They made a game about waiting for a bus...

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as you know I've been on a quest to find the world's best puzzle game and recently the developers of the game monong cage you remember that game that was like a puzzle game within a cube and you had to spin it well they've just released this while waiting yeah I'm not going to lie it looks bizarre it's a game about waiting but it is a puzzle game as well so let's let's just start and we'll see what this entails so this is a long story about waiting it may get boring at times but uh this might be helpful for You tab does a little button down there Escape shows are like notepad so first things first wait for the tutorial we waited for it we got a little sticker so next up we got to wait for the bus we are this little guy here with the smallest quiff I've ever seen like look at that little pointy bit at the end anyway if we press Escape we can see sort of our our tasks over here so we've got it is my bulletin board now woof I can't see anything be the richest guy on the bus or do nothing now these are basically like little challenges you got to do throughout the level obviously do nothing is pretty easy we just do nothing oh really really so we are this little this little kid here there's a very strange little dog there can I can I pet him yeah I can give him a pet that's good looks like we can go back to oh is this the bulletin board okay so there's a bulletin board there so it is my bulletin board now okay so how do we fill that oh look this guy's handing out a leaflet so if we take the leaflet we can then probably come over to the bulletin board you can shove it over there look it's a lost dog but it's not we stick that on top of it no more lost dogs what the hell why is there someone in a bathtub going past what was that all about anyway I'm going to stick a few more of these on I can only carry one at once so what the is that a je oh that's the rich Thing tab tab tab tab tab tab tab so I think tab does that button can you see I drop some coins can I like go and pick them up oh look oh cuz I tabbed it there's am I going to be the richest person on the bus right I've now got gold oh there's the bus quick run to the bus no I missed the bus come back bus oh have I actually missed it have I actually missed the bus I love the guys who like trying to hand me a leaflet like literally that reminds me of having to like go through the city center every day get out the way you knob I don't want your leaflet I got a load of gold can I like shove that down there yeah okay I'm going to carry on oh no I can't I can't get past the gold oh stupid gold grab another leaflet I want to try and do two of these things we shove that over the bit in the middle I may need two over that one I've just realized but I can definitely go grab one more I'm confused cuz I've missed the bus does that just mean I get more time oh I think a bus has just pulled up did you see the shadow I might wait for it to drive off yeah there you go it's driven off so stick that on there do we get a sticker yes so that one it is my bulletin board now is done woof I can't see anything can I stick one of these like on it on the dog's face that seems quite cruel right dog oh no look I let go it's it's blown off the top of the screen if I go right does that go anywhere no and what the other task be the richest guy on the bus I'm pretty sure I've got that I just get on the bus with all the gold woof I can't see anything though is there anything else down here that I can do am I sure I can't stick this on the dog's face I tell you what I'm lit I'm just going to take like all these and just throw them up in the air look it's Unlimited mited unlimited leaflets Oh look The Bus has arrived sorry bus I'm ruining this guy's datee oh my god look how fast I can go oh yes how does this guy have so many leaflets yeah I don't know how to make the dog not see anything I can all I can do is stroke it why would you say something so controversial yet so brave unless I can put a bag of gold on its head all right eat gold no you didn't like it oh no can I not pick up my gold now no oh I've cocked it I can't pick up the gold so I got on the bus I left the bag of gold by the dog no all right okay so I've restarted this level we've done the bulletin board we need to work out how to do wolof I can't see anything I'm not sure it's with a leaflet cuz we did try that several times I have a feeling it might be using this tab button in the bottom left when something goes past it's like maybe this car can I like can I tab it with a button no I didn't do anything we know that's how we get the gold though right bathtub bathtub tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tap tap did that do anything go down here no it didn't seem to do anything all right the genie so that's how we get the money tap I probably don't need to press it that many times but yeah whatever we'll get the money we'll do the rich one for now anyway bus is arriving so we'll get on the bus we should become yes the richest guy on the bus then as we restart it we've just got to work out how to do woof I can't see anything we can do nothing obviously that's pretty easy in fact let's do that now and since we have time to wait let me tell you about today's paid partnership with better help as you guys know I was an engineer for 10 years and like many jobs at times it was was extremely stressful having a client shouting in your ear because an architect put the drainage at the High Point rather than the low point and now everything's flooding and it's my job to fix it can really take its toll why do you think I'll wear a hard hat all the time now it can be hard to talk to friends or family about your mental health you may feel like you'd be a burden on them so talking to a credential therapist who has trained to listen and give helpful unbiased advice could have really help me particularly as that better help they offer therapy through methods that are most comfortable to you like video chat phone calls or even through messaging so let betterhelp connect you to a therapist who can support you from the comfort of your own home by visiting slre civilengineer or choosing real civilengineer at signup and get a special discount off your first month anyway now we're on the bus we've got that sticker yeah I no idea how to do the dog one so let's just go on to the next level wait for the rain to stop so yeah we've just run in we oh i' stood by like a p heater nice um as oh okay so it looks like when we when we walk out into the rain we get rained on and then we automatically run back here there's the dog by the way give it give it a load of Strokes good boy good boy don't let paty see this so yeah I can't actually explore too far I wonder then can I go explore like in in here yes oh we can go in the shop so we're now in the shop can I like sit down oh oh I got a finger oh there's a man going past what does my arm do can I get that coffee cup oh oh there's a weird thing outside there's also this machine over here an arcade machine that says do not touch um should probably actually look at what I meant to be doing here watch out umbrella arcade in the window that's probably the one we're doing now so arcade in the window how do I if I press space yeah if I press space nothing happens but it looks like my finger doesn't really do anything either and what was it tab to do that button on the left yeah that doesn't seem to do a lot either well I feel like watch out oh look the rain the rain stopped so that was the end of that one all right so that didn't go great I've restarted I reckon for the watch out one I can probably just stand here and get splashed yes we got watch out okay that's good the umbrella we know a guy in an umbrella does run past so if I just wait for him maybe use my button or something there's a guy in a briefcase right Buton him what do I do what do I do what's going on the dog's following him where's the dog going I have no idea what just happened there uh the dog has now gone okay there's this guy can I oh I've just nicked his thing umbrella oh so now I can go I can go for a wand now decent okay let's go oh no it blew off it blew off no oh I thought I could go I could go find the dog so arcade in the window we got to figure out how that one works and you can really Dodge the rain I reckon one's got to be to do with that briefcase I don't know I guess I just didn't do it right I think two cars go past so yeah now I can stand here safely so I'm going to try and press space on him as he goes past otherwise it's the old button down here I have no idea how this button Works no again dog is just running after it h right can I get in front of this guy yes okay let's see can I actually go any further or does it just blow off no it does just blow off maybe I could have walked walk the other direction right if I don't do anything does the dog still Chase it still does I can't click on these can I no actually I never tried can I just walk right I've got his umbrella anyway oh I can't even go right okay fair enough I can go out in the rain can I go I definitely can't go left I can't go right I can't go any further into the road can I take this indoors no I can't take that indoors if I go over to like where the arcade is and press space I go back to the to the table and this hand I don't understand how it works like I can move it about but oh what's that I just got an arcade in the window sticker what okay so restarting this level we've got three I don't really know what I did to get the arcade in the window one but we'll go inside we'll try and recreate what I did so I think I just held my my finger like over this coffee cup what I don't understand what I did I definitely didn't press space cuz that just makes me back out oh by the way that guy with the with the suitcase just he just ran past oh the dog has gone so the dog does Chase it no matter what okay that's probably not irrelevant I noticed the last one you can really Dodge the rain can you see the the sticker is like a spaceship well that's what's on this arcade machine so I'm Wonder Maybe if I just leave my hand over here maybe I need to do it when the rain stops for it to happen no nothing happened we now on this one it's like a mobile game so I can press the chest and then looks like I can buy different stuff but I need 400 gems which I don't have okay so we'll go back hang on let's have a look let's have a look at these first am I spending responsibly I like the sound of that one feel invincible ible screen Shiner I will refill the heart on my own okay okay so in the top left can you see there like a timer I guess that's where my heart goes up I can refill that by pressing the button can I okay so that needs 500 coins okay how do I get extra coins if I go up to that I can oh I can watch an ad okay let's watch an ad oh no it's one of these ads it's one of those games that doesn't exist and you just have to watch people do it really annoyingly in front oh where did you pull that one the line came out you silly person right they're going to try it again oh no stuck buffering adverts buffering is the most frustrating thing in the world the Tim is not going down can I do anything oh I clicked on it and now is that the game it wants me to buy it I'm not going to buy it no we're going back going back right okay it's it's back working again so this time they go in and oh they did that way first don't do that bring the lion in then drop the stone on its head then get the treasure anyway that's the end of the advert so let's press the X and wait what oh no that wasn't the x that was a fake X I should know about this I've like I meant to have grown up on like dodgy Internet ads you can see down the bottom right there's a little X down there that's blatantly the one so if I just tap on that down there there we go we've watched the ad so I go back to the game oh it took so long I did the I did the nothing thing oh God right anyway if we load this one up again I reckon let's try oh actually let's try tapping the coins that does get US coins probably not enough I mean it looks like yeah we've only got like a 1 minute time limit and obviously watching that ad took so long although maybe it wouldn't if I was quicker like if I knew when it was buffering maybe I could I could avoid it it's only 1,500 coins though it's not enough to buy the health it does look like though if I collect all those coins yeah 3500 so maybe I could have enough if I could watch the ad faster somehow okay we'll restart anyway let's see if we try and buy some gems oh we can actually buy oh let let's put my my credit card info in oh no this is dangerous this is like what happened when I played Clash of Clans last time I'm just going to I'm going to go all out I need all the gems oh no it rejected my it rejected so yeah I got that one that's good um I reckon now then if we go back can I buy the stuff in here 400 gems open the chest o is it going to be good a that's rubbish I guess we just keep buying stuff until we get like the good armor oh rubbish oh we got a good sword though so I guess we have the sword now I guess we just keep buying I'm literally just going to keep buying these until until the game says no o I got a shield though I did get a shield oh and I got the legs I got the leg I think I just need the body now oh I'm out of gems no way I'm out of gems and I can't actually buy any more gems can I please please I need more gems no can I buy like a small amount oh I can okay I can buy small amounts that's good all right can't buy any more of those can I buy like these ones though yes I can still buy a small amount oh no that's all I can buy okay 400 gems okay the question is is 400 gems oh I was going to say enough to buy one no look oh I didn't have the chest plate okay so I feel like I may know how to do that one if I just do all the money stuff first I think I just need to like max out all the gems or maybe be luckier I think I got to do this before the heart drops to zero cuz when when I go back to that main screen if I've got five lives it's like game over oh come on come on I want my credit card to be rejected I think it should get rejected yes it is it's rejected okay quick quick quick quick quick quick quick back into the chest okay so now I think I can just do this over and over and it won't restart the level and then I guess we'll find out whether it is luck based or whether I just needed more gems cuz I have the max amount of gems I can have now remember all right we got the shield we got the body piece we got the sword so it's just legs remaining all right this is the penultimate one we need to see the leg oh no we've only got one more chance we got 400 gems though so surely it's in this one yes we got the legs we got the legs so we got the I feel Invincible sticker so now if we go back to the game we probably should survive right cuz look at us we're like in Gold so this slime oh it's still killed us in one hit nice game anyway what else we got we got this like there is a button there oh it turned off that's me hello me hey was it one of these called yeah screen Shiner so can I I can tap and hold oh look I've left a mark I mean you probably can't really see what I've drawn there but trust me I've drawn one I've drawn one so nice if we just work our way across like that that should Shine the screen right yes screen Shiner completed decent so there's a shiny screen we'll turn that back on so we've just got to gain our own heart so that is pressing that yeah we got to try and get the 5,000 coins okay so we'll restart the level and we've just got to try and get the like the ad stuff in real quick so up to there yes watch an ad and can I just buy can I just buy the game yes okay so we've bought the game we're waiting for it to download should I be be waiting for it to download all right game is downloaded let's play this game oh no we've loaded up a different game oh wait what it failed we're back to this so it's a game that doesn't even work what a rip I paid money for this so we've still got to watch the ad that is an absolute joke imagine it's going to buffer when it gets to 13 okay so we click and then we go back no it's still buffering it's still buffering this advert sucks how do I stop it buffering I wonder if it was just turned the phone on off and on again maybe anyway that was an epic fail cuz look we got the five lives now so we have failed right close game close game come on where's the X come on press it press it you knob oh I pressed the wrong area come on how am I not pressing the X this is stupid oh that was too high are you absolutely kidding me game all right we've done it now but we don't have enough coins we got to collect all of these ones wait we didn't even get our coins where's my coin I watched an ad for nothing oh what a joke what an absolute joke I wonder if that's like a meme level and you can never actually complete it anyway wait for heavy traffic so we're going in a car oh we're top down on a car oh that red car is that us so that's just pulled up to the traffic oh and here we are so loads of stuff to do in this one so we've got hair conditioner mother duck look both ways before you cross I think we forgot something okay so it looks like I can oh I can wind the window down so oh I just got pooed on the head no way hair conditioner um what if we do that oh we're outside the door's open oh my goodness I'm outside I'm hurting duck oh is this a mother duck one okay let's herd let's herd these ducks where have I got to take them they are following me right there's loads of traffic right leg it come on ducks come on Ducks no no no no no no they got run over oh no by the way what sort of parents are these they're just letting us like walk out in the middle of the road hurting Ducks I think I'm going to just sit here and wait for the top oh no no no no no no oh I got run over they got run over where am I I'm just back here oh we got hit look both ways before we cross okay so it was good that I got hit we do just need to try and get these ducks over come on Ducks leg it oh no I've been hit again right maybe I should just do like one at a time oh no the traffic's moving they going without me actually if they go without me is that I'm pretty sure wasn't that one of them I think we forgot something is that going to be me I might just stay up here see you late parents I'm not going back in the car yeah the car's driving off without me yes anyway the mother duck one if I make oh no no come back dock right I've got one across I do have one across so that's in the pond I feel like the way is just to like reverse herd it like push it ah or even go to this point yes and then go up to this point yes and then we're across come on Ducks yes we did it we got the mother duck yeah he mother duck sticker all right and this time I will actually go back to the cart so we're in we're done so the next level wait to get on the carousel so we've got ecofriendly if I cannot ride it then no one can or do nothing oh my God I trust try to walk away I'm attached to my parents get off me parents oh one of them is going to be kicking that can into the bin isn't it right ready ready ready oh that was terrible surely that's just going to be fluke like how the hell do you kick a can up in the air when you're attached to your mom and dad can you imagine a kid go like this nuts as well and the parents like just not even looking uh oh by the way still don't know what the button does I'm just going to be going Mentor over here hopefully I can like Kick the Can oh into the bin that was close that was close I'm literally going to be here all day till I make this shot AR I oh oh oh come on I'm worried I'm learning a skill that will never be useful in my life there's also if I cannot ride it then no one can how how do I even go about that all I can do is kick a can and my button does nothing by the way there in the full game there's a hundred of these levels a 100 of them right so that I'm going to the next level that's so frustrating right wait to claim the baggage right so oh actually that's a green one hey look is this yours there you go mate I'm giving this guy all his all of his luggage I don't really know why the can I actually can I walk around no I can't go I can't go right oh my God what is that how is that luggage anyway mate I think this is yours I don't know why I'm giving you luggage but here we are there we go let me stack it for you what is that there's a cat why is there a cat as luggage what is this what do I do with this oh I can stack these on top of each other oh wow how high can I stack them oh it looks really high oh I'm on it no way help me help no I'm I'm around the back I go around the back can I actually get off oh no I can hop around though what how weird hey that's mine what happened oh did someone lick my luggage I was too busy hopping around what's the final thing I need to do percussive maintenance why am I bouncing around it makes no sense I think I'm literally going to I'm going to stack everyone's luggage oh hey look that girl has my luggage actually look look there's the girl in the background you can see her legs is she going to Nick my bag yeah she's just nicked my bag I don't know if there's any point in stacking all of these I won't like not sure about that one all right wait for the game to finish downloading so if I I can actually pause that can I start these ones instead yeah okay we got a bus one going all right downloaded nice we got that one going that's some sort of film I think oh I wonder what this button does yeah I it just put them all back to zero so it just restarted them all I'm going to pause the top one though cuz then it gives you more time to like mess about with the others Wi-Fi oh I can go onto super fast Wi-Fi do I know the password is that the password come on super fast Wi-Fi no it wasn't the password oh really am I just going to try like infinite combinations until I get it right I literally am oh dear we could be here a while it's only a four-digit code though so it won't take forever it just might take a while oh there you go we did it let's try one more time okay I'm not sure we're actually going to get onto the fast internet not going to lie uh what are the other two we need a short 8 minute drive and then oh just do nothing 8 minute drive is probably that one all right so bottom thing is downloaded that's some sort of film oh you can watch the film what do we've been downloading editor get ready with the sensor bar this could be anything right so it's starting oh no isn't oh yeah is oh no got Rick Rolled no way in this game are you kidding me right let's go back to this right what's this one is this the short 8 minute drive thing so if we restart or is it a game I think it's a game so have I got to drive for 8 minutes this thing's always pulling to the left is this like Flappy Bird but like a sideways bus Road thing oh I don't actually have to drive for 8 minutes like real real life minutes do I that's a lot of minutes well I've been going so long the sound effects have dropped out by the way you can see the shadow of my stupid haircut like the stupid quiff thing at the front the Rhino horn all right well as you can see down the bottom I've been going for longer than 8 minutes and annoyingly the the achievement hasn't popped up so maybe that isn't the way to do this oh what's that on the wind screen is that a bug anyway I don't I don't care we we're going to crash this thing into the Rocks b anyway as I said before 100 levels in this game and actually apart from that very last one super fun trying to figure out like how to do all these still no idea how to do that very first bus stop one let me know in the comments if you have any ideas but yeah that was really really cool and to be fair to be expected from the devs of monage cuz that game was wicked if you want to check that out there should be two little links on screen right now the end screen videos but for now I'll say peace love and I drove for 8 minutes for nothing bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 300,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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