Building Barriers To SECURE My Station | Project Zomboid Metro #2

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after surviving a pretty hectic start we have finally reached a sense of quiet within our little subway station and today I want to make that silence last anyways everyone welcome back to project zomboid we slept for our second day waking up at 5:20 a.m. and we have currently killed 44 zombies surviving for an indefinite amount of time as I need to pick up a digital watch and yeah today is going to be the day I fortify our small little station to be as secure as possible I don't know how much it's going to take but we do have a few pieces of furniture around the area to make it a little bit easier before I do that though we do have a few needs to address for one I'm hungry and two I'm depressed and bored now thankfully with the help of ice cream we can solve two of those problems and with the third one we might be able to just kill some zombies okay never mind the ice cream only helped with one problem I am still pressed so I'm going to go grab a book and then we can throw these corpses out of my base and you know start to clean up a little bit enough talk though let's dump these corpses out oh hello there oh my oh oh my okay wow that's not good okay what the hell where did you two come from anyways I'm going to have to juggle you two and kill you both woo nice is there any other zombies outside that I should be dealing with where the hell did they even come from I mean they would have had to come up from the north and literally run down towards my location that or my barricade didn't hold I don't see anym around the area so I'm going to go take a little peek down both ways which looks to be clear well I guess that affirms my belief that we need to secure this station once and for all so let's go dump out the rest to the corpses loot them and then start to look around for furniture that I can use I'm already eyeing up these shelves here especially because you don't need any tools to pick them up and the barrels and hopefully with all of those we can get a pretty decent barricade anyways you five you got to go now these corpses will be both out of my sight and out of my mind and if you're wondering why I decided to use this upper level as a place to you know dispose of the undead it's because if I recall correctly the only way corpse sickness actually travels throughout indoor buildings is it goes by level right and I really didn't want to drop off all of the corpses inside like my my bathroom area right because that might pose the risk of me getting sick while being in the general area so putting it up on the third story where there's like literally nothing is the best call I didn't loot the corpses so let's do that very quick as well netting myself some earrings that I can't use sh clothing Keys a black digital watch which I can actually use that will allow me to tell the time and how long I survived and finally we have paper clips and a holster with some 9mm rounds oh that's actually huge the ammo is self-explanatory but the holster allows me to equip a weapon if I should find one I think that's going to be it other than the razor so yeah we'll leave the corpses up here we'll check it very briefly and if any corpses resurrect I can give them the you know one two okay then up next I think I'm going to go check out the northern tunnel clear it out and then loot all of the stuff inside this small little storage area bringing it back to my base and then and finally then we can work on you know securing the area let me ask the question now are there any more zombies down here it looks to be a negative all right we're still going to play it safe though because an overconfidence Survivor is a dead one so yeah let's see what we got around here finally after so long we got ourselves some propane torches Metal Sheets and bars I'm going to drop all of this on the floor so I can use that for a barricade later we got even more sheets and propane torches I have a feeling that we won't need to worry about fuel for a very long time we got seeds padlocks three barrels which will be perfect for barricading one free battery on this zombie and inside this massive storage room we have so much barricading material there's also some Nails duct tape planks and wood glue the plank is actually the coolest thing so far out of this because I realize Lumber is going to be pretty damn hard to come by I'm not sure if y'all noticed but looking around the area the one thing we don't have is wood and wood is a very very crucial component in a lot of crafting recipes so we really need to keep our eyes peeled into we really got to ration out whatever Lumber we find so that's pretty hype what's even better is a cordless drill some more saws and safety goggles a chisel which I can use for woodworking more files two paint buckets which on the surface doesn't sound that cool Up Until you realize you can pour the paint on the ground and use them for makeshift water containers safety goggles even more propane torches and scrap metal metal cutters Metal Sheets scrap metal and a trolley which is going to make my life 10 times better because if you put two and two together vehicles are going to be one of the only things I can't find down here so these trolley and hand carts are going to be my best friend for transporting glute and already we have the perfect Avenue for it so now instead of dropping it on the floor I can just shove it inside this big Old Trolley so let's finish off the Looting also I hear footsteps that's a little terrifying hello I'm going to go check this very briefly y'all okay I might be going insane I have no idea where the hell those are coming from but it's not in here well I'll just keep my eyes peeled just in case we can continue looting though grabbing even more supplies weapons including a screwdriver which is actually really nice because I don't have one of those yet I think it's that and a hammer that I really really need and finally for this final bit here we have more propane torches overall though the Looting call is not bad at all especially when you throw in all the stuff we found before actually we have so much junk right now I'm not even able to collect everything so I'm going to have to pick up stuff manually and we will save the other room for later for now let's get this back to our base [Music] it definitely took me a lot more time than I would have anticipated but we have cleared out our entire trolley giving myself a half organized little area here right we have generic weapons tools and equipment we have a whole bunch of materials and now with this shelf we're going to be leaving all of our metal working supplies like the Metal Sheets the metal pipes and the whole 9 yards I am pretty bored B and pretty sad right now so I'm going to read a book and we will loot the final room I'm actually getting tired as well damn that is one thing that I am going to have to work with is because we're spending all of our time in doors our character is going to get bored very very quickly so how about we go read a couple of magazines as well speaking about magazines I'm actually going to use those to make armor as it's way more better being safe rather than sorry that should give me a little bit more armor to work with to where I'm not defenseless oh yeah look at that protection that's what I'm talking about okay cool we'll read the book fill up our paint cans and probably go to sleep because another cool thing about not having an actual schedule is the fact that that I can sleep whenever and it doesn't really affect me because at the end of the day things are going to be dark or not dark so yeah I will see all of yall till then and by later I mean tomorrow so it should be instant for you to after a full night's worth of reading we have finally reached day three everyone welcome on over I have dealt with all of my moodles except for the nervous wreck one because you know I'm kind of a smoker and I haven't had an actual fixing for a while I really am just reliant on killing a zombie who happens to be a smoker as well oh also speaking about that there was a lighter end matches within this small small little desk here that I will be able to yoink anyways it's time for me to head right back on out and loot the final room I'm also really hoping that no zombies have moved their way into my home because that is the last thing I would really want to worry about right now maybe we'll be lucky though and so far it looks to be that way okay cool I love it when there's no actual complications because it makes even more room for the things that truly matter more loot in which we have a singular leaf rake some more Metal Sheets hinges Barbed wires an actual ballpen Hammer thus completing my entire Trifecta of tools oh that is so damn exciting another nail gun mag some more magazines to pass the time with pants which I can rip into clothing for crafting use later even more metal workking supplies a hand file which is something I don't have yet hard hats Springs more seeds duct tape and finally one more box of nails and a plank I will say the planks are going to be really bad to come across but in terms of metal working supplies we are going to be set for quite the while including Furniture items because those boxes I'll be able to pick up the shelves I'll be able to pick up and I will be able to craft up a very very nice Whatchamacallit barricade yeah which is what we're going to work on next after I drop off this final loot hul hell yeah it's really nice seeing a shelf get filled to the brim with loot and it also didn't take as long as last time so now that we have dropped it off I am going to do one thing before I head out right and it involves the shovel I was just looking around a little bit with recipes and a very easy recipe that I can pull off right now with the shovel is actually filing down the metal bits on it making an improvised metal spear from a shovel and when I think about it like that having a spear is a lot better than a shovel especially with these types of zombies right I want as much reach as possible so being able to craft up something that I can poke with a distance is going to be nice all right we got our spear we got our backup weapon let's go head down and start to pick up the metal shelves to use for barricading and right now the place that I want to barricade the most is going to be the one right down there because those trash cans are not it as nice as they are I don't really trust a small layer of plastic to defend me if a event happens like a gunshot and zombies are you know LED down the only way they can go which is one of two tunnels so yeah we're going to do a quick little bot montage and make this a fortification to be proud of okay wow that's extremely bad I was in the middle of barricading this place and there is a zombie that has seen me so we're going to have to kill them very quick yeah that's exactly why I really want to barricade these things very very well okay how much more do you got on that not much after she's done breaking it down we can skewer her boom nice try Bozo Rest in Piss you will not be missed is there anyone else coming up before I set this last little thing up no good okay let's finish it off quickly then making it stronger than before boom okay that looks a hell of a lot better it's not the best I would say but that gives me three full layers of barricades for me to prepare should a hoorde come down towards my location and hopefully the way it plays out is if a zombie does come around they won't hit the barricade because there will be so much in the way right that's going to be good enough for now we've gotten a whole bunch of furniture there now we can worry about the Northern Area after I go grab a quick little bite to eat you really got to love that emergency ration ice cream bada boom we're a little less sad which should hopefully give me even more energy to Lug stuff back and forth and I can also describe my whole plan with the next barricade because there is a way that I want to I guess layer it out which goes as follows I want to use that door right over there as my main entrance and exit out of the tunnel Network right so what I want to do is set up my barricade right before things get extremely bad so I would say like right here at this corner oh my they've gotten a lot closer so that way whenever I want to move in and out of my base I can go through multiple layers of doors instead of having this massive little bit exposed here uh so you guys come here often or is it just because I've decided to barricade today yeah no we're going to have to kill them all before I do anything else hopefully that will be the most of them though let's see what you got Absolut abolutely nothing that's what they got on me also I'm looking down right now and it looks to be clear for the foreseeable future oh man what a crazy spawn though with the spiffo suit I mean I guess I'll take it I definitely won't wear it because of the protection but with it being so rare it's almost like a waste if I just let it rot away with the zombie right uh yeah sorry I got a little bit distracted okay I am going to loot them very briefly and as soon as we're done with that I can can begin and I think I'm going to drop the barricade right here with the light that way if there's any zombies on the barricade I will see them immediately with the illumination okay let's start off with shelves and work from there oh my God where the hell did you come from oh what the do I hate that what the do I'm in the middle of a damn Montage right now where's the what what what in the hell I am genuinely Shook on where the hell that thing came from okay I will not be able to rest at all while doing the series I am going to bop at a very very very um cautious Pace now oh man my heart my little freaking heart anyways Bop B B I hate this I actually hate this boom boom that looks like a barricade to last at least 1 minute to a zombie hord I feel pretty confident with it especially with how it looks tonally I mean look at the damn thing it's really freaking cool when you think about it right just this massive pile of furniture up against a tunnel that might get filled with zombies now you might be wondering how I made the shelves look full because they looked pretty empty and they technically are and that's quite simple I grabbed the clothing off of all of the zombies to put into the shelving just to make it look a little bit more colorful and pleasing to the eye it does nothing for it but man does it look aesthetic and speaking about Aesthetics there is one last thing that I would actually like to add to this small little barricade and it's these flood lights right here the lights on this little wall are Illuminating enough and I think by putting this big old flood light right near the entrance it's going to make it look Tang 10 times cooler and after I put it down no zombie is going to be able to sneak past this spot that's about everything I want to do today though so I think we're done I mean we've killed a handful of zombies we found some very nice weapons and materials and we have so much metal workking supplies the only thing I will add on is the fact that I added in some shelving in between this small little hallway here so if zombies ever do burst out of the door they might get snagged on these shelves before they get to me we have about six of them left so I might use them for future barricades or I could just you know use them for metal working experience and if we head back I think our other little barricade should have lasted right yep nope there's no zombies there it's definitely the weak point though so I might add on those shelves in the future for now I'm done here we did have a few close calls but we ended up Surviving and anyways and I think next episode is going to be the day we craft up some actual weapons and supplies to you know fuel me on my journey throughout the tunnels I do want to head up north that way because you know if we do lead zombies back it's not going to be the worst especially with how much stronger the barricade is and maybe we might find something cool for now I'm extremely tired extremely hungry bored and depressed so let's go help ourselves to one of the last ice creams matter of fact I think it's the second to last one yeah okay no there's two left not bad but it's definitely getting down to the wire at least for you know perishable Goods anyways I'm ending the episode here if you guys have liked this episode be sure to like favorite share and subscribe for more I also completely forgot I have a television in here that I could have been using to watch television yeah yeah yeah give me that experience actually there's nothing here okay that's fine we'll have TV for quite the while longer I will see y'all later peace the hell out everyone
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 57,526
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Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid day 1, zomboid, project zomboid, zomboid build 41, project zomboid first day, project zomboid 1 day, project zomboid 1 day challenge, project zomboid broken bones, project zomboid broken leg, project zomboid impossible, project zomboid impossible challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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