I Crashed my BMW M3 into a 911 GT2 at Silverstone trackday

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it was at this moment that he knew he hi i'm phil from driftworks this is jay welcome to a slightly less enthusiastic and fun vlog on my e30 m3 because it looks like this at the moment [Music] so [Music] so yeah we were at silverstone yesterday uh we weren't filming uh vlog as such while we were there because it was a bit of a stressing and stressing out from the morning we were having all sorts of issues with um too much oil in the dct transmission then the the firmware had been updated on it and it wasn't working properly so htg were really kind and sort of logging in and helping us with stuff but it was just a really frustrating start to the to the morning um and i just yeah stuff kept on just like tiny little bits kept kicking us in the ass yeah brand new bumper uh well not brand new to me it's been quite a gas spent quite a lot of time making it nice and yeah i kind of toasted it again um i'd spent i'd spent absolutely ages about probably a combined eight hours making a nice looking tip for this because the turn down is just ugly that's what's on there at the moment it doesn't look very uh very m3-ish so i've made this really nice you know for me really nice and my fabrication skills tailpipe for it and it was had perfect clearance and everything but what happened was as the exhaust got super hot as it does on this uh it extends basically the exhaust grows because the metal grows and what it did was swing up on one of the hangers enough to actually touch here and then pretty much set fire to the bumper so um yeah there's some there's some cool flaming shots as normal of the car but unfortunately a little bit of destruction happened [Music] well a little bit at the back oh yeah yeah yeah and they need to make it even better i'd cleverly bought the turn down with me so and then and then something happened didn't it just just snap the v-band so that went really well didn't you name it i was trying to make that again yeah absolute disaster from the moment yeah so the v-band that we use here basically jay just tightened it which is what you do with v-bands you over tighten them and then they snap but then it falls off and then the nut falls off and then you have the grind bits off but anyway anyway anyway that's like insignificant yeah so probably actually um we did get the gearbox working well enough the shift is still not reacting quickly enough um it's kind of doing its own thing and really delayed we had in the previous week spent a huge amount of time trying to get the paddles working with a coil wire on the column that you can see here um and as much as it looks very nice uh we couldn't get it working in time it was right down to the last minute so um yeah using the shifter which goes through can or something it was super slow and really annoying and not changing gear when it was supposed to so we still got that to work out but i did get a few laps with um there's a few guys in m3s there in e30 so they get a few laps with a really nice black one owned by our called neon who's uh is a very quick car um very very serious got an s54 in a carbon air box and i think he's on in tracks and all sorts of stuff like that so um yeah we had a few healthy laps in with that i also made the slight error of thinking that i knew what silverstone gp circuit was different yeah i i had no clue where the hell i was going so we're well used to sort of national strait well the national circuit uh so national strait and brooklyn field and stuff like that and back past the old pits but then kind of after that i had no clue where i was going so someone though we've got no idea on this new track yeah it's a new track it's about 10 years old but yeah we don't do super expensive gp um circuit track days yes have a look at these laps with the black m3 because i think they're super fun i haven't checked the footage yet but it was it was an enjoyable few laps so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so so so so so yeah on to the bad bit the bad bit um we haven't investigated yet we are going to in this video just put it on the ramp and have a look at what's broken it kind of damage like this always looks pretty bad because it's kind of snaps there's a tension rod on the lower arm there that's aluminium um and one once that snaps the wheel just basically gets rammed into the back here and up the door but again um i did have a camera in the car um pointing in the right direction when this happened i'm not i'm not like mad about this i kind of have been expecting to have some damage on this car at some point uh it's kind of why i built it five years ago really when i started what wasn't it whenever i um decided that trackbanger gt3 the blue gt3 back in the day was a little bit too expensive and too risky i decided to build this which is basically uh it's uh if something does happen it's less drama it's kind of it's easier to fix it's slightly more homemade and yeah it's kind of done exactly that i'm not overly fussed about it i'm a bit wounded by having a huge project to do again when we're already super busy and well behind on some of the other cars and i know you guys are really craving v10 m3 footage which is sitting up there on the ramp being all dusty and stuff but when i bought that car back uh to sort of restore and make better the rule was that it would never get in the way of existing projects otherwise i wouldn't buy it back so yeah we've got to be a little bit patient with that i still absolutely love the car and do can't wait to get it working it'll probably be a bit more of a winter project there um and yeah where this fits in with fixes i just don't know uh until well really until we get it on the ramp and have a look but yeah onto the crash uh essentially a guy in a 996 gt2 um was behind me on a straight section i think he's being followed by some kind of ferrari challenged car they were super quick and he overtook me on the brakes into a corner which is like number one big no-no i'm not super mad about anything because once he'd done that he basically stepped sideways and i thought that was pretty cool i thought he was doing a little drift and at that point what i really should have done is just given him all the space in the world and put the brakes on hard i should have probably just braked really hard but that's not what we do when we drive without no using just never spinning no no we're used to seeing our friends in front of us pulling a big skid and my brain just i guess just thought okay that's pretty cool and didn't slow down as much as i should and then basically he over rotated um and where if you're if you're sort of drifty experienced you if you over rotate you keep your boot in real hard so the car spins kind of right out of the way of what's behind you basically but this guy obviously you can't expect everybody to have drifting skills or anything like that and i just made the mistake again of thinking he was gonna do a full spin he didn't um it coasted round stopped and then just came backwards across the track completely sideways across the track into my path and i just basically collected his rear quarter uh like i said i'm i'm not mad about it it's just one of those things i was actually really gutted to see a gt2 um smashed up like that so i was really sad for the guy um i obviously have a significant amount of work to do to fix this but we just kind of have to chalk it down to experience and one of those things unfortunately um it happened on track it's everybody's alive safe well i was wearing my neck brace it was relatively low speed at that point so yeah just move forward and you know both cars will be back together and looking better than ever at some point soon i imagine so yeah story over uh let's move forward and let's get this on the ramp and see what's up with it see what needs replacing and probably see what i'm going to change you know with the excuse of having to fix a few things let's just start again because see there's a shell in a few of this no no or not no we will not i hope as i said a vegan beginning in this video there's just too much we've got too many projects for me to start inventing too much stuff but you know maybe a few tweaks [Music] [Music] [Music] so had a quick nose so far it's looking really good um so up here you can see quite clearly loads of extra structure that we put into this um with nixon motorsport who did the front-end clearance for me because i'm always really conscious especially about small cars about um exactly what has happened with this which is basically the front wheel being pushed into the driver's compartment here so lots of work was done to reinforce this area here you can see that the tyre has been smashed into it pretty hard but there's next to no deformation at all um and you know you get right down to here and again you can see the tyre's been against it but even you know i think this i don't know what this standard part is do you reckon it was a checking point even that like it hasn't actually gone into it at all it's peeled the side skirt and yeah it's wrecked the door um and we need to obviously check what's going on with the hinges and these mounting points here that you can see that mount the wings the front wings they obviously need attention we'll start peeling some stuff back off it but i am you know very happy with the chassis so far he's looking considering what it could have been is looking extremely good as you can see there's just tire marks everywhere where the tires smashed but it's not really gone in it's not intruded in any way at all uh and then suspension again the suspension's held up really well i mean obviously it's completely wrecked and it's replacing but the lower arm as i thought has snapped uh it's not snapped on any of the welding that's been done here it's literally just i don't know whether you can see that it's just bent to the point that aluminium doesn't like and it's sheared that off completely you can see the block where we have our anti-robot drop link mount is still in place and intact looks like no damage to the adjustable anti-roll bar no damage to the drop link we'll obviously check the bearings the rod ends and stuff like that the um tow rod here looks straight but um you know from my eyes here but we need to investigate further all it's done is it's sheared the drop mount into the knuckle here you can just see that the knuckle itself is an e36 m3 evo i think and it looks good it's got a tiny little bit of impact just where's it gone just there see that but i know that these are pretty damn sturdy they're not um chopped knuckles or anything like that so not expecting to see anything untoward on the upright itself the knuckle but we will investigate further the coilover is a hsd monopro they are beefy as they are inverted monotube dampers so it's extremely rare to see any damage even in a crash like this however the thing that you do need to check on them is the very top point here and in fact jake can you just hold the camera so i can do a hand demonstration so see the the top mount here that's basically a pivot point and because this wheel has been free and moved massively this way you need to be absolutely sure that the top mount hasn't gone out of range of the bearing it's got bearing in the top of it because if it does it could bend the threaded section on the top of the damper and there's no adjuster that goes through that on these because they're inverted the injustice at the bottom but that section there can get damaged in a crash and also the um the bearing itself can get damaged and the there's like a rotating spring plate at the top of it that stops spring behind so we'll be disassembling that i'll be checking it over absolutely thoroughly um and we do have loads of those on the shelf in stock if i do need them i'll obviously check the bracket as well but it is looking really good um the wheel a bit less for wear obviously looks like it's smashed up there thinking about it so that must mean that there's something bent here as well yeah definitely need no further investigation oh this was adjustable wasn't it yeah yellow mark there i don't know the camber adjustment out there so it might just be that that's moved that closer together and as the wheel scraped on the coil over it's damaged it the face of the wheel you will never know until we get it on the balancing machine which let's just do that yeah we're going to investigate now [Music] [Music] i don't think it lives wheel i don't think it lives i mean you don't want to probably be first set yeah yeah yeah i've only ever had one set of these ar ones on this car um they've stood up really well but yeah i don't think they stand up to a crash i don't know whether there's a visible bulge anywhere but yeah obviously that's where it had some significant contact in the chassis but yeah unfortunately the wheel looks like it's got too much of a bobble in it uh i'm not sure we sell these um work mtos anymore and it could be slightly problematic finding a suitable replacement because the the huge outcomes were kind of designed around those wheels so investigation required on that one jay's masterpiece of a yeah broken this okay and i got plastic and where i made it did yeah yeah that'll live again yeah yeah yeah fine it hasn't even damaged has it how's it it's pulled the clip pulled yeah the clips the clips out of the back there but it would go back in yeah and we need to check really thoroughly things like have the um have the hoses for the brakes being distressed in any way gone beyond range beyond angle but uh you know i'm never going to say i'm happy about this because it's not a great situation but oh it could be way way worse and like i said before it's kind of what i built this car for was to be less worried about it you know financially and sort of repairability yes as i said before it's a bit of a wounded with the amount of work we've got to do but such is life the chassis is still straight still strong um i didn't mention these front wings or fenders um as some people call them it's a bit of a wounder because uh we'd redesigned these carbon ones that i'd had for the car really didn't like them and we'd redesigned them using basically just skims of filler to shape it to give it a shape that makes it look like an m3 still um you know it's a it's a much wider wing and the wheels quite far forward compared to standard but it just looked pretty obnoxious and horrible didn't look like an m3 it looked aftermarket before so gaz spent a hell of a lot of time shaping these for me and the plan was that once they're done we're obviously going to mold it and create some proper carbon ones which we never got around to because it's you know it's always low on the priority list once it's painted and looking nice but um unfortunately i mean we've got the pieces gaz is an absolute hero um so i fully expect him to kind of take this in his stride i haven't spoken to him about the car yet about the bodywork side of things because i spoke to him last week randomly about something and he is super stressed about his workload already and trying desperately to get on holiday with his family so i am not going to bother the guy about this for a while i think what we're going to probably do i don't know jay correct me if i'm wrong if you think this is a bad idea should we just crudely weld that lower arm back together yeah and then we can move it yeah once i mean we'll we know what we've got to order we've roughly um we know what's broken so if we weld that back together so it's mobile and we'll literally just push it out of the way now until um you should probably also say if anyone's got a side skirt i've said that yeah on there on instagrams if anybody's not seen my instagram i would like a genuine um m3 side skirt if anybody knows of one i mean i'm not being ridiculous would that go again i don't know guys is your manager yeah yeah i really don't know how well they heat up and bend back nothing's missing off it when it comes to plastic isn't it yeah i really don't know well i'll see if and see if the replacement turns up that's good yeah yeah yeah that would probably be easier and yeah i was looking for um some carbon kevlar doors or carbon doors or kevlar doors something yeah super lightweight because uh one thing you know i'm not going back to the drawing board with this car but one thing i've always been a bit disappointed with is the actual weight of it and i know that like with the dct gearbox it adds loads of weight uh and stuff like that but um the car ended up being about i think it he's 1160 kilogram with um with an eighth a full 80 kilogram a full 80 liter tank fuel which is 80 kilograms basically so it's heavier than i would have liked saving a bit of weight here and there if i've got a replacement door i might look into let's say doing a bit of a carbon composite door i think now that um i've i'm really happy with the shape and fitment of the rear quarter panels um i might have these blended in properly so it looks like a you know the real m3 that it is once again uh they're much wider but they don't they're not obnoxious probably means i'm gonna lose the lovely carbon weave but um yeah i think i might do that because again it's a lightweight panel but with the hardware and everything behind it it adds a bit of weight and it just doesn't it's not a finished look for me with the m3 and other than that try not to get too carried away yeah let's just put it together yeah i think yeah it's not broken enough no no it works so well um we've got a few things sought out with the gearbox still but you know we've always got things sorted why don't you put a sequential in it yeah why don't you it's only you know it's pretty strong but yeah it'd be about 15 grand and be worse than be not as good as this when this works yes i know it would work pretty reliably but yeah it's quite an expensive bill i'd have to redevelop loads of the car for it i just you know the dct when it works is phenomenal i think we're really close now you know the same really close as maybe three years ago and the time for yeah always but yeah anyway there you go um i was a bit initially reluctant about even doing this video um because you know it's never like seeing a crash car but i figured it'd be something you guys are probably interested in yeah but i don't know they do they do yeah and um thank you to everybody for the consolations and kind words on my instagram account and everything like that it's uh it's very nice um and yeah as i say there's no hard feelings to the to the kind of porsche at all he was a really nice guy he came over afterwards um and you know we'll just chalk it down to being one of those things uh that happens on track occasionally we'll get the car back up and running better than ever and um all will be grand we'll see you back out on track with it next year soon soon all right thanks for watching give us a like if you enjoyed the video and uh yeah we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] uh [Music] you
Channel: Driftworks
Views: 677,808
Rating: 4.7963743 out of 5
Keywords: bmw, e30 m3, e30, bmw m3, track car, track day, in car view racing, bmw e30 drift, track day pov, bmw e30 build, project car, hsd coilovers, work wheels, driftworks, drifting, drift car, dct transmission, s65 v8 swap, s65 v8 sound, s65 v8 bmw, exhaust sound car, 360 camera, 360 camera car, rockingham speedway, rockingham speedway 2019, rockingham, race track, in car camera racing, pov track day, high revving v8, dual clutch transmission, high rpm engine, Track car build
Id: 8bl8mfxcMS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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