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so I'm a bloodthirsty Aunt who leads the world's Mightiest Army kill them my men oh oh there's a giant green mantis in the field that's cheating this is sitting you're not allowed to have giant creatures with them to shreds take his limbs off while they dismember another living being I'm gonna look at this new Garden update that's here what does any of this mean there's only one way to find out and first things first kill him oh there's like a whole new Little Pond up there too all right man come with me to kill their mother everybody knows the first step to weakening an army is killing the ones they love thank you goodbye no it looks like there's just [Music] please characters for them do I have to gather all the water myself no one but one tiny hand with six very pixelated legs why would you think I can do this also there's a creature event for a different thing from Tokyo Ghoul gross don't worry my sleepy time friends I've returned with water where where do I put this what am I what am I supposed to do with it there you go mom water oh it faded from existence that was not the answer all right well what oh wait I'm stupid I need to make a water chamber five minutes no one's got that kind of time pay to win thank you all right 50 workarents go get water because that's my Mac did everyone go oh there's a little shovel over there quick sorry great story about there's something new and if it means I can kill everything all that much more easy I want it it's a pile of dirt yeah no I'll dig it up sure is there anything good gonna flower seed increase Soldier ant move speed is that permanent do I make them eat a flower and that happens what am I supposed to do oh probably drop it right in here and plant cost 100 honeydew how much do I have 100 game listen that's uh get a little pricey with these flowers here rather than just planting one down at random maybe I should collect as many flower seeds as I can and then pick from there also speaking of pick pick this person's body parts up and dig up another patch of dirt please is that the only flower seed I can't imagine that's the only one what's this instantly capture creatures hey I was reading that jerk that sounds like it's pretty good are there synergies I can make I see there's two little slots here game give me a third new type of flower please so I can decide easier and oh well it did increase creature movement speed need to keep digging daily limit reached what if I just hit this and now it's more gems fine screw you game I can pay it 200 well that's enough more flower digging what's the blue one attract uncommon and rare creatures wait if I combine that with instantly capture creatures I'm getting some ideas in my head which is usually a bad thing all right dig this up just another new one flowers used to feed pet aphids how do I get a pet aphid I've got an idea no clue if it'll work but I'm hoping maybe by killing all the fire ants and saving these aphids I can get a little pet either way I still need more honeydew so this will work protect the Convoy men we've got pets to make and currency to earn also no one attacked the vinegaroon that guy will kill us all this is good remember I said no one attack him I can't help but notice that he stopped for a second and that's scary how are we doing we're practically back at base with all 10 aphids still left unscathed sweet well that works also you know what unlock my third garden slot simply because I can and let me claim these quests simply because I can also all right Convoy arrived did I not dead still man how much honey do I have 225 that's enough for me to want to plant my blue seed down how do I do I need to disband my Soldier and okay here we go get my attract better things down get my instantly capture things down and I need to water them man I'm gonna die of old age but time this is done which really isn't a good sign oh I can instantly finish it actually while I wait half an hour I could try and get these daily quests on win seven battles man watch eight ads man there's not enough water to oh simple upgrade my thing again oh never mind I don't have enough honeydew who wants to log into my account and do nothing but Farm resources all right well instantly summon this guy I need to kill a couple of these dudes at least for this daily Quest it's like two birds one stone and paying to win everything you need to have a good time is he killing my worker ants get him eat his face off he's the shocking pink Dragon millipede that's a mouthful he's just one punch Man villain why is this guy got so much health whatever keep it going eat his face off probably make sure I have enough space for him oh yeah we're fine and capture also start watering you now I saw a pretty interesting strategy for doing fights that doesn't feel like it should work but we'll go try it out and if this fails well I'll just start crying it's basically lavender yourself run in and release nothing but a bunch of flying creatures simply because enemies that aren't flying can't hit them and I'll be kind of honest with you it seems to be working out pretty solidly can we eat his Queen yet no all right I guess just murder her children some more oh now we can better have it this is stupid oh the middle piece added to my Army how good is this guy that's a high amount of health and a really fast attack rate that's almost as much health as a rhinoceros beetle an idea has struck me it's just gonna cost a lot of gems and I still need to kill six more people something about this tactic feels like I'm cheating but man does it work all right new plan get a couple better of these guys yeah yeah successful Fusion it's all I do and I can kind of have like a row of ground troops and then a nice little row of flying ones all right let's check if this works out a lot better survey says yeah that's real efficient a few moments later well half an hour has passed and both my seeds have sprouted I need to water them again and wait another hi everyone some more battles I guess I mean at least I'm just really good at it and after hours of grinding I only need one more to get this done and I think it's really important to show off just how good this random air troop strategy is obviously going invisible so I don't get hit by these things but what's in here but a bunch of stupid insects that are now about to be attacked and stunned hello buddy there goes five of your creatures before you could even do anything about it and now for the fun part killing the weak they're just doing their job literally in their own home pop out run away for a second let all my creatures fight each other and plus all those ants are gonna try and kill my creatures meaning everybody dies anymore creatures hanging around here no just a couple of random ants all right rather than focusing on the ant let's go focus on the mom Ripper limb from limb team you got it yep everyone knows what to do didn't even have to tell you oh sweet pheromones I'll be putting you to use soon I need to creature Summit after all and I can convert some I'm sure that'll come in handy and not be a huge waste now I just need to watch ads my poor soul it's not gonna be anything left after this I've got nothing left but it's done now to kill one more creature which is simple I just have to pay to win and I can summon one hey team you see this guy who has way too much health for his own good eat them dude you really do have a ton of Health don't you there's 20 soldier ants biting your face here well why they kill you I'm gonna run down here cause you've been murdered captured and wanted this little plant oh the countdown begins a new good news though this is done yay bad news I'm hollow inside but I can plant this plant flower there's a lot of plants oh hey free Quest rewards fun millipede welcome in you will be immediately fusing together and selecting two units game all right how about now sweet thanks level two dragon millipede success now I just need to wait this excruciatingly long time you know what no no I don't paying to win has Never Felt So Good Harvest you I assume that's what I'm supposed to do with this okay I'll plant more flowers oh no I don't have any honeydew I won't do that so what is this Destiny captures creatures for six hours yes I attract uncommon and rare creatures for three hours alright summon them out oh a butterfly kill it get him eat them alive he deserves it trust me I know your sins so how do I get my aphid pet then because I've kind of gotten what I needed here capture and it's oh I get it I kind of thought wouldn't have to fight creatures but I'd just immediately get them turns out I do still need to kill him but I can skip the cooldown and summon another one immediately so I think I can spend like the next 30 minutes doing nothing but probably getting four star creatures I mean I've got a three star butterfly already sure eat them alive this works out great and capture you can water this and now I can make my accountant cry I'm so sorry man that's a large amount of gems huh instant complete and give me you I obtained the flower for the aphid but I just I don't have the aphid whatever I want one more row of things this is gonna be so good I get I've obtained this flyer though game we can take that text away don't worry I don't need it anymore a scorpion this could be better flowers come on I need an ox Beetle or more bombardiers I would also accept those oh and my prayers have been heard well I've uh kind of been killing a lot of these guys and I want to go do something else so I've decided to take my newly upgraded team and do some more field testing whoops I did not mean to drop that flower whatever everyone come and I see I have more stars than they do which is usually a good sign but I don't have that special festive Ox beetle man oh sweet Peng to win garden flower power even though this might just be part one of the update man still kind of rocks
Channel: ImCade
Views: 217,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, pocket ants mod apk, pocket ants beehive, pocket ants all creatures, pocket ants crab, pocket ants gameplay, pocket ants, pocket ants game, mobile games, free games, pocket ants best defense, pocket ants best player, pocket ants secret, secret ant, secret creature, I Created The ULTIMATE ANT ARMY, garden update, pocket ants garden, garden pocket ants, imcade pocket ants, I Created The ULTIMATE GARDEN CREATURE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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