I created a monster... (Beef Bourguignon Burger)

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this video is sponsored by [Music] [Applause] [Music] skillshare let's commit the [Music] uncommitted [Music] what's up guys salute this is Alex today the plan is very simple I want to make the ultimate beef bino burger so in case you don't know beef bino is basically beef braided for hours and hours in a red wine sauce with carrots onions and mushrooms and I want to adapt this classic French dish into into a beautiful Burger now if you know the channel really well this is something I've attempted 8 years ago already so in the old version there were a couple of things that I would never do the same way today I mean I have evolved I have learn new skills and my taste has simply changed over time so the recipe was cool but here had a few things I did wrong first for the bread I use some sort of a baguette burn I love the idea but it's not going to be a pleasant experience to bite into this taste is going to be okay but texture nah now for the meat I use beef chick that I cooked for hours and hours in order to make it very very tender then I took a slab and I cut the edges to make you believe that this is a beef patty the problem but it's not a beef patty is it good yes does it taste like a burger no a burger needs a proper beef patty and finally the sauce so in my defense this old Mii hasn't done the Mother sourer series yet but the problem is that the new Mii has so just by looking at it I can tell you that this is no Michelin star beef borino sauce and I want one in my burger let me show you today how to make the ultimate beef borino burger by the way if you want to get one of these beautiful looking apron that I design myself you can because we've got a few back in stock so get them before they're gone okay so when it comes to beef bino the sauce is the key element and in order to make a good beef Boron sauce you can't just put wine on the meat and call it a day no you need some premium beef stock to make a good beef Borgo sauce balance that's what you need so so in order to make the best sauce I need obviously to make stock myself I'm going to make beef stock from scratch but I'm going to speed up the process one of the trick is to use ground [Music] beef so we also need a bit of vegetables but not too much cuz it's the beef flavor that I'm looking [Music] for it's a common Chef thing to leave the skin of the onion on in order to impart a bit more color to the [Music] Bro go in with the aromatics and now besides the ground beef that I added earlier on you need to add bones now I got these for free at my butcher you can always ask for for these cuz they tend to discard them it's a shame all of this goes in there the final piece a bit of tomato puree just going to boost you momy and add a bit of redness to that Darkness I'm going to pressure cook all this otherwise it would take 8 hours I only have two this is the solution 2 hours later okay and now a quick word from from our sponsor skillshare so as a Creator I'm always willing to up my creative game like whether it's with filming lighting or designing I love to get my brain rolling on new project and to learn new skills I mean you know me right and there is no better place than skillshare to do so it is the largest online learning community for creatives with thousands of classes led by industry Pros across film illustration design freelance productivity and more so this New Year invest in yourself and your goals by starting a Learning Journey on skillshare to take your career skills or side hustle to the next level if you're not sure where to start skillshare design a learning path to help you get from no Vis to Pro in no time learning paths are handpicked classes meant to be taken in order that built on one another reinforcing lessons uh they are available in a range of experience level from beginner to advance and a variety of categories including obviously cooking and you see where this is going my own class on skill share cooking like a chef five fundamental skills for kitchen success it happens to be one of the very first steps of the cooking for beginners learning path told you the first 500 people to use my link in the description below will get one month free trial of skillshare thank you skillshare for sponsoring this video wow I can see there's a bit of fat but also there's a ton of gelatin cuz the liquid seems to be thicker than just [Music] water I don't know about you but it always feels at first at least like a like a waste to be discarding all this but you can taste the meat tastes like nothing tastes like fibers keep your mind at peace you can discard all [Music] those I'm usually pretty critical when it comes to stocks in general but this one is just spot on the color it looks like caramel and it's velvety it has some thickness to it let's talk about the wine the method that I'm going to be using is to do a wine reduction okay but instead of just going with wine there's a little trick a chef trick that I learned as I was filming in one of my favorite restaurant when it comes to be bgo here in Paris celest and Back Then the chef J told me that instead of doing a wine reduction that's what we're going for so it's two part wine one part P wine one two so that's for the wine I'm going to burn some of that wine mega mega it looks very dangerous I don't know why I'm partying I mean look at this now you can see why this sauce is called a miroir I can really see my reflection in [Music] there now is the time to assemble the sauce and for that I'm going to add the wine reduction or miroir to my beef stock I I might end up using everything but I'm going to do it bit bit by bit let's see ah now we're starting to get somewhere might require a bit more wine and we are oing wow now it now it tastes like beef B okay so let's make some pickled veggies why am I using carrots well carrots are a very important ingredient of beef borino so I thought making pickled carrot would make sense in theory I should let them rest in water and vinegar for a couple of days but I'm going to have to rely on this hot pickling technique just because I don't have the time for this so I'm boiling vinegar and water in my Kettle to speed up the process and also because I'm lacking one stove it may sound gross okay but at the same time I'm killing two birds with one stone I'm doing the hot pickling of course but I'm also cleaning my Kettle so not so gross no Alex that's not gross at all is it in fact my favorite type of pickle carrots have big chunks of lime scale in the from my dirty Kettle not gross at [Music] all so right now I'm going to make a little onion Jam it's going to bring a bit of sweetness but some caramelized naughty sticky vibe to that burger it's beef B so it has to be a little [Music] naughty [Music] so I was looking for four spices just to give to that jam a little a little more personality basically I don't want to overpower the beef flavor or the beef bino but still Jam is a jam and I might use it for something else as well so so let's just de glaze this with a bit of white wine add a touch of sugar to kill the acidity or to Mellow the [Music] acidity and now I'm going to let this simmer gently so I'm going to make a little lid for that pan and now we just need to forget about this don't really forget it just forget it for a moment right now we need to talk about bread in this case Burns two solid options the industrial version but still a good one this is amazing if you're doing a Smash Burger for example if you want a bit of that junk food Vibe sticky caramelized cheesy sloppy I would go for this and then the Artisan version it comes from my favorite Baker in Paris called utop these guys know everything when it comes to bread and pastry and apparently to Burns as well cuz this burn has won the French Championship three times in a row it feels like a burn but it smells like a baguette I can't think of a better candidate for my burger I'm almost tempted to just bite into [Music] it I need to prepare the rest of the topping so I'm going to cut some fresh parsley in some very thin slices of raw mushrooms I want to have a very flat and very crispy bacon to add more texture to that burger this is the finished line let's cook the beef paty and assemble [Music] [Music] everything [Music] wow can't wait to dig in can't wait to dig in but I'm thinking there might be something outrageous to perform at the very last minute so when it comes to beef borino this sauce is in my eyes the most important element a Mich and star beef Boro sauce something borderline forbidden so something I have to do [Music] then let's commit the [Applause] [Music] uncommitted now this this is a beef bino burger in all honesty there's no polite way to eat this I'm trying to come up with words but I fail okay it's just too good the beef patty is pretty juicy it's not as dry as you sometimes get and then obviously there's the sauce which just makes it a beef BG burger then I've got the the kick from the oldfashioned mustard then I've got some freshness from all the pickles now eating this burger I can feel that right now I did a much better job at respecting the code of the burger than I did a while back this is a burger the bread doesn't get in the way the Patty is a beef patty it's not a piece of steak it's not p beef no no no it's a beef patty and then I guess the beauty is that it all comes together in one bite one thing it's very wholesome substantially wholesome man that glistening of sauce on the side does it bring me back yes it does bring me back to beef bino with Mommy with grandma that's one head of a burger I hope you enjoyed take care we'll see you in the next next one bye-bye [Music] salute
Channel: Alex
Views: 516,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: burger, beef bourguignon, recipe, food, fast food
Id: gWn-0i5mzkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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