"Spaghetti Bolognese" doesn't exist ! Here's the real Italian recipe from Bologna

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this video is sponsored by better [Music] [Music] [Music] help can you actually believe what the mayor of bolognia just said spaghetti bolog doesn't exist spaghetti bolog that week night favorite the ultimate comfort food belov across the world Rich tomato e sauce with minced meat you know dooped on top of a mound of spaghetti and a healthy do of greated cheese on top you can't get any more iconic if spaghetti bolog doesn't exist and I wonder what I've been eating my whole life long story short I did some research and there is actually a red meat sauce coming from the city of bolognia it's called Ragu the sauce definitely exists and spaghetti do exist I'm wondering where the problem is then well in bolognia it's a city in the north of Italy now in the north of Italy they mostly eat fresh pasta pasta that is made with flour and eggs people from the south of Italy eat dried semolina pasta like spaghetti so it's the combination that is the problem this pasta with this sauce doesn't exist people from bolognia eat Ragu with a fresh pasta like for example talel that's what the mayor of bolognia meant don't use a pasta from the south on a dish that is profoundly from the north of Italy but I guess he also implied that the interpretation of Ragu bolog all over the world is wrong I mean I've seen everything when it comes to bolog recipe mushroom peas bay leaf pepper Ginger ketchup wor sauce this has to stop the question remains how do we make an authentic Ragu how do we make the authentic bolog sauce well similar to the association that protects the almighty Neapolitan piz there is a notorized act that protects the true recipe of bolog Ru I found it online if you follow this recipe and you don't use spaghetti but you just use egg pasta then you're going to eat pasta like they do in bolognia let's do it so the recipe starts with fresh unsmoked pork belly I need to cut this into small pieces now we need a few vegetables onions carrot and celery Now the recipe specifically ask for not using a food processor I don't want to make any enemies at the ministry of food in Italy so I'm just doing it by the book okay so we're going to saute these vegetables until they're soft but not brown this is the beginning of so many stories in the kitchen and it always smells on [Applause] point okay we'll tackle the meat the main one the beef so I want to grind the meat myself and the reason is we're using a very specific cut of beef according to the recipe the best beef cut to use here is called skirt however if you can't find these you may also use Chuck brisket plate or Flame here I'm using skir you want to do a CO grind on this okay so once the beef is in you can crank up the heat right let's get some wine the original recipe allows for red or white wine but personally I feel like white wine just brings a bit more freshness and a bit more complexity you want all the liquid to evaporate we just need the the wine flavor I mean in this case the wine is also pretty useful to deglaze the pan to unstick the caramelized pieces from the bottom and then we only need half a can of tomato pump so I know it doesn't seem like a lot but the authentic bolog Ragu is much less about the tomatoes and more about the balance than other versions now our job is almost done you want to let this simmer for about 2 hours on low heat checking regularly if the mixture doesn't get too dry in which case you need to do this with either water or better with a bit of vegetable stock since we got a bit of time I suggest we make the pasta also from scratch okay let's talk about today's sponsor better help it is right now the new year and it is the perfect time to work on yourself so for 20124 I've set for myself a few goals ones that are challenging of course but also I think achievable like spending more time with my friends and also just accepting things as they are so sometimes and being more okay when things don't go exactly the way I want them to go I do genuinely believe in therapy and that is why I'm excited to tell you about today's sponsor which is better help better help makes starting therapy easier and much less intimidating for a lot of people it lets you have therapy sessions as a phone call as a video chat or even messaging whatever the most comfortable version of therapy is for you once you register better help will match you to one of their therapist their Network exceeds over 30,000 people that's a lot of choice and if you feel like your therapist isn't a great fit you can switch therapist with a click of a button in your settings at no additional costs so join over 4 million people who've used better he to start living a healthier and happier life click the link in the description or visit betterhelp.com Alex clicking that link helps support this Channel and it also gets you 10% off your first month of better help so you can connect with a therapist and see if it helps you thank you better help for sponsoring this [Music] video so I've been kneading the dough for a few minutes but at this stage it is useless to keep on kneading it just needs to rest so I'm going to do that in the fridge for 20 minutes babe what do you want for dinner pasta okay okay so the dough has been resting in the fridge for 30 minutes and it is now ready to be turned into pasta [Music] sheets [Music] tal should be 7 mm thick so let me just Mark that seven I'm really doing this by the book okay okay so now I've got my pasta ready but before we cook the pasta let's make sure that the sauce is also ready the Ragu has been simmering for 2 hours wow very beefy smell I can sense a few pieces but they melt in the mouth very quickly the sauce has thickened we went from bright red all the way to this dark brown we went from something acidic and fresh all the way to something brazed and caramelized it's good H this is slightly under season with a sauce like this that has been reducing down over hours and hours it's safer to season towards the end of the process the last step is to assemble the Avengers so I need this stove for the pasta the water will be boiling in in a few minutes and this only take like one two minute to cook we need to marry this with the sauce as with many Italian pasta dishes you emulsify the sauce using some starchy pasta water add a big Ladle of water then add the pasta in the sauce as well and then I toss everything vigorously together until it all becomes one so let me get a padel this is a pasta frying pan it's almost like an Italian and walk right let's do [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] all right let's dig I didn't go for a chef plating cuz I feel like this is more of a homey dish I'm salivating o soft delicate homey comforting reassuring the world is not as bad as I thought it [Music] was oh man it's amazing I guess with all my dry pasta Adventures I had forgotten how good fresh pasta can also taste like so looking at this dish and tasting it it's very different from the classic spaghetti bolog that we all have in mind this sauce is way more Brown than it is red it's more of a natural color what about this talat compared to Spaghetti the sauce clings to the pasta very much where with spaghetti not so much spaghetti B doesn't exist do I totally agree with the statement from the mayor of bolognia maybe not do they actually eat spaghetti bolog in Bologna no do people outside of Italy eat spaghetti bolog absolutely the inner geek inside of me says it does exist it's just very different from this this Ragu from Bonia feels more of an Italian experience it's all about using a few simple but very high quality ingredients it's about the balance of these ingredients it's about matching the sauce to the pasta so that you get the perfect bite it's a dish that you want to come back to again and again and again it's easy to love I'm going to make this for my kid they're going to be over the moon so I'm going to put the recipe in the description below so that you guys can try this authentic version of a dish we all knew spaghetti bolog I'm 100% sure you won't be disappointed we catch up in the next one bye Sal [Music]
Channel: Alex
Views: 427,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spaghetti bolognese, pasta, ragu
Id: 4qlbudFXSbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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