I BLINDED the Entire World to Destroy Humanity... (Plague inc)

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so what if the next big disease next plague just decided to do a little bit of trolling again I need to reiterate it is only a minuscule amount here and that's going to be pretty easy to do since I have so many points to mess with here so it's day one of my bacteria existing and I'm just going to get literally every symptom not gonna get anything else not gonna mess with transmission or abilities it's just going to pretty much completely uh decapitate essentially humans but the thing is I'm only going to oof like a thousand people and then I'm gonna devolve everything and act like nothing happened so again even though we've created literally the world's worst bacteria of all time we stuff and oofed anybody the more scary trolling becomes by hurting and oofing people the harder humans will try to cure it so apparently because I have developed more than two symptoms there already will be kind of a cure people will start to figure it out but we'll see yeah so they've already technically identified us down here in East Africa and we have already oofed some people now I believe that the disease should have enough ability to like spread from people to people still like We're Not Gonna Die out yet maybe I won't even do a thousand maybe I'll just do 100 okay that seems like a nice number okay now I'm gonna go back in this yeah just just get rid of everything yo we was just joking don't worry about us we don't want to play this game anymore it's all gone I don't even have transmission or abilities either we're just gonna let it play out and see what happens trolling has infected hundreds in East Africa keep uh increasing the chance it doesn't matter because now everything is different interesting that look at symptoms are still ticking up so I don't really know how this works like how do the mechanics work here are there now two diseases is there now a disease that I can spread that is completely safe and then does the scary one still continue to spread it looks like it's still ramping up but it's not like exponential like it was look no one is no one is dying that figure is staying just right there solidly how is this even happening how are people look look at the bars look at the graphs that we just did it's like a whoop and then just went straight back down completely disappeared humans are still not really interested in a cure we oofed like 100 people in East Africa and I don't think the humans were even paying attention we probably need to do way more than that to be honest let's just see how far we can go undercover I am very curious to see how much we're going to infect technically speaking we might just be playing Plague Inc in the way that you're supposed to be playing play INC now like infecting all the world without any symptoms and then you know you ramp it all up and yeah you kill everybody I don't really want to do that though all right well now noticing that the humans aren't taking us seriously enough uh next month I'm gonna go ahead and just do it again all right it is now the first day of September 2023 and uh we're just gonna get all this again all right so let's just go ahead and start making people insane uh putting them into a coma doing total organ failure you know all that good stuff and now we're gonna watch as now it doesn't have any immediately interesting look at the infection is now Rising so fast I don't even know how it was spreading before it was still infecting like dozens of people a day what I might do this time is just let it play out for this whole month and then get rid of it oh we're oofing thousands whoops maybe that's too much we also just got into central Africa I guess it depends on like what the humans start to do if I can get by unnoticed through the month of September then I'll stop my little bit of trolling I wonder if this would be different if I started in like France or something all right September is up and uh we're just gonna get rid of everything now wow we've actually infected two million people and wait wait are you serious we we did we kill that many people just wait what and the the world's still at zero percent what is going on let's just again we're gonna get rid of all this and see if anyone notices this is gonna confuse the hell out of the doctors all right back to normal we literally have nothing else um again the charts are looking very strange over here I don't even know what this means so literally two million people died and again the world doesn't even bat an eye how did we go by that entire month I I don't get trolling is infected more people than TB but again nothing is here we've also made it to Saudi Arabia I mean again because the humans aren't noticing anything we don't have to worry about anyone shutting down ports I'm looking at you Cuba Greenland Madagascar so now I mean it is uh infecting more people even so we have no transmission things going on just because just a number of people I yeah I don't even know how is it transmitting we don't have any way for it to transmit I don't I don't get it we just like bring it back again for December almost 25 percent of people in East Africa have it when I ramp up um all of the symptoms again more than likely we'll get to close to 10 to 25 of the world all right it's the first day of the new year let's do it dumb I wonder if it's possible to win this game with the humans literally getting zero percent of the Cure can that happen I don't know how long I'll let this go I'm assuming that now because we've infected so many people and the death rate is gonna just explode there they gotta work on something right I'm watching it we're almost halfway through the month we're halfway through the month I still don't have any notification that the humans are working on um oh what is this we've oofed over 75 million people we're 20 days in everything is okay there are 31 days in the okay East Africa has literally broken down all right we're gonna stop we're at zero percent oh my gosh how many times I'm gonna have to do this okay I think I think we're fine we can probably press play and I'm hoping that we infect so much going on wait what oh now everything's oh they did go to one percent man I don't like that you know I can I can probably bring it back down to zero if I do like a little mutation thing what is this stuff over here like I don't even know I'm just gonna get all of it I'm pretty sure I can bring down their cure or maybe not it's sitting at zero or one percent still one of those eventually or maybe it's just like so low that you can't even go down you can't go down from one percent we have oofed 300 million people and the Cure is at two percent doesn't even seem fair here's the thing though what is there to research like what are you even doing oh wow infection rate is actually dropping for some reason uh and the death rate is inching forward even though there's no reason for you to die I you know remember we have to think that like everything takes a little bit of time that's why like I can adopt a bunch of symptoms people don't die instantly it takes like a week basically so we might have to wait a week for all the Death symptoms to go away probably as well maybe okay wait this is a little concerning we're still dropping pretty fast this infection right here oh trolling is now mutated on its own I don't like that don't do that uh sir please don't I will tell you what to do we have four million DNA points right now okay I think I actually have to do something about the infection rate because people are still alive I I don't really I don't get that sorry I don't people are still dying I mean they I don't know we've also made it to Italy are people gonna start uh like shutting down their borders now that's my other concern I'm literally an Unstoppable plague God in this game imagine how I lose that's so possible okay yeah so I'm just gonna go ahead and get all this make sure that we're spreading faster I wonder if this is even gonna be enough have I doomed our disease already okay I have all the transmission and all the abilities unlocked so can I devolve this and then just get it again I don't really know if that's gonna do anything but I'm still gonna try it okay good okay infection is now exploding whoo that was a little concerning oh oh oh wow oh oh oh wow chill chill whoa whoa I can't even get all these bubbles relax relax okay maybe maybe we're we might be too much right now okay we wow this might be this is a lot all right the entire world is now red they didn't even have a chance to shut down their borders I think Iceland has started to send research teams to infected countries well you can pretty much go anywhere Iceland because we have the entire world under our thing we made it to Greenland uh is that the final country oh yeah we infected everybody oh okay well now this is over um I'm pretty sure the Cure is going to stay at 15 once we unlock all these everyone's gonna die like overnight and it's game over well not overnight remember it takes like a week uh but watch this black bar just explode and wow actually look at people it's gone down that's right oh that's right because when you like start oofing the doctors that's the thing okay in literally one week I think we I think we did it like in a week or something like that Civilization is over and uh okay a little simple there that was weird that I don't know what to expect from that now one of the cool things about having a million DNA points is we can essentially create and customize whatever disease we want and what's really cool about the worms disease is we can easily get symptoms while oh wait I need the DNA points first okay there they are we can easily get symptoms and go far into the tree but still redact others from far behind so I can just have a game where we're giving people perceptive jolts what even is that but as you can see the name that I've chosen to go with uh we're just going to cause people to go blind literally nothing else I can't think of anything more terrifying we're not even started out we're not even gonna get the the basic like neural breach it is just blindness that's all this worm is doing maybe I'll like increase trend transmission later wait is this even going to be able to transmit blindness is that that's not really an infective thing we'll worry about that later so essentially everyone we infect here is just going blind that that's it which in a way is even more terrifying than the thing we created last scenario like at least you go into a coma and you just you're just gone you're out here just giving people the John Cena syndrome I chose to start off in Brazil I don't really know why we are still infecting people again No One's Gonna Die I don't think well actually you would think that they would if you go blind at the wrong time you know bad things could happen technically somehow blindness is increasing infectivity um it's mainly a severity issue though I don't believe lethality is really being infected affected at all you think it would though how is it not I guess the thing is like people aren't going to die exactly from the disease itself but it's gonna be from some sort of other thing that you know it's like a chain of things that happen there's gonna be a lot more car crashes or whatever I eating worms has infected hundreds of people in Brazil this is terrifying I'm just just assuming this came out of the Amazon rainforest so goal here is pretty much just to Blind the entire world I'm gonna be honest that's that's what we're gonna do oh people are dying whoa okay so it is gonna happen I guess I don't know oh that's interesting so some are orange is that one red is that like due to the casualties infectivity is just going further and further up Argentina has now been infected I don't think the humans even know about this this is a terrifying disease I I don't know why this is scaring me even more yeah people are having a bad time with this I'm gonna try to play this entire game without changing the symptoms at all this is the only thing now eventually I'll start to mess with transmission which is basically how the worm I guess gets around what's gonna be really interesting is when we explore this uh Trojan planes this allows people to uh I guess get ADHD which encourages hosts to fly to Target countries I guess there's no reason why they can't if they're just blind I specifically fly if they said Drive I'd be like I'm fairly certain the entire world would hear about this so fast there's two million people that just randomly went blind in Brazil this would be nuts everywhere this should be like a movie I feel like this needs to be like the plot of a movie okay we're now in the UK we've also made it to other countries in South America I am actually kind of curious how far we can get without literally anything else a Diagnostics team in Brazil has identified a new disease okay so they finally figured it out that their eye eating worms in the world I don't know it seems like something they would have known earlier maybe the too many people that were infected were like deep into the Amazon then that would explain it although there's 40 there's 43 million people now and now they're just okay I wonder how fast they go blind it probably is like within a week or so I don't know it took a while for people to start dying so maybe it takes like a month some weird graphs right here like I don't even know what to think about this oh so lethality is you know pretty significant it's up there with infectivity um it's just severity this is this is so severe yeah I'm gonna try just to not do anything else I'm not gonna touch anything it's beginning to spread around the world even faster if I see the Cure is at like 90 then I might start to mess with it they're now made it to Europe it's the it's also first to instruct doctors you know what if you think about it how are the doctors gonna come up with a cure if they're going blind I mean obviously not yet because we haven't infected the entire world but if we start I mean there will probably be technologies that start to pop up where you can use computers and still like do things like you know I don't know I don't know what goes into finding the cures to diseases I just imagine people like pouring liquid into cups you'd probably be able to figure it out even if you couldn't see we'll get automated I I bet you know things like that again our biggest problem here is that people might start to shut down their ports that is where we would we would begin to lose this obviously we would lose this instantly World Stewart still at a zero percent cure and that's with 151 million people infected now we're not killing people that quickly so we definitely will infect enough people for for sure sure is at one percent though we need to be careful of that I'm guessing the infectivity is exponentially growing once we get to 10 things should be out of control I guess I wonder since they're worms they can just physically can they just physically leave the host's body are they just out in the ground now this seems like some sort of alien disease like they came to uh Earth from outer space just to eat our eyes I'm getting like chills just thinking about that it's freaking me out I wonder if they're eating the animal's eyes too our eyes are pretty unique things you know like you can't just find those out in the universe so are we made it to New Zealand that's good I don't know why I click on the bubbles to be honest we don't we don't need the points there's I can hear people like coughing in the game no none of that there'd be no coffee six million people have been oofed and I'm just wondering how there's probably so many different stories behind this Brazil has almost completely Fallen although why is it just stuck right there we actually might not be transmitting fast enough now I'm getting a little bit concerned I mean it's still ticking up but it's it's not exponential growth like I was hoping and this is without people like really dropping dead super fast too we need to make it to China okay so we're now on the who's watch list there's also 10 on they're on 10 of the way to a cure it looks like we're not going to be able to do it with just one thing unlocked which would have been insane to be honest is that 10 million DNA points how do we get 10 million DNA I don't even understand that South Africa has started to send research teams to infected countries hoping to speed up development for a cure all right yeah they're pretty much at 25 we're gonna have to start messing with this this a little bit yes it's too high for Comfort I do want to like encourage people to go to different whoa what is Trojan oh this is the more we unlock the more places we can send people to right this Trojan roamers causes people to travel more again I'm just going to assume they are not driving you can technically just get on a boat I don't know about you but uh the last thing I would be thinking about is traveling if I just lost my sight just saying that we have someone to control in Africa here Here We need oh we actually did make it to China I'm most concerned about oh yes Iceland we need to we need to look at the uh scary okay so we're in Madagascar good where are the concerning spots we're in New Zealand we're here are we in the Philippines we're on the Philippines yet I think we have to go to Iceland right now also please give me another one immediately okay so we made it to Iceland normal life in Iceland is beginning to break down we just got there how is it how how is that possible give me another plane please any time now let's do a lot of very scary okay here we go I think I'm going to Iceland for sure next I have to move imagine we would make it to the Philippines where in China we're in Indonesia we're in Japan as well okay give me the third plane I know it's I know it's got to be here oh there it is okay I think this is the final concerning spot in the whole map so let's just get there Cuba basically killed me in my last game there the reason why I lost okay everyone's shutting down all right this is a little scary it should be able to just spread by ground here right oh that cures it 50 okay I might want to try to drop that let me just evolve drug resistance get all this up okay that just dropped by 25 I knew that that's what it did I don't know why I didn't do it for us in the last game weird that all of Europe has been shut down as except like Greenland hasn't Cube has I guess because it's been in Europe for longer yeah we're still not infecting people fast enough oh we have another uh we have another airplane okay let's get to the Philippines that is actually the last concern I thought we'd get there by now and we have another okay okay let's just let's just get over to Russia then might as well but go and get these climates too I guess I guess we'll just get everything in this uh in this tab abilities at this point I can pretty much decide to win whenever I think all I have to do is unlock all of transmission right I don't know 100 about that I might be wrong about that oh man The Cure is already at 50 we need to watch that uh we are in Australia right are we allowed to physically fly even if they've shut down the oh wow okay so that means that that's telling me that like these people that are infected are like flying the planes I know that autopilot is pretty good in modern aircrafts but I didn't know it was that good we only had 15 people in Canada I'm gonna go here since they've kind of been shut down okay so I I also want to try my experiment the cures at 61 62 now last time this didn't work but it might work this time I also might need to let it uh play out for a little bit let me just wait the cure for eye eating worms is finished and being deployed worldwide uh please don't is that what the what what happened oh because okay well wait is that 100 can I save this game by just unlocking all this right now you could not have Okay okay it did go down if you found the Cure and then we changed you didn't you weren't gonna be able to get it to the entire world I think right is that how it works if can I just keep doing that and get it get it down to zero percent all these charts are weird I'm able to just keep doing that okay just just do that and then I'm gonna I don't want any time to go by because then they overnight find the Cure oh no I don't think that's how it works oh Russia is the first to fall in into Anarchy again how is Russia they only have 50 000 the game's confused the game is definitely confused with what I'm doing when they get the Cure I'm gonna transmit to everyone and just try to kill everyone before they get it out to like can we destroy the society still that way okay we're getting all of Russia come on just spread over just just move over we're not getting there enough all right we're almost at 100 we have made it to Madagascar here let's just get over to Poland I guess just just pulling by itself all right so the Cure has been it's gonna okay look look infection just dropped hugely so what happens now what if I do this to start spreading to everyone is that gonna do anything before I let me just see I don't even know what this stuff's gonna do corpse feeder air three can't is it possible that even though they're oh there's they're curing people still faster okay how is manufacturing this good that's what I want to know let me just like individually just I don't know I don't think it's gonna do anything I think we might have lost it's still going down okay well I have 200 people infected 200 million people infected I'm just gonna say brick your couch I don't know why I'm gonna say that's an old reference okay you're just just for just because I'm angry you're all going down all right we got everything um I guess this isn't really gonna oh wow wait that is gonna make a difference Porters are coming all over the world uh of an extreme obsession with collecting earthworms oh you know what we might have just changed everything because one of these symptoms is is humans worshiping this stuff they now love the worms the brain worms I guess people infected with uh eye eating worms or reported visions of the Rapture and glorious new Overlord species what did we just do oh they just dropped out you know because we adopted all these symptoms are these new things that humans are gonna have to the doctors are gonna have to try to fix what are the places that we need to go is it possible for us to win this game my only concern is we're killing people too fast oh we might we might just ooh people way too much um let's get rid of that let's get rid of some of these okay that might be enough to for The lethality to go down there we go there we go let's just get let's just get everyone infected we are in all parts of the world no way is this possible Indonesia's gone wait why is New Guinea oh we gotta go to New Guinea where's another plane at I didn't realize New Guinea was its own thing oh oh New Guinea I don't think anyone has lost this game ever because of New Guinea I'm so mad at myself we actually could have won that man I wanted to worship our new worm eye eating overlords too and big thanks to my patrons I hope this is the real Drew I was kidnapped and that's the answer the slow depressing portions boys
Channel: DruuuWu
Views: 440,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew durnil, druuuwu, plague inc, plague, humanity, destorying humanity, world, meme, memes, maps, map, world map, disease, mod, blind, blindness, sick, cold, population, countries, country, gameplay, game play, strategy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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