Beef Bourguignon CAGE MATCH: Julia Child vs. Anthony Bourdain vs. Thomas Keller

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today Three Chefs and their respective beef borgon recipes are in a cage match we got ourselves a cage match welcome back everyone welcome to my home it's uh the season for hardy beef stew for sure in red wine with mushrooms onions maybe some bacon it's the season for beef nay buff Bon let's bring over our contestants choose your fighter choose your chef who we got Julia Child if Julia is known for any recipe on this Earth it is her beef borging y' so that's perfect we got TK chef Thomas Keller and I'm sure I'm going to have to carve out plenty of time to make this one happen and the late great Anthony bouraine someone that I definitely admire and Miss in this world actually I'm kind of a fan Miss old Tony but we're going to have a Level Playing Field today whether it's fair or not it is a video so I'm going to make each one of these recipes see how it goes and this is going to be a buff Bor cage match for the ages first up Julie a child's mastering the art of French cooking take off your jacket stay a while okay you know what you hear the words buff borging Y at least where I'm living you think Julia a child and vice versa they're synonymous with each other you know it's obviously a French recipe that she made famous over here and it's delicious I've made it a few times few years ago now so I've come a long way and I'm going to make it again so as is the case with most famous dishes there are more ways than one to arrive at a good BFF Borgo carefully done and perfectly flavored is certainly one of the most delicious beef dishes concocted by man put a period on that sentence we got bacon Big Slab of it you know as much as the United States loves their bacon this is surprisingly difficult to find in this form you know it's bacon without it being sliced so you know I'll go to Butcher Shop to butcher shop looking for it and if I find it I consider that a good day 6 oz of slab bacon this first step might get the comments going but I'm going to remove the Rind it's what Julius says so I need to cut these into lardon which are like like almost like a a match stick half an inch wide and 1 and 1/2 in long to confirm whoops to [Music] confirm now a step that comes up in many of Julia's recipes because of the time it was printed and something that's not always necessary but I find it necessary today is to simmer the bacon and that's because this is smoked bacon of the Black Forest variety and I don't really want it to be I want to remove that that vibe to it or at least subdue it into the simmering water 10 minutes while that bacon simmering away we're prep our vegetables so an onion carrot sliced yes kind of like [Music] that Julia has her preferences of what kind of beef cut you want to use in the cookbook she says one thing in the TV shows she says another uh rump roast in the book Chuck on her show that's her first choice and she seems very passionate about her choice on the show so yeah we're going with Chuck we're going Chuck and you got to dry this thing completely or it's not going to Brown correctly it's going to steam and you don't want it to steam you want a nice brown crust all over it okay so I got to cut this into 2in Cubes but when Julia does this on her show she's fairly liberal with the whole thing I don't want to be too liberal but I I do want nice big chunks of this stuff in my stew tell me that's 2 in 2 in 2 in 2 in Cube look at that fat right there and there I have confidence that when we're slow cooking this it's all going to cook down and turn into delicious flavors I don't really see a need to remove all of it but if you're looking at that you're like I want it gone well then remove it new Jamie says yes to Fat Dutch oven it's going to be my best friend today 1 tbspoon of olive oil you could use any sort of cooking oil but on the show Julia specifically shouts out olive oil on a moderate heat bacon light Browning here two to 3ish minutes get it on a plate or something and got to keep all the Bacon fat and the oil in there double check that this beef is all dry before I add it in into the Bacon fat and the oil it goes now Julia just kind of keeps moving it around while it's in here you just want to ensure that each side has browned nicely Do Not crab the pan it's going to take a few minutes per side but I'm really trying to put my best foot for it here today for this cage batch so if the sides of the beef still look gray they're not leaving the pan that's a promise once you've removed the first batch add some more and we're done sliced onions and carrots now go into the fat and saute in the vegetables until they have browned she says to remove the sautan fat as you can see here it's all just stuck to the vegetables I'm not going to can't justify that move so we're going to add the beef back in and the bacon let's add in a hoood of pepper otherwise known as a/4 teaspoon and a teaspoon of salt this is going to really turn things up a notch I got 2 tablespoons of flour this is the first time I'm ever doing this step because uh last time uh I was following both the cookbook and Julia's TV show and in the cookbook it mentions adding flour but in the show she skips the step she you must have forgot so in turn I forgot well I'm not forgetting this time I'm pretty excited to do it sprinkle it in okay you got that all covered in the flour good off goes the heat I'm going to leave this uncovered it's going to go into the oven 450° f after 4 minutes you toss the beef around back it goes for another 4 minutes so that's going to Brown the flour and give the beef a light crust mission accomplished check out it's going on over here I've picked up a collection of wine to cover my ass for all the recipes uh this is a little more than I need but I wanted selection and I wanted to make sure that well each recipe calls for something different so for Julia's I need a full bodied young red wine that rules out the Pino so I'm left with Bordeaux wise man once said don't cook with a wine wise man wise woman once said don't cook with a wine that you wouldn't drink so you're opting for a wine that isn't the least expensive something that is well this is like $20 so it's you know I drink it I drink $20 wine now when it comes to wine tasting I'm still working on it but it's on the immature side of things but I can tell when something is full bodied and robust I'm adding in 3 cups worth of this wine that's the whole bottle [Music] there we also need beef stock two to three cups worth or enough to just barely cover the beef and I have beef stock from my French onion soup video I made enough to go around for hopefully all the recipes today so enough beef stock to cover the beef just barely homemade beef stock for the wiim that was still frozen in a little bit that's okay and around a tablespoon of tomato paste two cloves of garlic mashed don't leave any garlic Left Behind one crumbled up bay leaf but this is dried so it's kind of going to break a bit so just kind of be careful when you do that cool of course I won't be driving so two and around half a teaspoon of thyme just a moment for one last ingredient that I somehow missed I got problems reading so I'm just prepping that now I let you know what it is in one two blanched bacon blanched bacon rind from earlier now I am going to remove this in the end before I serve so that is four pieces remember I'm adding four pieces of bacon rind once that sucker simmering on goes the lid into the oven it goes 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours in the lower third part of the oven 325° F so we're going to move on to a couple things if you don't mind first up brown brazed onion so hold out your hand there you go one Pearl onion two pearl onions you may come across in life pearl onions that need to be peeled uh these ones do not thankfully uh cuz I didn't really feel like doing it but if you had to peel your pearl onions what you do is just drop them into simmering water for 20 seconds or something you pop them out and peelable but this is done skillet so on like a medium heat tablespoon and a half of butter tablespoon and A2 of oil once that butter is foaming drop in the onions keep them moving and sauté for 10 minutes keep rolling the onions but be careful not to break their skin pour in half a cup of beef stock season so salt pep four parsley sprigs and a couple sprigs a time if I was driving one bay leaf but I'm not two cover turn the heat down simmer slowly for 40 to 50 minutes minutes we're going to move on to our mushrooms we got to sauté these not all these these are for all these recipes uh but I need half a pound worth pretty goodlooking mushrooms eh well I had to uh wash them they were filthy when I bought them I I washed them last night oh I rinsed them I just going to explain to you really quickly what I did and it was last night Julia says to wash her mushrooms very quickly I just I rinsed them I rinsed them and then I dried them and then I dried them again again oh so clean Thomas color's recipe requires all these little mushrooms right here so I need to be strategic with diving this out I only can use the big ones I got a quarter of them pick a pan tablespoon of butter tablespoon of oil similar to the onions here once the butter starts foaming add in the mushrooms I got to toss it I got to shake it for 4 to 5 minutes initially when you look at the mushrooms you can see that they have absorbed all the fat cuz it's where did it all go but after a few minutes it's going to reappear on the surface of these things it's like magic that's for me yes okay I've waited I've been patient it has been 3 hours yeah I waited the full three this meat is done we can pierce it easily with the fork whoa you need a saucepan and a Sie [Music] Hallelujah great so I need to yeah I'm going to just put the contents into a bowl I got to clean out my Dutch oven remove some of the bacon rind the longer pieces as well as the bay leaves everything else is uh invited to the party mushrooms go in keep those pearl onions in attack but only removing the onions from this pan bring the sauce over here letting this simmer for 2 to 3 minutes in skimming the fat as necessary but Julia says Julia has been known to say unless you're on a fat-free diet leave some of the fat in there because it's flavor baby she didn't say the baby I said the baby but I got this to the consistency I was looking for which is not too thin not too thick and It Coats the back of a spoon lightly over top it goes and then simmer for a few more minutes make sure it's covered very important just to make sure the seasoning is on point one last time what's going on with [Music] it tremendous Things o that's hot to your left conveniently some chopped parsley goes on the very top like so order up part one [Music] it's one of those dishes where you can't really decide how you're going to eat it knife Fork spoon or the trio it's good to have that on standby [Music] what we've done in the past with these cage matches one other time is I create a score for both technique and flavor I've jotted those down on my little tablet here along with any additional notes all my thoughts spew onto this page here will not reveal that to you right now because we got two other dishes to make and maybe a nap as well uh next up is Anthony Bourdain's Les Hall's cookbook kidding of course it's Leal cookbook I don't believe I gave Anthony Bordain a proper introduction on the show even though he doesn't need one but uh yeah he's want a chef author host to some pretty awesome TV uh travel shows among other things and this cookbook here is named after the restaurant that he used to be an executive chef at leol which was um hop skiing a jump that way uh here in New York uh Tony's Beef Borg let's do this traditionally this dish is cooked entirely with red wine and that's fine just fine but if you listen to me earlier and keep a stash of good Strong Demi glaze kicking around in your freezer a couple spoonfuls give the sauce a nice that's Thomas K's beef BG okay I'm filming this video kind of out of order a couple spoonfuls give the sauce a nice Flavor Boost this is one of the easiest dishes in this book and also one of the best soe you didn't hear the the oven right uh that's supposed to be kept a secret that one happens after this one so let's all pretend you didn't hear the oven Here We Go Again 2 lb paleron of beef AKA chicken steak that's what he says here he says check the glossery if you're confused and I was confused at one point paleron is a noble flavorful and relatively tender cut from the shoulder of beef in explicably called the chicken steak that's what this is It's chuck roast which is part of the shoulder of the the beef similar to Julia's we got to cut this into 1 and 1/2 in pieces 1 and 1/2 by 1 and 1/2 I mean at this point time you kind of know what you're after just kind of larger Cube shapes season the beef and a little salt on The Cutting Board that will come in handy so I don't have to wash my hands pepper there's so much reserved salt and pepper on The Cutting Board just kind of slop it all up sliced onions cut the carrot into 1in pieces and then according to the photo he also does this Look Who's Back Dutch oven and I got to get this onto a high [Music] heat there you go and I'm going to add in 1/4 cup of olive oil although I should be more precise than just winging it in a few seconds here dirtied up a couple things for that I could have just eyeballed that Browning the meat on all sides but not crowding the pan even Anthony's shouting at me he says in batches caps lock not all at once definitely do not want the sides gray until they're well browned in order to get a nice Brown on this you need to ensure that the heat is up high but when it's up high it's like the 4th of July in there so you just kind of have to keep your distance because that sh [Music] stings yeah okay okay once all that beef's out of there I'm going to turn the heat down to a medium so since I'm filming these recipes slightly out of order the Thomas color recipe right now is in the fridge uh there's a bit of an onion shortage I miscounted by one so instead of all yellow onions I had to use a red onion forgive me besides the pleasant appearance of a red onion I Googled that when you're doing something like what I'm doing it's all going to kind of be fairly similar anyway so uh four thinly sliced onions in they go honestly it's just things like this that happen when you're cooking at home so you just kind of embrace it everyone is okay I hope fingers crossed all right this is going to take around 10 minutes but I got to get these onions soft and golden brown couple tablespoons of flour cook the flour with the onions for 2 to 3 minutes Tony's recipe is calling for a different wine than the one that we were using for Julia's where Anthony says you need one cup of red burgundy and burgundy is Peno Noir so it is a it's not full body it's like a medium body wine which means it's not as uh robust one cup not a full bottle or anything get that in there to deglaze the pan scrape up any of that Fawn look how much that's thickened up holy once the wine is up to a boil in goes the beef six carrots one garlic clove but he doesn't say anything about crushing it he just says garlic clove I'm going to crush it enough water to cover everything by 1/3 would that be like a ratio of three parts liquid to two parts meat thank you for clarifying that uh I would say two parts me three parts liqu okay I think so I got a herb bouquet here of a parsley sprig a few sprigs of timey and a bay leaf two bay leaves it's going to go in there and he said at the beginning a good strong demig glaz if you have one hanging out in your freezer use it well I do so couple spoonfuls of it demig glaze this is actually a ve demig glaze so interesting development going on over here uh I'm skimming the foam and the scum that rises the surface uh and while I'm doing so I also end up skimming off all the little pieces of crushed garlic that are also Rising the surface so as a result I think I have skimmed almost all of the garlic out of there uh which is no good and that's probably why he didn't really specify doing what I exactly did so I think I'm going to add a whole garlic clove at the end I'll remove that with the bouquet so I got to turn that down to a simmer and he says it's going to take around 2 hours uh and you know what we're looking for that meat needs to be tender enough that you can just break it apart with a fork so that's the goal and if it takes longer than 2 hours it takes longer than 2 hours he says check he also where are my things he says check every 15 to 20 minutes like that nothing is burning at the bottom of the pan God forbid scorching making sure that you're checking the seasoning and that it's properly balanced cool anything that's rising to the surface that you don't want it there you remove I'm going to do the fork test here so if it can be pierced easily and you think it's going to be able to break apart with a fork it's good so this is after a total I'm going to say around 3 hours brazing away so the same amount of time as Julia's a little more salt definitely need more salt throw in a little pepper there for good luck I got to remove the herb bouquet and then that whole piece of garlic I was just going to you know yeah I don't know where that is where's that piece of garlic add chop parsley to the pot and serve Cho parsley order up part [Music] two [Music] [Music] and in conclusion that's what I think of that so we are going to move on to well we got one more we got one more finally Thomas K's buan cookbook when it comes to a chef Thomas Keller recipe there's lots going on it's quite descriptive lots of ingredients things to remember things to follow it's a novel since I've made a few of these I found that you just got to put your best foot forward and at least get started and all of a sudden you're like okay yeah we got a rhythm to this thing now so that's kind of how I'm looking at it uh because it can be just intimidating AF chef Thomas Keller has restaurants around the country in the US uh of the Michelin star variety this one in particular ban has one Michelin star I believe fact check me Jamie it's a French beastro type vibe to it and obviously this cookbook holds all those recipes that they use at that restaurant the primary techniques for Ban's beef Borgo are those of refinement removing the impurities at every opportunity gulp let's make it happen starting with the red wine reduction wash your [Music] leaks he wanted me to dice and slice my vegetables specific sizes one cup of sliced onions one cup of diced carrots one cup of sliced shot one cup of sliced leak the white and light green part of it one cup of sliced mushrooms three th sprigs three parsley sprigs three cloves of unpeeled garlic that have been crushed and 1/4 teaspoon of black peppercorn and of course one bottle of red wine such as a Cabernet SEO similar to what Julia wanted us to add which is a full bed red in goes one bottle on goes the lid get this to a boil and then once it is reduce the heat down to a simmer for 45 to 50 minutes there's the beef boneless short rib to be precise my different cut than Julia's and Anthony's recipes at Bon we use meat from the ribs for beef Borgo because of its excellent marbling and succulents 2.75 lb is 1,247 38 G parfait trim away excess fat I do not see any actually just nice marbling you know it's serious business when I reach for the green measuring tape I just want you know it's it's all about refinement and precision today 1 and 1/2 to 2 in long of pieces so that would be we just need a temp plate to get us started there you go so let's just repeat and then a thickness of 1 in but the thickness is out of my control because when I bought these this is how this is how it looks so that is just under an inch thick so I hope that's cool with you Thomas it's cool with me seasoning each side of the beef start with some kosher salt freshly Cracked Pepper I think there's enough on The Cutting Board there that I can just kind of slop up the rest both sides baking sheet with paper towel red wine reduction reduced down to a glaze I think so off the heat for now my favorite pan and let's get a high heat going on that fill the bottom of this pan with 1/8 of an inch of canola oil once that oil is hot enough Browning the sides of the beef same deal as always do not crowd the pan the difference is that we have 1/8 of an inch of canola oil on the bottom of this so it's like we're almost deep frying this interesting watch out for the oil splashing in your face arms and everywhere else 5 minutes in total Brown on all sides onto the paper towel lined baking [Music] sheet this book was miles away from the pan while I was Browning the meat but splashing from here all the way over here is incredible feet every one of his recipes there always seems to be some sort of leak involved um but it's very very important just through experience to always make sure that there's no sand dirt grit in the leak uh make sure it's washed rinsed repeat and then let it soak and have all that stuff uh sink to the bottom of the bowl because uh that can ruin a dish and it has has ruined a few of my dishes I've had a few dishes where I was taking a bite I was like if I had only washed the leaks cuz it's just it ruins it of course when you're draining them just don't you know dump the water through the strainer I lifted it out of the bowl and into the strainer that way you're just not pouring all that crap back onto the leaks in with the red wine reduction that's like all those vegetables in there I'm adding even more vegetables to mix together with the vegetables and it's yeah okay so 23 cup of sliced carrot one cup of diced yellow onion 1 and 1/2 cups of sliced leak three Italian parsley sprigs three sprigs of thyme two crushed and unpeeled garlic loaves two bay leaves however in the red wine reduction I was also supposed to add bay leaves completely forgot I was supposed to add two of them so there they are we're not driving tonight total of four baile leaves to make up for the lack of bay leaves in the other thing okay what am I doing the thing with this freaking book whole layout of this book uh is a pain in the ass quite honestly because you have the ingredients all here and it's like you have to memorize these before you go on to the other page or you're just going back and forth back and forth so uh that's the situation I'm in because I I want to stay here but I have to keep going here and this book's hanging out in this stupid thing so it's you know it's this photo's fault it's pretty as this photo is it's just getting in the damn way so uh book problems you know so I need to cut a piece of just sick cut a piece of cheesecloth that is 4 in larger than the diameter of this pot okay done wet the cheesecloth ring it dry place the cloth over the vegetables and fold over the edges to form a nest place the short ribs on the cheesecloth and then with my homemade beef stock I got to pour in enough to come just to the top of the meat it is important that the liquid doesn't evaporate too quickly totally agree if the pot does not have a tight fitting lid oh it does I got one right here the oven has been preheated to 350° F I'm going to add this of course and then I'm going to turn the oven temperature down to 325° F bring that up to a simmer medium high heat just make sure that the cheesecloth doesn't catch on fire and none of it is draped over a flame that would be bad [Music] great braze the beef for an hour and a half to 2 hours until the meat is very tender well in order to get it very tender I had to make a judgment call 3 hours in total so the same amount of time that I gave Julia Child's buff Borg I have given it to this [Music] one nice I think it's just like the way that the beef is situated on the very top it took longer for it to braze and become tender I was watching it was submerged in the liquid but still at the end of the day though what the hell do I know lift up the cheesecloth and and do that and fix what you just did burn your hand a little bit struggle and then lift it back up again into the other container I don't need anything but the beef cheesecloth uh your job here is done look how easy the fork pierces that beef oh yeah save me and a [Music] bowl you gave me the option great a very fine strainer and then I have a typical C strainer I think this is going to work I don't know that's probably way too [Music] fine so you got to strain it a second time into a saucepan and I was mentioning that I have this very fine strainer why don't we use this [Music] yeah that works nicely very nicely that carrot got in there and everything okay bring the liquid to a boil these vegetables they're lifeless all the good stuff is in that sauce so we're going to get rid of that I don't know I don't even know what I'm saying and then while it's boiling removing any fat that floats to the surface Thomas Keller preached refinement at the beginning of this recipe so this is what I was thinking I've strained this sauce three times now I have degased it removed as much fat as I could but there is just a little bit that remains so I've poured it into my fat separator I'm just going to let this cool for a bit and then I will pour that into the vessel with the beef whatever fat is remaining in here stays in here that broth is crystal clear and brown all three beef Borg dishes mention how good if not better the dishes the next day T is the only one that specifically has it written into the recipe to let this rest in the fridge for a day up to 3 days so I'm going to stick to it for TKS only the other two I ate in the moment so uh something to consider when we're grading and scoring the final dishes just keep it in the back of your head uh you know I want this to be [Music] fair home stretch home stretch home stretch keep telling yourself that okay okay hi everyone it's the next day believe it or not yes I am wearing a black T-shirt it's a different black T-shirt potatoes carrots lardon pearl onions mushrooms 8 oz of fingerling potatoes if they're less than 1 oz you can leave them whole you don't peel them but you should wash them cutting them into half2 inch thick slices and he goes lengthwise cool so I going to place these in a saucepan along with a tablespoon of salt black pepper corns I know that's only around like 4ish four or five time for some two time sprigs that joke was so lame I didn't even want to finish it now he says you're going to need one bay leaf two bay leaves two garlic cloves skin left on and smushed this book is getting on my freaking nerve water into the sauce pan to cover the potatoes by at least 1 in boil this okay once that's up to a boil simmer for 10 to 15 till those ters are tender in the recipe he says you need 16 round baby carrots like I couldn't find round carrots and I looked it up online and it is a thing it's like a specialty item I couldn't get my hands on it so I just picked up carrots kind of look like I just picked up carrots that are like this and what I'm going to do is just find the small smallest ones out of these bunches it's a hell of a lot of carrots but we'll we'll do this and see where it takes us carefully peel them trim the tops leaving a/4 inch attached A4 inch attached 1/4 inch attached I think the very tip here has to go I'm going to make a call with a pairing knife scrape the tops of the carrots to remove any of the skin that remains okay you just want to make it look like it's from Michelin star restaurant in your own kitchen for purposes that you'll never really figure out but you do it because you're following a recipe something that makes sense at a fancy restaurant I'm sure but when you're alone in your kitchen I don't know it's got psychopath vibes and then we split the carrots in half lengthwise another saucepan carrots go in similar to the potatoes tablespoon of salt tablespoon of black pepper corns two sprigs of thyme two bay leaves yeah the joke writes itself at this point two unpeeled garlic cloves smushed cover with 1 and 1/2 in of water and it's going to take the potatoes Place bring it to a boil reduce the Heat and simmer for 4 to 5 minutes so drain the potatoes discard the herbs and just like just move them to a plate dot dot dot dot dot God damn it exciting news everyone we've come full circle back to the slab of bacon so the lardon is going to be the length of the bacon here and then 38 of an in thick each with Julia's recipe she said to cut the skin off but there's no mention of that with his so I'm just going to leave it on and remember that this is black Force smoke bacon so I do want to get rid of that going simmer it uh that's the carrots are they tender answer is yes they are drain the carrots transfer to a plate to cool discard seasoning consider it done now I am developing Chef fingers through this cage match so yeah as hot as it is it don't it don't hurt on the [Music] [Music] inside he said if you have a non-stick baking pan get the lardon on there so I'm going to get these into my oven remember I preheated that until they're richly browned richly richly browned richly browned huh so after 10 minutes in the oven I got to flip these lard doll and then do another 10 minutes I think that's richly browned [Music] just yeah it's every little detail that went so smoothly with the other recipes it's just like they've all been separated here and it just turns into a marathon so Julia's recipe had the white pearl onions remember that well Thomas always has to be different he's bringing in uh the the red pearl onions to go along with the white so double onions means double saucepans says cook the red onions separately from the other onions as they will discolor them enough water to cover the onions by at least an inch so a bay leaf each the joke is p its prime and in this video we are overspending in the pepper corn department for this recipe so one time sprig there one time sprig there some kosher salt how much you be the boss bring it to a boil each to a boil and reduce the heat down to a simmer for 10 to 15 tender okay so basically drain all the water but two tablespoons out of these saucepans in with the white onions I need to add in 2 tpoon of chardonay vinegar sorry champagne vinegar this is white wine vinegar uh yeah in with the red onions 2 tpoon of red wine vinegar get that all yeah good job everyone now I need to move on to these 32 small button mushrooms do have big mushrooms in here but there's also smaller ones I specifically bought some smaller mushrooms uh what's in my collection here they seem smaller in the store quite honestly trim away the mushroom stems flush with the Caps here we haven't used a lot of butter in these recipes I don't think right there's two tablespoons so once that butter foam starts to subside in go the mushrooms reduce the heat to medium low salt and pepper tossing often I'm going to cook these gently until the mushrooms have lightly brown a big smile on my face while I finishes mushrooms cuz that's the last of the garnishes that have been prepared I think so I'm going to go back to the fridge here and go grab my uh beef Borgo at least what what's the start of it this has been in the fridge for over 24 hours at this point but I'm going to remove that layer of fat that's nestled so gently on the very top it's pretty remarkable how little fat is actually in this thing if this St stck became gelatinous overnight which it didn't it didn't he says to have this go into the oven for a few minutes to liquefy the stock are you ready for one last trip I need to carefully remove the beef one at a time here into the Dutch oven let's strain our sauce right [Music] Thomas strain the liquid over the beef I'm bringing out my inner Thomas right now and skimming out any remaining fat that's in there that I can find it's a 400° oven and I'm going to get this in there for 5 minutes basting occasionally with the cooking liquid I don't know how warm that got it didn't do anything I'm going to keep this in for another few minutes okay if it's warm we're good let's add the the potatoes Okay add the carrots with no herbs attached to them let's get those mushrooms in oh the onions 12 pearl onions each you can save the rest toss it gently but do not toss it so much that you break the beef up because they're not the round baby carrots he was asking for they're different carrots I'm going to remove a few of them I just feel like there's too much carrot action going in there back into the oven for 5 to 10 minutes or until the vegetables in the beef or hot I have a feeling it's going to take more than 10 minutes so reheat the lardon I got those on standby and's say it's around 15 minutes yes yes yes order up part three with my slotted spoon I'm going to divide the vegetables in the meat into this bowl as evenly as I can switch to an actual spoon now and spoon over some of the bro broth distribute some lardon on top supposed to add the parsley when I took it out of the oven so I'm going to just sneakily add some in now okay sneaky just get it into the broth don't tell Thomas I did this okay sprinkle with a little Flur to cell and honestly it's just too perfect a moment not to say it again so can I get an an order [Music] [Applause] up TK says to serve with some deep mustard just a little cuz I don't know what the hell's going to happen make sure you try every combination here just to make sure you don't want to leave anything [Music] out what a [Music] journey let's do this let's review shall we but keep in mind firstly you know these are my own thoughts you know I just jotted everything down immediately after I ate each Bowl so you know who am I some punk ass guy in his kitchen filming himself try to be a home cook who are they three immensely talented people who have created three great buff borgano recipes and you know I tried to do the best I could followed along as closely as I could but I'm not a perfect home cook and home cooking isn't perfect take everything I'm about to say with a grain of salt we're going to start in the order of which we started so Julia Child and for flavor and for technique Julia Child tends across the board is perfect it is a very straightforward and easy to follow recipe I feel like any sort of skill level can make something wonderful out of that recipe and when it's a Julia Child recipe and I can say that that means something rich dark consist consistency of that sauce it's like gravy like that there's like this wine and beef flavor just like running through everything obviously the beef with just tender AF just like falls apart just like beautifully and you know she doesn't shy away from the fat there's lots of fatty goodness going on in there and fat as I have learned means flavor although you're preparing the mushrooms and the onions separately you do that while the thing is brazing so you're not like wasting any time or anything like that and you know just all comes together Flawless flavors now speaking personally I've made this recipe a few times now and this all speaking personally everything about this video is personal uh but yeah speaking personally uh the first time I made this recipe I wasn't like a a big eat I wasn't a big meat eater or beef eater before it and I would eat hamburgers or chicken or something like that but this recipe opened up the floodgates I didn't really think you could just like do these kinds of things at home and them taste so good I don't know I was just kind of oblivious to the whole thing so when I made it for the first time just blew my mind in conclusion I would say that is a lightning in a bottle recipe from old Julia shall we move on next up Anthony Bordain for flavor and technique sevens seven out of 10 each I found this one was just missing that Jena you know that little something special there and that could have done a lot with me following what Anthony was saying in terms of like how long to braze that on the stove top he said 2 hours I went for 3 plus and I still thought you could push it longer it was just something about like having it on the stove with the lid off rather than like Julia's was in the oven right with the lid on and you take it out and you just reveal this thing it's just big where this one just was missing that little piece to it it was a good be beef stew but I couldn't really pick up the beef Borgo aspect of it and maybe that's just because I was only adding the one cup of the Pino positives it's like a buff Borg Express sort of thing quickest to prepare least amount of mess quickest to make and I still had a really good beef stew in front of me and I think Anthony Bourdain would be the first person to ask why he's being matched up against these two other people that's fair but it's because of YouTube I probably should have made it first because I ate it immediately after Julia Child's beef borgano and that one was a juggernaut so I guess anon's didn't really stand a chance in hindsight that's my bad again finally our previous cage match winner Thomas Keller I don't think his recipe was meant to be made in a home kitchen so scoring it as a recipe that I just made in my kitchen well it's got to be done let's go with technique first so if we're in his restaurant let's just give it a 10 10 what the hell does it matter I'm not going to make it but if I'm making it at home 6 out of 10 all those individual garnishes that you have to prepare by themselves just all that time it just adds up and then you're skimming and straining that sauce so many times that it's just like naked it's naked of all its fat I'm convinced it's not a recipe for home cooking however for flavor 8 and 1/2 out of 10 very very tasty and each component that you had to cook separately and focus on separately it all pays off because they're all perfect it's just that attention to detail that makes it that much better with like say the potatoes the carrots the onions the beef this the sauce it all shines the beef was probably the most tender of all three recipes but it's just like was this recipe missing that one feeling that a beef stew really gives you know it's supposed to wrap around you like a warm hug and I don't know if it offered that now that the scores are officially in we're giving it to Julia she's now set a new cage match world record tens across the board and she really needed this win she didn't win the cage match last time and then you want to swirl it and you smell it that's it that's all this was Jamie and Julia and Anthony and TK Bona [Music] see
Channel: ANTI-CHEF
Views: 745,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anti chef, jamie and julia, julia child, julia child beef bourguignon, boeuf bourguignon julia child, bouef bourguignon, anthony bourdain, anthony bourdain beef bourguignon, anthony bourdain recipes, thomas keller beef bourguignon, thomas keller recipes, anti chef cage match, 3 chef recipes, best beef bourguignon recipe
Id: N-UWd84l8GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 47sec (2987 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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