresh air and green grass but the Blue Sky nothing that's what and bada boom we've made it over and holy hell that is a very nice tree house by the way I am probably gonna need to pack a rag or towel with me at all times because just walking here has left me wet and moist and even sweatier and I really don't want to catch a cold just because I went outside without a rag so hopefully we'll find one in here we'll give this house a good old-fashioned knocking and if I don't hear anything I'm gonna introduce myself to our neighbors good old trash is coming in now don't mind me oh and there was a neighbor well this is exactly why I like to knock and or Smash in a window before I go in it's much better I fight him out here than you know coming across him inside all right time to remove the glass very slowly and to slink our way on in hello there seems to be no response to my desperate screaming as well so I think it's safe to say I'm the only one in here we'll go clear it out and then go check out the actual loot oh God why with the damn art attacks man I'm already on edge as is you don't need to give me anything more game please alright it does seem to be pretty clear with there being a electrical event now I don't see anything that would really strike me as like wow other than me getting more pain meds some scissors and also a rope and or twine okay well there's our rope I'll be taking that and the main reason why I do want said rope is to Make a Better Bag oh also a Better Bag would just be nice as well if I could find like a nice duffel I would be a very happy camper okay sadly no pain meds these guys are boring they don't they don't know how to party but they do have they have a book at their bedside which is useless for me maybe they got some good stuff in the kitchen though now they really don't they have a single spoon and some canned goods with some marshmallows you know what I'll eat those marshmallows right now I'll leave the canned stuff here though because I really don't have to wait for it and is that an entire stick of butter well Don't Mind If I Do help myself to that oh yeah sometimes you gotta treat yourself in the apocalypse and that is my treat I've made myself more sick okay that was a problem why did I eat the entire stick when did I when will I learn my lesson of eating too much food and then breaking my ribs I'm gonna go drop off some of my extra stuff like the sheet bag and we're gonna wait this one out okay I've learned hopefully I won't die if I die because I ate an entire stick of butter I'm gonna cry okay well give it a few hours maybe rest up from being exhausted and then we'll go check out the next home before I get any more bright ideas okay we're fine that's awesome false alarm but it doesn't hurt to uh you know to stay on edge let's go check out the two barns next and just like that we made it over this place seems to be a barn which is kind of useless for me there might be some cool stuff in the back though hey look at that there's gravel I can't eat gravel but that's kind of cool I guess I really like this place okay yeah there's nothing here let's go check out the one up top and hopefully that's a hunting blind and I might be able to get myself a handy dandy hunting rifle just for show of course it's not like I would ever use it and it seems to be another barn disappointing update it was just another barn with hay inside I can't eat hay so yeah that was extremely useless and it wasted a bunch of calories and or sweat from my character let's just go check out the other two homes and hopefully you know that the two homes will make up for all of the disappointments I've had today and a judging from their very nice pink flamingo flower garden I have a lot of Hope about this place at least that home this one I'm not too sure about will give it the good old tried and true trash scream Escapade and see if any zombies come from the bottles of this home the desperate screaming coming from garbage is like a rabbit's death calls it brings in all of the natural predators of the area thinking they got an easy meal so I'm pretty confident that this place is clean I'm also pretty confident that this guy ate that hit the dirt ah sucks that he only had a classical watch on him I might have cared a little bit more if he had a digital one okay oh oh okay it looks like we gotta murder suicide that's a nice pistol you have man I'm gonna take it for the meme even though it does weigh quite a bit if I if I find another zombie in the next pink flamingo house I might want to use it I'm sure trash is to be uh trusted with a gun I mean wouldn't you feel safe with him holding this and get in front of you I sure would uh we also got a magazine here anything good in the fridge we got an entire egg carton a pear which I'll eat right now any ice cream packaged peas corn salmon all of that good stuff I am whimpering now I don't know if it's because I'm scared of holding the gun but that is happening we also have some canned goods not that I'm gonna be able to carry it right now hold on I might be able to now I'm Gonna Leave the canned goods here we can remember where it's at and if I need it later I can always grab it God I really need a better bag oh my God okay you might not think this is very good but these vitamins will actually save my life these bad boys are going right in our fanny pack because dealing with drowsiness and fatigue is one of the main problems with this character having a way to get a little bit more pep in my step is going to be huge for my survival rate we got nothing in the closet and lastly we have bag bag bag nothing okay let's go check out the other home garbage is putting a lot of faith in you Flamingo you wouldn't want anything to happen to you or your family all right so give me a damn bag and hey while it isn't a bag I spy with my little eye some peanut butter uh you know what not bad marmalade and peanut butter both very filling foods with a very high calorie count I also hear a zombie somewhere inside I really don't think she's ready for garbage to open the door screeching with a gun and just going hog wild with it get on the ground oh okay I got really worried that was the most pathetic interaction I've ever seen I am never giving trash a gun again it wasn't even Point Blank I mean it was Point Blank but it was worse than Point Blank because I had her pinned on top of me and she was a stationary Target oh it's a good thing no one's recording this or Garbage would be very embarrassed about his performance today uh we got some cherries in the fridge don't mind if I eat that oh yes frying pans even more canned goods a meat cleaver a mac and cheese that sounds delicious and inside the bedroom we have a pen some duct tape and a crowbar with there being nothing else okay this house kind of sucked these flamingos lied to me and it's sad that I ran out of ammo because I would have definitely gunned them down as well the only thing that's like a big benefit is I guess some marmalade and peanut butter I don't really see anything else I can get out of here we really just left with food and a rope that I can't even use because I don't have a pair of scissors okay you know what maybe life ain't that bad it's a good thing I decided to double check this dead zombie here because we just got ourselves a digital watch which means I can see that we've survived nine days and four hours meaning that we are very close to kicking away our alcohol problem which is huge oh hell yeah that also means I can set alarms to to do tactical strategic naps maybe today wasn't that bad after all actually it sucks eggs what I thought was a shed was actually a gazebo which is useless for me damn if I would have found a pair of scissors I would have been able to make a new bag but I guess we'll just have to mark that down on stuff to find later we got a regular Tire in the trunk of this car here with no gasoline and we have a jammed trunk in here with another empty gas tank at you know what I don't really care I do care about one thing though and that is my ridiculously tired Moodle at any minute I could just drop down and go to sleep so I think I'm gonna stay inside these homes here for the night so I can move back to my actual base in the morning plus it gives me a reason to you know eat the canned food that I do have in here without wasting too much and breaking my bones bringing it back plus the decor in this place is a lot better than what I have at home if you don't count the uh you know murder suicide here but it adds charm and character that's what I'll call it uh I'm gonna go wash off my character as well actually I'm not because I might need to use the water here I'm just gonna go to sleep really and we'll see what happens in the morning fun fact nothing happened in the morning now I do know that this episode is a little bit more short than the others but I really want to save our workout grind for next time because I think that's going to be a pretty huge milestone for me so at least I can say that we've survived you know 10 full days I'm just gonna call it a week just you know for easier standards and I think we've earned ourselves some canned corned beef I hope we're gonna be able to eat all of it actually we won't but I can equip it as primary to save up on way and slowly make my way back to my house I in fact lied it's raining which is death for me we are we're gonna be cooped up in here for a while so you know what well might as well just soak and our depressions and bad feelings but soon and hopefully by next episode I will be able to improve my character from the pitiful zero strength and fitness we're at and once we're at a decent Fitness and strength I'm gonna feel a lot better about tackling more dangerous projects which one might involve a Molotov cocktail and a whole bunch of horde burning but I'm gonna save that for next time I'm gonna wait for this thunderstorm to uh you know end and we'll move right on back to my beautiful beautiful home piece the hell out everyone
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 37,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime
Id: _PzgrtjzYgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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